Tag #graph grammar
290 papers:
ICML-2019-Kajino #optimisation- Molecular Hypergraph Grammar with Its Application to Molecular Optimization (HK), pp. 3183–3191.
SLE-2019-WeidmannALS #consistency #linear #programming- Consistency management via a combination of triple graph grammars and linear programming (NW, AA, EL, AS), pp. 29–41.
SLE-2019-WeidmannOR #classification- A feature-based classification of triple graph grammar variants (NW, RO, PR), pp. 1–14.
EDM-2017-XueLC #diagrams #mining- Mining Innovative Augmented Graph Grammars for Argument Diagrams through Novelty Selection (LX, CL, MC).
FSCD-2017-Bahr #reduction #term rewriting- Böhm Reduction in Infinitary Term Graph Rewriting Systems (PB), p. 20.
FDG-2017-Valls-VargasZO #game studies #generative #grammarware #learning #parallel #programming- Graph grammar-based controllable generation of puzzles for a learning game about parallel programming (JVV, JZ, SO), p. 10.
BX-2017-StojkovicLA - Existing and New Ideas on Least Change Triple Graph Grammars (MS, SL, AA), pp. 1–5.
ICMT-2017-TrollmannA #concurrent #nondeterminism- Decision Points for Non-determinism in Concurrent Model Synchronization with Triple Graph Grammars (FT, SA), pp. 35–50.
ESOP-2017-BonchiGKSZ #confluence #interface- Confluence of Graph Rewriting with Interfaces (FB, FG, AK, PS, FZ), pp. 141–169.
ESOP-2017-BoutillierEK #incremental- Incremental Update for Graph Rewriting (PB, TE, JK), pp. 201–228.
FASE-2017-LeblebiciAS #consistency #linear #optimisation #using- Inter-model Consistency Checking Using Triple Graph Grammars and Linear Optimization Techniques (EL, AA, AS), pp. 191–207.
CSL-2017-MuroyaG #call-by #geometry #interactive- The Dynamic Geometry of Interaction Machine: A Call-by-Need Graph Rewriter (KM, DRG), p. 15.
EDM-2016-XueLC #diagrams #evolution #re-engineering- Unnatural Feature Engineering: Evolving Augmented Graph Grammars for Argument Diagrams (LX, CL, MC), pp. 255–262.
FSCD-2016-AvanziniM #complexity- Complexity of Acyclic Term Graph Rewriting (MA, GM), p. 18.
FSCD-2016-BrenasES #correctness #proving #term rewriting- Proving Correctness of Logically Decorated Graph Rewriting Systems (JHB, RE, MS), p. 15.
CIKM-2016-AguinagaPCW #graph- Growing Graphs from Hyperedge Replacement Graph Grammars (SA, RP, DC0, TW), pp. 469–478.
BX-2016-Leblebici #approach #consistency #grammarware #towards #traceability- Towards a Graph Grammar-Based Approach to Inter-Model Consistency Checks with Traceability Support (EL), pp. 35–39.
ICMT-2016-TrollmannA #modelling #multi- Extending Model Synchronization Results from Triple Graph Grammars to Multiple Models (FT, SA), pp. 91–106.
FDG-2015-LondonoM - Graph Grammars for Super Mario Bros Levels (SL, OM).
ICGT-2015-CorradiniDEPR #algebra #named- AGREE — Algebraic Graph Rewriting with Controlled Embedding (AC, DD, RE, FP, LR), pp. 35–51.
ICGT-2015-LeblebiciAS #multi #tool support- Tool Support for Multi-amalgamated Triple Graph Grammars (EL, AA, AS), pp. 257–265.
ICGT-2015-LeblebiciAST #multi- Multi-amalgamated Triple Graph Grammars (EL, AA, AS, GT), pp. 87–103.
ICGT-2015-Lowe #category theory #polymorphism- Polymorphic Sesqui-Pushout Graph Rewriting (ML), pp. 3–18.
MoDELS-J-2011-HermannEOCDXGE15 #correctness- Model synchronization based on triple graph grammars: correctness, completeness and invertibility (FH, HE, FO, KC, ZD, YX, SG, TE), pp. 241–269.
BX-2015-AnjorinLKSS #approach #guidelines- A Systematic Approach and Guidelines to Developing a Triple Graph Grammar (AA, EL, RK, AS, PS), pp. 81–95.
ICMT-2015-TrollmannA #model transformation #modelling #multi- Extending Model to Model Transformation Results from Triple Graph Grammars to Multiple Models (FT, SA), pp. 214–229.
SLE-2015-Burger #attribute grammar #motivation #overview #perspective- Reference attribute grammar controlled graph rewriting: motivation and overview (CB), pp. 89–100.
GRAPHITE-2014-FernandezKP #analysis #framework #interactive #modelling- Strategic Port Graph Rewriting: An Interactive Modelling and Analysis Framework (MF, HK, BP), pp. 15–29.
GT-VMT-2014-LeblebiciASHRG #comparison #incremental #tool support- A Comparison of Incremental Triple Graph Grammar Tools (EL, AA, AS, SH, JR, JG).
ICGT-2014-AnjorinLST #model transformation #performance #static analysis- A Static Analysis of Non-confluent Triple Graph Grammars for Efficient Model Transformation (AA, EL, AS, GT), pp. 130–145.
ECMFA-2014-AnjorinRDS #performance- Efficient Model Synchronization with View Triple Graph Grammars (AA, SR, FD, AS), pp. 1–17.
ICMT-2014-BlouinPDSD #case study #experience #modelling- Synchronization of Models of Rich Languages with Triple Graph Grammars: An Experience Report (DB, AP, PD, FS, JPD), pp. 106–121.
