556 papers:
CBSE-2015-KramerLMSB #architecture #component #consistency #contract #modelling- Change-Driven Consistency for Component Code, Architectural Models, and Contracts (MEK, ML, DM, SS, EB), pp. 21–26.
QoSA-2015-Kramer #approach #consistency #generative #modelling #multi- A Generative Approach to Change-Driven Consistency in Multi-View Modeling (MEK), pp. 129–134.
DAC-2015-XieZPHLX #energy- Fixing the broken time machine: consistency-aware checkpointing for energy harvesting powered non-volatile processor (MX, MZ, CP, JH, YL, CJX), p. 6.
DATE-2015-YanCC #consistency #natural language #specification- Formal consistency checking over specifications in natural languages (RY, CHC, YC), pp. 1677–1682.
PODS-2015-KoutrisW #complexity #consistency #constraints #query #self- The Data Complexity of Consistent Query Answering for Self-Join-Free Conjunctive Queries Under Primary Key Constraints (PK, JW), pp. 17–29.
VLDB-2015-FanRMGW #comprehension #consistency- Understanding the Causes of Consistency Anomalies in Apache Cassandra (HF, AR, MM, WMG, BW), pp. 810–821.
ESOP-2015-SieczkowskiSBP #consistency #logic- A Separation Logic for Fictional Sequential Consistency (FS, KS, LB, JPP), pp. 736–761.
ICPC-2015-DeissenboeckP #consistency #years after- Concise and consistent naming: ten years later (FD, MP), p. 3.
SANER-2015-PeteB #consistency #difference #evolution #framework- Handling the differential evolution of software artefacts: A framework for consistency management (IP, DB), pp. 599–600.
PLDI-2015-Sivaramakrishnan #consistency #declarative #programming- Declarative programming over eventually consistent data stores (KCS, GK, SJ), pp. 413–424.
STOC-2015-MosselNS #consistency- Consistency Thresholds for the Planted Bisection Model (EM, JN, AS), pp. 69–75.
ICALP-v2-2015-JagadeesanR #consistency #specification- From Sequential Specifications to Eventual Consistency (RJ, JR), pp. 247–259.
HIMI-IKC-2015-MakiY #3d #animation #artificial reality #definite clause grammar- Virtual Aquarium: Mixed Reality Consisting of 3DCG Animation and Underwater Integral Photography (NM, KY), pp. 447–456.
ICML-2015-BounliphoneGTB #consistency #dependence- A low variance consistent test of relative dependency (WB, AG, AT, MBB), pp. 20–29.
ICML-2015-DingZSMM #consistency- Yinyang K-Means: A Drop-In Replacement of the Classic K-Means with Consistent Speedup (YD, YZ, XS, MM, TM), pp. 579–587.
ICML-2015-HanXA #consistency #estimation #modelling #multi- Consistent estimation of dynamic and multi-layer block models (QH, KSX, EA), pp. 1511–1520.
ICML-2015-NarasimhanRS0 #algorithm #consistency #metric #multi #performance- Consistent Multiclass Algorithms for Complex Performance Measures (HN, HGR, AS, SA), pp. 2398–2407.
KDD-2015-LeeWK #consistency #constraints #difference #privacy- Maximum Likelihood Postprocessing for Differential Privacy under Consistency Constraints (JL, YW, DK), pp. 635–644.
KDD-2015-Li #consistency- 0-Bit Consistent Weighted Sampling (PL), pp. 665–674.
KDD-2015-ZhangTYPY #consistency #named #network #social- COSNET: Connecting Heterogeneous Social Networks with Local and Global Consistency (YZ, JT, ZY, JP, PSY), pp. 1485–1494.
MoDELS-2015-KuselEKRSS #co-evolution #consistency #modelling- Consistent co-evolution of models and transformations (AK, JE, EK, WR, WS, JS), pp. 116–125.
HPDC-2015-WangZQLMR #consistency #distributed #scalability #towards- Towards Scalable Distributed Workload Manager with Monitoring-Based Weakly Consistent Resource Stealing (KW, XZ, KQ, ML, BM, IR), pp. 219–222.
SOSP-2015-DragojevicNNRSB #consistency #distributed #performance #transaction- No compromises: distributed transactions with consistency, availability, and performance (AD, DN, EBN, MR, AS, AB, MC), pp. 54–70.
SOSP-2015-LuVAHSTKL #comprehension #consistency #facebook- Existential consistency: measuring and understanding consistency at Facebook (HL, KV, PA, JH, YJS, WT, SK, WL), pp. 295–310.
SOSP-2015-ZhangSSKP #consistency #replication #transaction- Building consistent transactions with inconsistent replication (IZ, NKS, AS, AK, DRKP), pp. 263–278.
TAP-2015-GogollaHHS #case study #consistency #experience #ocl #uml- Checking UML and OCL Model Consistency: An Experience Report on a Middle-Sized Case Study (MG, LH, FH, MS), pp. 129–136.
ECSA-2014-HeroldM #architecture #consistency #recommendation #refactoring- Recommending Refactorings to Re-establish Architectural Consistency (SH, MM), pp. 390–397.
ECSA-2014-SurajbaliGC #architecture #configuration management #consistency #framework- A Consistency Framework for Dynamic Reconfiguration in AO-Middleware Architectures (BS, PG, GC), pp. 398–405.
WICSA-2014-BaresiGM #consistency #evolution #process #runtime- Consistent Runtime Evolution of Service-Based Business Processes (LB, SG, VPLM), pp. 77–86.
VLDB-2014-GrecoPW #consistency #database #query- Certain Query Answering in Partially Consistent Databases (SG, FP, JW), pp. 353–364.
FASE-2014-GiachinoLM #debugging- Causal-Consistent Reversible Debugging (EG, IL, CAM), pp. 370–384.
ICALP-v2-2014-JagadeesanR #consistency- Between Linearizability and Quiescent Consistency — Quantitative Quiescent Consistency (RJ, JR), pp. 220–231.
FM-2014-DerrickDSTTW #consistency #verification- Quiescent Consistency: Defining and Verifying Relaxed Linearizability (JD, BD, GS, BT, OT, HW), pp. 200–214.
SEFM-2014-GrovO #analysis #consistency #formal method #multi- Increasing Consistency in Multi-site Data Stores: Megastore-CGC and Its Formal Analysis (JG, PCÖ), pp. 159–174.
CSCW-2014-SaveryGGB #consistency #experience #game studies #maintenance #performance- The effects of consistency maintenance methods on player experience and performance in networked games (CS, TCNG, CG, MB), pp. 1344–1355.
CIKM-2014-WuL #consistency #evolution #ontology #towards- Towards Consistency Checking over Evolving Ontologies (JW, FL), pp. 909–918.
ICML-c1-2014-ChanA #consistency #graph #modelling- A Consistent Histogram Estimator for Exchangeable Graph Models (SHC, EA), pp. 208–216.
ICML-c1-2014-KhaleghiR #consistency #estimation- Asymptotically consistent estimation of the number of change points in highly dependent time series (AK, DR), pp. 539–547.
ICML-c2-2014-HonorioJ #consistency #framework- A Unified Framework for Consistency of Regularized Loss Minimizers (JH, TSJ), pp. 136–144.
ICML-c2-2014-KpotufeSJS #consistency- Consistency of Causal Inference under the Additive Noise Model (SK, ES, DJ, BS), pp. 478–486.
ICML-c2-2014-WuCLY #behaviour #consistency #learning #network #predict #social- Learning the Consistent Behavior of Common Users for Target Node Prediction across Social Networks (SHW, HHC, KHL, PSY), pp. 298–306.
ICPR-2014-GongWLT #consistency #video- Temporal Consistency Based Method for Blind Video Deblurring (WG, WW, WL, ST), pp. 861–864.
ICPR-2014-MiyanS #consistency #image #using- Finding Corresponding Patches in Texture Images Using Tensor Consistency Check (SBM, JS), pp. 4021–4026.
ICPR-2014-WangSWB #consistency- Label Consistent Fisher Vectors for Supervised Feature Aggregation (QW, XS, MW, KLB), pp. 3588–3593.
ICPR-2014-YangLLZ #consistency #geometry #image #rank- Low Rank Global Geometric Consistency for Partial-Duplicate Image Search (LY, YL, ZL, HZ), pp. 3939–3944.
ICPR-2014-ZambaniniKK #consistency #evaluation #geometry- Classifying Ancient Coins by Local Feature Matching and Pairwise Geometric Consistency Evaluation (SZ, AK, MK), pp. 3032–3037.
KMIS-2014-WoitB #collaboration #consistency #development #process #programming- Commitment and Consistency in the Collaborative Software Development Process of Extreme Programming (DMW, KJB), pp. 375–381.
MLDM-2014-SchraagenK #consistency #graph #using- Record Linkage Using Graph Consistency (MS, WAK), pp. 471–483.
SEKE-2014-ChenX #automation #consistency #mobile #towards #web- Towards Automatic Consistency Checking between Web Application and its Mobile Application (XC, ZX), pp. 53–58.
SEKE-2014-GuimaraesSALC #alloy #consistency #using #verification- A Method for Verifying the Consistency of Business Rules Using Alloy (DG, EAS, AJA, PL, ALC), pp. 381–386.
SIGIR-2014-ChengSHCC #named #ranking #self- IMRank: influence maximization via finding self-consistent ranking (SC, HS, JH, WC, XC), pp. 475–484.
OOPSLA-2014-ChakrabartiBB #consistency #memory management #named- Atlas: leveraging locks for non-volatile memory consistency (DRC, HJB, KB), pp. 433–452.
OOPSLA-2014-VoraKG #algorithm #consistency #named #parallel #using- ASPIRE: exploiting asynchronous parallelism in iterative algorithms using a relaxed consistency based DSM (KV, SCK, RG), pp. 861–878.
POPL-2014-BouajjaniEH #consistency #replication #verification- Verifying eventual consistency of optimistic replication systems (AB, CE, JH), pp. 285–296.
POPL-2014-ChaudhuriFK #analysis #consistency #source code- Consistency analysis of decision-making programs (SC, AF, ZK), pp. 555–568.
SPLC-2014-QuintonPBDB #consistency #evolution #feature model #modelling- Consistency checking for the evolution of cardinality-based feature models (CQ, AP, DLB, LD, GB), pp. 122–131.
ASPLOS-2014-HonarmandT #multi #named- RelaxReplay: record and replay for relaxed-consistency multiprocessors (NH, JT), pp. 223–238.
HPCA-2014-ElverN #consistency #named- TSO-CC: Consistency directed cache coherence for TSO (ME, VN), pp. 165–176.
HPCA-2014-HechtmanCHTBHRW #approach #consistency #named- QuickRelease: A throughput-oriented approach to release consistency on GPUs (BAH, SC, DRH, YT, BMB, MDH, SKR, DAW), pp. 189–200.
HPCA-2014-LiuXGZC #concurrent #consistency #hardware #memory management #transaction #virtual machine- Concurrent and consistent virtual machine introspection with hardware transactional memory (YL, YX, HG, BZ, HC), pp. 416–427.
OSDI-2014-PillaiCAAAA #complexity #file system- All File Systems Are Not Created Equal: On the Complexity of Crafting Crash-Consistent Applications (TSP, VC, RA, SAK, ACAD, RHAD), pp. 433–448.
ICLP-J-2014-DuckHS #confluence #consistency #on the #termination #type inference- On Termination, Confluence and Consistent CHR-based Type Inference (GJD, RH, MS), pp. 619–632.
ICLP-J-2014-MarpleG #consistency #programming #set- Dynamic Consistency Checking in Goal-Directed Answer Set Programming (KM, GG), pp. 415–427.
ECSA-2013-LytraTZ #architecture #component #consistency #design #modelling #reuse- Supporting Consistency between Architectural Design Decisions and Component Models through Reusable Architectural Knowledge Transformations (IL, HT, UZ), pp. 224–239.
ASE-2013-KehrerKT #version control- Consistency-preserving edit scripts in model versioning (TK, UK, GT), pp. 191–201.
DATE-2013-FreitasRS #concurrent #consistency #memory management #on the fly #verification- On-the-fly verification of memory consistency with concurrent relaxed scoreboards (LSF, EAR, LCVdS), pp. 631–636.
