Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Czech Republic
1 × Poland
1 × Sweden
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Italy
2 × Spain
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
V.Kuncak R.Piskac A.S.Köksal E.Kneuss M.Mayer S.Jacobs R.Steiger M.Dotta O.Tardieu R.Rabbah I.Kuraj T.Wies M.Vaziri M.Hirzel Ioana Baldini P.Cheng S.J.Fink N.Mitchell Vinod Muthusamy
Talks about:
synthesi (4) function (4) modulo (3) data (3) serverless (2) constraint (2) structur (2) procedur (2) calculus (2) satisfi (2)
Person: Philippe Suter
DBLP: Suter:Philippe
Contributed to:
Wrote 14 papers:
- ECOOP-2014-VaziriTRSH #spreadsheet
- Stream Processing with a Spreadsheet (MV, OT, RR, PS, MH), pp. 360–384.
- OOPSLA-2013-KneussKKS #recursion #synthesis
- Synthesis modulo recursive functions (EK, IK, VK, PS), pp. 407–426.
- VMCAI-2013-JacobsKS #reduction #synthesis
- Reductions for Synthesis Procedures (SJ, VK, PS), pp. 88–107.
- POPL-2012-KoksalKS #constraints
- Constraints as control (ASK, VK, PS), pp. 151–164.
- CADE-2011-KoksalKS #power of #programming #scala #smt
- Scala to the Power of Z3: Integrating SMT and Programming (ASK, VK, PS), pp. 400–406.
- SAS-2011-SuterKK #recursion #satisfiability #source code
- Satisfiability Modulo Recursive Programs (PS, ASK, VK), pp. 298–315.
- VMCAI-2011-SuterSK #constraints #modulo theories #satisfiability #set
- Sets with Cardinality Constraints in Satisfiability Modulo Theories (PS, RS, VK), pp. 403–418.
- CAV-2010-KuncakMPS #functional #named #synthesis
- Comfusy: A Tool for Complete Functional Synthesis (VK, MM, RP, PS), pp. 430–433.
- CSL-2010-KuncakPS #calculus #data type #order #set
- Ordered Sets in the Calculus of Data Structures (VK, RP, PS), pp. 34–48.
- FSE-2010-KneussSK #named #php
- Phantm: PHP analyzer for type mismatch (EK, PS, VK), pp. 373–374.
- PLDI-2010-KuncakMPS #functional #synthesis
- Complete functional synthesis (VK, MM, RP, PS), pp. 316–329.
- POPL-2010-SuterDK #abstraction #algebra #data type
- Decision procedures for algebraic data types with abstractions (PS, MD, VK), pp. 199–210.
- VMCAI-2010-KuncakPSW #calculus #data type
- Building a Calculus of Data Structures (VK, RP, PS, TW), pp. 26–44.
- Onward-2017-BaldiniCFMMRST #composition
- The serverless trilemma: function composition for serverless computing (IB, PC, SJF, NM, VM, RR, PS, OT), pp. 89–103.