461 papers:
CBSE-2015-WahlerOM #component #cyber-physical #manycore #realtime- Real-time Multi-core Components for Cyber-physical Systems (MW, MO, AM), pp. 37–42.
ECSA-2015-0002QDSV #cyber-physical #named #smarttech- SmartyCo: Managing Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Environments (DR, CQ, LD, LS, CV), pp. 294–302.
ECSA-2015-Gerostathopoulos #adaptation #cyber-physical- Meta-Adaptation Strategies for Adaptation in Cyber-Physical Systems (IG, TB, PH, AH, FP, DS), pp. 45–52.
CASE-2015-JiangSLZ #database #estimation #physics- Physical field estimation from CFD database and sparse sensor observations (CJ, YCS, HL, HZ), pp. 1294–1299.
CASE-2015-Schwung #automaton #cyber-physical #hybrid #modelling #using- Cyber-physical modeling of compression systems using hybrid automata (AS), pp. 1125–1130.
CASE-2015-SongLBKNSSC #cyber-physical #industrial #integration #modelling #process- Model-based cyber-physical system integration in the process industry (ZS, PL, RB, WK, SN, SS, LS, AC), pp. 1012–1017.
DAC-2015-BalajiFDGA #abstraction #architecture #cyber-physical #modelling- Models, abstractions, and architectures: the missing links in cyber-physical systems (BB, MAAF, NDD, RKG, YA), p. 6.
DAC-2015-BuiniPG #automation #cyber-physical #design #modelling #physics #variability- Including variability of physical models into the design automation of cyber-physical systems (HMB, SP, TG), p. 6.
DAC-2015-SztipanovitsBNK #cyber-physical #design #lessons learnt- Design tool chain for cyber-physical systems: lessons learned (JS, TB, SN, XDK, EKJ), p. 6.
DAC-2015-TatsuokaWOHZOLT #design #synthesis- Physically aware high level synthesis design flow (MT, RW, TO, TH, QZ, RO, XL, TT), p. 6.
DAC-2015-XuLP #adaptation #modelling #physics #statistics #using- Adaptive characterization and emulation of delay-based physical unclonable functions using statistical models (TX, DL, MP), p. 6.
DATE-2015-BajajNMS #architecture #cyber-physical #effectiveness #reliability- Optimized selection of reliable and cost-effective cyber-physical system architectures (NB, PN, MM, ALSV), pp. 561–566.
DATE-2015-Bogdan #approach #challenge #cyber-physical #manycore #personalisation- A cyber-physical systems approach to personalized medicine: challenges and opportunities for noc-based multicore platforms (PB), pp. 253–258.
DATE-2015-FuggerNNS #modelling #physics #towards- Towards binary circuit models that faithfully capture physical solvability (MF, RN, TN, US), pp. 1455–1460.
DATE-2015-HashemianSWWCP #array #authentication #robust #using- A robust authentication methodology using physically unclonable functions in DRAM arrays (MSH, BPS, FGW, DJW, SC, CAP), pp. 647–652.
DATE-2015-ZhaoLXLHX #cyber-physical #energy #reduction- Software assisted non-volatile register reduction for energy harvesting based cyber-physical system (MZ, QL, MX, YL, JH, CJX), pp. 567–572.
DocEng-2015-FilhoM #physics #segmentation- Segmentation of Overlapping Digits through the Emulation of a Hypothetical Ball and Physical Forces (ANGLF, CABM), pp. 223–226.
CHI-2015-0005RSP #mobile #named #physics #process- CrowdMonitor: Mobile Crowd Sensing for Assessing Physical and Digital Activities of Citizens during Emergencies (TL, CR, TS, VP), pp. 4083–4092.
CHI-2015-BianchiBO #design #physics- Designing a Physical Aid to Support Active Reading on Tablets (AB, SRB, IO), pp. 699–708.
CHI-2015-GuerreiroRMGN0 #physics #tablet- TabLETS Get Physical: Non-Visual Text Entry on Tablet Devices (JG, AR, KM, TJVG, HN, DG), pp. 39–42.
CHI-2015-IonWB #physics- Skin Drag Displays: Dragging a Physical Tactor across the User’s Skin Produces a Stronger Tactile Stimulus than Vibrotactile (AI, EJW, PB), pp. 2501–2504.
CHI-2015-JansenDIAKKSH #challenge- Opportunities and Challenges for Data Physicalization (YJ, PD, PI, JA, AK, JK, SS, KH), pp. 3227–3236.
CHI-2015-KhotLAHM #design #named #physics #process- TastyBeats: Designing Palatable Representations of Physical Activity (RAK, JL, DA, LH, F'M), pp. 2933–2942.
CHI-2015-MunsonKRR #physics #process- Effects of Public Commitments and Accountability in a Technology-Supported Physical Activity Intervention (SAM, EK, CRR, PR), pp. 1135–1144.
CHI-2015-OehlbergWM #community #design #online #physics- Patterns of Physical Design Remixing in Online Maker Communities (LO, WW, WEM), pp. 639–648.
CHI-2015-PerraultLBZG #memory management #physics #semantics- Physical Loci: Leveraging Spatial, Object and Semantic Memory for Command Selection (STP, EL, YPB, SZ, YG), pp. 299–308.
CHI-2015-SimeoneVG #artificial reality #case study #design #experience #physics #using- Substitutional Reality: Using the Physical Environment to Design Virtual Reality Experiences (ALS, EV, HG), pp. 3307–3316.
CHI-2015-StusakSB #physics #visualisation- Evaluating the Memorability of Physical Visualizations (SS, JS, AB), pp. 3247–3250.
CHI-2015-TaherHKWJHA #interactive- Exploring Interactions with Physically Dynamic Bar Charts (FT, JH, AK, CW, YJ, KH, JA), pp. 3237–3246.
CHI-2015-TetterooVGMKVM #development #framework #lessons learnt #physics- Lessons Learnt from Deploying an End-User Development Platform for Physical Rehabilitation (DT, PV, IG, MM, EK, DV, PM), pp. 4133–4142.
CHI-2015-VissersG #case study #experience #functional #named #physics #prototype #user interface- TUIkit: Evaluating Physical and Functional Experiences of Tangible User Interface Prototypes (JV, DG), pp. 1267–1276.
CHI-2015-YannierKH #effectiveness #game studies #learning #physics #question #tablet- Learning from Mixed-Reality Games: Is Shaking a Tablet as Effective as Physical Observation? (NY, KRK, SEH), pp. 1045–1054.
CSCW-2015-PaayKS #empirical #interactive #physics- Connecting in the Kitchen: An Empirical Study of Physical Interactions while Cooking Together at Home (JP, JK, MBS), pp. 276–287.
DHM-HM-2015-FassG #modelling #physics #towards- Towards a Theory for Bio — — Cyber Physical Systems Modelling (DF, FG), pp. 245–255.
DUXU-DD-2015-KuruF #experience #physics #process- Engaging Experience with Physical Activity Tracking Products (AK, JF), pp. 490–501.
DUXU-DD-2015-PaelkeR #challenge #cyber-physical #user interface- User Interfaces for Cyber-Physical Systems: Challenges and Possible Approaches (VP, CR), pp. 75–85.
HCI-DE-2015-Alessandrini #challenge #interactive #physics #programming #prototype- Practices, Technologies, and Challenges of Constructing and Programming Physical Interactive Prototypes (AA), pp. 132–142.
HCI-IT-2015-JinL #framework #generative #interface #named #physics #research #string- StringWeaver: Research on a Framework with an Alterable Physical Interface for Generative Art (YJ, ZL), pp. 292–304.
HIMI-IKC-2015-HoriguchiTH #comprehension #concept #physics #problem #sequence #student- The Effect of Problem Sequence on Students’ Conceptual Understanding in Physics (TH, TT, TH), pp. 313–322.
LCT-2015-SoleimaniGHWG #empirical- CyberPLAYce, A Cyber-Physical-Spatial Storytelling Tool: Results from an Empirical Study with 8-10-Year-Old Storytellers (AS, KEG, DCH, IDW, CGM), pp. 438–446.
KDD-2015-MomtazpourZRSR #cyber-physical #invariant #using- Analyzing Invariants in Cyber-Physical Systems using Latent Factor Regression (MM, JZ, SR, RKS, NR), pp. 2009–2018.
KDD-2015-UlanovaYCJKZ #performance #physics #profiling- Efficient Long-Term Degradation Profiling in Time Series for Complex Physical Systems (LU, TY, HC, GJ, EJK, KZ), pp. 2167–2176.
SEKE-2015-XieCLC #evolution #internet #physics- An Evolution Mechanism for Dynamic Physical Applications in the Internet of Things (KX, HC, DL, LC), pp. 213–216.
SAC-2015-FontineleSSNM #network #physics #problem- A solution to the MCSP problem considering physical layer degradations in transparent optical networks (AF, IS, ACBS, JMN, FM), pp. 662–664.
SAC-2015-WangYCDGW #documentation #named #physics #security- Cryptopaper: digital information security for physical documents (PW, XY, SC, PD, SG, TW), pp. 2157–2164.
ICSE-v2-2015-NewmanFSFFW #design #physics #prototype #re-engineering #social- The Role of Design Thinking and Physical Prototyping in Social Software Engineering (PN, MAF, WS, SF, AF, JW), pp. 487–496.
ICSE-v2-2015-TsigkanosPGN #adaptation #cyber-physical #named #security- Ariadne: Topology Aware Adaptive Security for Cyber-Physical Systems (CT, LP, CG, BN), pp. 729–732.
SPLC-2015-ArrietaSE #algorithm #cyber-physical #product line #validation- Test control algorithms for the validation of cyber-physical systems product lines (AA, GS, LE), pp. 273–282.
SPLC-2015-McGeeM #architecture #composition #cyber-physical- Composition of proof-carrying architectures for cyber-physical systems (ETM, JDM), pp. 419–426.
SPLC-2015-YueAS #analysis #case study #cyber-physical #experience #product line- Cyber-physical system product line engineering: comprehensive domain analysis and experience report (TY, SA, BS), pp. 338–347.
ASPLOS-2015-Lee #architecture #cyber-physical- Architectural Support for Cyber-Physical Systems (EAL), p. 1.
HPCA-2015-DuZCMM #memory management #physics- Supporting superpages in non-contiguous physical memory (YD, MZ, BRC, DM, RGM), pp. 223–234.
ISMM-2015-KimKKJ #memory management #mobile #physics- Controlling physical memory fragmentation in mobile systems (SHK, SK, JSK, JJ), pp. 1–14.