ICDAR-2013-LiPXW #analysis #consistency #online #order #verification- A Stroke Order Verification Method for On-Line Handwritten Chinese Characters Based on Tempo-spatial Consistency Analysis (RL, LP, EX, NW), pp. 999–1003.
ICDAR-2013-PhamDBR #consistency #geometry #locality #performance #robust- Robust Symbol Localization Based on Junction Features and Efficient Geometry Consistency Checking (TAP, MD, SB, JYR), pp. 1083–1087.
ICDAR-2013-YinZWL #consistency #recognition- Style Consistent Perturbation for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition (FY, MKZ, QFW, CLL), pp. 1051–1055.
SIGMOD-2013-BailisGHS #consistency- Bolt-on causal consistency (PB, AG, JMH, IS), pp. 761–772.
SIGMOD-2013-BailisVFHS #consistency #data transformation #metric- PBS at work: advancing data management with consistency metrics (PB, SV, MJF, JMH, IS), pp. 1113–1116.
SIGMOD-2013-BernsteinD #consistency- Rethinking eventual consistency (PAB, SD), pp. 923–928.
CHI-2013-LeeH #consistency #online- Does slacktivism hurt activism?: the effects of moral balancing and consistency in online activism (YHL, GH), pp. 811–820.
CHI-2013-ScarrCGM #consistency #interface #performance #robust #testing- Testing the robustness and performance of spatially consistent interfaces (JS, AC, CG, SM), pp. 3139–3148.
CSCW-2013-HuangF #consistency #evaluation #reliability #using- Enhancing reliability using peer consistency evaluation in human computation (SWH, WTF), pp. 639–648.
EDOC-2013-NagelGEP #consistency #modelling #process- Ensuring Consistency among Business Goals and Business Process Models (BN, CG, GE, JP), pp. 17–26.
ICML-c3-2013-DenilMF #consistency #online #random- Consistency of Online Random Forests (MD, DM, NdF), pp. 1256–1264.
ICML-c3-2013-LongS #classification #consistency #multi- Consistency versus Realizable H-Consistency for Multiclass Classification (PML, RAS), pp. 801–809.
ICML-c3-2013-MenonNAC #algorithm #classification #consistency #on the #statistics- On the Statistical Consistency of Algorithms for Binary Classification under Class Imbalance (AKM, HN, SA, SC), pp. 603–611.
RE-2013-NistalaK #analysis #approach #consistency #requirements #validation- An approach to carry out consistency analysis on requirements: Validating and tracking requirements through a configuration structure (PN, PK), pp. 320–325.
SAC-2013-GiustoP #adaptation #consistency #runtime- Disciplined structured communications with consistent runtime adaptation (CDG, JAP), pp. 1913–1918.
SAC-2013-NguyenSB #consistency- Dynamic virtual arc consistency (HN, TS, CB), pp. 98–103.
SAC-2013-OyamadaKK #concurrent #query- Continuous query processing with concurrency control: reading updatable resources consistently (MO, HK, HK), pp. 788–794.
ICSE-2013-BuckleyMRA #architecture #consistency #named- JITTAC: a just-in-time tool for architectural consistency (JB, SM, JR, NA), pp. 1291–1294.
ASPLOS-2013-QianTSQ #consistency #detection #named #precise #scalability- Volition: scalable and precise sequential consistency violation detection (XQ, JT, BS, DQ), pp. 535–548.
ISMM-2013-Musuvathi #approach #consistency #memory management #modelling- Safety-first approach to memory consistency models (MM), pp. 1–2.
SOSP-2013-ChidambaramPAA #consistency- Optimistic crash consistency (VC, TSP, ACAD, RHAD), pp. 228–243.
SOSP-2013-TerryPKBAA- Consistency-based service level agreements for cloud storage (DBT, VP, RK, MB, MKA, HAL), pp. 309–324.
LICS-2013-Fontaine #consistency #query #question #why- Why is it Hard to Obtain a Dichotomy for Consistent Query Answering? (GF), pp. 550–559.
CBSE-2012-GhafariJSH #approach #architecture #component #configuration management #consistency- An architectural approach to ensure globally consistent dynamic reconfiguration of component-based systems (MG, PJ, SS, HH), pp. 177–182.
QoSA-2012-DajsurenBSH #architecture #case study #consistency #multi- Automotive ADLS: a study on enforcing consistency through multiple architectural levels (YD, MvdB, AS, RH), pp. 71–80.
ASE-2012-KamalrudinGH #consistency #multi #named #requirements #tool support- MaramaAI: tool support for capturing and managing consistency of multi-lingual requirements (MK, JG, JGH), pp. 326–329.
DATE-2012-RamboHS #consistency #memory management #multi #on the #verification- On ESL verification of memory consistency for system-on-chip multiprocessing (EAR, OPH, LCVdS), pp. 9–14.
SIGMOD-2012-ZellagK #consistency #detection #named #realtime- ConsAD: a real-time consistency anomalies detector (KZ, BK), pp. 641–644.
ESOP-2012-BurckhardtLFS #consistency #transaction- Eventually Consistent Transactions (SB, DL, MF, MS), pp. 67–86.
FASE-2012-FiadeiroL #composition #consistency- Consistency of Service Composition (JLF, AL), pp. 63–77.
CSMR-2012-LytraTZ #architecture #component #consistency #constraints #design #evolution #modelling- Constraint-Based Consistency Checking between Design Decisions and Component Models for Supporting Software Architecture Evolution (IL, HT, UZ), pp. 287–296.
CSCW-2012-PentlandHK #consistency #distance #distributed- Awareness as an antidote to distance: making distributed groups cooperative and consistent (AP, PH, TK), pp. 1237–1246.
ICEIS-v3-2012-BauerEFH #analysis #consistency #process- Resource-oriented Consistency Analysis of Engineering Processes (BB, TE, CF, BH), pp. 206–211.
CIKM-2012-Kawamae #topic #word- Theme chronicle model: chronicle consists of timestamp and topical words over each theme (NK), pp. 2065–2069.
ICML-2012-DembczynskiKH #consistency #multi #ranking- Consistent Multilabel Ranking through Univariate Losses (KD, WK, EH), p. 175.
ICML-2012-KolarX #consistency- Consistent Covariance Selection From Data With Missing Values (MK, EPX), p. 85.
ICPR-2012-DeyG #behaviour #consistency #topic #twitter- Discovering regular and consistent behavioral patterns in topical tweeting (LD, BG), pp. 3464–3467.
ICPR-2012-KanekoSOFS #consistency #process #recognition- Consistent collective activity recognition with fully connected CRFs (TK, MS, SO, RF, TS), pp. 2792–2795.
ICPR-2012-XiaoZZ #consistency #ranking #retrieval- Spatial consistency based selective reranking for content based object retrieval (TX, CZ, HZ), pp. 417–420.
SEKE-2012-SalamahEO #automaton #consistency #ltl #using- Consistency Checks of System Properties Using LTL and Büchi Automata (SS, ME, OO), pp. 39–44.
MoDELS-2012-RederE #consistency #design #incremental- Incremental Consistency Checking for Complex Design Rules and Larger Model Changes (AR, AE), pp. 202–218.
MoDELS-2012-VierhauserGHHL #consistency #framework #industrial #modelling #product line- Applying a Consistency Checking Framework for Heterogeneous Models and Artifacts in Industrial Product Lines (MV, PG, WH, GH, DL), pp. 531–545.
MoDELS-2012-RederE #consistency #design #incremental- Incremental Consistency Checking for Complex Design Rules and Larger Model Changes (AR, AE), pp. 202–218.
MoDELS-2012-VierhauserGHHL #consistency #framework #industrial #modelling #product line- Applying a Consistency Checking Framework for Heterogeneous Models and Artifacts in Industrial Product Lines (MV, PG, WH, GH, DL), pp. 531–545.
ECOOP-2012-BurckhardtFLW #consistency- Cloud Types for Eventual Consistency (SB, MF, DL, BPW), pp. 283–307.
RE-2012-GreenyerSCH #consistency #performance #product line #specification- Efficient consistency checking of scenario-based product-line specifications (JG, AMS, MC, PH), pp. 161–170.
SAC-2012-BenreguiaK #consistency #graph #morphism #problem- A consistency rule for graph isomorphism problem (BB, HK), pp. 906–911.
PLEASE-2012-BoffoliCCV #consistency #flexibility #process #product line- Driving flexibility and consistency of business processes by means of product-line engineering and decision tables (NB, DC, DC, GV), pp. 33–36.
ASPLOS-2012-LinNGR #consistency #performance- Efficient sequential consistency via conflict ordering (CL, VN, RG, BR), pp. 273–286.
LCTES-2012-YuYWCC #consistency #parallel #source code- Symbolic consistency checking of OpenMp parallel programs (FY, SCY, FW, GCC, CCC), pp. 139–148.
OSDI-2012-LiPCGPR #consistency #performance- Making Geo-Replicated Systems Fast as Possible, Consistent when Necessary (CL, DP, AC, JG, NMP, RR), pp. 265–278.
CSL-2012-CarraroS #consistency #equation #formal method #modelling #on the #λ-calculus- On the equational consistency of order-theoretic models of the λ-calculus (AC, AS), pp. 152–166.
LICS-2012-Berkholz #bound #game studies #testing- Lower Bounds for Existential Pebble Games and k-Consistency Tests (CB), pp. 25–34.
ECSA-2011-AdersbergerP #architecture #consistency #named #traceability #uml- ReflexML: UML-Based Architecture-to-Code Traceability and Consistency Checking (JA, MP), pp. 344–359.
ASE-2011-Li #consistency #natural language #requirements #towards- Toward consistency checking of natural language temporal requirements (WL), pp. 651–655.
DAC-2011-Mador-HaimAM #consistency #how #memory management #modelling #question #testing- Litmus tests for comparing memory consistency models: how long do they need to be? (SMH, RA, MMKM), pp. 504–509.
SIGMOD-2011-BalesDV #algebra #optimisation #query- Score-consistent algebraic optimization of full-text search queries with GRAFT (NB, AD, VV), pp. 769–780.
SIGMOD-2011-CaoSSYDGW #algorithm #consistency #performance- Fast checkpoint recovery algorithms for frequently consistent applications (TC, MAVS, BS, YY, AJD, JG, WMW), pp. 265–276.
SIGMOD-2011-DingWHL #consistency #optimisation- Differentially private data cubes: optimizing noise sources and consistency (BD, MW, JH, ZL), pp. 217–228.
VLDB-2011-MorfoniosCGBDDW #consistency- Consistent Synchronization Schemes for Workload Replay (KM, RC, LG, SB, BD, KD, YW), pp. 1225–1236.
VLDB-2011-RaoST #consistency #scalability #using- Using Paxos to Build a Scalable, Consistent, and Highly Available Datastore (JR, EJS, ST), pp. 243–254.
FASE-2011-ErmelGLT #behaviour #consistency #control flow #functional #modelling- Modeling with Plausibility Checking: Inspecting Favorable and Critical Signs for Consistency between Control Flow and Functional Behavior (CE, JG, LL, GT), pp. 156–170.
TACAS-2011-BurnimSS #consistency #memory management #modelling #monitoring- Sound and Complete Monitoring of Sequential Consistency for Relaxed Memory Models (JB, KS, CS), pp. 11–25.
CSMR-2011-Lopez-HerrejonE #composition #consistency #multi #named #variability- C2MV2: Consistency and Composition for Managing Variability in Multi-view Systems (RELH, AE), pp. 347–350.
IFM-J-2009-SchneiderT11 #csp #interface #refinement- Changing system interfaces consistently: A new refinement strategy for CSP||B (SS, HT), pp. 837–860.
CSCW-2011-AlvesF #adaptation #chat #consistency #multi #named #performance #requirements #scalability- ReConMUC: adaptable consistency requirements for efficient large-scale multi-user chat (PA, PF), pp. 553–562.
EDOC-2011-DahmanCG #consistency #development #towards- Towards Consistency Management for a Business-Driven Development of SOA (KD, FC, CG), pp. 267–275.
ICEIS-J-2011-PereiraBOM #consistency #process #set- A Set of Well-Formedness Rules to Checking the Consistency of the Software Processes Based on SPEM 2.0 (EBP, RMB, TCO, MCM), pp. 284–299.
ICEIS-v3-2011-PereiraBMO #consistency #process- Improving the Consistency of SPEM-based Software Processes (EBP, RMB, MdCM, TCdO), pp. 76–86.