ICMT-2014-HermannGNEBMPEE #in the large- Triple Graph Grammars in the Large for Translating Satellite Procedures (FH, SG, NN, HE, BB, GM, AP, TE, CE), pp. 122–137.
ICMT-2014-OrejasP #correctness #incremental- Correctness of Incremental Model Synchronization with Triple Graph Grammars (FO, EP), pp. 74–90.
ICMT-2014-WieberAS #automation #model transformation #on the #testing- On the Usage of TGGs for Automated Model Transformation Testing (MW, AA, AS), pp. 1–16.
FASE-2014-AnjorinSLS #refinement #using- Modularizing Triple Graph Grammars Using Rule Refinement (AA, KS, ML, AS), pp. 340–354.
GCM-J-2012-Flick - Derivation Languages of Graph Grammars (NEF).
GCM-J-2012-Hoffmann #refinement- Graph Rewriting with Contextual Refinement (BH).
GCM-J-2012-SmolenovaKC #parallel #performance- Parallel Graph Grammars with Instantiation Rules Allow Efficient Structural Factorization of Virtual Vegetation (KS, WK, PHC).
ICEIS-J-2013-BouneffaA13a #approach #impact analysis #ontology- The Change Impact Analysis in BPM Based Software Applications: A Graph Rewriting and Ontology Based Approach (MB, AA), pp. 280–295.
AMT-2013-Gottmann0NBEEE #concurrent #correctness- Correctness and Completeness of Generalised Concurrent Model Synchronisation Based on Triple Graph Grammars (SG, FH, NN, BB, CE, HE, TE), pp. 62–71.
BX-2013-EramoB #bidirectional #comprehension- Understanding bidirectional transformations with TGGs and JTL (RE, AB), pp. 37–56.
BX-2013-HildebrandtLGRGSLAS #overview #tool support- A Survey of Triple Graph Grammar Tools (SH, LL, HG, JR, JG, WS, ML, AA, AS), pp. 1–17.
ICMT-2013-HermannGNBMPE #automation #on the #using- On an Automated Translation of Satellite Procedures Using Triple Graph Grammars (FH, SG, NN, BB, GM, AP, TE), pp. 50–51.
ICMT-2013-HildebrandtLG #automation #consistency #implementation #specification #testing- Complete Specification Coverage in Automatically Generated Conformance Test Cases for TGG Implementations (SH, LL, HG), pp. 174–188.
ICMT-2013-MannEF #framework #library #term rewriting- The Graph Grammar Library — A Generic Framework for Chemical Graph Rewrite Systems (MM, HE, CF), pp. 52–53.
SLE-2013-BatoryGMS #automation #design- Dark Knowledge and Graph Grammars in Automated Software Design (DSB, RG, BM, JS), pp. 1–18.
RTA-2012-Bahr - Infinitary Term Graph Rewriting is Simple, Sound and Complete (PB), pp. 69–84.
GT-VMT-2012-Heussner #communication #graph #model checking #process- Model Checking Communicating Processes: Run Graphs, Graph Grammars, and MSO (AH).
ICGT-2012-AnjorinST - Construction of Integrity Preserving Triple Graph Grammars (AA, AS, GT), pp. 356–370.
ICGT-2012-GolasLEG #flexibility #formal method #towards- Toward Bridging the Gap between Formal Foundations and Current Practice for Triple Graph Grammars — Flexible Relations between Source and Target Elements (UG, LL, HE, HG), pp. 141–155.
ICGT-2012-LauderAVS #performance #precedence- Efficient Model Synchronization with Precedence Triple Graph Grammars (ML, AA, GV, AS), pp. 401–415.
ICGT-2012-Lowe #algebra #framework #graph transformation- Refined Graph Rewriting in Span-Categories — A Framework for Algebraic Graph Transformation (ML), pp. 111–125.
AMT-2012-HildebrandtLG #development #framework #model transformation- The MDELab tool framework for the development of correct model transformations with triple graph grammars (SH, LL, HG), pp. 33–34.
BX-2012-AnjorinVS #constraints #programming- Complex Attribute Manipulation in TGGs with Constraint-Based Programming Techniques (AA, GV, AS), pp. 68–83.
BX-2012-LambersHGO #bidirectional #model transformation- Attribute Handling for Bidirectional Model Transformations: The Triple Graph Grammar Case (LL, SH, HG, FO), pp. 84–99.
ECMFA-2012-LauderAVS #bidirectional #model transformation #precedence- Bidirectional Model Transformation with Precedence Triple Graph Grammars (ML, AA, GV, AS), pp. 287–302.
FASE-2012-HermannEEO #concurrent- Concurrent Model Synchronization with Conflict Resolution Based on Triple Graph Grammars (FH, HE, CE, FO), pp. 178–193.
ICDAR-2011-CelikY #2d #probability #recognition #using- Probabilistic Mathematical Formula Recognition Using a 2D Context-Free Graph Grammar (MC, BAY), pp. 161–166.
RTA-2011-Bahr #convergence- Modes of Convergence for Term Graph Rewriting (PB), pp. 139–154.
GCM-2010-GolasEH11 #model transformation #specification- Formal Specification of Model Transformations by Triple Graph Grammars with Application Conditions (UG, HE, FH).
AGTIVE-2011-FurstMM #heuristic #induction #process- Graph Grammar Induction as a Parser-Controlled Heuristic Search Process (LF, MM, VM), pp. 121–136.
AGTIVE-2011-GreenyerR #automaton #concept #diagrams #game studies #sequence chart #specification- Applying Advanced TGG Concepts for a Complex Transformation of Sequence Diagram Specifications to Timed Game Automata (JG, JR), pp. 222–237.
AGTIVE-2011-HildebrandtLGPR #automation #consistency #implementation #testing- Automatic Conformance Testing of Optimized Triple Graph Grammar Implementations (SH, LL, HG, DP, IR), pp. 238–253.
