Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Denmark
1 × Germany
1 × Greece
1 × Italy
1 × Korea
1 × United Kingdom
3 × Canada
4 × China
9 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.L.Sapino Y.Qi D.Agrawal W.Li J.Tatemura M.Kim O.Po W.Hsiung S.Chen X.Chen J.W.Kim H.Cao K.Hirata Y.Hara A.Sawires M.Nagendra R.Rossini X.Wang F.Liao P.Nagarkar A.Bhat J.H.Kim C.Schifanella M.Cataldi L.D.Caro H.Li Y.Akca K.W.Kintigh S.Adali Y.Papakonstantinou V.S.Subrahmanian J.Shim L.Chen D.Cavendish A.E.Abbadi M.Goveas K.Taniguchi D.V.Kalashnikov R.Sion Q.Luo W.W.Huang C.Yilmaz
Talks about:
queri (16) data (7) base (7) web (7) tensor (6) cach (6) decomposit (5) databas (5) taxonomi (4) process (4)
Person: K. Selçuk Candan
DBLP: Candan:K=_Sel=ccedil=uk
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 40 papers:
- VLDB-2015-NagarkarCB #query
- Compressed Spatial Hierarchical Bitmap (cSHB) Indexes for Efficiently Processing Spatial Range Query Workloads (PN, KSC, AB), pp. 1382–1393.
- CIKM-2014-ChenC #data type #incremental #matrix #named
- GI-NMF: Group Incremental Non-Negative Matrix Factorization on Data Streams (XC, KSC), pp. 1119–1128.
- CIKM-2014-KimC #array #performance
- Efficient Static and Dynamic In-Database Tensor Decompositions on Chunk-Based Array Stores (MK, KSC), pp. 969–978.
- CIKM-2014-KimC14a #named #query
- TensorDB: In-Database Tensor Manipulation with Tensor-Relational Query Plans (MK, KSC), pp. 2039–2041.
- KDD-2014-ChenC #incremental #named #rank #set
- LWI-SVD: low-rank, windowed, incremental singular value decompositions on time-evolving data sets (XC, KSC), pp. 987–996.
- VLDB-2013-NagendraC #framework #named
- SkySuite: A Framework of Skyline-Join Operators for Static and Stream Environments (MN, KSC), pp. 1266–1269.
- CIKM-2012-CandanRSW #named #scalability #set #visualisation
- STFMap: query- and feature-driven visualization of large time series data sets (KSC, RR, MLS, XW), pp. 2743–2745.
- CIKM-2012-KimC #approximate #composition #dependence #functional #performance
- Decomposition-by-normalization (DBN): leveraging approximate functional dependencies for efficient tensor decomposition (MK, KSC), pp. 355–364.
- CIKM-2012-KimCS #graph
- Impact neighborhood indexing (INI) in diffusion graphs (JHK, KSC, MLS), pp. 2184–2188.
- VLDB-2012-CandanRSW #constraints #named #using
- sDTW: Computing DTW Distances using Locally Relevant Constraints based on Salient Feature Alignments (KSC, RR, MLS, XW), pp. 1519–1530.
- CIKM-2011-CaoCS #graph #named
- Skynets: searching for minimum trees in graphs with incomparable edge weights (HC, KSC, MLS), pp. 1775–1784.
- CIKM-2011-SchifanellaCS #composition #multi #performance
- Fast metadata-driven multiresolution tensor decomposition (CS, KSC, MLS), pp. 1275–1284.
- CIKM-2010-CataldiCS #adaptation #named #taxonomy
- ANITA: a narrative interpretation of taxonomies for their adaptation to text collections (MC, KSC, MLS), pp. 1781–1784.
- CIKM-2009-CaoQCS #feedback #query
- Exploring path query results through relevance feedback (HC, YQ, KSC, MLS), pp. 1959–1962.
- SIGMOD-2009-KimC #documentation #named #performance #query #retrieval
- Skip-and-prune: cosine-based top-k query processing for efficient context-sensitive document retrieval (JWK, KSC), pp. 115–126.
- CIKM-2008-CandanCQS #summary
- Table summarization with the help of domain lattices (KSC, HC, YQ, MLS), pp. 1473–1474.
- KDD-2008-CaroCS #using
- Using tagflake for condensing navigable tag hierarchies from tag clouds (LDC, KSC, MLS), pp. 1069–1072.
- SIGMOD-2008-QiCTCL #taxonomy
- Supporting OLAP operations over imperfectly integrated taxonomies (YQ, KSC, JT, SC, FL), pp. 875–888.