ICST-2015-AliY #behaviour #cyber-physical #evolution #modelling #named #nondeterminism #testing- U-Test: Evolving, Modelling and Testing Realistic Uncertain Behaviours of Cyber-Physical Systems (SA, TY), pp. 1–2.
TLCA-2015-AtkeyGFRS #modelling #morphism #physics #polymorphism- Models for Polymorphism over Physical Dimension (RA, NG, FNF, TR, SS), pp. 45–59.
CBSE-2014-Bures #cyber-physical #development- Development of smart cyber-physical systems (TB), pp. 189–190.
ECSA-2014-BuresGHKKP #component #cyber-physical- Gossiping Components for Cyber-Physical Systems (TB, IG, PH, JK, MK, FP), pp. 250–266.
CASE-2014-CremerRP #physics- Robotic waiter with physical co-manipulation capabilities (SC, IR, DOP), pp. 1153–1158.
CASE-2014-MurookaNNKOI #learning #physics #scalability- Manipulation strategy learning for carrying large objects based on mapping from object physical property to object manipulation action in virtual environment (MM, SN, SN, YK, KO, MI), pp. 263–270.
DAC-2014-HuangYST #assessment #grid #network #power management- Physics-based Electromigration Assessment for Power Grid Networks (XH, TY, VS, SXDT), p. 6.
DAC-2014-WasicekDL #aspect-oriented #cyber-physical #modelling- Aspect-oriented Modeling of Attacks in Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems (AW, PD, EAL), p. 6.
DAC-2014-WeiWNP #physics #reverse engineering #using- Reverse Engineering and Prevention Techniques for Physical Unclonable Functions Using Side Channels (SW, JBW, AN, MP), p. 6.
DATE-2014-CanedoFR #automation #cyber-physical #design #multi- Multi-disciplinary integrated design automation tool for automotive cyber-physical systems (AC, MAAF, JHR), pp. 1–2.
DATE-2014-DhruvaKGT #cyber-physical- Computing a language-based guarantee for timing properties of cyber-physical systems (ND, PK, GG, LT), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-HelfmeierBNTS #physics- Physical vulnerabilities of Physically Unclonable Functions (CH, CB, DN, ST, JPS), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-NuzzoFIS #contract #cyber-physical #design #protocol #safety- Contract-based design of control protocols for safety-critical cyber-physical systems (PN, JBF, AI, ALSV), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-RostamiWPK #challenge #roadmap #security- Quo vadis, PUF?: Trends and challenges of emerging physical-disorder based security (MR, JBW, MP, FK), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-YuSHEAB #estimation #performance #physics- Efficient performance estimation with very small sample size via physical subspace projection and maximum a posteriori estimation (LY, SS, CH, IME, DAA, DSB), pp. 1–6.
SIGMOD-2014-LeFevreSHTPC #big data #data analysis #design #physics- Opportunistic physical design for big data analytics (JL, JS, HH, JT, NP, MJC), pp. 851–862.
ITiCSE-2014-TaubBA #learning #physics- The effect of computer science on the learning of computational physics (RT, MBA, MA), p. 352.
TFPIE-2014-Walck #haskell #physics #programming- Learn Physics by Programming in Haskell (SNW), pp. 67–77.
ICALP-v1-2014-BringmannKPPT #performance #physics #simulation- Internal DLA: Efficient Simulation of a Physical Growth Model — (Extended Abstract) (KB, FK, KP, UP, HT), pp. 247–258.
CHI-2014-AlzayatHN #metric #physics- Quantitative measurement of virtual vs. physical object embodiment through kinesthetic figural after effects (AA, MSH, MAN), pp. 2903–2912.
CHI-2014-DimitriadisA #effectiveness #mobile #physics- Evaluating the effectiveness of physical shape-change for in-pocket mobile device notifications (PD, JA), pp. 2589–2592.
CHI-2014-DownsVHLS #experience #game studies #social- Audience experience in social videogaming: effects of turn expectation and game physicality (JD, FV, SH, SL, WS), pp. 3473–3482.
CHI-2014-GerlingMMBS #experience #game studies #performance #physics #self- Effects of balancing for physical abilities on player performance, experience and self-esteem in exergames (KMG, MM, RLM, MVB, JDS), pp. 2201–2210.
CHI-2014-HarrisonXSH #interactive #named #physics #tool support- TouchTools: leveraging familiarity and skill with physical tools to augment touch interaction (CH, RX, JS, SEH), pp. 2913–2916.
CHI-2014-HuangSKSMS #physics #smarttech- A technology probe of wearable in-home computer-assisted physical therapy (KH, PJS, SBK, AS, JM, DPS), pp. 2541–2550.
CHI-2014-KhotHM #3d #comprehension #physics #process- Understanding physical activity through 3D printed material artifacts (RAK, LH, F'M), pp. 3835–3844.
CHI-2014-KimIDRKZSLBNBFP #3d #named #physics- RetroDepth: 3D silhouette sensing for high-precision input on and above physical surfaces (DK, SI, JD, CR, CK, CZ, JS, TAL, SB, MN, DAB, SF, VP), pp. 1377–1386.
CHI-2014-RamakersSL #mobile #named #physics- Paddle: highly deformable mobile devices with physical controls (RR, JS, KL), pp. 2569–2578.
CHI-2014-SheininG #difference #game studies #in the small #physics- Exertion in the small: improving differentiation and expressiveness in sports games with physical controls (MS, CG), pp. 1845–1854.
CHI-2014-SinghKJFTKBW #design #people #physics #process- Motivating people with chronic pain to do physical activity: opportunities for technology design (AS, AK, JJ, AF, ATJ, NK, NBB, ACdCW), pp. 2803–2812.
CHI-2014-SwaminathanSJDOF #design #physics #visualisation- Supporting the design and fabrication of physical visualizations (SS, CS, YJ, PD, LO, JDF), pp. 3845–3854.
CHI-2014-ZhangL #gesture #interactive #named #physics- GestKeyboard: enabling gesture-based interaction on ordinary physical keyboard (HZ, YL), pp. 1675–1684.
DUXU-DI-2014-Luz #evolution #experience #game studies #interface #physics- Evolution of the Physical Interfaces in Videogames as a Support to the Narrative and the Gaming Experience (ARdL), pp. 688–698.
DUXU-DI-2014-Schranz #artificial reality #design #hybrid #physics- Augmented Reality in Design — Thinking about Hybrid Forms of Virtual and Physical Space in Design (CS), pp. 624–635.
DUXU-TMT-2014-InoueSNTMHKWK #physics #process- Attempts to Quantitative Analyze for the Change of Human Brain Activity with Physical and Psychological Load (HI, SS, HN, TT, FM, NH, SK, EW, SK), pp. 240–249.
HCI-AIMT-2014-KrogsagerSR #physics- Backchannel Head Nods in Danish First Meeting Encounters with a Humanoid Robot: The Role of Physical Embodiment (AK, NS, MR), pp. 651–662.
HCI-AS-2014-MurrayWHSMGBTSCSH #animation #interactive #people #physics #process #question- Can a Theory-Informed Interactive Animation Increase Intentions to Engage in Physical Activity in Young People with Asthma? (JM, BW, GH, SS, JM, DG, GB, ST, FS, LC, AS, SH), pp. 289–300.
HCI-AS-2014-YoungCGC #metric #mobile #performance #physics #process- Snappy App: A Mobile Continuous Performance Test with Physical Activity Measurement for Assessing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ZY, MPC, MG, JC), pp. 363–373.
HIMI-AS-2014-KojimaHMH #physics- Training Archived Physical Skill through Immersive Virtual Environment (TK, AH, TM, MH), pp. 51–58.
HIMI-AS-2014-SeigerSMS #concept #cyber-physical #interactive #process- A Resilient Interaction Concept for Process Management on Tabletops for Cyber-Physical Systems (RS, SS, SM, TS), pp. 347–358.
LCT-TRE-2014-HafnerHO #artificial reality #physics #using- Experiencing Physical and Technical Phenomena in Schools Using Virtual Reality Driving Simulator (PH, VH, JO), pp. 50–61.
SCSM-2014-BenteDRA #behaviour #physics- Emotional Contagion with Artificial Others. Effects of Culture, Physical Appearance, and Nonverbal Behavior on the Perception of Positive/Negative Affect in Avatars (GB, TD, DR, AAI), pp. 411–420.
SCSM-2014-CulenFG #named #physics #self- iCONFESS — Mirroring Digital Self-Disclosure in a Physical Booth (ALC, SF, AAG), pp. 430–439.
SCSM-2014-SakamotoN #game studies #hybrid #process #social #social media- Gamifying Social Media to Encourage Social Activities with Digital-Physical Hybrid Role-Playing (MS, TN), pp. 581–591.
HILT-2014-AhmadLBZD #behaviour #cyber-physical #hybrid #interactive #modelling- Hybrid annex: an AADL extension for continuous behavior and cyber-physical interaction modeling (EA, BRL, SCB, NZ, YD), pp. 29–38.
ICEIS-v3-2014-SvedaH #cyber-physical #enterprise #information management- Cyber-physical Information Systems for Enterprise Engineering — Cyber-physical Applications Timing (MS, PH), pp. 441–446.
CIKM-2014-PhanDXPK #analysis #health #network #physics #process #social- Analysis of Physical Activity Propagation in a Health Social Network (NP, DD, XX, BP, DK), pp. 1329–1338.
ICML-c2-2014-ScholzLIW #object-oriented- A Physics-Based Model Prior for Object-Oriented MDPs (JS, ML, CLIJ, DW), pp. 1089–1097.
ICPR-2014-KimP14a #3d #interactive #physics #using- Sensor-Display Registration for 3D Physical User Interaction Using a Flat-Panel Display (JSK, JMP), pp. 1675–1680.
MoDELS-2014-WestmanN #contract #cyber-physical #design- Environment-Centric Contracts for Design of Cyber-Physical Systems (JW, MN), pp. 218–234.
MoDELS-2014-WestmanN #contract #cyber-physical #design- Environment-Centric Contracts for Design of Cyber-Physical Systems (JW, MN), pp. 218–234.
SAC-2014-SilvaPBAP #architecture #cyber-physical #modelling #testing- A model-based architecture for testing medical cyber-physical systems (LCS, MP, FMB, HOA, AP), pp. 25–30.
FSE-2014-DziwokGBTHP #cyber-physical #modelling #re-engineering- A tool suite for the model-driven software engineering of cyber-physical systems (SD, CG, SB, ST, CH, UP), pp. 715–718.
ASPLOS-2014-GutierrezCGDCM #3d #design #physics- Integrated 3D-stacked server designs for increasing physical density of key-value stores (AG, MC, BG, RGD, LC, TNM), pp. 485–498.