GT-VMT-2011-EhrigHSB #constraints #model transformation- Propagation of Constraints along Model Transformations Based on Triple Graph Grammars (HE, FH, HS, CB).
SEKE-2011-RoudakiK #grammarware #web- Graph Grammar Based Web Data Extraction (AR, JK), pp. 373–378.
BX-2011-Brandt #enterprise #modelling #on the #requirements- On the role of Triple Graph Grammars Concerning Requirements for Enterprise Modeling (CB), p. 54.
BX-2011-Hermann #analysis #model transformation- Analysis of Model Transformations based on TGGs (FH), p. 52.
BX-2011-Kindler #concept #implementation- Triple Graph Grammars: Concepts, Extensions, Implementations, and Application Scenarios (EK), p. 60.
BX-2011-Schuerr #in a nutshell- Triple Graph Grammars in a Nutshell (AS), p. 51.
MoDELS-2011-HermannEOCDX #correctness- Correctness of Model Synchronization Based on Triple Graph Grammars (FH, HE, FO, KC, ZD, YX), pp. 668–682.
LOPSTR-2011-FernandezKN - A Strategy Language for Graph Rewriting (MF, HK, ON), pp. 173–188.
FLOPS-2010-AvanziniM #analysis #complexity- Complexity Analysis by Graph Rewriting (MA, GM), pp. 257–271.
GT-VMT-2010-HoffmannM #metamodelling #modelling- Defining Models — Meta Models versus Graph Grammars (BH, MM).
ICGT-2010-BalbianiEH #logic- A Dynamic Logic for Termgraph Rewriting (PB, RE, AH), pp. 59–74.
ICGT-2010-BaldanBCKS #on the- On the Computation of McMillan’s Prefix for Contextual Nets and Graph Grammars (PB, AB, AC, BK, SS), pp. 91–106.
ICGT-2010-HermannEOG #analysis #behaviour #formal method #functional #model transformation- Formal Analysis of Functional Behaviour for Model Transformations Based on Triple Graph Grammars (FH, HE, FO, UG), pp. 155–170.
ICGT-2010-Lowe - Graph Rewriting in Span-Categories (ML), pp. 218–233.
GT-VMT-2009-EhrigHS #correctness #model transformation- Completeness and Correctness of Model Transformations based on Triple Graph Grammars with Negative Application Conditions (HE, FH, CS), pp. 67–84.
GT-VMT-2009-MachadoFR #aspect-oriented- Aspects for Graph Grammars (RM, LF, LR), pp. 115–127.
GT-VMT-2009-SchimmelGS #term rewriting- Gene Expression with General Purpose Graph Rewriting Systems (JS, TG, CS), pp. 202–212.
MoDELS-2009-EhrigEHP #correctness #model transformation #on the fly- On-the-Fly Construction, Correctness and Completeness of Model Transformations Based on Triple Graph Grammars (HE, CE, FH, UP), pp. 241–255.
MoDELS-2009-EhrigEHP #correctness #model transformation #on the fly- On-the-Fly Construction, Correctness and Completeness of Model Transformations Based on Triple Graph Grammars (HE, CE, FH, UP), pp. 241–255.
SAC-2009-IdaT #algebra- Origami fold as algebraic graph rewriting (TI, HT), pp. 1132–1137.
DATE-2009-DasV #approach #automation #design #grammarware #multi- A graph grammar based approach to automated multi-objective analog circuit design (AD, RV), pp. 700–705.
RTA-2008-BallandM - Term-Graph Rewriting Via Explicit Paths (EB, PEM), pp. 32–47.
RTA-2008-Ueda #encoding #λ-calculus- Encoding the Pure λ Calculus into Hierarchical Graph Rewriting (KU), pp. 392–408.
GT-VMT-2006-BaldanCDFGR08 #towards #transaction- Towards a Notion of Transaction in Graph Rewriting (PB, AC, FLD, LF, FG, LR), pp. 39–50.
GT-VMT-2006-HermannET08 #diagrams #inheritance #sequence chart #syntax #uml- A Typed Attributed Graph Grammar with Inheritance for the Abstract Syntax of UML Class and Sequence Diagrams (FH, HE, GT), pp. 261–269.
GT-VMT-2006-JakobS08 #metamodelling #modelling #using- View Creation of Meta Models by Using Modified Triple Graph Grammars (JJ, AS), pp. 181–190.
GT-VMT-2006-WinkelmannTEK08 #constraints #generative #metamodelling #ocl #strict- Translation of Restricted OCL Constraints into Graph Constraints for Generating Meta Model Instances by Graph Grammars (JW, GT, KE, JMK), pp. 159–170.
GT-VC-2007-BruniBGM08 #architecture #modelling #using- Modelling Dynamic Software Architectures using Typed Graph Grammars (RB, AB, SG, HCM), pp. 39–53.
GT-VMT-2008-BrielerM #ambiguity #analysis #diagrams #sketching #syntax- Ambiguity Resolution for Sketched Diagrams by Syntax Analysis Based on Graph Grammars (FB, MM).
GT-VMT-2008-EhrigEH #algebra #approach #integration #model transformation- From Model Transformation to Model Integration based on the Algebraic Approach to Triple Graph Grammars (HE, KE, FH).
ICGT-2008-Dang #behaviour #ocl #validation- Triple Graph Grammars and OCL for Validating System Behavior (DHD), pp. 481–483.
ICGT-2008-Echahed #term rewriting- Inductively Sequential Term-Graph Rewrite Systems (RE), pp. 84–98.
ICGT-2008-SchurrK - 15 Years of Triple Graph Grammars (AS, FK), pp. 411–425.
ICGT-2008-Striewe #implementation #state machine #using- Using a Triple Graph Grammar for State Machine Implementations (MS), pp. 514–516.