KDIR-2011-DeruyverH #approach #consistency #graph #image #information management #semantics- Semantic Graphs and Arc Consistency Checking — The Renewal of an Old Approach for Information Extraction from Images (AD, YH), pp. 515–522.
KEOD-2011-GerberGM #ambiguity #consistency #development #ontology #standard #using- Using Formal Ontologies for the Development of Consistent and Unambiguous Financial Accounting Standards (MCG, AG, AvdM), pp. 419–424.
SIGIR-2011-ScholerTS #consistency #quality- Quantifying test collection quality based on the consistency of relevance judgements (FS, AT, MS), pp. 1063–1072.
ICMT-2011-BeckerLDBG #development #refactoring #rule-based- Iterative Development of Consistency-Preserving Rule-Based Refactorings (BB, LL, JD, SB, HG), pp. 123–137.
ICMT-2011-EgyedDGLMNR #co-evolution #consistency #model transformation- Fine-Tuning Model Transformation: Change Propagation in Context of Consistency, Completeness, and Human Guidance (AE, AD, AG, RELH, PM, AN, AR), pp. 1–14.
MoDELS-2011-MaozRR #analysis #configuration management #consistency #diagrams #semantics- Semantically Configurable Consistency Analysis for Class and Object Diagrams (SM, JOR, BR), pp. 153–167.
MoDELS-2011-MaozRR #analysis #configuration management #consistency #diagrams #semantics- Semantically Configurable Consistency Analysis for Class and Object Diagrams (SM, JOR, BR), pp. 153–167.
ESEC-FSE-2011-DemuthLE #consistency #flexibility #modelling #multi- Cross-layer modeler: a tool for flexible multilevel modeling with consistency checking (AD, RELH, AE), pp. 452–455.
ESEC-FSE-2011-MaBGML #component #configuration management #distributed- Version-consistent dynamic reconfiguration of component-based distributed systems (XM, LB, CG, VPLM, JL), pp. 245–255.
ASPLOS-2011-DeviettiNBCG #consistency #named- RCDC: a relaxed consistency deterministic computer (JD, JN, TB, LC, DG), pp. 67–78.
PPoPP-2011-RoyHH #consistency #memory management- Weak atomicity under the x86 memory consistency model (AR, SH, TLH), pp. 291–292.
SOSP-2011-CalderWONSMXSWSHUKEBMAAHHBDAMSMR #consistency- Windows Azure Storage: a highly available cloud storage service with strong consistency (BC, JW, AO, NN, AS, SM, YX, SS, JW, HS, JH, CU, HK, AE, VB, SM, RA, AA, MFuH, MIuH, DB, SD, AA, MM, SS, KM, LR), pp. 143–157.
SOSP-2011-GlendenningBKA #consistency #scalability- Scalable consistency in Scatter (LG, IB, AK, TEA), pp. 15–28.
SOSP-2011-LloydFKA #consistency #scalability- Don’t settle for eventual: scalable causal consistency for wide-area storage with COPS (WL, MJF, MK, DGA), pp. 401–416.
CSL-2011-Kopczynski #consistency #question- Trees in Trees: Is the Incomplete Information about a Tree Consistent? (EK), pp. 367–380.
ICLP-2011-Bottalico #consistency #hybrid #simulation- Consistency Techniques for Hybrid Simulations (MB), pp. 255–260.
CBSE-2010-AllierSSV #component #consistency #execution #object-oriented #using- Restructuring Object-Oriented Applications into Component-Oriented Applications by Using Consistency with Execution Traces (SA, HAS, SS, SV), pp. 216–231.
ECSA-2010-KacemKD #adaptation #approach #consistency #formal method #self- A Formal Approach to Enforcing Consistency in Self-adaptive Systems (NHK, AHK, KD), pp. 279–294.
ASE-2010-VierhauserGERH #consistency #flexibility #modelling #product line #scalability #variability- Flexible and scalable consistency checking on product line variability models (MV, PG, AE, RR, WH), pp. 63–72.
DAC-2010-CochranR #consistency #detection #predict #runtime- Consistent runtime thermal prediction and control through workload phase detection (RC, SR), pp. 62–67.
PODS-2010-GrecoS #algorithm #consistency #power of- The power of tree projections: local consistency, greedy algorithms, and larger islands of tractability (GG, FS), pp. 327–338.
SIGMOD-2010-LianCS #consistency #database #probability #query- Consistent query answers in inconsistent probabilistic databases (XL, LC, SS), pp. 303–314.
VLDB-2010-HayRMS #consistency- Boosting the Accuracy of Differentially Private Histograms Through Consistency (MH, VR, GM, DS), pp. 1021–1032.
VLDB-2010-NeumannW #consistency #database #named #performance #query #rdf- x-RDF-3X: Fast Querying, High Update Rates, and Consistency for RDF Databases (TN, GW), pp. 256–263.
FASE-2010-DarvasM #consistency #proving #using- Proving Consistency and Completeness of Model Classes Using Theory Interpretation (ÁD, PM), pp. 218–232.
FASE-2010-GroherRE #consistency #constraints #incremental- Incremental Consistency Checking of Dynamic Constraints (IG, AR, AE), pp. 203–217.
ICPC-2010-JablonskiH #identifier- Renaming Parts of Identifiers Consistently within Code Clones (PJ, DH), pp. 38–39.
ICSM-2010-CeccatoT #consistency #legacy #migration #static analysis #thread- Static analysis for enforcing intra-thread consistent locks in the migration of a legacy system (MC, PT), pp. 1–9.
LATA-2010-FlorencioF #approach #bound #consistency- Finding Consistent Categorial Grammars of Bounded Value: A Parameterized Approach (CCF, HF), pp. 202–213.
CHI-2010-KapteinNM #analysis #consistency- Powerful and consistent analysis of likert-type ratingscales (MCK, CN, PM), pp. 2391–2394.
SOFTVIS-2010-ThorsenW #comprehension #consistency #interactive #memory management #visualisation- Understanding relaxed memory consistency through interactive visualization (ØT, CW), pp. 223–224.
ICEIS-SAIC-2010-CanturkS #distributed #validation- Service Acquisition and Validation in a Distributed Service Discovery System Consisting of Domain-specific Sub-systems (DC, PS), pp. 93–99.
ECIR-2010-RudinacLH #consistency #query #retrieval- Exploiting Result Consistency to Select Query Expansions for Spoken Content Retrieval (SR, ML, AH), pp. 645–648.
ICML-2010-DuchiMJ #algorithm #consistency #on the #ranking- On the Consistency of Ranking Algorithms (JCD, LWM, MIJ), pp. 327–334.
ICPR-2010-JainO #consistency #graph- Consistent Estimator of Median and Mean Graph (BJJ, KO), pp. 1032–1035.
ICPR-2010-Mattoccia #consistency- Accurate Dense Stereo by Constraining Local Consistency on Superpixels (SM), pp. 1832–1835.
KR-2010-CondottaL #constraints #network- A Class of df-Consistencies for Qualitative Constraint Networks (JFC, CL).
SEKE-2010-Nehmer #approach #consistency #exception- A Log-Assisted Approach Enforcing Consistency in the Presence of Exceptions (NN), pp. 757–764.
SIGIR-2010-MojdehC #consistency #learning #using- Semi-supervised spam filtering using aggressive consistency learning (MM, GVC), pp. 751–752.
MoDELS-v1-2010-NoyritGTS #consistency #modelling #multi #uml #using- Consistent Modeling Using Multiple UML Profiles (FN, SG, FT, BS), pp. 392–406.
MoDELS-v1-2010-SchwarzlP #analysis #consistency #modelling #uml- Static- and Dynamic Consistency Analysis of UML State Chart Models (CS, BP), pp. 151–165.
MoDELS-v2-2010-GroherE #consistency- Selective and Consistent Undoing of Model Changes (IG, AE), pp. 123–137.
REFSQ-2010-SikoraDP #abstraction #consistency #multi #specification- Supporting the Consistent Specification of Scenarios across Multiple Abstraction Levels (ES, MD, KP), pp. 45–59.
SAC-2010-CostaMB #consistency #database #distributed #mobile #protocol- A distributed protocol for ensuring replicated database consistency in mobile computing environments (AC, JMM, AB), pp. 1688–1693.
SAC-2010-GoldsztejnG #adaptation #consistency- Box consistency through adaptive shaving (AG, FG), pp. 2049–2054.
SAC-2010-KarakashianWCB #consistency #constraints #relational- Relational consistency by constraint filtering (SK, RJW, BYC, CB), pp. 2073–2074.
SAC-2010-LiuHLW #consistency #migration #network #virtual machine- Network state consistency of virtual machine in live migration (XL, JH, QL, TW), pp. 727–728.
SAC-2010-TeikenBA #consistency #constraints #health- Interchangeable consistency constraints for public health care systems (YT, SB, HJA), pp. 1411–1416.
SAC-2010-VermolenHL #consistency #modelling #proving #using- Proving consistency of VDM models using HOL (SV, JH, PGL), pp. 2503–2510.
SAC-2010-ZhouCS #consistency #linear #source code- Reparameterization based consistent graph-structured linear programs (HZ, QC, ZS), pp. 974–978.
ICSE-2010-Marinho #consistency #modelling #ocl #product line #using- A proposal for consistency checking in dynamic software product line models using OCL (FGM), pp. 333–334.
SPLC-2010-ElsnerULS #bound #consistency #product line- Consistent Product Line Configuration across File Type and Product Line Boundaries (CE, PU, DL, WSP), pp. 181–195.
SPLC-2010-GuoW #consistency #evolution #feature model #modelling #towards- Towards Consistent Evolution of Feature Models (JG, YW), pp. 451–455.
ASPLOS-2010-RomanescuLS #consistency #memory management #specification #verification- Specifying and dynamically verifying address translation-aware memory consistency (BFR, ARL, DJS), pp. 323–334.
OSDI-2010-PortsCZML #automation #consistency #transaction- Transactional Consistency and Automatic Management in an Application Data Cache (DRKP, ATC, IZ, SM, BL), pp. 279–292.
CAV-2010-Mador-HaimAM #consistency #generative #memory management #modelling #testing- Generating Litmus Tests for Contrasting Memory Consistency Models (SMH, RA, MMKM), pp. 273–287.
CBSE-2009-KiniryF #consistency #design #documentation #implementation #specification- Ensuring Consistency between Designs, Documentation, Formal Specifications, and Implementations (JRK, FF), pp. 242–261.
QoSA-2009-BiehlL #architecture #automation #consistency #development #modelling- Automated Architecture Consistency Checking for Model Driven Software Development (MB, WL), pp. 36–51.
DocEng-2009-VallePC #consistency #documentation #geometry #retrieval- Geometric consistency checking for local-descriptor based document retrieval (EV, DP, MC), pp. 135–138.
ICDAR-2009-KimRLK #consistency #recognition- Utilizing Consistency Context for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition (KK, THR, JSL, JHK), pp. 1051–1055.
VLDB-2009-KaushikS #consistency- Consistent Histograms In The Presence of Distinct Value Counts (RK, DS), pp. 850–861.
VLDB-2009-KraskaHAK #consistency #in the cloud #matter- Consistency Rationing in the Cloud: Pay only when it matters (TK, MH, GA, DK), pp. 253–264.
FASE-2009-LeinoM #consistency #proving- Proving Consistency of Pure Methods and Model Fields (KRML, RM), pp. 231–245.
PEPM-2009-SalamaMTGO #consistency #dependent type #using- Static consistency checking for verilog wire interconnects: using dependent types to check the sanity of verilog descriptions (CS, GM, WT, JG, JO), pp. 121–130.
LATA-2009-BertrandPR #consistency #refinement #specification- Refinement and Consistency of Timed Modal Specifications (NB, SP, JBR), pp. 152–163.
IFM-2009-SchneiderT #csp #interface #refinement- Changing System Interfaces Consistently: A New Refinement Strategy for CSP||B (SS, HT), pp. 103–117.
CEFP-2009-KoopmanPA #consistency #effectiveness #semantics- An Effective Methodology for Defining Consistent Semantics of Complex Systems (PWMK, RP, PA), pp. 224–267.
CHI-2009-Guiard #consistency #design #distance #problem- The problem of consistency in the design of Fitts’ law experiments: consider either target distance and width or movement form and scale (YG), pp. 1809–1818.
