Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × The Netherlands
14 × USA
Collaborated with:
O.Waddell R.Hieb C.Bruggeman R.G.Burger J.M.Ashley A.W.Keep M.D.Adams D.P.Friedman A.Ghuloum ∅ D.Sarkar D.Eby C.T.Haynes W.J.Bowman S.Miller V.St-Amour E.Hilsdale J.Midtgaard M.Might A.Chauhan
Talks about:
continu (3) scheme (3) compil (3) procedur (2) nanopass (2) presenc (2) develop (2) control (2) repres (2) effici (2)
Person: R. Kent Dybvig
DBLP: Dybvig:R=_Kent
Contributed to:
Wrote 19 papers:
- PLDI-2015-BowmanMSD #metaprogramming
- Profile-guided meta-programming (WJB, SM, VSA, RKD), pp. 403–412.
- ICFP-2013-KeepD #compilation #development #framework
- A nanopass framework for commercial compiler development (AWK, RKD), pp. 343–350.
- OOPSLA-2011-AdamsKMMCD #polynomial
- Flow-sensitive type recovery in linear-log time (MDA, AWK, JM, MM, AC, RKD), pp. 483–498.
- ICFP-2008-AdamsD #graph #performance #similarity
- Efficient nondestructive equality checking for trees and graphs (MDA, RKD), pp. 179–188.
- ICFP-2007-GhuloumD #library
- Implicit phasing for R6RS libraries (AG, RKD), pp. 303–314.
- ICFP-2006-Dybvig #development
- The development of Chez Scheme (RKD), pp. 1–12.
- ICFP-2004-SarkarWD #compilation #education #framework
- A nanopass infrastructure for compiler education (DS, OW, RKD), pp. 201–212.
- POPL-1999-WaddellD #abstraction
- Extending the Scope of Syntactic Abstraction (OW, RKD), pp. 203–215.
- SAS-1997-WaddellD #effectiveness #performance
- Fast and Effective Procedure Inlining (OW, RKD), pp. 35–52.
- PLDI-1996-BruggemanWD #continuation #representation
- Representing Control in the Presence of One-Shot Continuations (CB, OW, RKD), pp. 99–107.
- PLDI-1996-BurgerD #float
- Printing Floating-Point Numbers Quickly and Accurately (RGB, RKD), pp. 108–116.
- FPLE-1995-HilsdaleADF #compilation #using
- Compiler Construction Using Scheme (EH, JMA, RKD, DPF), pp. 251–267.
- PLDI-1995-BurgerWD #lazy evaluation #using
- Register Allocation Using Lazy Saves, Eager Restores, and Greedy Shuffling (RGB, OW, RKD), pp. 130–138.
- LFP-1994-AshleyD #implementation #multi #performance
- An Efficient Implementation of Multiple Return Values in Scheme (JMA, RKD), pp. 140–149.
- PLDI-1993-DybvigBE #garbage collection
- Guardians in a Generation-Based Garbage Collector (RKD, CB, DE), pp. 207–216.
- PLDI-1990-HiebDB #continuation #representation
- Representing Control in the Presence of First-Class Continuations (RH, RKD, CB), pp. 66–77.
- PPoPP-1990-HiebD #concurrent #continuation
- Continuations and Concurrency (RH, RKD), pp. 128–136.
- LFP-1988-DybvigH #interface
- A Variable-Arity Procedural Interface (RKD, RH), pp. 106–115.
- LFP-1986-DybvigFH #metaprogramming
- Expansion-Passing Style: Beyond Conventional Macros (RKD, DPF, CTH), pp. 143–150.