BX-2008-Schuerr1 - Triple Graph Grammar (AS), p. 29.
ICMT-2008-SyrianiV #design- Programmed Graph Rewriting with Time for Simulation-Based Design (ES, HV), pp. 91–106.
TACAS-2008-SaksenaWJ #ad hoc #modelling #protocol #verification- Graph Grammar Modeling and Verification of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols (MS, OW, BJ), pp. 18–32.
RTA-2007-DuvalEP #garbage collection- Adjunction for Garbage Collection with Application to Graph Rewriting (DD, RE, FP), pp. 122–136.
AGTIVE-2007-AschenbrennerG #graph #using- Transforming Scene Graphs Using Triple Graph Grammars — A Practice Report (NA, LG), pp. 32–43.
AGTIVE-2007-GeissK #performance- GrGen.NET: A Fast, Expressive, and General Purpose Graph Rewrite Tool (RG, MK), pp. 568–569.
AGTIVE-2007-HeerRK #algorithm #integration #ontology- Algorithm and Tool for Ontology Integration Based on Graph Rewriting (TH, DR, BK), pp. 577–582.
AGTIVE-2007-RangerW - The Graph Rewriting Language and Environment PROGRES (UR, EW), pp. 575–576.
AGTIVE-2007-SchosserG #hardware #optimisation- Graph Rewriting for Hardware Dependent Program Optimizations (AS, RG), pp. 233–248.
AGTIVE-2007-SyrianiV - Programmed Graph Rewriting with DEVS (ES, HV), pp. 136–151.
AGTIVE-2007-Weber-Jahnke #information management #modelling- Modelling of Longitudinal Information Systems with Graph Grammars (JHWJ), pp. 59–65.
GT-VMT-2007-LaraGB #generative #specification- Triple Patterns: Compact Specifications for the Generation of Operational Triple Graph Grammar Rules (JdL, EG, PB).
MoDELS-2007-GreenyerK #qvt- Reconciling TGGs with QVT (JG, EK), pp. 16–30.
MoDELS-2007-GreenyerK #qvt- Reconciling TGGs with QVT (JG, EK), pp. 16–30.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2007-LohmannGJS #model transformation #workflow- Applying Triple Graph Grammars For Pattern-Based Workflow Model Transformations (CL, JG, JJ, TS), pp. 253–273.
ICLP-2007-Palshikar #execution #prolog #representation- Representation and Execution of a Graph Grammar in Prolog (GKP), pp. 442–443.
DLT-2006-DediuKKN #approach #generative- Contextual Hypergraph Grammars — A New Approach to the Generation of Hypergraph Languages (AHD, RKH, HJK, BN), pp. 327–338.
ICGT-2006-GeissBGHS #named #performance- GrGen: A Fast SPO-Based Graph Rewriting Tool (RG, GVB, DG, SH, AS), pp. 383–397.
ICGT-2006-JakobKS #specification- Non-materialized Model View Specification with Triple Graph Grammars (JJ, AK, AS), pp. 321–335.
ICGT-2006-MendizabalD #analysis #distributed #non-functional #probability #using- Non-functional Analysis of Distributed Systems in Unreliable Environments Using Stochastic Object Based Graph Grammars (OMM, FLD), pp. 275–290.
ICGT-2006-RiedlSF #generative #order #strict #string #word- String Generating Hypergraph Grammars with Word Order Restrictions (MR, SS, IF), pp. 138–152.
MoDELS-2006-GieseW #incremental- Incremental Model Synchronization with Triple Graph Grammars (HG, RW), pp. 543–557.
MoDELS-2006-GieseW #incremental- Incremental Model Synchronization with Triple Graph Grammars (HG, RW), pp. 543–557.
ECMDA-FA-2005-GrunskeGL #model transformation #specification #visual notation- A Graphical Specification of Model Transformations with Triple Graph Grammars (LG, LG, ML), pp. 284–298.
WRLA-2004-CenciarelliTT05 - Ambient Graph Rewriting (PC, IT, AT), pp. 335–351.
FASE-2005-ReussnerHH #component #contract #modelling #parametricity- Modelling Parametric Contracts and the State Space of Composite Components by Graph Grammars (RHR, JH, AH), pp. 80–95.
CIAA-2004-Shan #modelling #probability- Stochastic Context-Free Graph Grammars for Glycoprotein Modelling (BS), pp. 247–258.
ICGT-2004-EetveldeJ #refactoring- Extending Graph Rewriting for Refactoring (NVE, DJ), pp. 399–415.
ICGT-2004-FerreiraR #object-oriented- Derivations in Object-Oriented Graph Grammars (APLF, LR), pp. 416–430.
ICGT-2004-SeifertF #generative #parsing #string- Parsing String Generating Hypergraph Grammars (SS, IF), pp. 352–367.
FoSSaCS-2004-EhrigK #approach #bisimulation- Deriving Bisimulation Congruences in the DPO Approach to Graph Rewriting (HE, BK), pp. 151–166.
ICDAR-2003-AmanoA #analysis #documentation #grammarware- Graph Grammar Based Analysis System of Complex Table Form Document (AA, NA), pp. 916–920.
AGTIVE-2003-AssmannL #standard #tool support- Integrating Graph Rewriting and Standard Software Tools (UA, JL), pp. 134–148.
AGTIVE-2003-DottiRS #analysis #behaviour #fault #specification #using- Specification and Analysis of Fault Behaviours Using Graph Grammars (FLD, LR, OMdS), pp. 120–133.
AGTIVE-2003-Fischer #modelling- Modeling Discontinuous Constituents with Hypergraph Grammars (IF), pp. 163–169.
AGTIVE-2003-HaaseMBG #agile #architecture #prototype- A Domain Specific Architecture Tool: Rapid Prototyping with Graph Grammars (TH, OM, BB, FHG), pp. 236–242.