HCD-2009-KimY #consistency #design #interactive #multi- A Method for Consistent Design of User Interaction with Multifunction Devices (DSK, WCY), pp. 202–211.
HCI-NT-2009-RajK #agile #consistency #design pattern #interactive #library #mobile #named #process #user interface- RUCID: Rapid Usable Consistent Interaction Design Patterns-Based Mobile Phone UI Design Library, Process and Tool (AR, VK), pp. 677–686.
OCSC-2009-GaoDF #consistency #visualisation- Improving Personal Tagging Consistency through Visualization of Tag Relevancy (QG, YD, KF), pp. 326–335.
CIKM-2009-HolzeGR #classification #consistency #online- Consistent on-line classification of dbs workload events (MH, CG, NR), pp. 1641–1644.
CIKM-2009-MaYKL #collaboration #consistency #matrix #statistics- Semi-nonnegative matrix factorization with global statistical consistency for collaborative filtering (HM, HY, IK, MRL), pp. 767–776.
ICML-2009-CaiWH #consistency #data analysis #probability- Probabilistic dyadic data analysis with local and global consistency (DC, XW, XH), pp. 105–112.
ICML-2009-RoyLW #consistency #learning #modelling #probability #visual notation- Learning structurally consistent undirected probabilistic graphical models (SR, TL, MWW), pp. 905–912.
KDIR-2009-DuarteDRF #clustering #consistency #using- Cluster Ensemble Selection — Using Average Cluster Consistency (FJFD, JMMD, FR, ALNF), pp. 85–95.
KEOD-2009-SassiJG09a #consistency #formal method #maintenance #ontology- Z-based Formalization of Kits of Changes to Maintain Ontology Consistency (NS, WJ, FG), pp. 388–391.
SEKE-2009-ShinS #configuration management #consistency #self- Consistency in Self-Reconfiguration of Self-Healing Systems (MES, KGRS), pp. 10–15.
ECMDA-FA-2009-ChenM #consistency #guidelines #uml- A Language-Theoretic View on Guidelines and Consistency Rules of UML (ZC, GM), pp. 66–81.
MoDELS-2009-WolfeGP #algorithm #consistency #incremental #runtime- An Incremental Algorithm for High-Performance Runtime Model Consistency (CW, TCNG, WGP), pp. 357–371.
MoDELS-2009-WolfeGP #algorithm #consistency #incremental #runtime- An Incremental Algorithm for High-Performance Runtime Model Consistency (CW, TCNG, WGP), pp. 357–371.
PPDP-2009-GuoZS #consistency #named- L2C2: logic-based LSC consistency checking (HFG, WZ, MS), pp. 183–194.
SAC-2009-YipH #bound #consistency #constraints- Length-lex bound consistency for knapsack constraints (JY, PVH), pp. 1397–1401.
SAC-2009-Yu #consistency #distributed #process- Consistent and decentralized orchestration of BPEL processes (WY), pp. 1583–1584.
CGO-2009-DuanFWZY #c #c++ #concurrent #consistency #detection #source code- Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violations of Sequential Consistency for Concurrent C/C++ Programs (YD, XF, LW, CZ, PCY), pp. 25–34.
HPCA-2009-ChenLHCSWP #consistency #memory management #performance #verification- Fast complete memory consistency verification (YC, YL, WH, TC, HS, PW, HP), pp. 381–392.
CSL-2009-AtseriasW #consistency #constraints #decidability #problem- Decidable Relationships between Consistency Notions for Constraint Satisfaction Problems (AA, MW), pp. 102–116.
TAP-2009-GogollaKH #consistency #independence #modelling #ocl #uml- Consistency, Independence and Consequences in UML and OCL Models (MG, MK, LH), pp. 90–104.
WICSA-2008-RadjenovicP #architecture #consistency #dependence- The Role of Dependency Links in Ensuring Architectural View Consistency (AR, RFP), pp. 199–208.
ASE-2008-FischerMS #consistency #web- The Consistency of Web Conversations (JF, RM, FS), pp. 415–418.
FASE-2008-EhrigEEP #consistency #integration #modelling #visual notation- Consistent Integration of Models Based on Views of Visual Languages (HE, KE, CE, UP), pp. 62–76.
WCRE-2008-KuhnLN #consistency #layout- Consistent Layout for Thematic Software Maps (AK, PL, ON), pp. 209–218.
FM-2008-HarhurinH #consistency #product line #specification #towards- Towards Consistent Specifications of Product Families (AH, JH), pp. 390–405.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-Shinkawa #consistency #modelling #process #sequence #uml- Evaluating Consistency between UML Activity and Sequence Models (YS), pp. 282–289.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-TakakiSTIT #consistency #diagrams #quality #workflow- Quality Improvement of Workflow Diagrams Based on Passback Flow Consistency (OT, TS, IT, NI, KT), pp. 351–359.
ICML-2008-Bach08a #consistency #estimation #named- Bolasso: model consistent Lasso estimation through the bootstrap (FRB), pp. 33–40.
ICPR-2008-Brandt #consistency #geometry #performance- Consistent and efficient sampler for geometric computation (SSB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-GrumB #3d #consistency #image #modelling #multi- Enforcing image consistency in multiple 3-D object modelling (MG, AGB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-GuiHY #consistency #learning- An improvement on learning with local and global consistency (JG, DSH, ZY), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-KimS #consistency #detection #sequence #using #video- Static text region detection in video sequences using color and orientation consistencies (DK, KS), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ShidaraKN #classification #consistency- Classification by bagged consistent itemset rules (YS, MK, AN), pp. 1–4.
SEKE-2008-SchonbergerW #consistency #integration #process #requirements #taxonomy- Taxonomy on Consistency Requirements in the Business Process Integration Context (AS, GW), pp. 593–598.
MoDELS-2008-JurackLMT #behaviour #consistency #diagrams #modelling #process- Sufficient Criteria for Consistent Behavior Modeling with Refined Activity Diagrams (SJ, LL, KM, GT), pp. 341–355.
MoDELS-2008-JurackLMT #behaviour #consistency #diagrams #modelling #process- Sufficient Criteria for Consistent Behavior Modeling with Refined Activity Diagrams (SJ, LL, KM, GT), pp. 341–355.
POPL-2008-NeamtiuHFP #concurrent #programming- Contextual effects for version-consistent dynamic software updating and safe concurrent programming (IN, MH, JSF, PP), pp. 37–49.
RE-2008-LauenrothP #consistency #product line #requirements- Dynamic Consistency Checking of Domain Requirements in Product Line Engineering (KL, KP), pp. 193–202.
SAC-2008-BodorikJW #consistency #privacy #semantics- Consistent privacy preferences (CPP): model, semantics, and properties (PB, DNJ, MXW), pp. 2368–2375.
SAC-2008-LiQWLW #consistency #diagrams #interactive #java #runtime #source code #state machine #uml #verification- UML state machine diagram driven runtime verification of Java programs for message interaction consistency (XL, XQ, LW, BL, WEW), pp. 384–389.
ICSE-2008-SabetzadehNEC #consistency #distributed #modelling- Global consistency checking of distributed models with TReMer+ (MS, SN, SME, MC), pp. 815–818.
HPDC-2008-ShafaatSMHGR #consistency #network- Key-based consistency and availability in structured overlay networks (TMS, TS, MM, SH, AG, AR), pp. 235–236.
OSDI-2008-JainMKYDZ #consistency #metric #monitoring #network #scalability- Network Imprecision: A New Consistency Metric for Scalable Monitoring (NJ, PM, DK, PY, MD, YZ), pp. 87–102.
CAV-2008-BaswanaMP #consistency #memory management #set #verification- Implied Set Closure and Its Application to Memory Consistency Verification (SB, SKM, VP), pp. 94–106.
ASE-2007-FischerM #consistency #transaction- Ensuring consistency in long running transactions (JF, RM), pp. 54–63.
ASE-2007-LauenrothP #automation #consistency #product line #requirements #specification #towards- Towards automated consistency checks of product line requirements specifications (KL, KP), pp. 373–376.
ICDAR-2007-NielsV #consistency #generative- Generating Copybooks from Consistent Handwriting Styles (RN, LV), pp. 1009–1013.
PODS-2007-BarakCDKMT #consistency #privacy- Privacy, accuracy, and consistency too: a holistic solution to contingency table release (BB, KC, CD, SK, FM, KT), pp. 273–282.
VLDB-2007-CongFGJM #consistency #quality- Improving Data Quality: Consistency and Accuracy (GC, WF, FG, XJ, SM), pp. 315–326.
ESOP-2007-AcarBD #consistency #self #semantics- A Consistent Semantics of Self-adjusting Computation (UAA, MB, JD), pp. 458–474.
FASE-2007-PadbergHEMBE #ad hoc #architecture #consistency #maintenance #mobile #network- Maintaining Consistency in Layered Architectures of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (JP, KH, HE, TM, EB, CE), pp. 383–397.
FASE-2007-RangerH #consistency #distributed #graph transformation- Ensuring Consistency Within Distributed Graph Transformation Systems (UR, TH), pp. 368–382.
TACAS-2007-ManoliosOV #consistency- Checking Pedigree Consistency with PCS (PM, MGO, SOV), pp. 339–342.
CSMR-2007-SubramaniamS- Consistently Incorporating Changes to Evolve Transition-based Systems (MS, HPS), pp. 17–26.
WCRE-2007-Krinke #case study #consistency- A Study of Consistent and Inconsistent Changes to Code Clones (JK), pp. 170–178.
PLDI-2007-BurckhardtAM #concurrent #consistency #data type #memory management #modelling #named- CheckFence: checking consistency of concurrent data types on relaxed memory models (SB, RA, MMKM), pp. 12–21.
ICALP-2007-AtseriasBD #on the #power of- On the Power of k -Consistency (AA, AAB, VD), pp. 279–290.
AGTIVE-2007-EngelsGSW #consistency #contract #modelling #process #using #visual notation #web #web service- Assuring Consistency of Business Process Models and Web Services Using Visual Contracts (GE, BG, CS, HW), pp. 17–31.
CHI-2007-HutchingsS #consistency #monitoring #multi- Consistency, multiple monitors, and multiple windows (DRH, JTS), pp. 211–214.
HCI-AS-2007-AlTaboliA #consistency #design #interface #performance #physics #web- Effect of Physical Consistency of Web Interface Design on Users’ Performance and Satisfaction (AA, MRAZ), pp. 849–858.
HCI-IDU-2007-ChenHLLWX #consistency #user interface- The Experimental Approaches of Assessing the Consistency of User Interface (YC, LH, LL, QL, YW, JX), pp. 420–427.
CAiSE-2007-DeckerW #behaviour #consistency #integration #process- Behavioral Consistency for B2B Process Integration (GD, MW), pp. 81–95.
EDOC-2007-Molina-JimenezSC #consistency #implementation #message passing #middleware #using- Implementing Business Conversations with Consistency Guarantees Using Message-Oriented Middleware (CMJ, SKS, NC), pp. 51–62.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-MoralesTA #behaviour #consistency #modelling #semantics #uml- Checking Behavioural Consistency of UML-RT Models through Trace-Based Semantics (LEMM, MICT, KBA), pp. 205–211.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-SomeN #case study #consistency #requirements #verification- Use Case Based Requirements Verification — Verifying the Consistency between Use Cases and Assertions (SSS, DKN), pp. 190–195.
ICML-2007-Werner #algorithm #consistency #question #what- What is decreased by the max-sum arc consistency algorithm? (TW), pp. 1007–1014.
ICML-2007-ZhangY #classification #consistency #constraints #on the- On the value of pairwise constraints in classification and consistency (JZ, RY), pp. 1111–1118.
KDD-2007-GaoESCX #consistency #data mining #mining #problem #set- The minimum consistent subset cover problem and its applications in data mining (BJG, ME, JyC, OS, HX), pp. 310–319.
MLDM-2007-ShidaraNK #classification #consistency #named- CCIC: Consistent Common Itemsets Classifier (YS, AN, MK), pp. 490–498.
SIGIR-2007-RuthvenABBNSY #consistency- Intra-assessor consistency in question answering (IR, LA, MB, RB, EN, SOS, MY), pp. 727–728.