HPCA-2014-BalasubramanianS #comprehension #execution #physics #reliability- Understanding the impact of gate-level physical reliability effects on whole program execution (RB, KS), pp. 60–71.
OSDI-2014-LuZDAAA #file system #physics- Physical Disentanglement in a Container-Based File System (LL, YZ, TD, SAK, ACAD, RHAD), pp. 81–96.
CASE-2013-DingLZC #physics #simulation- Emergency evacuation simulation in staircases considering evacuees’ physical and psychological status (ND, PBL, HZ, TC), pp. 741–746.
CASE-2013-HanzG #abstraction #cyber-physical #mobile- An abstraction layer for controlling heterogeneous mobile cyber-physical systems (TH, MG), pp. 117–121.
DAC-2013-ChakrabortyLAP #physics- A transmission gate physical unclonable function and on-chip voltage-to-digital conversion technique (RC, CL, DA, JP), p. 10.
DAC-2013-LiuCHVNBP #design #energy #logic #physics- Minimum-energy state guided physical design for nanomagnet logic (SL, GC, XSH, EV, MTN, GHB, WP), p. 7.
DAC-2013-MillerVG #modelling #physics #statistics #using- Exploration with upgradeable models using statistical methods for physical model emulation (BM, FV, TG), p. 6.
DAC-2013-ZhengHB #array #embedded #named #physics #robust- RESP: a robust physical unclonable function retrofitted into embedded SRAM array (YZ, MH, SB), p. 9.
DATE-2013-AminifarEPC #cyber-physical #design #robust- Control-quality driven design of cyber-physical systems with robustness guarantees (AA, PE, ZP, AC), pp. 1093–1098.
DATE-2013-GurgenGBG #cyber-physical #self- Self-aware cyber-physical systems and applications in smart buildings and cities (LG, OG, YB, MG), pp. 1149–1154.
DATE-2013-KoeberlKS #generative- Memristor PUFs: a new generation of memory-based physically unclonable functions (PK, ÜK, ARS), pp. 428–431.
DATE-2013-RaminiGBB #3d #analysis #manycore #power management #using- Contrasting wavelength-routed optical NoC topologies for power-efficient 3D-stacked multicore processors using physical-layer analysis (LR, PG, SB, DB), pp. 1589–1594.
DATE-2013-YaoKLMK #named #network #physics- ClockPUF: physical unclonable functions based on clock networks (YY, MK, JL, ILM, FK), pp. 422–427.
ICDAR-2013-FilhoM #physics- Degraded Digit Restoration Based on Physical Forces (ANGLF, CABM), pp. 195–199.
SEFM-2013-KringsL #modelling #physics- Inferring Physical Units in B Models (SK, ML), pp. 137–151.
CEFP-2013-JuhaszDK #cyber-physical #named #workflow- Rea: Workflows for Cyber-Physical Systems (DJ, LD, BK), pp. 479–506.
CHI-2013-Feinberg13a #concept #human-computer #physics- Beyond digital and physical objects: the intellectual work as a concept of interest for HCI (MF), pp. 3317–3326.
CHI-2013-JansenDF #performance #physics #visualisation- Evaluating the efficiency of physical visualizations (YJ, PD, JDF), pp. 2593–2602.
CHI-2013-LeithingerFOLHLI #interactive #named #physics- Sublimate: state-changing virtual and physical rendering to augment interaction with shape displays (DL, SF, AO, SL, AH, JL, HI), pp. 1441–1450.
CHI-2013-MacveanR #behaviour #comprehension #game studies #motivation #physics #process- Understanding exergame users’ physical activity, motivation and behavior over time (APM, JR), pp. 1251–1260.
CHI-2013-SeguraWMJ #design #game studies #physics #social- The design space of body games: technological, physical, and social design (EMS, AW, JM, CJ), pp. 3365–3374.
CHI-2013-TangXHVTR #communication #named #physics #video- HomeProxy: exploring a physical proxy for video communication in the home (JCT, RX, AH, GV, PT, AR), pp. 1339–1342.
CHI-2013-YliriskuLJBSSHR #design #physics- Designing web-connected physical artefacts for the “aesthetic” of the home (SY, SEL, GJ, RB, CDS, AS, RHRH, TR), pp. 909–918.
DHM-SET-2013-SunNHMDJMQ #adaptation #design #interactive #physics #safety- Adaptive User-Centered Design for Safety and Comfort of Physical Human Nursing — Care Robot Interaction (MS, HN, SH, KM, MD, CaJ, TM, GQ), pp. 365–372.
DUXU-NTE-2013-SonntagZSWT #artificial reality #cyber-physical #information management #multimodal #towards- Towards Medical Cyber-Physical Systems: Multimodal Augmented Reality for Doctors and Knowledge Discovery about Patients (DS, SZ, CHS, MW, TT), pp. 401–410.
HCI-AMTE-2013-SuganoMT #physics- Study of Kawaii-ness in Motion — Physical Properties of Kawaii Motion of Roomba (SS, YM, KT), pp. 620–629.
HCI-IMT-2013-CarusoCLMRSSC #architecture #named #people #physics- My-World-in-My-Tablet: An Architecture for People with Physical Impairment (MC, FC, FL, MM, AR, FS, LS, TC), pp. 637–647.
HCI-UC-2013-Brouwers #comparison #hypermedia #navigation #physics- Search Strategies in Hypermedia Navigation and Spatial Abilities: A Comparison with Physical Navigation (AB), pp. 136–145.
HIMI-HSM-2013-SakuradaH #interface #physics #using- A New Presence Display System Using Physical Interface Running on IP-Phones (TS, YH), pp. 411–420.
CIKM-2013-BarahmandGY #comparison #design #interactive #network #physics #social- A comparison of two physical data designs for interactive social networking actions (SB, SG, JY), pp. 949–958.
KDD-2013-TangYGHLP #cyber-physical #mining- Mining lines in the sand: on trajectory discovery from untrustworthy data in cyber-physical system (LAT, XY, QG, JH, AL, TFLP), pp. 410–418.
MoDELS-2013-NieYAZF #automation #constraints #cyber-physical #named- Constraints: The Core of Supporting Automated Product Configuration of Cyber-Physical Systems (KN, TY, SA, LZ, ZF), pp. 370–387.
MoDELS-2013-SimkoLLNS #component #composition #cyber-physical #integration #semantics #specification- Specification of Cyber-Physical Components with Formal Semantics — Integration and Composition (GS, DL, TL, SN, JS), pp. 471–487.
MoDELS-2013-StorrleF #analysis #physics #towards #visual notation- Towards an Operationalization of the “Physics of Notations” for the Analysis of Visual Languages (HS, AF), pp. 104–120.
MoDELS-2013-NieYAZF #automation #constraints #cyber-physical #named- Constraints: The Core of Supporting Automated Product Configuration of Cyber-Physical Systems (KN, TY, SA, LZ, ZF), pp. 370–387.
MoDELS-2013-SimkoLLNS #component #composition #cyber-physical #integration #semantics #specification- Specification of Cyber-Physical Components with Formal Semantics — Integration and Composition (GS, DL, TL, SN, JS), pp. 471–487.
MoDELS-2013-StorrleF #analysis #physics #towards #visual notation- Towards an Operationalization of the “Physics of Notations” for the Analysis of Visual Languages (HS, AF), pp. 104–120.
Onward-2013-McCorkle #physics- Building connections between theories of computing and physical systems (ELM), pp. 153–172.
HPCA-2013-XiaLC #architecture #physics #virtual machine- Architecture support for guest-transparent VM protection from untrusted hypervisor and physical attacks (YX, YL, HC), pp. 246–257.
CBSE-2012-FouquetMFBPJ #component #physics- A dynamic component model for cyber physical systems (FF, BM, FF, OB, NP, JMJ), pp. 135–144.
CASE-2012-LiLPZ #physics #simulation- Control system simulation for 360MN extrusion machine based on physical model (WL, WL, FP, QZ), pp. 243–249.
CASE-2012-PrabhuJT #approach #modelling #physics- Modeling green factory physics — An analytical approach (VVP, HWJ, MT), pp. 46–51.
CASE-2012-YanG #estimation #physics- Time-delay estimation of ultrasonic echoes based on the physical model matching (XY, LG), pp. 469–473.
DAC-2012-BobbaMLM #physics #synthesis- Physical synthesis onto a Sea-of-Tiles with double-gate silicon nanowire transistors (SB, MDM, YL, GDM), pp. 42–47.
DAC-2012-ForteS #on the #proximity- On improving the uniqueness of silicon-based physically unclonable functions via optical proximity correction (DF, AS), pp. 96–105.
DAC-2012-KumarGCALT #approach #cyber-physical #hybrid #verification- A hybrid approach to cyber-physical systems verification (PK, DG, SC, AA, KL, LT), pp. 688–696.
DAC-2012-Lauwereins #physics- Biomedical electronics serving as physical environmental and emotional watchdogs (RL), pp. 1–5.
DAC-2012-LiANSVZ #design #physics #predict- Guiding a physical design closure system to produce easier-to-route designs with more predictable timing (ZL, CJA, GJN, CCNS, NV, NYZ), pp. 465–470.
DAC-2012-VelamalaSSC #matter #physics #predict #statistics- Physics matters: statistical aging prediction under trapping/detrapping (JBV, KS, TS, YC), pp. 139–144.
DATE-2012-CanedoF #cyber-physical #execution #industrial #parallel #towards- Towards parallel execution of IEC 61131 industrial cyber-physical systems applications (AC, MAAF), pp. 554–557.
DATE-2012-ChenSZX #3d #named #physics #synthesis- 3DHLS: Incorporating high-level synthesis in physical planning of three-dimensional (3D) ICs (YC, GS, QZ, YX), pp. 1185–1190.
DATE-2012-KirschPSCHHLLRSTV #cyber-physical #in the cloud #migration #problem- Cyber-physical cloud computing: The binding and migration problem (CMK, EP, RS, HC, RH, JH, FL, ML, AR, RS, RT, DV), pp. 1425–1428.
DATE-2012-MasrurGCCAB #analysis #communication #cyber-physical #hybrid #protocol- Timing analysis of cyber-physical applications for hybrid communication protocols (AM, DG, SC, JJC, AA, AB), pp. 1233–1238.
DATE-2012-MillerVG #automation #cyber-physical #mockup #named #testing #using- MEDS: Mockup Electronic Data Sheets for automated testing of cyber-physical systems using digital mockups (BM, FV, TG), pp. 1417–1420.
DATE-2012-MittagKJR #constraints #design #geometry #physics- Hierarchical propagation of geometric constraints for full-custom physical design of ICs (MM, AK, GJ, WR), pp. 1471–1474.
