Travelled to:
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ P.S.Guilfoyle S.Yoo Y.K.Lee K.Yoon P.A.Mitkas J.M.Hessenbruch R.V.Stone C.Y.R.Chen A.Ghafoor T.D.C.Little
Talks about:
system (4) structur (3) manag (3) data (3) multimedia (2) document (2) base (2) optoelectron (1) processor (1) implement (1)
Person: P. Bruce Berra
DBLP: Berra:P=_Bruce
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- SEKE-1996-BerraYLY #documentation #retrieval
- Version Management in Structured Document Retrieval Systems (PBB, SJY, YKL, KY), pp. 537–544.
- SEKE-1996-GuilfoyleHSB #algorithm #implementation #knowledge base
- Implementation of Selected Data/Knowledge-Base Algorithms on a Digital Optoelectronic Processor (PSG, JMH, RVS, PBB), pp. 571–576.
- HPDC-1992-Berra #information management #multi #tutorial
- Tutorial II: Multimedia Information Systems (PBB), p. 283.
- HPDC-1992-BerraCGL #data transformation #distributed #multi #network
- Issues in Networking and Data Management of Distributed Multimedia Systems (PBB, CYRC, AG, TDCL), pp. 4–15.
- SIGIR-1989-MitkasBG
- An Optical System for Full Text Search (PAM, PBB, PSG), pp. 98–107.
- SIGFIDET-1974-Berra #database
- Associative Processing in Data Base Management (PBB), pp. 463–476.
- DL-1996-LeeYYB #documentation
- Index Structures for Structured Documents (YKL, SJY, KY, PBB), pp. 91–99.