AGTIVE-2003-Rising #graph transformation #multi #semantics- MPEG-7 Semantic Descriptions: Graph Transformations, Graph Grammars, and the Description of Multimedia (HKR), pp. 369–382.
ASE-2003-Agrawal - Graph Rewriting And Transformation (GReAT): A Solution For The Model Integrated Computing (MIC) Bottleneck (AA), pp. 364–368.
ICGT-2002-FernandezM #call-by- Call-by-Value λ-Graph Rewriting Without Rewriting (MF, IM), pp. 75–89.
ICGT-2002-MontanariR #algebra #linear #order- Linear Ordered Graph Grammars and Their Algebraic Foundations (UM, LR), pp. 317–333.
ICDAR-2001-SanchezL - A Graph Grammar to Recognize Textured Symbols (GS, JL), pp. 465–469.
GT-VMT-2001-AritaTTY #editing- Application of Attribute NCE Graph Grammars to Syntactic Editing of Tabular Forms (TA, KT, KT, TY), pp. 282–288.
GT-VMT-2001-FlescaFG #query- Graph Grammars for Querying Graph-like Data (SF, FF, SG), pp. 247–256.
SAS-2000-ClarkHH #analysis #safety #strict- Safety of Strictness Analysis via Term Graph Rewriting (DC, CH, SH), pp. 95–114.
ASE-2000-FahmyH #architecture #using- Using Graph Rewriting to Specify Software Architectural Transformations (HF, RCH), pp. 187–196.
WICSA-1999-HirschIM #constraints #modelling #theorem proving- Modeling Software Architecutes and Styles with Graph Grammars and Constraint Solving (DH, PI, UM), pp. 127–144.
ICDAR-1999-KosmalaRLP #markov #modelling #online #recognition #using- On-Line Handwritten Formula Recognition using Hidden Markov Models and Context Dependent Graph Grammars (AK, GR, SL, LP), pp. 107–110.
RTA-1999-VermaS #agile #named- LarrowR2: A Laboratory fro Rapid Term Graph Rewriting (RMV, SS), pp. 252–255.
AGTIVE-1999-BaresiP #analysis #programmable- A Formal Definition of Stuctured Analysis with Programmable Graph Grammars (LB, MP), pp. 193–208.
AGTIVE-1999-Gruner #approach #consistency #distributed #modelling- A Combined Graph Schema and Graph Grammar Approach to Consistency in Distributed Data Modeling (SG), pp. 247–254.
AGTIVE-1999-Mens #evolution #independence- Conditional Graph Rewriting as a Domain-Independent Formalism for Software Evolution (TM), pp. 127–143.
AGTIVE-1999-Munch #term rewriting- PROgrammed Graph REwriting System PROGRES (MM), pp. 441–448.
AGTIVE-1999-PlasmeijerE #functional #mobile- Term Graph Rewriting and Mobile Expressions in Functional Languages (MJP, MCJDvE), pp. 1–13.
AGTIVE-1999-Radermacher99a #named- DiTo — A Distribution Tool Based on Graph Rewriting (AR), pp. 465–472.
AGTIVE-1999-Rahgozar #documentation #recognition- Document Table Recognition by Graph Rewriting (MAR), pp. 279–295.
AGTIVE-1999-RibeiroC #composition #modelling #simulation #using- Compositional Construction of Simulation Models Using Graph Grammars (LR, BC), pp. 87–94.
AGTIVE-1999-RodgersV99a #programming language- A Demonstration of the Grrr Graph Rewriting Programming Language (PJR, NV), pp. 473–480.
AGTIVE-1999-ZamperoniE #aspect-oriented #exclamation #experience #integration #re-engineering #term rewriting #using- Formal Integration of Software Engineering Aspects Using Graph Rewrite Systems — A Typical Experience?! (AZ, GE), pp. 359–367.
GCSE-1999-AssmannL #aspect-oriented #weaving- Aspect Weaving with Graph Rewriting (UA, AL), pp. 24–36.
FoSSaCS-1999-BaldranCM #semantics- Unfolding and Event Structure Semantics for Graph Grammars (PB, AC, UM), pp. 73–89.
TAGT-1998-BaldanCM - Unfolding of Double-Pushout Graph Grammars is a Coreflection (PB, AC, UM), pp. 145–163.
TAGT-1998-EngelfrietM - Tree Languages Generated be Context-Free Graph Grammars (JE, SM), pp. 15–29.
TAGT-1998-FischerNTZ #diagrams #java #modelling- Story Diagrams: A New Graph Rewrite Language Based on the Unified Modeling Language and Java (TF, JN, LT, AZ), pp. 296–309.
TAGT-1998-Hrischuk #automation #process #using- A Model Making Automation Process (MMAP) Using a Graph Grammar Formalism (CEH), pp. 442–454.
TAGT-1998-SchurrW #term rewriting #uml- UML Packages for PROgrammed Graph REwriting Systems (AS, AJW), pp. 396–409.
FASE-1998-Sucrow #interactive #specification- Refining Formal Specifications of Human Computer Interaction by Graph Rewrite Rules (BS), pp. 302–317.
JICSLP-1998-EchahedJ - Admissible Graph Rewriting and Narrowing (RE, JCJ), pp. 325–342.
ICSM-1997-Rajlich #co-evolution- A Model for Change Propagation Based on Graph Rewriting (VR), pp. 84–91.
DLT-1997-Kurerov - Resolution-Similar Graph Grammars (YNK), pp. 567–577.
GG-Handbook-Vol1-DrewesKH - Hyperedge Replacement, Graph Grammars (FD, HJK, AH), pp. 95–162.
GG-Handbook-Vol1-EngelfrietR - Node Replacement Graph Grammars (JE, GR), pp. 1–94.