DATE-2012-WangBSD #3d #memory management #named- 3D-FlashMap: A physical-location-aware block mapping strategy for 3D NAND flash memory (YW, LADB, ZS, NDD), pp. 1307–1312.
DocEng-2012-TranouezNDBHLGF #documentation #named #physics- DocExplore: overcoming cultural and physical barriers to access ancient documents (PT, SN, VD, AB, LH, YL, RMG, MCF), pp. 205–208.
SIGMOD-2012-ConsensILP #database #design #physics- Divergent physical design tuning for replicated databases (MPC, KI, JL, NP), pp. 49–60.
DLT-J-2011-ArrighiD12 #physics #quantum- The Physical Church-Turing Thesis and the Principles of Quantum Theory (PA, GD), pp. 1131–1146.
LATA-2012-Dowek #automaton #formal method #physics #quantum- Around the Physical Church-Turing Thesis: Cellular Automata, Formal Languages, and the Principles of Quantum Theory (GD), pp. 21–37.
FM-2012-OwreSS #analysis #automation #cyber-physical- Automatic Dimensional Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems (SO, IS, NS), pp. 356–371.
CHI-2012-BardramGHN #collaboration #distributed #named- ReticularSpaces: activity-based computing support for physically distributed and collaborative smart spaces (JB, SG, SH, SN), pp. 2845–2854.
CHI-2012-HeimerlGCPH #named #physics- CommunitySourcing: engaging local crowds to perform expert work via physical kiosks (KH, BG, KC, TSP, BH), pp. 1539–1548.
CHI-2012-RudeckB #mobile #named #physics- Rock-paper-fibers: bringing physical affordance to mobile touch devices (FR, PB), pp. 1929–1932.
SEKE-2012-ZhaiLZLCJ #algebra #cyber-physical #logic #verification- Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems Based on Differential-Algebraic Temporal Dynamic Logic (XZ, BL, MZ, JL, QC, SJ), pp. 231–234.
ICSE-2012-BoosFJK #cyber-physical #debugging #framework #named- BRACE: An assertion framework for debugging cyber-physical systems (KB, CLF, CJ, MK), pp. 1341–1344.
ICSE-2012-CasatiDDEFKMMOPQRSTV #enterprise #network #physics #process #towards- Towards business processes orchestrating the physical enterprise with wireless sensor networks (FC, FD, GD, JE, NF, SK, PMM, LM, FJO, GPP, AQ, KR, PS, ST, TV), pp. 1357–1360.
DAC-2011-Jandhyala #automation #design #network #social #tool support #web- Physics-based field-theoretic design automation tools for social networks and web search (VJ), pp. 280–281.
DAC-2011-MeguerdichianP- Device aging-based physically unclonable functions (SM, MP), pp. 288–289.
DAC-2011-PotkonjakMNW #architecture #difference- Differential public physically unclonable functions: architecture and applications (MP, SM, AN, SW), pp. 242–247.
DAC-2011-RahmanATS #library #physics #reduction #synthesis- Power reduction via separate synthesis and physical libraries (MR, RA, HT, CS), pp. 627–632.
DAC-2011-RyzhenkoB #geometry #layout #physics #synthesis- Physical synthesis onto a layout fabric with regular diffusion and polysilicon geometries (NR, SB), pp. 83–88.
DATE-2011-GoswamiSC #communication #cyber-physical #hybrid #protocol #re-engineering- Re-engineering cyber-physical control applications for hybrid communication protocols (DG, RS, SC), pp. 914–919.
DATE-2011-Micheli #design #logic #physics #question #synthesis- Logic synthesis and physical design: Quo vadis? (GDM), p. 50.
DATE-2011-SreedharK11a #security- Physically unclonable functions for embeded security based on lithographic variation (AS, SK), pp. 1632–1637.
DocEng-2011-PiccoliCCOM #documentation #for free #interactive #layout #novel- A novel physics-based interaction model for free document layout (RFBP, RC, NCC, JBSdO, IHM), pp. 153–162.
ICDAR-2011-EmilieBA #constraints #network #physics #recognition #semantics- Use of Semantic and Physical Constraints in Bayesian Networks for Form Recognition (EP, YB, AB), pp. 946–950.
VLDB-2011-KimuraNS #database #design #physics- Compression Aware Physical Database Design (HK, VRN, MS), pp. 657–668.
FM-2011-Sztipanovits #integration #perspective #physics #semantics- Model Integration and Cyber Physical Systems: A Semantics Perspective (JS), p. 1.
CHI-2011-DalsgardH #3d #design #physics- 3d projection on physical objects: design insights from five real life cases (PD, KH), pp. 1041–1050.
CHI-2011-IannacciTAP #feedback #interactive #multi #physics- The haptic laser: multi-sensation tactile feedback for at-a-distance physical space perception and interaction (FI, ET, DA, SNP), pp. 2047–2050.
CHI-2011-LevesqueOMCMJCP #interactive #programmable- Enhancing physicality in touch interaction with programmable friction (VL, LO, KEM, AC, NDM, DJ, JEC, MAP), pp. 2481–2490.
CHI-2011-PearsonBT #documentation #interactive #physics- The reading desk: applying physical interactions to digital documents (JSP, GB, HWT), pp. 3199–3202.
CHI-2011-WeissRB #physics- Rendering physical effects in tabletop controls (MW, CR, JOB), pp. 3009–3012.
CHI-2011-YoshizakiSCHIIAKKM #physics- An actuated physical puppet as an input device for controlling a digital manikin (WY, YS, ACC, SH, MI, TI, YA, KK, SK, MM), pp. 637–646.
CSCW-2011-MarshallRP #interactive #physics #using- Using F-formations to analyse spatial patterns of interaction in physical environments (PM, YR, NP), pp. 445–454.
DUXU-v1-2011-KaptanG #design #guidelines #implementation #physics #usability #user interface- Effects of Physical Display Size on GUI Designers’ Perception and Implementation of Usability Guidelines (SNK, MG), pp. 128–137.
DUXU-v2-2011-MirandaHB11a #interactive #physics- Prospecting a New Physical Artifact of Interaction for iDTV: Results of Participatory Practices (LCdM, HHH, MCCB), pp. 167–176.
HCD-2011-ChouC #interactive #physics- Investigating Users’ Interaction with Physical Products Applying Qualitative and Quantitative Methods (CJC, CC), pp. 3–12.
HCI-ITE-2011-JeonR #physics #recognition- The Effect of Physical Embodiment of an Animal Robot on Affective Prosody Recognition (MJ, IAR), pp. 523–532.
HCI-MIIE-2011-HyrkkanenN #functional #how #identification #mobile #physics #question- The Virtual Workplace of a Mobile Employee — How Does Vischer’s Model Function in Identifying Physical, Functional and Psychosocial Fit? (UH, SN), pp. 69–75.
HIMI-v2-2011-RanasingheFC #case study #experience #named #network #social- Petimo: Sharing Experiences through Physically Extended Social Networking (NR, ONNF, ADC), pp. 66–74.
KDD-2011-LiLLNTF #cyber-physical #named- ThermoCast: a cyber-physical forecasting model for datacenters (LL, CJML, JL, SN, AT, CF), pp. 1370–1378.
KDD-2011-YuanZXS #physics- Driving with knowledge from the physical world (JY, YZ, XX, GS), pp. 316–324.
KEOD-2011-NousiainenK #concept #education #information management #physics #student- Knowledge Organization in Concept Maps — Teacher Students’ Representations of the Relatedness of Physics Concepts (MN, IK), pp. 139–144.
SIGIR-2011-LiomaKS #physics #retrieval- Sense discrimination for physics retrieval (CL, AK, HS), pp. 1101–1102.
SIGIR-2011-ShouCCZMZ #cyber-physical #named- What-you-retrieve-is-what-you-see: a preliminary cyber-physical search engine (LS, KC, GC, CZ, YM, XZ), pp. 1273–1274.
SIGIR-2011-Yom-TovD #physics #social- Out of sight, not out of mind: on the effect of social and physical detachment on information need (EYT, FD), pp. 385–394.
SAC-2011-NawahdahI #education #learning #physics- Positioning a virtual teacher in an MR physical task learning support system (MN, TI), pp. 1169–1174.
CAV-2011-HangMP #architecture #constraints #cyber-physical #modelling #realtime- Synthesizing Cyber-Physical Architectural Models with Real-Time Constraints (CH, PM, VP), pp. 441–456.
VMCAI-2011-FrohardtCS #modelling #physics- Access Nets: Modeling Access to Physical Spaces (RF, BYEC, SS), pp. 184–198.
CASE-2010-DoraiswamiCK #order #physics- Model order selection criterion with application to physical systems (RD, LC, HMK), pp. 393–398.
DAC-2010-HelinskiAP #evaluation #metric #physics #quality- Quality metric evaluation of a physical unclonable function derived from an IC’s power distribution system (RH, DA, JP), pp. 240–243.
DAC-2010-HsuPH #approach #data flow #modelling #physics #simulation- A mixed-mode vector-based dataflow approach for modeling and simulating LTE physical layer (CJH, JLP, FJH), pp. 18–23.
DAC-2010-KleisslA #cyber-physical #energy- Cyber-physical energy systems: focus on smart buildings (JK, YA), pp. 749–754.
DAC-2010-LeeS #physics- Medical cyber physical systems (IL, OS), pp. 743–748.
DAC-2010-RajkumarLSS #cyber-physical- Cyber-physical systems: the next computing revolution (RR, IL, LS, JAS), pp. 731–736.
DAC-2010-YoonCPC #analysis #comparative #multi #network #physics- Virtual channels vs. multiple physical networks: a comparative analysis (YJY, NC, MP, LPC), pp. 162–165.
DATE-2010-Benveniste #architecture #cyber-physical- Loosely Time-Triggered Architectures for Cyber-Physical Systems (AB), pp. 3–8.
DATE-2010-ChanHBBC #analysis #named #network- PhoenixSim: A simulator for physical-layer analysis of chip-scale photonic interconnection networks (JC, GH, AB, KB, LPC), pp. 691–696.
DATE-2010-WangT #novel #physics #process- Novel Physical Unclonable Function with process and environmental variations (XW, MT), pp. 1065–1070.
HT-2010-GhoshJD #hypermedia #named #physics- Brickstreams: physical hypermedia driven customer insight (RG, JJ, MD), pp. 283–284.
ITiCSE-2010-BasawapatnaR #feedback #how #physics #student #using- Cyberspace meets brick and mortar: an investigation into how students engage in peer to peer feedback using both cyberlearning and physical infrastructures (ARB, AR), pp. 184–188.