RE-2007-SabetzadehNLEC #concept #consistency #model merging #modelling- Consistency Checking of Conceptual Models via Model Merging (MS, SN, SL, SME, MC), pp. 221–230.
SAC-2007-MonteiroBL #consistency #mobile- A mechanism for replicated data consistency in mobile computing environments (JMM, AB, SL), pp. 914–919.
SAC-2007-SawaiSKHN #ad hoc #consistency #network- Quorum-based consistency management among replicas in ad hoc networks with data update (YS, MS, AK, TH, SN), pp. 955–956.
ESEC-FSE-2007-PaytonJR #assessment #automation #consistency #query- Automatic consistency assessment for query results in dynamic environments (JP, CJ, GCR), pp. 245–254.
ICSE-2007-Egyed07a #consistency #modelling #named #uml- UML/Analyzer: A Tool for the Instant Consistency Checking of UML Models (AE), pp. 793–796.
HPDC-2007-LuLJ #adaptation #consistency #detection #framework #idea #named- IDEA: : an infrastructure for detection-based adaptive consistency control in replicated services (YL, YL, HJ), pp. 223–224.
ISSTA-2007-Koster #consistency #quality #using- Using portfolio theory for better and more consistent quality (KK), pp. 108–117.
MBT-2007-OuimetL #automation #consistency #satisfiability #specification #state machine #using #verification- Automated Verification of Completeness and Consistency of Abstract State Machine Specifications using a SAT Solver (MO, KL), pp. 85–97.
RTA-2007-DowekH #proving- A Simple Proof That Super-Consistency Implies Cut Elimination (GD, OH), pp. 93–106.
DAC-2006-BruceHNBRL #consistency #design #maintenance- Maintaining consistency between systemC and RTL system designs (ACB, MMKH, AN, SB, NR, CKL), pp. 85–89.
DAC-2006-GoffioulVDDC #consistency #design #object-oriented #using- Ensuring consistency during front-end design using an object-oriented interfacing tool called NETLISP (MG, GV, JVD, BD, BC), pp. 889–892.
DRR-2006-AndraZ #classification #consistency #nearest neighbour- Style consistent nearest neighbor classifier (SA, XZ).
SIGMOD-2006-MarklKTHM #consistency #estimation #named- MAXENT: consistent cardinality estimation in action (VM, MK, TMT, PJH, NM), pp. 775–777.
VLDB-2006-HuangNL #consistency #data flow #database #distributed #named #towards- TRAC: Toward Recency and Consistency Reporting in a Database with Distributed Data Sources (JH, JFN, ML), pp. 223–234.
SCAM-2006-LawrieFB #consistency #identifier- Syntactic Identifier Conciseness and Consistency (DL, HF, DB), pp. 139–148.
CHI-2006-NicholsMR #automation #consistency #generative #named #user interface- UNIFORM: automatically generating consistent remote control user interfaces (JN, BAM, BR), pp. 611–620.
CSCW-2006-OsterUMI #collaboration #consistency #editing- Data consistency for P2P collaborative editing (GO, PU, PM, AI), pp. 259–268.
EDOC-2006-NikolaidouATDA #consistency #enterprise #framework #information management- A Consistent Framework for Enterprise Information System Engineering (MN, NA, AT, AD, DA), pp. 492–496.
ICML-2006-GeJ #approximate #consistency #multi- A note on mixtures of experts for multiclass responses: approximation rate and Consistent Bayesian Inference (YG, WJ), pp. 329–335.
ICPR-v1-2006-Sun #approach #constraints #estimation- A Three-Frame Approach to Constraint-Consistent Motion Estimation (ZS), pp. 35–38.
ICPR-v3-2006-RendekW #consistency #set #using- Extraction of Consistent Subsets of Descriptors using Choquet Integral (JR, LW), pp. 208–211.
SEKE-2006-GregoireZ #automation #consistency #framework #knowledge base- A Framework for Fusing Consistent Knowledge Bases Automatically (ÉG, DZ), pp. 426–431.
SEKE-2006-PauliX #case study #composition #consistency- Ensuring Consistent Use/Misuse Case Decomposition for Secure Systems (JJP, DX), pp. 392–397.
SEKE-2006-ShanZ #consistency #constraints #modelling #specification- Specifying Consistency Constraints for Modelling Languages (LS, HZ), pp. 578–583.
ECMDA-FA-2006-FombelleBRG #consistency- Finding a Path to Model Consistency (GdF, XB, LR, MPG), pp. 101–112.
ECMDA-FA-2006-OKeefe #consistency #logic #semantics #uml- Dynamic Logic Semantics for UML Consistency (GO), pp. 113–127.
SAC-2006-AsplundN #consistency #maintenance #protocol- Post-partition reconciliation protocols for maintaining consistency (MA, SNT), pp. 710–717.
SAC-2006-EliasEC #consistency #multi- Dynamic consistency checking for temporal and spatial relations in multimedia presentations (SE, KSE, RC), pp. 1380–1384.
SAC-2006-LallouetL #consistency #constraints #satisfiability- From satisfiability to consistency through certificates: application to partially defined constraints (AL, AL), pp. 415–416.
SAC-2006-MalgouyresM #approach #consistency #formal method #metamodelling #uml #verification- A UML model consistency verification approach based on meta-modeling formalization (HM, GM), pp. 1804–1809.
SAC-2006-ZytnickiGS #consistency #csp- A new local consistency for weighted CSP dedicated to long domains (MZ, CG, TS), pp. 394–398.
ICSE-2006-Egyed #consistency #uml- Instant consistency checking for the UML (AE), pp. 381–390.
ICSE-2006-XuCC #consistency #incremental #pervasive- Incremental consistency checking for pervasive context (CX, SCC, WKC), pp. 292–301.
HPCA-2006-ManovitH #consistency #memory management #verification- Completely verifying memory consistency of test program executions (CM, SH), pp. 166–175.
CAV-2006-RoyZFH #consistency #memory management #performance #polynomial #verification- Fast and Generalized Polynomial Time Memory Consistency Verification (AR, SZ, CJF, JCH), pp. 503–516.
IJCAR-2006-Walukiewicz-ChrzaszczC #calculus #consistency- Consistency and Completeness of Rewriting in the Calculus of Constructions (DWC, JC), pp. 619–631.
ISSTA-2006-CentonzeNFP #consistency #data access #validation- Role-Based access control consistency validation (PC, GN, SJF, MP), pp. 121–132.
ISSTA-2006-DemskyEGMPR #consistency #data type #specification- Inference and enforcement of data structure consistency specifications (BD, MDE, PJG, SM, JHP, MCR), pp. 233–244.
WICSA-2005-MuskensBC #consistency- Generalizing Consistency Checking between Software Views (JM, RJB, MRVC), pp. 169–180.
ASE-2005-SimmondsB #automation #consistency #uml- A tool for automatic UML model consistency checking (JS, MCB), pp. 431–432.
PODS-2005-ArenasL #consistency #query #xml- XML data exchange: consistency and query answering (MA, LL), pp. 13–24.
VLDB-2005-GreenfieldKNF #consistency #web #web service- Consistency for Web Services Applications (PG, DK, SN, AF), pp. 1199–1203.
VLDB-2005-GuoLR #consistency- Caching with “Good Enough” Currency, Consistency, and Completeness (HG, PÅL, RR), pp. 457–468.
VLDB-2005-MarklMKTHS- Consistently Estimating the Selectivity of Conjuncts of Predicates (VM, NM, MK, TMT, PJH, US), pp. 373–384.
IWPC-2005-DeisenbockP #consistency- Concise and Consistent Naming (FD, MP), pp. 97–106.
DLT-2005-BatuS #approximate #consistency #parsing #string- Locally Consistent Parsing and Applications to Approximate String Comparisons (TB, SCS), pp. 22–35.
IFM-2005-LamP #consistency #diagrams #sequence chart #statechart #using #π-calculus- Consistency Checking of Sequence Diagrams and Statechart Diagrams Using the π-Calculus (VSWL, JAP), pp. 347–365.
IFM-2005-OssamiJS #consistency #multi #specification #uml- Consistency in UML and B Multi-view Specifications (DDOO, JPJ, JS), pp. 386–405.
SEFM-2005-ScheffczykBBS #consistency #industrial #requirements #specification- Pragmatic Consistency Management in Industrial Requirements Specifications (JS, UMB, AB, JS), pp. 272–281.
CAiSE-2005-PetrovJH #consistency #metadata #on the #repository- On the Notion of Consistency in Metadata Repository Systems (IP, SJ, MH), pp. 90–104.
CIKM-2005-GrecoS #complexity #consistency #integration #on the #peer-to-peer #query- On the complexity of computing peer agreements for consistent query answering in peer-to-peer data integration systems (GG, FS), pp. 36–43.
CIKM-2005-GriecoLRR #algorithm #consistency #dependence #query- Consistent query answering under key and exclusion dependencies: algorithms and experiments (LG, DL, RR, MR), pp. 792–799.
KDD-2005-GaoLZCM #clustering #consistency #graph #higher-order #semistructured data- Consistent bipartite graph co-partitioning for star-structured high-order heterogeneous data co-clustering (BG, TYL, XZ, QC, WYM), pp. 41–50.
SEKE-2005-KrishnaGV #concept #consistency #modelling #specification- Loosely-coupled Consistency between Agent-oriented Conceptual Models and Z Specifications (AK, AKG, SAV), pp. 455–460.
ECOOP-2005-LamP #consistency #diagrams #statechart- Consistency Checking of Statechart Diagrams of a Class Hierarchy (VSWL, JAP), pp. 412–427.
POPL-2005-FieldV #consistency #distributed #maintenance #named #programming- Transactors: a programming model for maintaining globally consistent distributed state in unreliable environments (JF, CAV), pp. 195–208.
SAC-2005-BaresiCM #adaptation #case study #consistency #experience #modelling- First experiences on constraining consistency and adaptivity of W2000 models (LB, SC, LM), pp. 1674–1678.
SAC-2005-ChabertTN #consistency #constraints #problem- Box-set consistency for interval-based constraint problems (GC, GT, BN), pp. 1439–1443.
CC-2005-LamKR #consistency #data type #named #verification- Hob: A Tool for Verifying Data Structure Consistency (PL, VK, MCR), pp. 237–241.
CGO-2005-BrueningA #bound #capacity #consistency #maintenance- Maintaining Consistency and Bounding Capacity of Software Code Caches (DB, SPA), pp. 74–85.
PPoPP-2005-SuraFWMLP #compilation #consistency #java #performance #source code- Compiler techniques for high performance sequentially consistent java programs (ZS, XF, CLW, SPM, JL, DAP), pp. 2–13.
CADE-2005-Dowek #consistency #question #what- What Do We Know When We Know That a Theory Is Consistent? (GD), pp. 1–6.
CSL-2005-ChenD #algorithm #consistency #constraints #game studies #quantifier- From Pebble Games to Tractability: An Ambidextrous Consistency Algorithm for Quantified Constraint Satisfaction (HC, VD), pp. 232–247.
VMCAI-2005-LamKR #consistency #data type #type system- Generalized Typestate Checking for Data Structure Consistency (PL, VK, MCR), pp. 430–447.
ASE-2004-RauschmayerKW #consistency #framework #generative #scalability- Consistency Checking in an Infrastructure for Large-Scale Generative (AR, AK, MW), pp. 238–247.
DAC-2004-BraunNSCHSLM #approach #consistency #design #flexibility #novel- A novel approach for flexible and consistent ADL-driven ASIP design (GB, AN, WS, JC, MH, HS, RL, HM), pp. 717–722.
PODS-2004-ArenasBLF #consistency #query- Locally Consistent Transformations and Query Answering in Data Exchange (MA, PB, RF, LL), pp. 229–240.
SIGMOD-2004-GuoLRG #consistency #how #sql- Relaxed Currency and Consistency: How to Say “Good Enough” in SQL (HG, PÅL, RR, JG), pp. 815–826.
SIGMOD-2004-GuoRLG #consistency #constraints- Support for Relaxed Currency and Consistency Constraints in MTCache (HG, PÅL, RR, JG), pp. 937–938.
VLDB-2004-ZhuR #consistency #data flow #probability #scalability- Stochastic Consistency, and Scalable Pull-Based Caching for Erratic Data Sources (SZ, CVR), pp. 192–203.