ALP-1997-Ohlebusch - Conditional Term Graph Rewriting (EO), pp. 144–158.
ASE-1997-Sucrow #human-computer #interactive #specification- Formal Specification of Human-Computer Interaction by Graph Grammars under Consideration of Information Resources (BS), pp. 28–35.
RTA-1996-Rao #composition #termination- Modularity of Termination in Term Graph Rewriting (MRKKR), pp. 230–244.
FSE-1996-Metayer #architecture- Software Architecture Styles as Graph Grammars (DLM), pp. 15–23.
CC-1996-Assmann #how #program analysis #program transformation #term rewriting- How to Uniformly Specify Program Analysis and Transformation with Graph Rewrite Systems (UA), pp. 121–135.
PDP-1996-Papadopoulos #concurrent #framework #object-oriented #programming- Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming Techniques in a Term Graph Rewriting Framework (GAP), pp. 87–93.
CSL-1996-EekelenSP #functional #programming language #semantics- Graph Rewriting Semantics for Functional Programming Languages (MCJDvE, SS, MJP), pp. 106–128.
ICDAR-v1-1995-GrbavecB #recognition #using- Mathematics recognition using graph rewriting (AG, DB), pp. 417–421.
ICDAR-v2-1995-Baumann #music #recognition- A simplified attributed graph grammar for high-level music recognition (SB), pp. 1080–1083.
DLT-1995-KimuraT - Timed Attribute Hypergraph Grammars and Their Based Properties (YK, TT), pp. 319–328.
ESEC-1995-SchurrWZ #grammarware- Graph Grammar Engineering with PROGRES (AS, AJW, AZ), pp. 219–234.
SAC-1995-BanachP #behaviour #linear #source code- Linear behaviour of term graph rewriting programs (RB, GAP), pp. 157–163.
TAPSOFT-1995-Wagner #algebra #on the #power of- On the Expressive Power of Algebraic Graph Grammars with Application Conditions (AW), pp. 409–423.
TAGT-1994-Banach #algebra- The Contractum in Algebraic Graph Rewriting (RB), pp. 16–26.
TAGT-1994-BlosteinFG #using- Issues in the Practical Use of Graph Rewriting (DB, HF, AG), pp. 38–55.
TAGT-1994-CorradiniELMP #category theory- The Category of Typed Graph Grammars and its Adjunctions with Categories (AC, HE, ML, UM, JP), pp. 56–74.
TAGT-1994-CorradiniELMR #parallel #semantics- An Event Structure Semantics for Graph Grammars with Parallel Productions (AC, HE, ML, UM, FR), pp. 240–256.
TAGT-1994-CorradiniR #composition- Synchronized Composition of Graph Grammar Productions (AC, FR), pp. 257–270.
TAGT-1994-DerkD #configuration management #fault tolerance #parallel- Reconfiguration Graph Grammar for Massively Parallel, Fault Tolerant Computers (MDD, LSD), pp. 185–195.
TAGT-1994-KorffR #petri net- Formal Relationship between Graph Grammars and Petri Nets (MK, LR), pp. 288–303.
TAGT-1994-Maggiolo-SchettiniP #framework #semantics- A Graph Rewriting Framework for Statecharts Semantics (AMS, AP), pp. 107–121.
TAGT-1994-NaglS #integration #problem #specification- Software Integration Problems and Coupling of Graph Grammar Specifications (MN, AS), pp. 155–169.
TAGT-1994-Parisi-Presicce - Transformations of Graph Grammars (FPP), pp. 428–442.
TAGT-1994-SkodinisW #bound #problem- The Bounded Degree Problem for Non-Obstructing eNCE Graph Grammars (KS, EW), pp. 211–224.
TAGT-1994-ZinssmeisterM #graph- Drawing Graphs with Attribute Graph Grammars (GZ, CM), pp. 443–453.
DAC-1994-BaldwinC #design #using- Design Methodology Management Using Graph Grammars (RAB, MJC), pp. 472–478.
LICS-1994-AriolaK - Cyclic λ Graph Rewriting (ZMA, JWK), pp. 416–425.
DLT-1993-Roder #parallel- Parallel BNLC Graph Grammars (HJR), pp. 438–449.
RTA-1993-LoweB #algebra #implementation #named- AGG — An Implementation of Algebraic Graph Rewriting (ML, MB), pp. 451–456.
ICALP-1992-Engelfriet #normalisation- A Greibach Normal Form for Context-free Graph Grammars (JE), pp. 138–149.
RTA-1991-Billaud #animation #interactive #named #term rewriting- ANIGRAF: An Interactive System for the Animation of Graph Rewriting Systems with Priorities (MB), pp. 437–438.
RTA-1991-Brandenburg #bound #confluence #equivalence- The Equivalence of Boundary and Confluent Graph Grammars on Graph Languages of Bounded Degree (FJB), pp. 312–322.
RTA-1991-FarmerW - Redex Capturing in Term Graph Rewriting (WMF, RJW), pp. 13–24.
CAAP-1991-Broek #algebra #category theory #using- Algebraic Graph Rewriting Using a Single Pushout (PMvdB), pp. 90–102.
CAAP-1991-CorradiniRP #logic programming- Logic Programming as Hypergraph Rewriting (AC, FR, FPP), pp. 275–295.
IWPTS-1991-CavalliK #consistency #generative #protocol #term rewriting #testing #using- Protocol Conformance Test Generation Using a Graph Rewriting System (ARC, SUK), pp. 285–288.
GG-1990-Barthelmann #category theory- Describing Göttler’s Operational Graph Grammars with Pushouts (KB), pp. 98–112.
GG-1990-Boer #biology #modelling- Graph Grammars as a Modelling Tool in Developmental Biology (MJMdB), pp. 41–43.