ICSM-2010-ArnaoudovaEOGA #concept #fault #identifier #metric #physics- Physical and conceptual identifier dispersion: Measures and relation to fault proneness (VA, LME, RO, YGG, GA), pp. 1–5.
ICALP-v2-2010-Wattenhofer #algorithm #physics- Physical Algorithms (RW), pp. 38–51.
CHI-2010-BerkovskyCFBB #game studies #physics #process- Physical activity motivating games: virtual rewards for real activity (SB, MC, JF, DB, NB), pp. 243–252.
CHI-2010-ChuDWB #physics- Countertop responsive mirror: supporting physical retail shopping for sellers, buyers and companions (MC, BD, AW, BB), pp. 2533–2542.
CHI-2010-ScupelliXFKG #aspect-oriented #coordination #physics- Supporting coordination in surgical suites: physical aspects of common information spaces (PS, YX, SRF, SBK, MDG), pp. 1777–1786.
CSCW-2010-HartmannMBW #collaboration #design #named #physics- Pictionaire: supporting collaborative design work by integrating physical and digital artifacts (BH, MRM, HB, ADW), pp. 421–424.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-LiQW #cyber-physical #monitoring- A Cyber-physical System for Elders Monitoring (XL, YQ, HW), pp. 294–299.
ICPR-2010-HuotHMP #physics- Estimating Apparent Motion on Satellite Acquisitions with a Physical Dynamic Model (EGH, IH, NM, EP), pp. 41–44.
OOPSLA-2010-SorensenG #cyber-physical #programming- Programming with time: cyber-physical programming with impromptu (AS, HG), pp. 822–834.
ICSE-2010-Moody #approach #design #physics #re-engineering #visual notation- The “physics” of notations: a scientific approach to designing visual notations in software engineering (DLM), pp. 485–486.
ICLP-2010-Saeedloei10 #cyber-physical #logic programming- Logic Programming Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems (NS), pp. 289–293.
LICS-2010-Abramsky #algebra #physics- Coalgebras, Chu Spaces, and Representations of Physical Systems (SA), pp. 411–420.
DAC-2009-ChengGSQH #modelling #variability- Physically justifiable die-level modeling of spatial variation in view of systematic across wafer variability (LC, PG, CJS, KQ, LH), pp. 104–109.
DAC-2009-Chou #cyber-physical #user interface- Endosymbiotic computing: enabling surrogate GUI and cyber-physical connectivity (PHC), pp. 625–626.
DAC-2009-HelinskiAP #physics #using- A physical unclonable function defined using power distribution system equivalent resistance variations (RH, DA, JP), pp. 676–681.
DATE-2009-GaoKMAMK #energy #physics- DPR in high energy physics (WG, AK, RM, NA, NM, UK), pp. 39–44.
DATE-2009-HsiehLH #reduction- A physical-location-aware X-filling method for IR-drop reduction in at-speed scan test (WWH, ISL, TH), pp. 1234–1237.
DATE-2009-SathanurPBMM #clustering #design #variability- Physically clustered forward body biasing for variability compensation in nanometer CMOS design (AVS, AP, LB, GDM, EM), pp. 154–159.
DATE-2009-YangO #adaptation #towards- Towards no-cost adaptive MPSoC static schedules through exploitation of logical-to-physical core mapping latitude (CY, AO), pp. 63–68.
SIGMOD-2009-LiuMBJILG #named #physics- SmartCIS: integrating digital and physical environments (ML, SRM, ZB, MJ, ZGI, BTL, SG), pp. 1111–1114.
VLDB-2009-SchnaitterPG #analysis #design #interactive #modelling #physics- Index Interactions in Physical Design Tuning: Modeling, Analysis, and Applications (KS, NP, LG), pp. 1234–1245.
CHI-2009-FiebrinkMM #physics- Dynamic mapping of physical controls for tabletop groupware (RF, DM, MRM), pp. 471–480.
CHI-2009-HarrisonH #physics #visual notation- Providing dynamically changeable physical buttons on a visual display (CH, SEH), pp. 299–308.
CHI-2009-HarryGD #physics- backchan.nl: integrating backchannels in physical space (DH, JG, JSD), pp. 1361–1370.
CHI-2009-MarshallFHRHRYD #interactive #physics #using- Fighting for control: children’s embodied interactions when using physical and digital representations (PM, RF, AH, JR, EH, YR, NY, NSD), pp. 2149–2152.
CHI-2009-SpelmezanJHB #physics #process- Tactile motion instructions for physical activities (DS, MJ, AH, JOB), pp. 2243–2252.
CHI-2009-WeissWJJKHB #physics- SLAP widgets: bridging the gap between virtual and physical controls on tabletops (MW, JW, YJ, RJ, RK, JDH, JOB), pp. 481–490.
DHM-2009-KuramotoIST #comparison #education #physics #realtime #self- Augmented Practice Mirror: A Self-learning Support System of Physical Motion with Real-Time Comparison to Teacher’s Model (IK, YI, YS, YT), pp. 123–131.
HCD-2009-Blasko-DrabikBB #game studies #physics #testing #usability- Combining Fast-Paced Usability and Scientific Testing to Improve the Lunar Quest Physics Game (HBD, JB, CAB), pp. 23–26.
HCD-2009-ChouC #experience #physics #user interface- Engaging Experience: A New Perspective of User Experience with Physical Products (CJC, CC), pp. 31–40.
HCI-AUII-2009-SuedaIMR #communication #hybrid #physics- Communication Grill/Salon: Hybrid Physical/Digital Artifacts for Stimulating Spontaneous Real World Communication (KS, KI, TM, JR), pp. 526–535.
HCI-VAD-2009-KashiwagiXSKO #learning #physics #process- A Language Learning System Utilizing RFID Technology for Total Physical Response Activities (HK, YX, YS, MK, KO), pp. 119–128.
HIMI-DIE-2009-Aviles-LopezG #physics- UbiSOA Dashboard: Integrating the Physical and Digital Domains through Mashups (EAL, JAGM), pp. 466–474.
HIMI-DIE-2009-KanaiOM #3d #physics- Manipulation with Fingers in a 3-D Physical Space (YK, MO, HM), pp. 515–523.
ICEIS-SAIC-2009-WuFL #implementation #integration #online #physics #process- A Process for Implementing Online and Physical Business based on a Strategy Integration Aspect (ILW, CYF, CWL), pp. 5–11.
SEKE-2009-Tappan #component #modelling #physics #simulation- Pedagogy-oriented Software Modeling and Simulation of Component-based Physical Systems (DT), pp. 295–300.
GPCE-2009-KastnerAK #refactoring- A model of refactoring physically and virtually separated features (CK, SA, MK), pp. 157–166.
SAC-2009-HeinenO #evolution- Evolving morphologies and gaits of physically realistic simulated robots (MRH, FSO), pp. 1161–1165.
DAC-2008-FeldmannA #approach #modelling #physics #towards- Towards a more physical approach to gate modeling for timing, noise, and power (PF, SA), pp. 453–455.
DAC-2008-GolsonC #implementation #physics #theory and practice- Flow engineering for physical implementation: theory and practice (SG, PC), p. 1.
DATE-2008-ForestFASSN #architecture #physics- Physical Architectures of Automotive Systems (TF, AF, GA, MS, ALSV, MDN), pp. 391–395.
DATE-2008-FrenkilCU #analysis #design #physics #power management- Power Gating for Ultra-low Leakage: Physics, Design, and Analysis (JF, KC, KU).
DATE-2008-LinPBB #detection- Physically-Aware N-Detect Test Pattern Selection (YTL, OP, NKB, RDB), pp. 634–639.
SIGMOD-2008-BrunoN #design #optimisation #parametricity #physics #query- Configuration-parametric query optimization for physical design tuning (NB, RVN), pp. 941–952.
VLDB-2008-BrunoC #design #physics- Constrained physical design tuning (NB, SC), pp. 4–15.
VLDB-2008-LiuCBC #independence #physics #sql #towards #xml #xquery- Towards a physical XML independent XQuery/SQL/XML engine (ZHL, SC, TB, HJC), pp. 1356–1367.
CHI-2008-MerrillRA #physics- The sound of touch: physical manipulation of digital sound (DM, HR, RA), pp. 739–742.
CHI-2008-PetrelliWB #named #physics #question #what- AutoTypography: what can physical mementos tell us about digital memories? (DP, SW, JB), pp. 53–62.
CSCW-2008-McCarthyCH #community #physics- The context, content & community collage: sharing personal digital media in the physical workplace (JFM, BC, FMH), pp. 97–106.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-GinerAP #process #ubiquitous- Physical-Virtual Connection in Ubiquitous Business Processes (PG, MA, VP), pp. 266–271.
SAC-2008-SavoldiG #logic #physics- Logical and physical data collection of Windows CE based portable devices (AS, PG), pp. 1448–1449.
VMCAI-2008-BouissouM #abstract interpretation #embedded #physics #source code- Abstract Interpretation of the Physical Inputs of Embedded Programs (OB, MM), pp. 37–51.
CASE-2007-GoemansAGS #algorithm #automation #composition #design #industrial #physics- Automated Feeding of Industrial Parts with Modular Blades: Design Software, Physical Experiments, and an Improved Algorithm (OCG, MTA, KG, AFvdS), pp. 318–325.
DAC-2007-MangHH #distributed #effectiveness #physics #synthesis- Techniques for Effective Distributed Physical Synthesis (FYCM, WH, PHH), pp. 859–864.
DAC-2007-MaslovFM #empirical #interactive #optimisation #physics #quantum- Quantum Circuit Placement: Optimizing Qubit-to-qubit Interactions through Mapping Quantum Circuits into a Physical Experiment (DM, SMF, MM), pp. 962–965.
DAC-2007-SuhD #authentication #generative #physics- Physical Unclonable Functions for Device Authentication and Secret Key Generation (GES, SD), pp. 9–14.
DAC-2007-TaylorP #combinator #design #logic #optimisation #physics- Exact Combinatorial Optimization Methods for Physical Design of Regular Logic Bricks (BT, LTP), pp. 344–349.
DATE-2007-GrassmannRS #architecture #multi #physics #standard- Mapping the physical layer of radio standards to multiprocessor architectures (CG, MR, MS), pp. 1412–1417.
ICDAR-2007-ChangTO #image #physics #segmentation- Physical Structure Segmentation with Projection Profile for Mathematic Formulae and Graphics in Academic Paper Images (TYC, YT, MO), pp. 1193–1197.
ICDAR-2007-RosmanTT #motivation- A New Physically Motivated Warping Model for Form Drop-Out (GR, AT, DT), pp. 774–778.
