Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Israel
1 × Italy
1 × Norway
1 × Sweden
1 × Switzerland
2 × Canada
8 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Tsur N.Goodman Y.Sagiv H.V.Jagadish R.Ronen D.Konopnicki ∅ I.S.Mumick S.A.Naqvi N.H.Gehani R.Ramakrishnan A.Itai C.Zaniolo R.Krishnamurthy I.Gold M.Hofri Y.C.Tay A.Y.Levy C.Beeri
Talks about:
queri (6) tree (5) databas (4) model (4) logic (4) ldl (4) datalog (3) set (3) satisfi (2) project (2)
Person: Oded Shmueli
DBLP: Shmueli:Oded
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 24 papers:
- CIKM-2010-RonenS #automation #datalog #interactive #network #social
- Automated interaction in social networks with datalog (RR, OS), pp. 1273–1276.
- CIKM-2010-RonenS10a #concurrent #network #protocol #social
- Concurrent atomic protocols for making and changing decisions in social networks (RR, OS), pp. 1337–1340.
- VLDB-2005-KonopnickiS
- Database-Inspired Search (DK, OS), p. 2.
- VLDB-2001-Shmueli #architecture #deployment #web #web service
- Architectures for Internal Web Services Deployment (OS), pp. 641–644.
- VLDB-1995-KonopnickiS #named #query #web
- W3QS: A Query System for the World-Wide Web (DK, OS), pp. 54–65.
- PODS-1994-MumickS #satisfiability
- Universal Finiteness and Satisfiability (ISM, OS), pp. 190–200.
- PODS-1993-LevyMSS #datalog #equivalence #satisfiability
- Equivalence, Query-Reachability, and Satisfiability in Datalog Extensions (AYL, ISM, YS, OS), pp. 109–122.
- SIGMOD-1992-GehaniJS #database #object-oriented #specification
- Event Specification in an Active Object-Oriented Database (NHG, HVJ, OS), pp. 81–90.
- VLDB-1992-GehaniJS #database #implementation #specification
- Composite Event Specification in Active Databases: Model & Implementation (NHG, HVJ, OS), pp. 327–338.
- VLDB-1992-JagadishS #transaction
- Proclamation-Based Model for Cooperating Transactions (HVJ, OS), pp. 265–276.
- CLP-1990-ShmueliT90 #incremental #query
- Incremental Re-evaluation of LDL Queries (OS, ST), pp. 99–111.
- CLP-1990-ShmueliT90a #logic #source code
- Logical Diagnosis of LDL Programs (OS, ST), pp. 112–129.
- PODS-1988-ShmueliTZ #logic #set
- Rewriting of Rules Containing Set Terms in a Logic Data Model (LDL) (OS, ST, CZ), pp. 15–28.
- SIGMOD-1988-KrishnamurthyRS #datalog #effectiveness #framework #safety #testing
- A Framework for Testing Safety and Effective Computability of Extended Datalog (RK, RR, OS), pp. 154–163.
- ICLP-1987-ShmueliN87 #horn clause #set #source code
- Set Grouping and Layering in Horn Clause Programs (OS, SAN), pp. 152–177.
- PODS-1987-BeeriNRST #database #logic #set
- Sets and Negation in a Logic Database Language (LDL1) (CB, SAN, RR, OS, ST), pp. 21–37.
- PODS-1987-Shmueli #decidability #logic #query
- Decidability and Expressiveness of Logic Queries (OS), pp. 237–249.
- PODS-1986-SagivS #equivalence #query
- The Equivalence of Solving Queries and Production Tree Projections (YS, OS), pp. 160–172.
- PODS-1986-SagivS86a #finite #on the
- On Finite FD-Acyclicity (YS, OS), pp. 173–182.
- VLDB-1985-GoldSH #performance
- The Private Workspace Model Feasibility and Applications to 2PL Performance Improvements (IG, OS, MH), pp. 192–208.
- SIGMOD-1984-ShmueliI #maintenance
- Maintenance of Views (OS, AI), pp. 240–255.
- PODS-1983-GoodmanST83a #canonical #reduction
- GYO Reductions, Canonical Connections, Tree and Cyclic Schemas and Tree Projections (NG, OS, YCT), pp. 267–278.
- PODS-1982-GoodmanS #query
- The Tree Property is Fundamental for Query Processing (NG, OS), pp. 40–48.
- PODS-1982-GoodmanS82a
- Transforming Cyclic Schemas into Trees (NG, OS), pp. 49–54.