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Travelled to:
1 × Poland
2 × Italy
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
V.Kuncak P.Suter J.Fisher N.Piterman R.Bodík S.Woodhouse G.Arnold J.Hölzl M.Sagiv Y.Pu S.Srivastava
Talks about:
program (2) gene (2) regulatori (1) constraint (1) synthesis (1) synthesi (1) specifi (1) satisfi (1) network (1) express (1)

Person: Ali Sinan Köksal

DBLP DBLP: K=ouml=ksal:Ali_Sinan

Contributed to:

CAV 20152015
POPL 20132013
POPL 20122012
CADE 20112011
SAS 20112011
ICFP 20102010

Wrote 6 papers:

CAV-2015-FisherKPW #execution #network
Synthesising Executable Gene Regulatory Networks from Single-Cell Gene Expression Data (JF, ASK, NP, SW), pp. 544–560.
POPL-2013-KoksalPSBFP #biology #modelling #synthesis
Synthesis of biological models from mutation experiments (ASK, YP, SS, RB, JF, NP), pp. 469–482.
POPL-2012-KoksalKS #constraints
Constraints as control (ASK, VK, PS), pp. 151–164.
CADE-2011-KoksalKS #power of #programming #scala #smt
Scala to the Power of Z3: Integrating SMT and Programming (ASK, VK, PS), pp. 400–406.
SAS-2011-SuterKK #recursion #satisfiability #source code
Satisfiability Modulo Recursive Programs (PS, ASK, VK), pp. 298–315.
ICFP-2010-ArnoldHKBS #matrix #specification #verification
Specifying and verifying sparse matrix codes (GA, JH, ASK, RB, MS), pp. 249–260.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.