SIGMOD-2007-BrunoC #design #online #physics- Online autoadmin: (physical design tuning) (NB, SC), pp. 1067–1069.
CHI-2007-BallNB #navigation #performance #physics #scalability- Move to improve: promoting physical navigation to increase user performance with large displays (RB, CN, DAB), pp. 191–200.
CHI-2007-LeclercPI #modelling #named #physics #tool support #visualisation- Senspectra: a computationally augmented physical modeling toolkit for sensing and visualization of structural strain (VL, AJP, HI), pp. 801–804.
CHI-2007-SeagerF #automation #navigation #physics- Comparing physical, automatic and manual map rotation for pedestrian navigation (WS, DSF), pp. 767–776.
CHI-2007-SwindellsMBM #design #physics- Exploring affective design for physical controls (CS, KEM, KSB, MJM), pp. 933–942.
CHI-2007-TerrenghiKSI #interactive #physics- Affordances for manipulation of physical versus digital media on interactive surfaces (LT, DSK, AS, SI), pp. 1157–1166.
HCI-AS-2007-AlTaboliA #consistency #design #interface #performance #physics #web- Effect of Physical Consistency of Web Interface Design on Users’ Performance and Satisfaction (AA, MRAZ), pp. 849–858.
HCI-IPT-2007-MartiG #physics- Coupling the Digital and the Physical in Therapeutic Environments (PM, LG), pp. 1173–1182.
HCI-IPT-2007-Truillet #physics #taxonomy- A Taxonomy of Physical Contextual Sensors (PT), pp. 982–989.
HCI-IPT-2007-ZhengSS #3d #physics #simulation #sketching #web- A 3D Sketching Interacting Tool for Physical Simulation Based on Web (ZZ, LS, SS), pp. 710–719.
HCI-MIE-2007-DuL #design #game studies #interactive #music #named #physics- G-Tunes — Physical Interaction Design of Playing Music (JD, YL), pp. 846–851.
HCI-MIE-2007-LeePN #interactive #physics- Emotional Interaction Through Physical Movement (JHL, JYP, TJN), pp. 401–410.
HIMI-MTT-2007-LeeL #design #navigation- Integrated Physically Based Manipulation and Decision-Making Tree for Navigation to Support Design Rationale (JHL, TCL), pp. 480–489.
OCSC-2007-ShihCHL #interactive #physics #representation #social- Physical Representation Social Presence with Interactive Grass (JHS, TWC, HMH, TCL), pp. 176–181.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-NaderiR #adaptation #documentation #physics- Physical Document Adaptation to User’s Context and User’s Profile (HN, BR), pp. 92–97.
RecSys-2007-McCarthy #challenge #physics #recommendation- The challenges of recommending digital selves in physical spaces (JFM), pp. 185–186.
SAC-2007-NunesVN #animation #flexibility #representation- A flexible representation of controllers for physically-based animation of virtual humans (RFN, CAV, JBCN), pp. 30–36.
DAC-2006-AnanthanR #physics #process- A fully physical model for leakage distribution under process variations in Nanoscale double-gate CMOS (HA, KR), pp. 413–418.
DAC-2006-KimSKE #design #physics #power management #standard- Physical design methodology of power gating circuits for standard-cell-based design (HOK, YS, HK, IE), pp. 109–112.
DAC-2006-NelsonBDB #detection #multi #physics- Multiple-detect ATPG based on physical neighborhoods (JEN, JGB, RD, RD(B), pp. 1099–1102.
DAC-2006-PantC #grid #physics #power management- Power grid physics and implications for CAD (SP, EC), pp. 199–204.
DATE-2006-MohantyVK #optimisation- Physical-aware simulated annealing optimization of gate leakage in nanoscale datapath circuits (SPM, RV, EK), pp. 1191–1196.
HT-2006-Gronbaek #hypermedia #interactive #physics #social #ubiquitous- Ubiquitous hypermedia and social interaction in physical environments (KG), pp. 119–120.
SIGMOD-2006-AgrawalCN #automation #design #physics #sequence- Automatic physical design tuning: workload as a sequence (SA, EC, VRN), pp. 683–694.
VLDB-2006-BrunoC #design #lightweight #physics- To Tune or not to Tune? A Lightweight Physical Design Alerter (NB, SC), pp. 499–510.
CHI-2006-AgarawalaB #physics- Keepin’ it real: pushing the desktop metaphor with physics, piles and the pen (AA, RB), pp. 1283–1292.
CHI-2006-ConsolvoESL #design #physics #process #requirements- Design requirements for technologies that encourage physical activity (SC, KE, IES, JAL), pp. 457–466.
CHI-2006-HorneckerB #framework #interactive #physics #social- Getting a grip on tangible interaction: a framework on physical space and social interaction (EH, JB), pp. 437–446.
CHI-2006-KirkF #collaboration #gesture #physics- Comparing remote gesture technologies for supporting collaborative physical tasks (DSK, DSF), pp. 1191–1200.
CIKM-2006-LiuWL #approach #modelling #pervasive #physics #query- Integrated RFID data modeling: an approach for querying physical objects in pervasive computing (SL, FW, PL), pp. 822–823.
ICPR-v3-2006-ChangKAA #multi #recognition- Physics-based Fusion of Multispectral Data for Improved Face Recognition (HC, AK, BRA, MAA), pp. 1083–1086.
ICPR-v3-2006-ElterRW #image #motivation #re-engineering- Physically Motivated Reconstruction of Fiberscopic Images (ME, SR, CW), pp. 599–602.
ICPR-v4-2006-KiseNIY #approach #performance #physics #recognition #towards- Efficient Recognition of Planar Objects Based on Hashing of Keypoints — An Approach Towards Making the Physical World Clickable (KK, TN, MI, SY), pp. 813–816.
SAC-2006-BodhuinCPT #complexity #physics- Hiding complexity and heterogeneity of the physical world in smart living environments (TB, GC, RP, MT), pp. 1921–1927.
SAC-2006-MameiQZ #physics #tuple- Making tuple spaces physical with RFID tags (MM, RQ, FZ), pp. 434–439.
HPCA-2006-LiLBHS #constraints #design #physics- CMP design space exploration subject to physical constraints (YL, BCL, DMB, ZH, KS), pp. 17–28.
HPDC-2006-AamnitchiDG #energy #physics #resource management- Filecules in High-Energy Physics: Characteristics and Impact on Resource Management (AI, SD, GG), pp. 69–80.
HPDC-2006-ZhangHXY #named #physics #runtime #scalability- PARM: Physics Aware Runtime Manager for Large-scale Scientific and Engineering Applications (YZ, SH, JX, JY), pp. 363–364.
DAC-2005-BanerjeeBD #architecture #clustering #configuration management- Physically-aware HW-SW partitioning for reconfigurable architectures with partial dynamic reconfiguration (SB, EB, NDD), pp. 335–340.
DAC-2005-GuWDZ #behaviour #design #incremental #physics- Incremental exploration of the combined physical and behavioral design space (Z(G, JW, RPD, HZ), pp. 208–213.
DAC-2005-PetrovTO #embedded #energy #memory management- Energy-effcient physically tagged caches for embedded processors with virtual memory (PP, DT, AO), pp. 17–22.
DAC-2005-SinghMB #incremental #physics #synthesis- Incremental retiming for FPGA physical synthesis (DPS, VM, SDB), pp. 433–438.
HT-2005-MillardR #3d #hypermedia #physics- The 3D sonification of links in physical hypermedia environments (DEM, MR), pp. 251–253.
SIGMOD-2005-BrunoC #approach #automation #database #physics- Automatic Physical Database Tuning: A Relaxation-based Approach (NB, SC), pp. 227–238.
CHI-2005-AyatsukaR #named- tranSticks: physically manipulatable virtual connections (YA, JR), pp. 251–260.
CAiSE-2005-GordilloRS #hypermedia #modelling #physics- Separation of Structural Concerns in Physical Hypermedia Models (SEG, GR, DS), pp. 446–459.
SAC-2005-FujinamiN #physics #towards- Towards system software for physical space applications (KF, TN), pp. 1613–1620.
DAC-2004-AlpertHHQ #flexibility #layout #performance #physics- Fast and flexible buffer trees that navigate the physical layout environment (CJA, MH, JH, STQ), pp. 24–29.
DATE-DF-2004-DiazS #physics- Clock Management in a Gigabit Ethernet Physical Layer Transceiver Circuit (JCD, MS), pp. 134–139.
HT-2004-MillardRMTW #hypermedia #modelling #physics- Navigational hypertext models For physical hypermedia environments (DEM, DDR, DTM, MKT, MJW), pp. 110–111.
SIGMOD-2004-AgrawalNY #automation #clustering #database #design #physics- Integrating Vertical and Horizontal Partitioning Into Automated Physical Database Design (SA, VRN, BY), pp. 359–370.
SIGMOD-2004-LernerSWZZ #algorithm #biology #music #performance #physics- Fast Algorithms for Time Series with applications to Finance, Physics, Music, Biology, and other Suspects (AL, DS, ZW, XZ, YZ), pp. 965–968.
VLDB-2004-ZilioRLLSGF #automation #database #design #physics- DB2 Design Advisor: Integrated Automatic Physical Database Design (DCZ, JR, SL, GML, AJS, CGA, SF), pp. 1087–1097.
CHI-2004-TanGSP #3d #integration #navigation #scalability- Physically large displays improve path integration in 3D virtual navigation tasks (DST, DG, PS, RP), pp. 439–446.
CSCW-2004-JuINW #design #physics- Where the wild things work: capturing shared physical design workspaces (WJ, AI, LN, TW), pp. 533–541.
CSCW-2004-McCarthyBCGLZ #physics- Digital backchannels in shared physical spaces: attention, intention and contention (JFM, DB, EFC, WGG, EL, MZ), pp. 550–553.
ICPR-v3-2004-FurukawaKMSMT #3d #approximate #estimation #image #physics #using- Spine Posture Estimation Method from Human Images Using 3D Spine Model — Computation of the rough approximation of the physical forces working on vertebral bodies (DF, TK, KM, YS, KM, TT), pp. 322–325.
ICPR-v4-2004-ChungWBCCC #image- Physics-Based Extraction of Intrinsic Images from a Single Image (YCC, JMW, RRB, SWC, SLC, SC), pp. 693–696.
SAC-2004-FujinamiYN #case study #cyber-physical #exclamation #physics #quote- “Take me with you!”: a case study of context-aware application integrating cyber and physical spaces (KF, TY, TN), pp. 1607–1614.
SAC-2004-PinhoT #image #physics #using- Morphing of image represented objects using a physical methodology (RRP, JMRST), pp. 10–15.
