Travelled to:
1 × Chile
1 × Germany
1 × Mexico
1 × Sweden
2 × Canada
2 × Japan
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.A.Bernstein O.Shmueli U.Dayal J.C.Freytag Y.C.Tay J.B.R.Jr. R.Suri ∅ D.Shasha A.Klausner S.Rozen L.Stein D.Skeen A.Chan S.Fox D.R.Ries R.H.Katz C.Beeri G.Gardarin B.G.Lindsay R.Munz
Talks about:
databas (10) distribut (6) system (6) control (4) queri (4) tree (4) base (4) concurr (3) introduct (2) algorithm (2)
Person: Nathan Goodman
DBLP: Goodman:Nathan
Contributed to:
Wrote 21 papers:
- PODS-1995-Goodman #database #problem #research
- Research Problems in Genome Databases (NG), p. 125.
- VLDB-1994-GoodmanRS #information management #object-oriented
- Building a Laboratory Information System Around a C++-Based Object-Oriented DBMS (NG, SR, LS), pp. 722–729.
- SIGMOD-1986-FreytagG #query #relational #rule-based #source code
- Rule-Based Translation of Relational Queries into Iterative Programs (JCF, NG), pp. 206–214.
- VLDB-1986-Freytag #query #source code
- Translating Aggregate Queries into Iterative Programs (JCF, NG), pp. 138–146.
- PODS-1985-GoodmanS #concurrent #semantics
- Semantically-based Concurrency Control for Search Structures (NG, DS), pp. 8–19.
- VLDB-1985-KlausnerG #multi #named #semantics
- Multirelations — Semantice and Languages (AK, NG), pp. 251–258.
- PODS-1984-TaySG #database #performance
- A Mean Value Performance Model for Locking in Databases: The Waiting Case (YCT, RS, NG), pp. 311–322.
- PODS-1983-GoodmanSCDFR #algorithm #database #distributed
- A Recovery Algorithm for a Distributed Database System (NG, DS, AC, UD, SF, DRR), pp. 8–15.
- PODS-1983-GoodmanST #database #performance
- A Simple Analytic Model for Performance of Exclusive Locking in Database Systems (NG, RS, YCT), pp. 203–215.
- PODS-1983-GoodmanST83a #canonical #reduction
- GYO Reductions, Canonical Connections, Tree and Cyclic Schemas and Tree Projections (NG, OS, YCT), pp. 267–278.
- SIGMOD-1983-ChanDFGRS #ada #database #distributed #overview
- Overview of an Ada Compatible Distributed Database Manager (AC, UD, SF, NG, DRR, DS), pp. 228–237.
- PODS-1982-DayalGK #algebra #relational
- An Extended Relational Algebra with Control over Duplicate Elimination (UD, NG, RHK), pp. 117–123.
- PODS-1982-GoodmanS #query
- The Tree Property is Fundamental for Query Processing (NG, OS), pp. 40–48.
- PODS-1982-GoodmanS82a
- Transforming Cyclic Schemas into Trees (NG, OS), pp. 49–54.
- SIGMOD-1982-DayalG #database #optimisation #query
- Query Optimization for CODASYL Database Systems (UD, NG), pp. 138–150.
- VLDB-1982-BernsteinG #concurrent #distributed
- A Sophisticate’s Introduction to Distributed Concurrency Control (PAB, NG), pp. 62–76.
- VLDB-1980-BernsteinG #normalisation #question #what
- What does Boyce-Codd Normal Form Do? (PAB, NG), pp. 245–259.
- VLDB-1980-BernsteinG80a #algorithm #concurrent #database #distributed
- Timestamp-Based Algorithms for Concurrency Control in Distributed Database Systems (PAB, NG), pp. 285–300.
- VLDB-1980-GardarinGLMR #database #distributed
- Distributed Database Systems (GG, NG, BGL, RM, JBRJ), pp. 201–202.
- VLDB-1978-BeeriBG #database #normalisation
- A Sophisticate’s Introduction to Database Normalization Theory (CB, PAB, NG), pp. 113–124.
- VLDB-1977-RothnieG #bibliography #database #development #distributed #research
- A Survey of Research and Development in Distributed Database Management (JBRJ, NG), pp. 48–62.