FASE-2004-Egyed #adaptation #consistency #diagrams #evolution #refinement- Consistent Adaptation and Evolution of Class Diagrams during Refinement (AE), pp. 37–53.
WCRE-2004-ThiranHHB #consistency #database #legacy- Updating Legacy Databases through Wrappers: Data Consistency Management (PT, GJH, JLH, DB), pp. 58–67.
ICALP-2004-DvorakKP #consistency #constraints #problem- Locally Consistent Constraint Satisfaction Problems: (Extended Abstract) (ZD, DK, OP), pp. 469–480.
ICALP-2004-OstrovskyRS #commit #consistency #database #performance #proving #query- Efficient Consistency Proofs for Generalized Queries on a Committed Database (RO, CR, AS), pp. 1041–1053.
CSCW-2004-YangL #adaptation #collaboration #consistency #protocol- Separating data and control: support for adaptable consistency protocols in collaborative systems (YY, DL), pp. 11–20.
EDOC-2004-SvenssonVW #approach #architecture #consistency- Data Consistency in a Heterogeneous IT Landscape: A Service Oriented Architecture Approach (ES, CV, TW), pp. 3–8.
ICEIS-v1-2004-FerrandinC #consistency #database #integration #power of #semistructured data #using #xml- Referencial Integrity Model for XML Data Integrated from Heterogeneous Databases Systems — Using the Power of XML for Consistent Data Integration (MF, MSdC), pp. 15–20.
CIKM-2004-ChomickiMS #consistency #query #using- Computing consistent query answers using conflict hypergraphs (JC, JM, SS), pp. 417–426.
CIKM-2004-PiwowarskiL #consistency #evaluation #retrieval #xml- Providing consistent and exhaustive relevance assessments for XML retrieval evaluation (BP, ML), pp. 361–370.
ICPR-v2-2004-HanheideBS #consistency #memory management #validation- Memory Consistency Validation in a Cognitive Vision System (MH, CB, GS), pp. 459–462.
ICPR-v2-2004-Wohler #3d #re-engineering #self- 3D Surface Reconstruction by Self-Consistent Fusion of Shading and Shadow Features (CW), pp. 204–207.
ICPR-v3-2004-TaxM #classification- A Consistency-Based Model Selection for One-Class Classification (DMJT, KRM), pp. 363–366.
ICPR-v4-2004-ArnabatCM #3d #consistency #modelling #multi #sequence #using- 3D Modeling from Turntable Sequences Using Dense Stereo Carving and Multi-View Consistency (JA, SC, GGM), pp. 36–39.
SEKE-2004-XueOZ #collaboration #consistency #editing #framework #maintenance- An Analytical Framework for Consistency Maintenance Mechanisms in Collaborative Editing Systems (LX, MAO, KZ), pp. 51–56.
UML-2004-StraetenJM #behaviour #consistency #inheritance #refactoring- Supporting Model Refactorings Through Behaviour Inheritance Consistencies (RVDS, VJ, TM), pp. 305–319.
SAC-2004-DingH #clustering #consistency #information management #nearest neighbour #optimisation- K-nearest-neighbor consistency in data clustering: incorporating local information into global optimization (CHQD, XH), pp. 584–589.
ASPLOS-2004-HammondCWHCKO #consistency #programming #transaction- Programming with transactional coherence and consistency (TCC) (LH, BDC, VW, BH, MKC, CK, KO), pp. 1–13.
HPDC-2004-WuB #clustering #consistency #performance- Achieving Performance Consistency in Heterogeneous Clusters (CW, RCB), pp. 140–149.
CAV-2004-BinghamCHQZ #automation #bound #consistency #verification- Automatic Verification of Sequential Consistency for Unbounded Addresses and Data Values (JDB, AC, AJH, SQ, ZZ), pp. 427–439.
ICLP-2004-RuedaV #deduction- Non-viability Deductions in Arc-Consistency Computation (CR, FDV), pp. 343–355.
ICLP-2004-YouH #lookahead- Arc-Consistency + Unit Propagation = Lookahead (JHY, GH), pp. 314–328.
DAC-2003-ClarkeKY #behaviour #bound #c #consistency #model checking #source code #using- Behavioral consistency of C and verilog programs using bounded model checking (EMC, DK, KY), pp. 368–371.
DocEng-2003-ScheffczykBRS #consistency #documentation #formal method #repository #type safety- Consistent document engineering: formalizing type-safe consistency rules for heterogeneous repositories (JS, UMB, PR, LS), pp. 140–149.
ICDAR-2003-SutantoLP #analysis #consistency #documentation- Study of the Consistency of Some Discriminatory Features Used by Document Examiners in the Analysis of Handwritten Letter “a” (PJS, GL, VP), pp. 1091–1095.
STOC-2003-KleinbergL #consistency- Consistent load balancing via spread minimization (RDK, FTL), pp. 565–574.
SEFM-2003-LitvakTY #behaviour #consistency #diagrams #uml #validation- Behavioral Consistency Validation of UML Diagrams (BL, SST, AY), pp. 118–125.
CAiSE-2003-HallerS #consistency #execution #information management #peer-to-peer #process- Consistent Process Execution in Peer-to-Peer Information Systems (KH, HS), pp. 289–307.
ICEIS-v1-2003-AraqueS #consistency #maintenance- Data Warehouse Refreshment Maintaining Temporal Consistency (FA, JS), pp. 252–259.
UML-2003-AlghathbarW #case study #consistency #data access #policy- Consistent and Complete Access Control Policies in Use Cases (KA, DW), pp. 373–387.
UML-2003-EngelsHK #consistency #development #uml- The Consistency Workbench: A Tool for Consistency Management in UML-Based Development (GE, RH, JMK), pp. 356–359.
UML-2003-GorpSMD #automation #refactoring #towards #uml- Towards Automating Source-Consistent UML Refactorings (PVG, HS, TM, SD), pp. 144–158.
UML-2003-NytunJ #consistency #legacy #modelling #requirements #testing- Modeling and Testing Legacy Data Consistency Requirements (JPN, CSJ), pp. 341–355.
UML-2003-StraetenMSJ #consistency #logic #maintenance #modelling #uml #using- Using Description Logic to Maintain Consistency between UML Models (RVDS, TM, JS, VJ), pp. 326–340.
POPL-2003-BaconCR #consistency #garbage collection #realtime- A real-time garbage collector with low overhead and consistent utilization (DFB, PC, VTR), pp. 285–298.
REFSQ-J-2002-ZowghiG03 #consistency #correctness #evolution #on the #requirements- On the interplay between consistency, completeness, and correctness in requirements evolution (DZ, VG), pp. 993–1009.
ESEC-FSE-2003-SyD #consistency #generative #interprocedural #testing- Consistency techniques for interprocedural test data generation (NTS, YD), pp. 108–117.
ICSE-2003-NentwichEF #consistency- Consistency Management with Repair Actions (CN, WE, AF), pp. 455–464.
CAV-2003-Abu-HaimedBD #consistency #invariant #testing- Strengthening Invariants by Symbolic Consistency Testing (HAH, SB, DLD), pp. 407–419.
SAT-2003-BessiereHW #consistency #satisfiability- Local Consistencies in SAT (CB, EH, TW), pp. 299–314.
PODS-2002-ArenasFL #consistency #on the #specification #verification #xml- On Verifying Consistency of XML Specifications (MA, WF, LL), pp. 259–270.
SIGMOD-2002-BhattacharyaMBNHS #consistency #coordination #database #file system- Coordinating backup/recovery and data consistency between database and file systems (SB, CM, KB, IN, HIH, MS), pp. 500–511.
VLDB-2002-HerlekarDRGS #consistency #flexibility #maintenance #named- enTrans: A System for Flexible Consistency Maintenance in Directory Applications (AH, AD, KR, SG, SS), pp. 1095–1098.
ICSM-2002-TruyenJV #consistency- Consistency Management in the Presence of Simultaneous Client-Specific Views (ET, WJ, PV), pp. 501–510.
FLOPS-2002-Meer #algebra #consistency #constraints #on the #source code- On Consistency and Width Notions for Constraint Programs with Algebraic Constraints (KM), pp. 88–102.
EDOC-2002-KoehlerTK #consistency #implementation #process #verification- From Business Process Model to Consistent Implementation: A Case for Formal Verification Methods (JK, GT, SK), p. 96–?.
ICEIS-2002-Kadri-DahmaniO #consistency #database #how #maintenance #question- Updating Data in GIS: How to Maintain Database Consistency? (HKD, AO), pp. 587–593.
ICEIS-2002-SteinauDRI #consistency- A Tool for Assessing the Consistency of Websites (SS, OD, JJR, FI), pp. 691–698.
ICML-2002-Zhang #behaviour #consistency #statistics- Statistical Behavior and Consistency of Support Vector Machines, Boosting, and Beyond (TZ0), pp. 690–700.
ICPR-v1-2002-Worthington #consistency #detection #using- Enhanced Canny Edge Detection Using Curvature Consistency (PLW), pp. 596–599.
ICPR-v3-2002-FerriMV #adaptation #comparison #prototype- An Experimental Comparison between Consistency-Based and Adaptive Prototype Replacement Schemes (FJF, RAM, EV), pp. 41–44.
ICPR-v3-2002-LiS #clustering #consistency #recognition- Consistent Line Clusters for Building Recognition in CBIR (YL, LGS), pp. 952–956.
ICPR-v4-2002-StevensCM #consistency- A Histogram-Based Color Consistency Test for Voxel Coloring (MRS, WBC, TM), pp. 118–121.
KR-2002-DomshlakB #consistency #named #reasoning #testing- CP-nets: Reasoning and Consistency Testing (CD, RIB), pp. 121–132.
SEKE-2002-Albalooshi #automation #consistency #database #representation- A database representation that improves automation and maintains consistency in a mulitple view environment (FA), pp. 281–288.
UML-2002-EngelsHKG #evolution- Consistency-Preserving Model Evolution through Transformations (GE, RH, JMK, LG), pp. 212–226.
OOPSLA-2002-BjornssonS #collaboration #named- BuddyCache: high-performance object storage for collaborative strong-consistency applications in a WAN (MEB, LS), pp. 26–39.
RE-2002-KozlenkovZ #consistency #design #question #requirements #specification- Are their Design Specifications Consistent with our Requirements? (AK, AZ), pp. 145–156.
LCTES-SCOPES-2002-JhumkaHCS #consistency #design #embedded #execution #on the- On systematic design of globally consistent executable assertions in embedded software (AJ, MH, VC, NS), pp. 75–84.
CAV-2002-ChatterjeeSG #consistency #memory management #model checking #modelling #protocol #refinement #verification- Shared Memory Consistency Protocol Verification Against Weak Memory Models: Refinement via Model-Checking (PC, HS, GG), pp. 123–136.
ASE-2001-Egyed #approach #consistency #scalability- Scalable Consistency Checking Between Diagrams-The ViewIntegra Approach (AE), pp. 387–390.
ASE-2001-InverardiMP #architecture #automation #consistency #modelling #using- Automated Check of Architectural Models Consistency Using SPIN (PI, HM, PP), pp. 346–349.
ASE-2001-NentwichEF #consistency #distributed #specification- Static Consistency Checking for Distributed Specifications (CN, WE, AF), p. 115–?.
ASE-2001-ZismanK #approach #consistency #knowledge base #specification #uml- Knowledge Base Approach to Consistency Management of UML Specification (AZ, AK), pp. 359–363.
DocEng-2001-SampaioLC #consistency #documentation #ide- An integrated environment for the presentation of consistent SMIL 2.0 documents (PNMS, CL, JPC), pp. 115–124.
ICDAR-2001-SarkarN- Style-Consistency in Isogenous Patterns (PS, GN), pp. 1169–1175.
FASE-2001-NieseSMHBI #consistency #design #industrial #testing- Library-Based Design and Consistency Checking of System-Level Industrial Test Cases (ON, BS, TMS, AH, GB, HDI), pp. 233–248.
ICALP-2001-CohenHK #aspect-oriented #consistency #distributed #performance #using- Performance Aspects of Distributed Caches Using TTL-Based Consistency (EC, EH, HK), pp. 744–756.
CAiSE-2001-ZismanA #consistency #documentation #xml- Consistency Management of Financial XML Documents (AZ, AA), pp. 219–233.