CGO-2004-KimLWCTZWYGS #physics #thread- Physical Experimentation with Prefetching Helper Threads on Intel’s Hyper-Threaded Processors (DK, SWL, PHW, JdC, XT, XZ, HW, DY, MG, JPS), pp. 27–38.
ASE-2003-BunusF #automation #behaviour #fault #locality #modelling #physics #simulation #verification- Semi-Automatic Fault Localization and Behavior Verification for Physical System Simulation Models (PB, PF), pp. 253–258.
ASE-2003-Ellman #animation #automaton #hybrid #specification #synthesis- Specification and Synthesis of Hybrid Automata for Physics-Based Animation (TE), pp. 80–93.
DAC-2003-ChanKLNR #performance #physics #synthesis- Physical synthesis methodology for high performance microprocessors (YHC, PK, LBL, GAN, TER), pp. 696–701.
DAC-2003-CongJRR #architecture #evaluation #physics- Microarchitecture evaluation with physical planning (JC, AJ, GR, MR), pp. 32–35.
DAC-2003-HurCRPCTH #constraints #physics- Force directed mongrel with physical net constraints (SWH, TC, KR, YP, AC, VT, BH), pp. 214–219.
HT-2003-GronbaekKOE #hypermedia #physics #quote- “Physical hypermedia”: organising collections of mixed physical and digital material (KG, JFK, PØ, MAE), pp. 10–19.
CHI-2003-BallagasRSB #named #physics #tool support #ubiquitous #user interface- iStuff: a physical user interface toolkit for ubiquitous computing environments (RB, MR, MCS, JOB), pp. 537–544.
CHI-2003-EverittKLL #collaboration #design #distributed #physics- Two worlds apart: bridging the gap between physical and virtual media for distributed design collaboration (KE, SRK, RL, JAL), pp. 553–560.
CHI-2003-FussellSK #collaboration #physics #video- Effects of head-mounted and scene-oriented video systems on remote collaboration on physical tasks (SRF, LDS, REK), pp. 513–520.
CHI-2003-KlemmerGWL #interface #physics- Books with voices: paper transcripts as a physical interface to oral histories (SRK, JG, GJW, JAL), pp. 89–96.
AdaEurope-2003-GreinKW #ada #bibliography #physics- A Survey of Physical Unit Handling Techniques in Ada (CG, DAK, FW), pp. 258–270.
LOPSTR-2003-Ellman #animation #automaton #hybrid #specification #synthesis- Specification and Synthesis of Hybrid Automata for Physics-Based Animation (TE), pp. 54–55.
HPDC-2003-TakefusaTMM #algorithm #analysis #architecture #energy #grid #performance #physics #replication #scheduling- Performance Analysis of Scheduling and Replication Algorithms on Grid Datafarm Architecture for High-Energy Physics Applications (AT, OT, SM, YM), pp. 34–47.
SAT-2003-SemerjianM #case study #physics #problem #random #satisfiability- A Study of Pure Random Walk on Random Satisfiability Problems with “Physical” Methods (GS, RM), pp. 120–134.
ASE-2002-EllmanDF #animation #knowledge-based #simulation #source code #synthesis- Knowledge-Based Synthesis of Numerical Programs for Simulation of Rigid-Body Systems in Physics-Based Animation (TE, RD, JF), p. 93–?.
DAC-2002-VenkatesanDM #distributed #physics- A physical model for the transient response of capacitively loaded distributed rlc interconnects (RV, JAD, JDM), pp. 763–766.
DATE-2002-ChenM #design #metric #physics- Closed-Form Crosstalk Noise Metrics for Physical Design Applications (LHC, MMS), pp. 812–819.
SIGMOD-2002-RaoZML #automation #database #design #parallel #physics- Automating physical database design in a parallel database (JR, CZ, NM, GML), pp. 558–569.
VLDB-2002-AlexandrovABBBCDFHJKKKLLMMMPNPPRRSSW #energy #metadata #named #online #physics #repository- OBK — An Online High Energy Physics’ Meta-Data Repository (IA, AA, EB, MB, DBC, MC, MD, JF, RH, RJ, AK, SK, VK, DL, LL, LM, MM, LM, IP, MN, NP, LP, AR, YR, DS, IS, HW), pp. 920–927.
VLDB-2002-ConradGJM #database #logic #physics #using- Database Selection Using Actual Physical and Acquired Logical Collection Resources in a Massive Domain-specific Operational Environment (JGC, XSG, PJ, MM), pp. 71–82.
CHI-2002-CockburnM #2d #3d #effectiveness #memory management #physics- Evaluating the effectiveness of spatial memory in 2D and 3D physical and virtual environments (AC, BJM), pp. 203–210.
CHI-2002-MontemayorDFSCD #design #interactive #physics #programming #tool support- Physical programming: designing tools for children to create physical interactive environments (JM, AD, AF, SS, WC, AD), pp. 299–306.
AdaEurope-2002-Ferscha #named #physics- Contextware: Bridging Physical and Virtual Worlds (AF), pp. 51–64.
ICEIS-2002-PrikladnickiPAMP #development #distributed #process #requirements #specification- Requirements Specification Model in a Software Development Process inside a Physically Distributed Environment (RP, FP, JLNA, MdCM, AP), pp. 830–834.
CIKM-2002-Amer-YahiaFGS #logic #physics #semistructured data- Logical and physical support for heterogeneous data (SAY, MFF, RG, DS), pp. 270–281.
ICPR-v1-2002-LuoE #approach #detection- A Physics-Motivated Approach to Detecting Sky in Photographs (JL, SPE), pp. 155–158.
ICPR-v2-2002-Duncan #analysis #geometry #image #modelling #physics- Geometrical and Physical Models for the Recovery of Quantitative Information from Medical Image Analysis (JSD), p. 277.
ICPR-v2-2002-NadimiB #approach #detection #using- Moving Shadow Detection Using a Physics-Based Approach (SN, BB), pp. 701–704.
ICPR-v2-2002-ZhangGST #parametricity #physics #using- Tracking Objects Using Recovered Physical Motion Parameters (YZ, DBG, SS, LVT), pp. 10–13.
KR-2002-Bennett #physics- Physical Objects, Identity and Vagueness (BB), pp. 395–408.
DAC-2001-BazarganOS #architecture #compilation #configuration management #design #physics #scheduling- Integrating Scheduling and Physical Design into a Coherent Compilation Cycle for Reconfigurable Computing Architectures (KB, SO, MS), pp. 635–640.
DAC-2001-GrobmanTWYTD #challenge #design #physics- Reticle Enhancement Technology: Implications and Challenges for Physical Design (WG, MT, RW, CY, RT, ED), pp. 73–78.
DAC-2001-HalpinCS #constraints #physics #using- Timing Driven Placement using Physical Net Constraints (BH, CYRC, NS), pp. 780–783.
FASE-2001-Selic #logic #physics #programming- Physical Programming: Beyond Mere Logic (BS), p. 1.
CHI-2001-RekimotoUO #composition #framework #interactive #named #physics #visual notation- DataTiles: a modular platform for mixed physical and graphical interactions (JR, BU, HO), pp. 269–276.
SAC-2001-TranHJ #design #multi #physics- A generalized air-cache design for efficiently boradcasting on multiple physical channels (DAT, KAH, NJ), pp. 387–392.
SAT-2001-CoccoM #analysis #backtracking #physics #random #satisfiability #statistics- Statistical physics analysis of the backtrack resolution of random 3-SAT instances (SC, RM), pp. 36–47.
DAC-2000-DoughertyT #behaviour #design #physics #synthesis- Unifying behavioral synthesis and physical design (WED, DET), pp. 756–761.
ICML-2000-Randlov #learning #physics #problem- Shaping in Reinforcement Learning by Changing the Physics of the Problem (JR), pp. 767–774.
ICPR-v2-2000-TanakaII #evaluation #image #modelling #physics- An Attractiveness Evaluation Model Based on the Physical Features of Image Regions (ST, YI, SI), pp. 2793–2796.
ICPR-v3-2000-Serra #pattern matching #pattern recognition #physics #question #recognition- Is Pattern Recognition a Physical Science? (JS), pp. 3033–3040.
OSDI-2000-BrownM #memory management #physics #using- Taming the Memory Hogs: Using Compiler-Inserted Releases to Manage Physical Memory Intelligently (ADB, TCM), pp. 31–44.
CL-2000-DavulcuYKR #design #experience #implementation #physics- Design and Implementation of the Physical Layer in WebBases: The XRover Experience (HD, GY, MK, IVR), pp. 1094–1105.
RTA-2000-ContejeanCM #physics- Rewriting Techniques in Theoretical Physics (EC, AC, BM), pp. 80–94.
DATE-1999-ChakrabortyGBKM #design #physics #self- A Physical Design Tool for Built-in Self-Repairable Static RAMs (KC, AG, MB, SK, PM), p. 714–?.
VLDB-1999-DeutschPT #constraints #independence #optimisation #physics- Physical Data Independence, Constraints, and Optimization with Universal Plans (AD, LP, VT), pp. 459–470.
PASTE-1999-ChandraR #c #physics #type checking- Physical Type Checking for C (SC, TWR), pp. 66–75.
CHI-1999-WantFGH #physics- Bridging Physical and Virtual Worlds with Electronic Tags (RW, KPF, AG, BLH), pp. 370–377.
CHI-1999-YarinI #design #interactive #named #physics- TouchCounters: Designing Interactive Electronic Labels for Physical Containers (PY, HI), pp. 362–369.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Pederson #design #information management #physics- Physical-virtual instead of physical or virtual — designing artefacts for future knowledge work environments (TP), pp. 1070–1074.
HCI-EI-1999-Aborg #documentation #physics- Electronic Document Handling — a Longitudinal Study on the Effects on Physical and Psychosocial Work Environment (CÅ), pp. 15–18.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-RamosP #information management #object-oriented #physics #representation #simulation- Needs of Object-Oriented Languages for Physics Knowledge Representation in the Simulation Field (JJR, MAP), pp. 162–171.
OSDI-1999-HutchinsonMFHHKO #file system #logic #physics- Logical vs. Physical File System Backup (NCH, SM, MF, GH, DH, SK, SWO), pp. 239–249.
DAC-1998-KahngMMPTWW #design #physics #robust- Robust IP Watermarking Methodologies for Physical Design (ABK, SM, ILM, MP, PT, HW, GW), pp. 782–787.
DATE-1998-EpplerFGM #energy #network #physics- High Speed Neural Network Chip for Trigger Purposes in High Energy Physics (WE, TF, HG, AM), pp. 108–115.