GG-1990-Brandenburg #approach #layout- Layout Graph Grammars: The Placement Approach (FJB), pp. 144–156.
GG-1990-Bunke #pattern matching #pattern recognition #question #recognition- Graph Grammars — a Useful Tool for Pattern Recognition? (HB), pp. 43–46.
GG-1990-BunkeGT #algorithm #implementation #performance- An Efficient Implementation of Graph Grammars Based on the RETE Matching Algorithm (HB, TG, THT), pp. 174–189.
GG-1990-Caucal - An Application of Graph Grammars to the Elimination of Redundancy from Functions Defined by Schemes (DC), pp. 190–206.
GG-1990-CorradiniMREL #logic programming- Graph Grammars and Logic Programming (AC, UM, FR, HE, ML), pp. 221–237.
GG-1990-CourcelleER - Context-free Handle-rewriting Hypergraph Grammars (BC, JE, GR), pp. 253–268.
GG-1990-Cuny #question #tool support- Graph Grammars as Tools in Applications Work? (JEC), pp. 46–47.
GG-1990-EhrigHKP - From Graph Grammars to High Level Replacement Systems (HE, AH, HJK, FPP), pp. 269–291.
GG-1990-EhrigKL #algebra #approach #category theory #tutorial- Tutorial Introduction to the Algebraic Approach of Graph Grammars Based on Double and Single Pushouts (HE, MK, ML), pp. 24–37.
GG-1990-EhringP #algebra #specification- Algebraic Specification Grammars: A Junction between Module Specifications and Graph Grammars (HE, FPP), pp. 292–310.
GG-1990-EngelfrietH #generative #power of- The Term Generating Power of Context-Free Hypergraph Grammars (JE, LH), pp. 328–243.
GG-1990-EngelfrietR - Graph Grammars Based on Node Rewriting: An Introduction to NLC Graph Grammars (JE, GR), pp. 12–23.
GG-1990-GlauertKS #named- Dactl: An Experimental Graph Rewriting Language (JRWG, RK, MRS), pp. 378–395.
GG-1990-Gottler - Usefulness of Graph Grammars in Applications (HG), pp. 48–49.
GG-1990-GottlerGN #design #exclamation- Use Graph Grammars to Design CAD-Systems! (HG, JG, GN), pp. 396–410.
GG-1990-Himsolt #interactive #named- GraphEd: An Interactive Tool For Developing Graph Grammars (MH), pp. 61–65.
GG-1990-Kaplan #re-engineering- Applying Graph Grammars to Software engineering (SMK), pp. 49–51.
GG-1990-Kennaway #category theory #morphism- Graph Rewriting in Some Categories of Partial Morphisms (RK), pp. 490–504.
GG-1990-Korff #rule-based- Application of Graph Grammars to Rule-Based Systems (MK), pp. 505–519.
GG-1990-Mayoh #information management #representation- Graph Grammars for Knowledge Representation (BHM), p. 53.
GG-1990-Nagl - Graph Grammars which are Suitable for Applications (MN), pp. 54–56.
GG-1990-NaglS #specification- A Specification Environment for Graph Grammars (MN, AS), pp. 599–609.
GG-1990-Paz - Usefulness and Visibility of Graph Grammars (AP), p. 56.
GG-1990-Schurr90a #editing #hybrid #term rewriting- Presentation of the PROGRESS-Editor: A text-oriented hybrid editor for PROgrammed Graph REwriting SyStems (AS), p. 67.
GG-1990-Schurr90b #named- PROGRESS: A VHL-Language Based on Graph Grammars (AS), pp. 641–659.
GG-1990-Sleep #research- Applications of Graph Grammars and Directions for Research (MRS), pp. 57–60.
GG-1990-TaentzerS - Movement of Objects in Configuration Spaces modelled by graph Grammars (GT, HS), pp. 660–675.
GG-1990-Wanke #named #tool support- PLEXUS: Tools for Analyzing Graph Grammars (EW), pp. 68–69.
ICALP-1989-Parisi-Presicce #composition #design- Modular System Design Applying Graph Grammars Techniques (FPP), pp. 621–636.
RTA-1989-Gottler #implementation #visual notation- Graph Grammars, A New Paradigma for Implementing Visual Languages (HG), pp. 152–166.
ESEC-1989-Gottler #implementation #paradigm #visual notation- Graph Grammars, a new Paradigm for Implementing Visual Languages (HG), pp. 336–350.
CAAP-1989-HabelKV #bound #decidability #problem- Decidable Boundedness Problems for Hyperedge-Replacement Graph Grammar (AH, HJK, WV), pp. 275–289.
CAAP-1989-KaplanG #attribute grammar #incremental- Priority Controlled Incremental Attribute Evaluation in Attributed Graph Grammars (SMK, SKG), pp. 306–336.
ICALP-1988-Lautemann #algorithm #performance- Efficient Algorithms on Context-Free Graph Grammars (CL), pp. 362–378.
GG-1986-BaileyC #grammarware #parallel #specification- Graph Grammar Based Specification of Interconnection Structures for Massively Parallel Computation (DAB, JEC), pp. 73–85.
GG-1986-BoehmEHL #distributed #towards- Towards distributed graph grammars (PB, HE, UH, ML), pp. 86–98.
GG-1986-Brandenburg #on the #order- On Partially Ordered Graph Grammars (FJB), pp. 99–111.
GG-1986-Courcelle #algebra #graph #representation #term rewriting- A representation of graphs by algebraic expressions and its use for graph rewriting systems (BC), pp. 112–132.
GG-1986-Ehrig #algebra #approach #tutorial- Tutorial introduction to the algebraic approach of graph grammars (HE), pp. 3–14.
GG-1986-EngelfrietLR - Apex Graph Grammars (JE, GL, GR), pp. 167–185.
