Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Italy
2 × Germany
Collaborated with:
∅ P.C.Ölveczky J.Piris
Talks about:
order (3) consist (2) termin (2) system (2) proof (2) construct (1) connect (1) between (1) algebra (1) unsort (1)
Person: Olav Lysne
DBLP: Lysne:Olav
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ALP-1996-OlveszkyL #order #termination
- Order-Sorted Termination: The Unsorted Way (PCÖ, OL), pp. 92–106.
- RTA-1995-LysneP #higher-order #term rewriting #termination
- A Termination Ordering for Higher Order Rewrite System (OL, JP), pp. 26–40.
- CADE-1994-Lysne #consistency #on the #proving
- On the Connection between Narrowing and Proof by Consistency (OL), pp. 133–147.
- ALP-1992-Lysne #algebra #consistency #proving #semantics
- Proof by Consistency in Constructive Systems with Final Algebra Semantics (OL), pp. 276–290.