AdaEurope-1998-Stift #ada #object-oriented #physics- (Astro)Physical Supercomputing: Ada95 as a Safe, Object Oriented Alternative (MJS), pp. 128–139.
ICPR-1998-HatteryL #analysis #image #physics- Depth from physics: physics-based image analysis and feature definition (DH, MHL), pp. 711–713.
SAC-1998-MortonZHO #distributed #parallel- The parallelization of a physically based, spatially distributed hydrologic code for arctic regions (DJM, ZZ, LDH, SO), pp. 684–689.
HPCA-1998-GonzalezGV- Virtual-Physical Registers (AG, JG, MV), pp. 175–184.
DAC-1997-LefebvreMS #future of #generative #physics #synthesis- The Future of Custom Cell Generation in Physical Synthesis (ML, DM, CS), pp. 446–451.
EDTC-1997-XuK #physics #synthesis- RTL synthesis with physical and controller information (MX, FJK), pp. 299–303.
VLDB-1997-BohannonLRSSS #database #in memory #logic #memory management #physics #version control- Logical and Physical Versioning in Main Memory Databases (RR, SS, PB, DWL, AS, SS), pp. 86–95.
VLDB-1997-LeeLWS #database #design #multi #physics- A Region Splitting Strategy for Physical Database Design of Multidimensional File Organizations (JHL, YKL, KYW, IYS), pp. 416–425.
VLDB-1997-MalonM #database #energy #physics- Critical Database Technologies for High Energy Physics (DMM, ENM), pp. 580–584.
HCI-CC-1997-AraiYIHU #interface #using- An Input Interface System Using VEP for the Physically Challenged (YA, YY, KI, MH, YU), pp. 397–400.
HCI-CC-1997-SavidisSE #design #incremental #interface #physics #polymorphism- Abstract Task Definition and Incremental Polymorphic Physical Instantiation: The Unified Interface Design Method (AS, CS, PLE), pp. 465–468.
CHI-1996-GrahamM #physics- Physical versus Virtual Pointing (EDG, CLM), pp. 292–299.
CHI-1996-RansonPKRMCSS #agile #physics- Rapid Scout: Bridging the Gulf Between Physical and Virtual Environments (DSR, ESP, DLK, GAR, MLM, JMC, ES, CSS), pp. 442–449.
CSCW-1996-FitzpatrickKM #case study #physics #social- Physical Spaces, Virtual Places and Social Worlds: a Study of Work in the Virtual (GF, SMK, TM), pp. 334–343.
CSCW-1996-KrautMS #collaboration #communication #performance #physics- Collaboration in Performance of Physical Tasks: Effects on Outcomes and Communication (REK, MDM, JS), pp. 57–66.
SAC-1995-KasaraneniJA #distributed #energy #multi #physics- Load balancing in a distributed processing system for high-energy physics(UFMulti) (JK, TJ, PA), pp. 177–181.
DAC-1994-SarabiSCP #2d #approach #array #design #logic #physics #synthesis- A Comprehensive Approach to Logic Synthesis and Physical Design for Two-Dimensional Logic Arrays (AS, NS, MCJ, MAP), pp. 321–326.
EDAC-1994-BoniCFMO #fault #modelling #physics- Physical Modeling of Linearity Errors for the Diagnosis of High Resolution R-2R D/A Converters (AB, GC, GF, SM, MO), p. 664.
EDAC-1994-McGowenF #case study #detection- A Study of Undetectable Non-Feedback Shorts for the Purpose of Physical-DFT (RM, FJF), pp. 371–375.
VLDB-1994-TsatalosSI #independence #physics- The GMAP: A Versatile Tool for Physical Data Independence (OGT, MHS, YEI), pp. 367–378.
HCI-ACS-1993-CockeWA #health #modelling #physics- Models of Job Enlargement Tested and Evaluated from the Point of View of Physical Health and Job Satisfaction (BC, GW, EÅ), pp. 845–850.
HCI-SHI-1993-KawasugiYNA #3d #named #physics- Romeo: Robot-Mediated Cooperative Work for Handling 3-Dimensional Physical Objects (KK, TY, YN, YA), pp. 567–572.
INTERCHI-1993-AlmTEN #people- Computer aided conversation for severely physically impaired non-speaking people (NA, JT, LE, AFN), pp. 236–241.
SAC-1993-ChoenniBC #automation #database #design #on the #physics- On the Automation of Physical Database Design (SC, HMB, TC), pp. 358–367.
HPDC-1993-Coddington #analysis #distributed #hardware #physics- An Analysis of Distributed Computing Software and Hardware for Applications in Computational Physics (PDC), pp. 179–186.
HT-ECHT-1992-Falomo #approach #education #hypermedia #physics- Coulomb and Electrostatics: A Hypermedia Approach to History of Physics in Education (Demonstration) (LF), p. 292.
ECOOP-1992-AloiaBR #database #independence #physics- Supporting Physical Independence in an Object Database Server (NA, SB, FR), pp. 396–412.
SOSP-WIP-1991-HartyC92 #memory management #physics #using- Application-Controlled Physical Memory using External Page-Cache Management (Abstract) (KH, DRC), p. 19.
ASPLOS-1992-ChiuehK #physics- Eliminating the Address Translation Bottleneck for Physical Address Cache (TcC, RHK), pp. 137–148.
ASPLOS-1992-HartyC #memory management #physics #using- Application-Controlled Physical Memory using External Page-Cache Management (KH, DRC), pp. 187–197.
HPDC-1992-MehraW #generative- Physical-Level Synthetic Workload Generation for Load-Balancing Experiments (PM, BWW), pp. 208–217.
JICSLP-1992-Mitchell #architecture #logic #physics #programming- The Logic of Architecture: Programming the Invention of Physical Artifacts (WJM), pp. 831–846.
DAC-1991-Luk #constraints #generative #layout #performance #physics- A Fast Physical Constraint Generator for Timing Driven Layout (WKL), pp. 626–631.
DAC-1991-ParkerGH #design #physics #trade-off- The Effects of Physical Design Characteristics on the Area-Performance Tradeoff Curve (ACP, PG, AH), pp. 530–534.
SEI-1991-Shafer #physics- Keynote Address: Soft Ware for Hard Physics (SS), pp. 1–2.
ML-1991-VanLehnJ #correctness #learning #physics- Learning Physics Via Explanation-Based Learning of Correctness and Analogical Search Control (KV, RMJ), pp. 110–114.
GG-1990-FracchiaP #visual notation- Physically-Based Graphical Interpretation of Marker Cellwork L-Systems (FDF, PP), pp. 363–377.
DAC-1989-SetliffR #automation #named #physics #synthesis- ELF: A Tool for Automatic Synthesis of Custom Physical CAD Software (DES, RAR), pp. 543–548.
KR-1989-RandellC #modelling #physics #process- Modelling Topological and Metrical Properties in Physical Processes (DAR, AGC), pp. 357–368.
DAC-1988-ObermeierK #layout #physics- An Electrical Optimizer that Considers Physical Layout (FWO, RHK), pp. 453–459.
SIGMOD-1988-Bell #data transformation #execution #parallel #physics- A Specialized Data Management System For Parallel Execution of Particle Physics Codes (JLB), pp. 277–285.
VDME-1988-Good #physics- Computing is a Physical Science (Abstract) (DIG), p. 1.
DAC-1986-HaugeY #design #named #physics- Vanguard: a chip physical design system (PSH, EJY), pp. 440–446.
DAC-1986-ShihA #generative #physics #testing- Transistor-level test generation for physical failures in CMOS circuits (HCS, JAA), pp. 243–249.
DAC-1985-YoffaH #approach #design #named #physics- ACORN: a local customization approach to DCVS physical design (EJY, PSH), pp. 32–38.
SIGMOD-1985-OzsoyogluOM #physics #summary- A Language and a Physical Organization Technique for Summary Tables (GÖ, ZMÖ, FM), pp. 3–16.
DAC-1984-Hinchliffe #array #automation #design #physics- Commercial gate array physical design automation packages (FHI), pp. 386–387.
DAC-1984-Rosenthal #aspect-oriented #design #physics- Physical design and manufacturing information aspects aspects of the AT & T bell laboratories CAD system (CWR), pp. 374–383.
DAC-1983-MetosO #diagrams #implementation #physics- Binary Decision Diagrams: From abstract representations to physical implementations (JSM, JVO), pp. 567–570.
VLDB-1982-WhangWS #database #design #network #physics #using- Physical Design of Network Model Databases Using the Property of Separability (KYW, GW, DS), pp. 98–107.
DAC-1981-Heller #design #physics- Contrasts in physical design between LSI and VLSI (WRH), pp. 676–683.
DAC-1981-Lambert #design #physics- Graphics language / one — IBM Corporate-Wide physical design data format (DRL), pp. 713–719.
VLDB-1981-WhangWS #approach #database #design #named #physics- Separability — An Approach to Physical Data Base Design (KYW, GW, DS), pp. 320–332.
SIGMOD-1980-ChangF #clustering #database #design #physics- A Dynamic Clustering Technique for Physical Database Design (JMC, KsF), pp. 188–199.
SIGMOD-1980-KatzW #database #design #physics- An Access Path Model for Physical Database Design (RHK, EW), pp. 22–29.
DAC-1979-Bening #logic #physics #simulation- Developments in computer simulation of gate level physical logic (LB), pp. 561–567.
DAC-1978-McWilliamsW78a #design #physics- The SCALD physical design subsystem (TMM, LCWJ), pp. 278–284.
VLDB-1978-Schkolnick #bibliography #database #design #physics- A Survey of Physical Database Design Methodology and Techniques (MS), pp. 474–487.
VLDB-1977-TohKS #independence #multi #physics- Multi-Level Structures of the DBTG Data Model for an Achievement of Physical Data Independence (TT, SK, KS), pp. 403–414.
DAC-1976-Bernstein #approach #modelling #network #physics- Transmission line models, a unified physical network approach (SB), pp. 117–130.
VLDB-1976-SenkoA #abstraction #data access #physics- DIAM II and Levels of Abstraction — The Physical Device Level: A General Model for Access Methods (MES, EBA), pp. 79–94.
DAC-1975-Quinn #physics #problem- The placement problem as viewed from the physics of classical mechanics (NRQJ), pp. 173–178.
SIGMOD-1975-MommensS #automation #database #generative #physics- Automatic Generation of Physical Data Base Structures (JHM, SES), pp. 157–165.
VLDB-1975-HofferS #analysis #clustering #database #design #physics- The Use of Cluster Analysis in Physical Data Base Design (JAH, DGS), pp. 69–86.
SIGFIDET-1971-DateH71a #independence #physics- Storage Structure and Physical Data Independence (CJD, PH), pp. 139–168.