Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × Greece
1 × Norway
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Bajaj ∅ M.J.Atallah S.Prabhakar M.Winslett B.Carbunar S.Katzenbeisser H.Kang Y.Chen J.L.Wong J.Wu W.Li W.Hsiung D.V.Kalashnikov O.Po D.Agrawal K.S.Candan
Talks about:
trust (4) data (4) outsourc (3) databas (3) protect (2) hardwar (2) correct (2) right (2) queri (2) engin (2)
Person: Radu Sion
DBLP: Sion:Radu
Contributed to:
Wrote 11 papers:
- VLDB-2013-BajajS #authentication #named #query #sql
- CorrectDB: SQL Engine with Practical Query Authentication (SB, RS), pp. 529–540.
- HPDC-2011-KangCWSW #pipes and filters
- Enhancement of Xen’s scheduler for MapReduce workloads (HK, YC, JLW, RS, JW), pp. 251–262.
- SIGMOD-2011-BajajS #database #hardware #named #privacy
- TrustedDB: a trusted hardware based database with privacy and data confidentiality (SB, RS), pp. 205–216.
- VLDB-2011-BajajS #database #hardware #named #outsourcing
- TrustedDB: A Trusted Hardware based Outsourced Database Engine (SB, RS), pp. 1359–1362.
- VLDB-2007-Sion #outsourcing
- Secure Data Outsourcing (RS), pp. 1431–1432.
- VLDB-2007-SionBCK #correctness #named
- NS2: Networked Searchable Store with Correctness (RS, SB, BC, SK), pp. 1342–1345.
- VLDB-2007-SionW #data transformation
- Regulatory-Compliant Data Management (RS, MW), pp. 1433–1434.
- VLDB-2005-Sion #assurance #database #execution #outsourcing #query
- Query Execution Assurance for Outsourced Databases (RS), pp. 601–612.
- VLDB-2004-SionAP
- Resilient Rights Protection for Sensor Streams (RS, MJA, SP), pp. 732–743.
- SIGMOD-2003-SionAP #relational
- Rights Protection for Relational Data (RS, MJA, SP), pp. 98–109.
- VLDB-2002-LiHKSPAC #web
- Issues and Evaluations of Caching Solutions for Web Application Acceleration (WSL, WPH, DVK, RS, OP, DA, KSC), pp. 1019–1030.