- SIGMOD-2008-TatemuraCLPCA #named #nondeterminism #query #web #web service
- UQBE: uncertain query by example for web service mashup (JT, SC, FL, OP, KSC, DA), pp. 1275–1280.
- SIGMOD-2007-QiCS #consistency #data flow #named #nondeterminism #query
- FICSR: feedback-based inconsistency resolution and query processing on misaligned data sources (YQ, KSC, MLS), pp. 151–162.
- SIGMOD-2007-QiCSK #query #taxonomy
- Integrating and querying taxonomies with quest in the presence of conflicts (YQ, KSC, MLS, KWK), pp. 1153–1155.
- SIGMOD-2007-TatemuraSPCCAG #query #web #web service
- Mashup Feeds: : continuous queries over web services (JT, AS, OP, SC, KSC, DA, MG), pp. 1128–1130.
- VLDB-2007-QiCS #graph #query
- Sum-Max Monotonic Ranked Joins for Evaluating Top-K Twig Queries on Weighted Data Graphs (YQ, KSC, MLS), pp. 507–518.
- CIKM-2006-KimC #concept #mining #named #similarity #taxonomy
- CP/CV: concept similarity mining without frequency information from domain describing taxonomies (JWK, KSC), pp. 483–492.
- HT-2006-QiC #analysis #development #named #segmentation
- CUTS: CUrvature-based development pattern analysis and segmentation for blogs and other Text Streams (YQ, KSC), pp. 1–10.
- VLDB-2006-CandanHCTA #adaptation #clustering #named #xml
- AFilter: Adaptable XML Filtering with Prefix-Caching and Suffix-Clustering (KSC, WPH, SC, JT, DA), pp. 559–570.
- VLDB-2006-ChenLTHAC #bottom-up #documentation #named #query #stack #xml
- Twig2Stack: Bottom-up Processing of Generalized-Tree-Pattern Queries over XML Documents (SC, HGL, JT, WPH, DA, KSC), pp. 283–294.
- VLDB-2006-LiCTACH #data type #query #safety
- Safety Guarantee of Continuous Join Queries over Punctuated Data Streams (HGL, SC, JT, DA, KSC, WPH), pp. 19–30.
- VLDB-2006-SawiresTPAAC #maintenance #xpath
- Maintaining XPath Views In Loosely Coupled Systems (AS, JT, OP, DA, AEA, KSC), pp. 583–594.
- HPDC-2005-ChenCTAC #resource management #scalability
- DHT overlay schemes for scalable p-range resource discovery (LC, KSC, JT, DA, DC), pp. 297–298.
- SIGMOD-2005-TatemuraSPAC #incremental #maintenance
- Incremental Maintenance of Path Expression Views (AS, JT, OP, DA, KSC), pp. 443–454.
- VLDB-2003-LiPHCAAT #scalability #web
- CachePortal II: Acceleration of Very Large Scale Data Center-Hosted Database-driven Web Applications (WSL, OP, WPH, KSC, DA, YA, KT), pp. 1109–1112.
- VLDB-2002-CandanALPH #architecture #multi
- View Invalidation for Dynamic Content Caching in Multitiered Architectures (KSC, DA, WSL, OP, WPH), pp. 562–573.
- VLDB-2002-LiHKSPAC #web
- Issues and Evaluations of Caching Solutions for Web Application Acceleration (WSL, WPH, DVK, RS, OP, DA, KSC), pp. 1019–1030.
- VLDB-2001-LiCHPALHAY #e-commerce #web
- Cache Portal: Technology for Accelerating Database-driven e-commerce Web Sites (WSL, KSC, WPH, OP, DA, QL, WKWH, YA, CY), pp. 699–700.
- SAC-1997-LiCH #image #integration #named #retrieval #semantics
- SEMCOG: an integration of SEMantics and COGnition-based approaches for image retrieval (WSL, KSC, KH), pp. 136–143.
- SIGMOD-1997-LiCHH #image #interface #named #query #retrieval #visual notation
- SEMCOG: An Object-based Image Retrieval System and Its Visual Query Interface (WSL, KSC, KH, YH), pp. 521–524.
- VLDB-1997-LiCHH #database #interface #multi #query #visual notation
- Facilitating Multimedia Database Exploration through Visual Interfaces and Perpetual Query Reformulations (WSL, KSC, KH, YH), pp. 538–547.
- SIGMOD-1996-AdaliCPS #distributed #optimisation #query
- Query Caching and Optimization in Distributed Mediator Systems (SA, KSC, YP, VSS), pp. 137–148.
- ADL-1998-LiSCH #implementation #modelling #named #query #web
- WebDB: A Web Query System and Its Modeling, Language, and Implementation (WSL, JS, KSC, YH), pp. 216–227.