Travelled to:
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
L.Francisco-Revilla U.Karadkar R.Furuta F.M.S.III P.L.B.II S.Dash Z.Dalal
Talks about:
collect (3) grow (2) interconnect (1) hypertext (1) distribut (1) movement (1) incorpor (1) artifact (1) replac (1) physic (1)
Person: Pratik Dave
DBLP: Dave:Pratik
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ECDL-2004-DaveFKFSB #physics
- Incorporating Physical and Digital Artifacts into Growing Personal Collections (PD, LFR, UK, RF, FMSI, PLBI), pp. 341–352.
- HT-2004-DaveBKFFS #hypermedia
- Dynamically growing hypertext collections (PD, PLBI, UK, LFR, RF, FMSI), pp. 171–180.
- HT-2003-DaveKFFSDD
- Browsing intricately interconnected paths (PD, UK, RF, LFR, FMSI, SD, ZD), pp. 95–103.
- JCDL-2004-DalalDDFFKS #distributed #web
- Managing distributed collections: evaluating web page changes, movement, and replacement (ZD, SD, PD, LFR, RF, UK, FMSI), pp. 160–168.