Travelled to:
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.Furuta U.Karadkar F.M.S.III F.Shipman L.Francisco-Revilla D.Pogue Y.Li P.Dave L.N.Cassel E.A.Fox T.Hubbard K.Skinner P.Adamczyk J.Johnston Y.Chen H.Hsieh F.Poursardar P.Brusilovsky L.M.L.Delcambre D.D.Garcia M.Yudelson S.Davis L.Cifuentes
Talks about:
digit (4) artifact (3) chang (3) blog (3) collect (2) walden (2) author (2) studi (2) path (2) grow (2)
Person: Paul Logasa Bogen II
DBLP: II:Paul_Logasa_Bogen
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 12 papers:
- TPDL-2012-LiBPFS #authoring #collaboration
- Collaborative Authoring of Walden’s Paths (YL, PLBI, DP, RF, FS), pp. 461–467.
- TPDL-2011-BogenPPLFS #community #named
- WPv4: A Re-imagined Walden’s Paths to Support Diverse User Communities (PLBI, DP, FP, YL, RF, FS), pp. 159–168.
- ECDL-2010-BrusilovskyCDFFGSBY #library #navigation #social
- Enhancing Digital Libraries with Social Navigation: The Case of Ensemble (PB, LNC, LMLD, EAF, RF, DDG, FMSI, PLBI, MY), pp. 116–123.
- ECDL-2004-DaveFKFSB #physics
- Incorporating Physical and Digital Artifacts into Growing Personal Collections (PD, LFR, UK, RF, FMSI, PLBI), pp. 341–352.
- HT-2004-DaveBKFFS #hypermedia
- Dynamically growing hypertext collections (PD, PLBI, UK, LFR, RF, FMSI), pp. 171–180.
- JCDL-2006-DavisBCFFHKPS #authoring #education
- Template-based authoring of educational artifacts (SD, PLBI, LC, LFR, RF, TH, UK, DP, FMSI), pp. 242–243.
- JCDL-2007-BogenFFHKS
- Longitudinal study of changes in blogs (PLBI, LFR, RF, TH, UK, FMSI), pp. 135–136.
- JCDL-2008-BogenJKFS #identification
- Application of kalman filters to identify unexpected change in blogs (PLBI, JJ, UK, RF, FMSI), pp. 305–312.
- JCDL-2011-BogenF #case study #named
- Ember: a case study of a digital memorial museum of born-digital artifacts (PLBI, RF), pp. 77–80.
- JCDL-2012-BogenFS #detection #evaluation
- A quantitative evaluation of techniques for detection of abnormal change events in blogs (PLBI, RF, FS), pp. 157–166.
- JCDL-2012-ChenBHFC #categorisation #crowdsourcing #education
- Categorization of computing education resources with utilization of crowdsourcing (YC, PLBI, HwH, EAF, LNC), pp. 121–124.
- JCDL-2015-BogenSAK
- Organizational Strategies for Cultural Heritage Preservation (PLBI, KS, PA, UK), p. 289.