Travelled to:
1 × Greece
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Anjorin A.Schürr E.Leblebici R.Oppermann P.Robrecht L.Fritsche G.Varró
Talks about:
grammar (2) tripl (2) graph (2) transform (1) increment (1) bidirect (1) variant (1) program (1) emoflon (1) consist (1)
Person: Nils Weidmann
DBLP: Weidmann:Nils
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- BX-2019-WeidmannAFVSL #bidirectional #emoflon #incremental #model transformation
- Incremental Bidirectional Model Transformation with eMoflon: : IBeX (NW, AA, LF, GV, AS, EL), pp. 45–55.
- SLE-2019-WeidmannALS #consistency #graph grammar #linear #programming
- Consistency management via a combination of triple graph grammars and linear programming (NW, AA, EL, AS), pp. 29–41.
- SLE-2019-WeidmannOR #classification #graph grammar
- A feature-based classification of triple graph grammar variants (NW, RO, PR), pp. 1–14.