GG-1986-EngelsLS #grammarware #specification- Graph Grammar Engineering: A Software Specification Method (GE, CL, WS), pp. 186–201.
GG-1986-Gottler #diagrams #editing- Graph grammars and diagram editing (HG), pp. 216–231.
GG-1986-Jackel - ADA-Concurrency specified by Graph Grammars (MJ), pp. 262–279.
GG-1986-JanssensR - Basic notions of actor grammars: A graph grammar model for actor computation (DJ, GR), pp. 280–298.
GG-1986-Jeffs #independence- Embedding Rule Independent Theory of Graph Grammars (JJ), pp. 299–308.
GG-1986-KaplanGC #development #process- Supporting the Software Development Process with Attributed NLC Graph Grammars (SMK, SKG, RHC), pp. 309–325.
GG-1986-Kaul #precedence- Practical Applications of Precedence Graph Grammars (MK), pp. 326–342.
GG-1986-Kreowski #concurrent #parallel- Is parallelism already concurrency? Part 1: Derivations in graph grammars (HJK), pp. 343–360.
GG-1986-KreowskiW #concurrent #parallel #process- Is parallelism already concurrency? Part 2: Non-sequential processes in graph grammars (HJK, AW), pp. 361–377.
GG-1986-MainR - Fundamentals of edge-label controlled graph grammars (MGM, GR), pp. 411–426.
GG-1986-MoldovanP #analysis #parallel #rule-based #using- Parallelism analysis in rule-based systems using graph grammars (DIM, FPP), pp. 427–439.
GG-1986-Nagl #set- Set theoretic approaches to graph grammars (MN), pp. 41–54.
GG-1986-Parisi-PresicceEM #composition #unification- Graph rewriting with unification and composition (FPP, HE, UM), pp. 496–514.
GG-1986-Wankmuller #music- Application of Graph Grammars in Music Composing Systems (FW), pp. 580–592.
GG-1986-Welzl #bound- Boundary NlC and partition controlled graph grammars (EW), pp. 593–609.
RTA-1985-Ait-Kaci #equation- Solving Type Equations by Graph Rewriting (HAK), pp. 158–179.
CSE-1985-EngelsS #development #grammarware #programming- Graph Grammar Engineering: A Method Used for the Development of an Integrated Programming Support Environment (GE, WS), pp. 179–193.
SLP-1985-GallierR85 #logic programming- Logic Programming and Graph Rewriting (JHG, SR), pp. 208–219.
ICALP-1984-Welzl #encoding #formal method #graph- Encoding Graphs by Derivations and Implications for the Theory of Graph Grammars (EW), pp. 503–513.
GG-1982-Bartsch-Sporl #grammar inference #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Grammatical inference of graph grammars for syntactic pattern recognition (BBS), pp. 1–7.
GG-1982-Bunke #comprehension #generative #image- Graph Grammars as a generative tool in image understanding (HB), pp. 8–19.
GG-1982-CastellaniM #distributed- Graph Grammars for distributed systems (IC, UM), pp. 20–38.
GG-1982-Ehrig #aspect-oriented #concurrent- Aspects of concurrency in graph grammars (HE), pp. 58–81.
GG-1982-GenrichJRT #petri net- Petri nets and their relation to graph grammars (HJG, DJ, GR, PST), pp. 115–129.
GG-1982-Gottler - Attributed graph grammars for graphics (HG), pp. 130–142.
GG-1982-Hoffmann #compilation #generative #modelling- Modelling compiler generation by graph grammars (BH), pp. 159–171.
GG-1982-JanssensR82a - Graph grammars with node-label controlled rewriting and embedding (DJ, GR), pp. 186–205.
GG-1982-NagelEGS #specification- Software specification by graph grammars (MN, GE, RG, WS), pp. 267–287.
GG-1982-Nagl #overview #term rewriting- Bibliography on graph-rewriting systems (graph grammars) (MN), pp. 415–448.
GG-1982-SanfeliuF #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Tree graph grammars for pattern recognition (AS, KSF), pp. 349–368.
GG-1978-Bunke - Programmed Graph Grammars (HB), pp. 155–166.
GG-1978-Ehrig #algebra #overview- Introduction to the Algebraic Theory of Graph Grammars (A Survey) (HE), pp. 1–69.
GG-1978-EhrigL #parallel- Locally Star Sluing Formulas for a Class of Parallel Graph Grammars (HE, AL), pp. 206–223.
GG-1978-EhrigR #composition- Decomposition of Graph Grammar Productions and Derivations (HE, BKR), pp. 192–205.
GG-1978-Hesse - Two-Level Graph Grammars (WH), pp. 255–269.
GG-1978-Nagl #overview #tutorial- A Tutorial and Bibliographical Survey on Graph Grammars (MN), pp. 70–126.
GG-1978-Ollongren #multi #on the- On Multilevel-Graph Grammars (AO), pp. 341–349.
GG-1978-Padawitz #semantics- Graph Grammars and Operational Semantics (PP), pp. 350–366.
GG-1978-Pfaltz #2d #network #set- A Graph Grammar that Describes the Set of Two-Dimensional Surface Networks (JLP), pp. 379–388.
GG-1978-Wileden #analysis #concurrent #design- Relationships Between Graph Grammars and the Design and Analysis of Concurrent Software (JCW), pp. 456–463.
ICALP-1977-Rajlich #data type #relational- Theory of Data Structures by Relational and Graph Grammars (VR), pp. 391–411.
POPL-1977-KennedyZ #analysis #control flow- Applications of Graph Grammar for Program Control Flow Analysis (KK, LZ), pp. 72–85.
POPL-1976-Franck #2d #analysis #named #precedence- PLAN2D — Syntactic Analysis of Precedence Graph Grammars (RF), pp. 134–139.