ICEIS-v2-2001-ShinkawaM #consistency #enterprise #information management- An Information System View of Consistency and Integrity in Enterprise Operations (YS, MJM), pp. 709–716.
SIGIR-2001-AslamM01a #consistency- Metasearch Consistency (JAA, MHM), pp. 386–387.
SIGIR-2001-LongL #consistency #image #performance #retrieval- Perceptual Consistency Improves Image Retrieval Performance (HL, WKL), pp. 434–435.
UML-2001-EngelsHK #behaviour #consistency #metamodelling #rule-based #specification #uml- Rule-Based Specification of Behavioral Consistency Based on the UML Meta-model (GE, RH, JMK), pp. 272–286.
TOOLS-USA-2001-Al-KhudairGM #collaboration #consistency #database #evolution #object-oriented- Dynamic Evolution and Consistency of Collaborative Configurations in Object-Oriented Databases (AAK, WAG, JCM), pp. 207–218.
RE-2001-SavolainenK #consistency #product line #requirements- Consistency Management of Product Line Requirements (JS, JK), pp. 40–47.
SAC-2001-Shimoura #communication #design #performance #self #simulation- Self-consistent simulation studying environment for the design of high-speed optical communication lines (KS), pp. 73–76.
ESEC-FSE-2001-EngelsKHG #behaviour #consistency #modelling #object-oriented #specification- A methodology for specifying and analyzing consistency of object-oriented behavioral models (GE, JMK, RH, LG), pp. 186–195.
ICSE-2001-RomanHH #ad hoc #consistency #network- Consistent Group Membership in Ad Hoc Networks (GCR, QH, AH), pp. 381–388.
ICSE-2001-Smolko #architecture #consistency #design #distributed #evaluation #mobile- Design and Evaluation of the Mobile Agent Architecture for Distributed Consistency Management (DS), pp. 799–800.
HPDC-2001-DullmannHJSSSS #consistency #grid #modelling- Models for Replica Synchronisation and Consistency in a Data Grid (DD, WH, FJJM, BS, HS, KS, AS), pp. 67–75.
CAV-2001-Arons #consistency #using #verification- Using Timestamping and History Variables to Verify Sequential Consistency (TA), pp. 423–435.
ASE-2000-Schewe #automation #consistency- Controlled Automation of Consistency Enforcement (KDS), pp. 265–268.
VLDB-2000-KemmeA #consistency #database #lazy evaluation #replication- Don’t Be Lazy, Be Consistent: Postgres-R, A New Way to Implement Database Replication (BK, GA), pp. 134–143.
TACAS-2000-BraunLSS #consistency #formal method #integration- Consistent Integration of Formal Methods (PB, HL, BS, OS), pp. 48–62.
STOC-2000-FitziM #consistency- From partial consistency to global broadcast (MF, UMM), pp. 494–503.
WLC-2000-KoshibaH #consistency- A Note on Finding One-Variable Patterns Consistent with Examples and Counterexamples (TK, KH), pp. 253–265.
CHI-2000-TaylorR #communication #consistency #semantics #using- Gaze communication using semantically consistent spaces (MJT, SMR), pp. 400–407.
CSCW-2000-Mauve #consistency #interactive- Consistency in replicated continuous interactive media (MM), pp. 181–190.
UML-2000-BottoniKPT #consistency #constraints #ocl #visualisation- Consistency Checking and Visualization of OCL Constraints (PB, MK, FPP, GT), pp. 294–308.
UML-2000-PetriuS #behaviour #consistency #diagrams #process #representation #sequence chart- Consistent Behaviour Representation in Activity and Sequence Diagrams (DCP, YS), pp. 369–382.
PADL-2000-BistarelliCGR #consistency #constraints #programming- Labeling and Partial Local Consistency for Soft Constraint Programming (SB, PC, YG, FR), pp. 230–248.
ICRE-2000-Glinz #approach #consistency #lightweight #modelling- A Lightweight Approach to Consistency of Scenarios and Class Models (MG), p. 49–?.
SAC-2000-YeoYP #consistency #distributed #memory management #protocol- An Asynchronous Protocol for Release Consistent Distributed Shared Memory Systems (JHY, HYY, TP), pp. 716–721.
OSDI-2000-YuV #consistency #design #evaluation- Design and Evaluation of a Continuous Consistency Model for Replicated Services (HY, AV), pp. 305–318.
CL-2000-Gennari #algorithm #consistency- Arc Consistency Algorithms via Iterations of Subsumed Functions (RG), pp. 358–372.
DAC-1999-VelevB #pipes and filters #similarity #verification- Exploiting Positive Equality and Partial Non-Consistency in the Formal Verification of Pipelined Microprocessors (MNV, REB), pp. 397–401.
PODS-1999-ArenasBC #consistency #database #query- Consistent Query Answers in Inconsistent Databases (MA, LEB, JC), pp. 68–79.
VLDB-1999-PacittMS #algorithm #consistency #database #lazy evaluation #maintenance #performance- Fast Algorithms for Maintaining Replica Consistency in Lazy Master Replicated Databases (EP, PM, ES), pp. 126–137.
FM-v1-1999-Liu #consistency #specification #testing #verification- Verifying Consistency and Validity of Formal Specifications by Testing (SL), pp. 896–914.
AGTIVE-1999-Gruner #approach #consistency #distributed #graph grammar #modelling- A Combined Graph Schema and Graph Grammar Approach to Consistency in Distributed Data Modeling (SG), pp. 247–254.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-Mikhajlova99a #component #consistency #invariant- Consistent Extension of Components in the Presence of Explicit Invariants (AM), pp. 76–85.
LOPSTR-1999-DucasseR #consistency #formal method #proving- Proof Obligations of the B Formal Method: Local Proofs Ensure Global Consistency (MD, LR), pp. 10–29.
SAC-1999-DumitrescuL #coordination #matrix #performance #reliability- Reliable and Efficient Matrix Processing with the Specification-Consistent Coordination Model (RAD, EFAL), pp. 191–193.
ESEC-FSE-1999-FradetMP #architecture #consistency #multi- Consistency Checking for Multiple View Software Architectures (PF, DLM, MP), pp. 410–428.
HPCA-1999-CoxLHZ #comparison #consistency #lazy evaluation #memory management #performance #protocol- A Performance Comparison of Homeless and Home-Based Lazy Release Consistency Protocols in Software Shared Memory (ALC, EdL, YCH, WZ), pp. 279–283.
CAV-1999-HenzingerQR99a #consistency #multi #verification- Verifying Sequential Consistency on Shared-Memory Multiprocessor Systems (TAH, SQ, SKR), pp. 301–315.
CSL-1999-Balcazar #consistency #learning #query- The Consistency Dimension, Compactness, and Query Learning (JLB), pp. 2–13.
ICLP-1999-BenhamouGGP #consistency- Revising Hull and Box Consistency (FB, FG, LG, JFP), pp. 230–244.
TLCA-1999-Statman #consistency #equation #theorem- Consequences of Jacopini’s Theorem: Consistent Equalities and Equations (RS), pp. 355–364.
SIGMOD-1998-AndersonBKW #consistency #question #replication- Replication, Consistency, and Practicality: Are These Mutually Exclusive? (TAA, YB, HFK, AW), pp. 484–495.
VLDB-1998-OzsuVU #algorithm #consistency- An Asynchronous Avoidance-Based Cache Consistency Algorithm for Client Caching DBMSs (MTÖ, KV, RCU), pp. 440–451.
ICPR-1998-Claridge #algorithm #bound #consistency #locality #visual notation- A boundary localisation algorithm consistent with human visual perception (EC), pp. 300–304.
SAC-1998-LedererD #coordination- Specification-consistent coordination model for computations (EFAL, RAD), pp. 122–129.
ICSE-1998-TarrC #consistency- Consistency Management for Complex Applications (PLT, LAC), pp. 230–239.
JICSLP-1998-CollavizzaDR #consistency- Relationships between Partial Consistencies over Continuous Domains (HC, FD, MR), pp. 345–346.
RTA-1998-Comon #consistency #proving- About Proofs by Consistency (Abstract) (HC), pp. 136–137.
PODS-1997-BreitbartK #consistency #lazy evaluation #replication- Replication and Consistency: Being Lazy Helps Sometimes (YB, HFK), pp. 173–184.
SIGMOD-1997-ZaharioudakisC #concurrent #consistency #database- Highly Concurrent Cache Consistency for Indices in Client-Server Database Systems (MZ, MJC), pp. 50–61.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-Preston #consistency #evaluation #performance #rating #reliability- Evaluation software: improving consistency and reliability of performance rating (JAP), pp. 132–134.
STOC-1997-KargerLLPLL #consistency #distributed #protocol #random #web- Consistent Hashing and Random Trees: Distributed Caching Protocols for Relieving Hot Spots on the World Wide Web (DRK, EL, FTL, RP, MSL, DL), pp. 654–663.
FME-1997-BoitenBDS #case study #consistency- Viewpoint Consistency in Z and LOTOS: A Case Study (EAB, HB, JD, MS), pp. 644–664.
FME-1997-HuberSE #consistency #distributed #specification #visual notation- Consistent Graphical Specification of Distributed Systems (FH, BS, GE), pp. 122–141.
HCI-SEC-1997-Olson #consistency #formal method- Seven Rules in a Theory of Consistency (AMO), pp. 715–718.
AdaEurope-1997-CelierST #ada #consistency- Code-Data Consistency in Ada (VC, DMS, CJT), pp. 209–217.
CIKM-1997-AbdelmotyJ #consistency #database #maintenance #towards- Towards Maintaining Consistency of Spatial Databases (AIA, CBJ), pp. 293–300.
CIKM-1997-ChungLH #consistency #maintenance- A Contention Based Dynamic Consistency Maintenance Scheme for Client Cache (IC, JL, CSH), pp. 363–370.
CIKM-1997-KoczkodajHO #knowledge-based #using- Using Consistency-driven Pairwise Comparisons in Knowledge-based Systems (WWK, MWH, MO), pp. 91–96.
OOPSLA-1997-Mezini #consistency #evolution #library #maintenance- Maintaining the Consistency of Class Libraries During Their Evolution (MM), pp. 1–21.
PPoPP-1997-ZhouISLTSHW #consistency #evaluation #performance- Relaxed Consistency and Coherence Granularity in DSM Systems: A Performance Evaluation (YZ, LI, JPS, KL, BRT, IS, MDH, DAW), pp. 193–205.
SOSP-1997-PetersenSTTD #consistency #flexibility #replication- Flexible Update Propagation for Weakly Consistent Replication (KP, MS, DBT, MT, AJD), pp. 288–301.
SIGMOD-1996-MorpainCFP #consistency #database #dependence #maintenance #multi- Maintaining Database Consistency in Presence of Value Dependencies in Multidatabase Systems (CM, MC, JF, JFP), pp. 459–468.
VLDB-1996-Hammond #consistency #set #using- Using Referential Integrity To Easily Define Consistent Subset Replicas (BH), p. 591.
FME-1996-BoitenDBS #consistency #refinement #specification- Consistency and Refinement for Partial Specification in Z (EAB, JD, HB, MS), pp. 287–306.
FME-1996-SchatzHB #consistency #development #specification #visual notation- Graphical Development of Consistent System Specifications (BS, HH, MB), pp. 248–267.
CSCW-1996-Dourish #collaboration #consistency #semantics #tool support- Consistency Guarantees: Exploiting Application Semantics for Consistency Management in a Collaboration Toolkit (PD), pp. 268–277.
SEKE-1996-CutilloV #consistency #evolution- Managing a Software System and Keeping it Internally Consistent During its Evolution (FC, GV), pp. 230–237.
SAC-1996-Lenz #adaptation #consistency #data transformation #distributed- Adaptive distributed data management with weak consistent replicated data (RL), pp. 178–185.
SAC-1996-ZadroznyK #consistency #query #towards #user interface- FQUERY for Access: towards human consistent querying user interface (SZ, JK), pp. 532–536.
ICSE-1996-HeidenreichMK #approach #consistency #re-engineering- A New Approach to Consistency Control in Software Engineering (GH, MM, DK), pp. 289–297.
ASPLOS-1996-PaiRAH #consistency #evaluation #memory management #modelling- An Evaluation of Memory Consistency Models for Shared-Memory Systems with ILP Processors (VSP, PR, SVA, TH), pp. 12–23.
