Travelled to:
1 × Chile
1 × China
1 × France
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.Blanco C.Castillo F.Bonchi A.Gionis S.Vigna A.Marino R.A.Baeza-Yates M.Trevisiol L.M.Aiello T.Tassa L.Becchetti V.Lonati R.Radicioni M.Santini D.Donato
Talks about:
graph (5) rank (3) algorithm (2) queri (2) local (2) link (2) uncertainti (1) permutomino (1) function (1) triangl (1)
Person: Paolo Boldi
DBLP: Boldi:Paolo
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- SIGIR-2015-TrevisiolABB #problem #ranking
- Local Ranking Problem on the BrowseGraph (MT, LMA, PB, RB), pp. 173–182.
- GRAPHITE-2014-BlancoBM
- Entity-Linking via Graph-Distance Minimization (RB, PB, AM), pp. 30–43.
- SIGIR-2012-BlancoB #multi #query
- Extending BM25 with multiple query operators (RB, PB), pp. 921–930.
- VLDB-2012-BoldiBGT #graph #injection #nondeterminism #obfuscation
- Injecting Uncertainty in Graphs for Identity Obfuscation (PB, FB, AG, TT), pp. 1376–1387.
- CIKM-2009-BoldiBCV #network #social
- Voting in social networks (PB, FB, CC, SV), pp. 777–786.
- CIKM-2008-BoldiBCDGV #graph
- The query-flow graph: model and applications (PB, FB, CC, DD, AG, SV), pp. 609–618.
- KDD-2008-BecchettiBCG #algorithm #graph #performance
- Efficient semi-streaming algorithms for local triangle counting in massive graphs (LB, PB, CC, AG), pp. 16–24.
- LATA-2007-BoldiLRS
- The Number of Convex Permutominoes (PB, VL, RR, MS), pp. 151–162.
- SIGIR-2006-Baeza-YatesBC #algorithm #rank #ranking
- Generalizing PageRank: damping functions for link-based ranking algorithms (RABY, PB, CC), pp. 308–315.