HPCA-1996-AdveCDRZ #comparison #consistency #implementation #lazy evaluation- A Comparison of Entry Consistency and Lazy Release Consistency Implementations (SVA, ALC, SD, RR, WZ), pp. 26–37.
HPCA-1996-IftodeDFL #automation #memory management #using- Improving Release-Consistent Shared Virtual Memory Using Automatic Update (LI, CD, EWF, KL), pp. 14–25.
ICML-1995-Lubinsky #classification #consistency #performance #using- Increasing the Performance and Consistency of Classification Trees by Using the Accuracy Criterion at the Leaves (DJL), pp. 371–377.
SIGIR-1995-Iivonen #consistency #difference- Searchers and Searchers: Differences between the Most and Least Consistent Searchers (MI), pp. 149–157.
OOPSLA-1995-KristensenL #consistency #memory management #problem- Problem-Oriented Object Memory: Customizing Consistency (AK, CL), pp. 399–413.
RE-1995-HeitmeyerLK #consistency #requirements #specification- Consistency checking of SCR-style requirements specifications (CLH, BGL, DLK), pp. 56–65.
ICSE-1995-HeimdahlL #analysis #consistency #requirements- Completeness and Consistency Analysis of State-Based Requirements (MPEH, NGL), pp. 3–14.
HPCA-1995-LlosaVA- Non-Consistent Dual Register Files to Reduce Register Pressure (JL, MV, EA), pp. 22–31.
VLDB-1994-AmielBDS #consistency #evolution #exception- Supporting Exceptions to Schema Consistency to Ease Schema Evolution in OODBMS (EA, MJB, ED, ES), pp. 108–119.
CHI-1994-OlsenH94a #automation #consistency #generative- Automatic generation of interactively consistent search dialogs (DRO, WH), pp. 218–224.
CHI-1994-RiemanLYP94a #architecture #consistency #interface #reasoning #why- Why is a raven like a writing desk?: lessons in interface consistency and analogical reasoning from two cognitive architectures (JR, CHL, RMY, PGP), pp. 438–444.
CAiSE-1994-SwedeV #consistency #development #empirical- Consistent Development: Results of a First Empirical Study on the Relation Between Project Scenario and Success (VvS, HvV), pp. 80–93.
KR-1994-BeekD #consistency #constraints- Constraint Tightness versus Global Consistency (PvB, RD), pp. 572–582.
SIGIR-1994-EllisFW #consistency #database #effectiveness #hypermedia #metric #on the #retrieval- On the Measurement of Inter-Linker Consistency and Retrieval Effectiveness in Hypertext Databases (DE, JFH, PW), pp. 51–60.
HPDC-1994-SrbljicVB #consistency #distributed #memory management #performance #predict- Performance Prediction for Different Consistency Schemes in Distributed Shared Memory Systems (SS, ZGV, LB), pp. 295–302.
CADE-1994-Lysne #consistency #on the #proving- On the Connection between Narrowing and Proof by Consistency (OL), pp. 133–147.
ILPS-1994-BondP #declarative #fault- Declarative Error Diagnosis as Consistency-Based Diagnosis (GWB, BP), p. 673.
FME-1993-RossL #consistency #maintenance #specification- Maintaining Consistency Under Changes to Formal Specifications (KJR, PAL), pp. 558–577.
CAiSE-1993-PonceletL #consistency #database #design- Consistent Structural Updates for Object Database Design (PP, LL), pp. 1–21.
SEKE-1993-StaryF #design #how #semantics #specification- How Semantical Design Languages Help to Preserve Specification/Design-Consistency (CS, RF), pp. 462–471.
CAV-1993-LincolnR #algorithm #consistency #fault #hybrid #interactive #verification- The Formal Verification of an Algorithm for Interactive Consistency under a Hybrid Fault Model (PL, JMR), pp. 292–304.
ICLP-1993-Ng #consistency #database #empirical #semantics- Semantics and Consistency of Empirical Databases (RTN), pp. 812–826.
SIGMOD-1992-Bamford #consistency #multi #performance #using- Using Multiversioning to Improve Performance Without Loss of Consistency (RB), p. 164.
CSCW-1992-NarayanaswamyG #consistency #development #lazy evaluation- “Lazy” Consistency: A Basis for Cooperative Software Development (KN, NMG), pp. 257–264.
CIKM-1992-MartinAD #approach #behaviour #consistency #database #object-oriented- Consistency Checking in Object Oriented Databases: a Behavioral Approach (HM, MEA, BD), pp. 53–68.
ML-1992-Carpineto #consistency #induction #performance- Trading Off Consistency and Efficiency in version-Space Induction (CC), pp. 43–48.
SIGIR-1992-Burkowski #database #process #retrieval- Retrieval Activities in a Database Consisting of Heterogeneous Collections of Structured Text (FJB), pp. 112–125.
ALP-1992-Lysne #algebra #consistency #proving #semantics- Proof by Consistency in Constructive Systems with Final Algebra Semantics (OL), pp. 276–290.
ASPLOS-1992-WheelerB #consistency- Consistency Management for Virtually Indexed Caches (BW, BNB), pp. 124–136.
PODS-1991-JohnsonR #bound #consistency #protocol #replication- A Tight Upper Bound on the Benefits of Replication and Consistency Control Protocols (DBJ, LR), pp. 75–81.
SIGMOD-1991-WangR #architecture #concurrent #consistency- Cache Consistency and Concurrency Control in a Client/Server DBMS Architecture (YW, LAR), pp. 367–376.
VDME-1991-1-DammBH #consistency #editing- The VDM-SL Editor and Consistency Checker (FMD, HB, BSH), pp. 693–694.
VDME-1991-1-DammHB #consistency #on the #type checking- On Type Checking in VDM and Related Consistency Issues (FMD, BSH, HB), pp. 45–62.
KR-1991-ProvanP- The Utility of Consistency-Based Diagnostic Techniques (GMP, DLP), pp. 461–472.
ML-1991-QianI #axiom #concept #consistency- The Consistent Concept Axiom (ZQ, KBI), pp. 437–441.
ML-1991-Schlimmer #consistency #database #induction #learning- Database Consistency via Inductive Learning (JCS), pp. 640–644.
ECOOP-1991-DelcourtZ #consistency #database #design #object-oriented- The Design of an Integrity Consistency Checker (ICC) for an Object-Oriented Database System (CD, RZ), pp. 97–117.
ASPLOS-1991-GharachorlooGH #consistency #evaluation #memory management #modelling #multi #performance- Performance Evaluation of Memory Consistency Models for Shared Memory Multiprocessors (KG, AG, JLH), pp. 245–257.
ICLP-1991-BallanceG #consistency #incremental #interactive #maintenance- Incremental Consistency Maintenance for Interactive Applications (RAB, SLG), pp. 895–909.
TAV-1991-Sankar #algebra #consistency #runtime #specification- Run-Time Consistency Checking of Algebraic Specifications (SS), pp. 123–129.
VLDB-1990-CellaryJ #consistency #database #object-oriented- Consistency of Versions in Object-Oriented Databases (WC, GJ), pp. 432–441.
VLDB-1990-KorthSS #consistency #constraints #database #realtime- Triggered Real-Time Databases with Consistency Constraints (HFK, NS, AS), pp. 71–82.
VLDB-1990-WilkinsonN #consistency #maintenance- Maintaining Consistency of Client-Cached Data (WKW, MAN), pp. 122–133.
OOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-StraubeO #consistency #database #object-oriented #query- Type Consistency of Queries in an Object-Oriented Database System (DDS, MTÖ), pp. 224–233.
NACLP-1990-OhwadaM #approach #consistency #constraints #design #interface #logic programming #maintenance- A Constraint Logic Programming Approach for Maintaining Consistency in User-Interface Design (HO, FM), pp. 139–153.
STOC-1989-PittW #approximate #automaton #consistency #polynomial #problem- The Minimum Consistent DFA Problem Cannot Be Approximated within any Polynomial (LP, MKW), pp. 421–432.
CHI-1989-LewisHS #consistency- Generalization, consistency, and control (CHL, DCH, VS), pp. 1–5.
ML-1989-Rajamoney #approach #consistency #experience #problem- Exemplar-Based Theory Rejection: An Approach to the Experience Consistency Problem (SAR), pp. 284–289.
ASPLOS-1989-BlackRGHB #approach #consistency- Translation Lookaside Buffer Consistency: A Software Approach (DLB, RFR, DBG, CRH, RVB), pp. 113–122.
SOSP-1989-GrayC #consistency #distributed #fault tolerance #named #performance- Leases: An Efficient Fault-Tolerant Mechanism for Distributed File Cache Consistency (CGG, DRC), pp. 202–210.
SOSP-1989-Rosenburg #consistency #multi #scalability- Low-Synchronization Translation Lookaside Buffer Consistency in Large-Scale Shared-Memory Multiprocessors (BSR), pp. 137–146.
SOSP-1989-SrinivasanM #protocol- Spritely NFS: Experiments with Cache-Consistency Protocols (VS, JCM), pp. 45–57.
CADE-1988-Bezem #consistency #rule-based- Consistency of Rule-based Expert System (MB), pp. 151–161.
LICS-1988-Bachmair #consistency #equation #proving- Proof by Consistency in Equational Theories (LB), pp. 228–233.
LICS-1988-DeganoNM #concurrent #consistency #on the #semantics- On the Consistency of “Truly Concurrent” Operational and Denotational Semantics (Extended Abstract) (PD, RDN, UM), pp. 133–141.
LICS-1988-GunterJ #consistency- Coherence and Consistency in Domains (Extended Outline) (CAG, AJ), pp. 309–317.
VLDB-1987-NguyenR #consistency #database- Expert Database Support for Consistent Dynamic Objects (GTN, DR), pp. 493–500.
VLDB-1986-BryM #consistency #constraints #database #logic- Checking Consistency of Database Constraints: a Logical Basis (FB, RM), pp. 13–20.
VLDB-1985-Pu #consistency #database #incremental #on the fly- On-the-Fly, Incremental, Consistent Reading of Entire Databases (CP), pp. 369–375.
SOSP-1985-DavcevB #consistency- Consistency and Recovery Control for Replicated Files (DD, WAB), pp. 87–96.
PODS-1984-GrahamV #axiom #complexity #consistency #database #on the- On the Complexity and Axiomatizability of Consistent Database States (MHG, MYV), pp. 281–289.
DAC-1983-ChangA #consistency- Consistency checking for MOS/VLSI circuits (NSC, RA), pp. 732–733.
SIGMOD-1983-KuckS #consistency #design #network- Designing Globally Consistent Network Schemas (SMK, YS), pp. 185–195.
VLDB-1982-NeumannH #consistency #database #transaction- Consistency and Transactions in CAD Database (TN, CH), pp. 181–188.
ICSE-1982-RudmikCC #consistency #design #embedded- Consistency Checking within Embedded Design Languages (AR, BEC, HC), pp. 236–245.
DAC-1980-ChaoHY #approach #consistency #layout- A hierarchical approach for layout versus circuit consistency check (SPC, YSH, LMY), p. 269.
DAC-1980-ChaoHY80a #approach #consistency #layout- A hierarchical approach for layout versus circuit consistency check (SPC, YSH, LMY), pp. 270–276.
STOC-1980-DeMilloL #consistency #problem- The Consistency of “P = NP” and Related Problems with Fragments of Number Theory (RAD, RJL), pp. 45–57.
DAC-1979-Preiss #2d #3d #consistency #finite- A procedure for checking the topological consistency of a 2-D or 3-D finite element mesh (KP), pp. 200–206.
VLDB-1979-GardarinM #consistency #database #proving #transaction- Proving Consistency of Database Transactions (GG, MAM), pp. 291–298.
SIGMOD-1978-LienW #concurrent #consistency- Consistency, Concurrency and Crash Recovery (YEL, PJW), pp. 9–14.
POPL-1977-CherniavskyK #consistency #hoare #programming language #semantics- A Complete and Consistent Hoare Semantics for a Simple Programming Language (JCC, SNK), pp. 1–9.
SOSP-1977-Ellis #consistency #correctness #database- Consistency and Correctness of Duplicate Database Systems (CAE), pp. 67–84.
STOC-1976-Owicki #consistency #deduction #parallel #source code #verification- A Consistent and Complete Deductive System for the Verification of Parallel Programs (SSO), pp. 73–86.