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Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × China
1 × France
1 × Greece
1 × Korea
13 × USA
3 × Canada
Collaborated with:
Y.Yang A.Termehchy Z.Zhang A.Rosenthal N.Ching E.Hughes X.Xiao S.Mitra W.W.Hsu V.E.Jones R.Sion Y.Chen Y.Cho S.Kuo I.S.Chu V.M.P.Vidal K.P.Smith S.T.Chou G.Wiederhold J.Zhang Y.Yu A.Vakilian Y.Chodpathumwan S.Zhang W.Fan B.Ding J.Han Z.Li D.W.Knapp K.Hall R.Berlin T.H.Payne I.Slepchin S.Peng G.Miklau T.Tan R.T.B.Ma G.Yuan Z.Hao A.Ailamaki L.M.Haas H.V.Jagadish D.Maier M.T.Özsu H.Luu W.Gropp R.B.Ross P.H.Carns K.Harms Prabhat S.Byna Y.Yao
Talks about:
data (8) model (7) differenti (6) privaci (5) design (5) secur (5) use (5) databas (4) system (4) keyword (3)

Person: Marianne Winslett

DBLP DBLP: Winslett:Marianne

Facilitated 1 volumes:


Contributed to:

HPDC 20152015
SIGMOD 20142014
VLDB 20142014
SIGMOD 20132013
SIGMOD 20122012
VLDB 20122012
SIGMOD 20112011
VLDB 20102010
CIKM 20092009
SIGMOD 20082008
VLDB 20072007
VLDB 20062006
SIGMOD 20042004
VLDB 20042004
HPDC 19981998
CIKM 19961996
CIKM 19951995
CIKM 19941994
VLDB 19921992
KR 19911991
DAC 19891989
PODS 19881988
PODS 19861986
DAC 19851985
ADL 19961996
ADL 19971997

Wrote 32 papers:

HPDC-2015-LuuWGRCHPBY #behaviour #multi #platform
A Multiplatform Study of I/O Behavior on Petascale Supercomputers (HL, MW, WG, RBR, PHC, KH, P, SB, YY), pp. 33–44.
SIGMOD-2014-TermehchyVCW #concept #question
Which concepts are worth extracting? (AT, AV, YC, MW), pp. 779–790.
VLDB-2014-ZhangYFW #design #implementation #interactive #realtime #scalability
Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Interactive Analytics System for Large Spatio-Temporal Data (SZ, YY, WF, MW), pp. 1754–1759.
SIGMOD-2013-TanMWYYZ #in the cloud #named #realtime #streaming
Resa: realtime elastic streaming analytics in the cloud (TT, RTBM, MW, YY, YY, ZZ), pp. 1287–1288.
SIGMOD-2013-ZhangXYZW #algorithm #named #search-based #using
PrivGene: differentially private model fitting using genetic algorithms (JZ, XX, YY, ZZ, MW), pp. 665–676.
SIGMOD-2012-PengYZWY #difference #multi #named #privacy
DP-tree: indexing multi-dimensional data under differential privacy (SP, YY, ZZ, MW, YY), p. 864.
SIGMOD-2012-YangZMWX #analysis #difference #privacy
Differential privacy in data publication and analysis (YY, ZZ, GM, MW, XX), pp. 601–606.
VLDB-2012-YuanZWXYH #difference #optimisation #privacy #query #rank
Low-Rank Mechanism: Optimizing Batch Queries under Differential Privacy (GY, ZZ, MW, XX, YY, ZH), pp. 1352–1363.
VLDB-2012-ZhangZXYW #analysis #difference #functional #privacy
Functional Mechanism: Regression Analysis under Differential Privacy (JZ, ZZ, XX, YY, MW), pp. 1364–1375.
SIGMOD-2011-DingWHL #consistency #optimisation
Differentially private data cubes: optimizing noise sources and consistency (BD, MW, JH, ZL), pp. 217–228.
Time for Our Field to Grow Up (AA, LMH, HVJ, DM, MTÖ, MW), p. 1658.
VLDB-2010-TermehchyW #keyword #named #using #xml
EXTRUCT: Using Deep Structural Information in XML Keyword Search (AT, MW), pp. 1593–1596.
CIKM-2009-TermehchyW #effectiveness #independence #keyword #xml
Effective, design-independent XML keyword search (AT, MW), pp. 107–116.
SIGMOD-2008-MitraWH #clustering #documentation #lifecycle
Query-based partitioning of documents and indexes for information lifecycle management (SM, MW, WWH), pp. 623–636.
VLDB-2007-SionW #data transformation
Regulatory-Compliant Data Management (RS, MW), pp. 1433–1434.
VLDB-2006-MitraHW #keyword
Trustworthy Keyword Search for Regulatory-Compliant Record Retention (SM, WWH, MW), pp. 1001–1012.
SIGMOD-2004-RosenthalW #research #scalability #security #state of the art
Security of Shared Data in Large Systems: State of the Art and Research Directions (AR, MW), pp. 962–964.
VLDB-2004-RosenthalW #research #scalability #security #state of the art
Security of Shared Data in Large Systems: State of the Art and Research Directions (AR, MW), p. 1242.
HPDC-1998-ChenWCK #algorithm #automation #optimisation #parallel #performance #search-based #using
Automatic Parallel I/O Performance Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms (YC, MW, YC, SWK), pp. 155–162.
HPDC-1998-ChoWCK #fine-grained #parallel #performance
Parallel I/O Performance of Fine Grained Data Distributions (YC, MW, YC, SWK), pp. 163–170.
CIKM-1996-ChingHW #database #estimation
A Model of Object Database Applications and its Use in Cost Estimation (NC, EH, MW), pp. 125–133.
CIKM-1995-HughesW #database #problem
The Index Suggestion Problem for Object Database Applications (EH, MW), pp. 50–57.
CIKM-1994-ChuW #object-oriented
Minipage Locking Support for Object-Oriented Page-Server DBMS (ISC, MW), pp. 171–178.
CIKM-1994-VidalW #integration #semantics
Preserving Update Semantics in Schema Integration (VMPV, MW), pp. 263–271.
VLDB-1992-SmithW #modelling #relational
Entity Modeling in the MLS Relational Model (KPS, MW), pp. 199–210.
KR-1991-ChouW #modelling #named
Immortal: A Model-Based Belief Revision System (ScTC, MW), pp. 99–110.
DAC-1989-WinslettKHW #coordination #design #using
Use of Change Coordination in an Information-rich Design Environment (MW, DWK, KH, GW), pp. 252–257.
PODS-1988-Winslett #comparison #framework #semantics
A Framework for Comparison of Update Semantics (MW), pp. 315–324.
PODS-1986-Wilkins #approach #database #logic
A Model-Theoretic Approach to Updating Logical Databases (MW), pp. 224–234.
DAC-1985-WinslettBPW #database #design #relational
Relational and entity-relationship model databases and specialized design files in VLSI design (MW, RB, THP, GW), pp. 410–416.
ADL-1996-ChingJW #bound #enterprise #library
Authorization in the Digital Library: Secure Access to Services Across Enterprise Boundaries (NC, VEJ, MW), pp. 110–119.
ADL-1997-WinslettCJS #library #policy #privacy #security #transaction #web
Assuring Security and Privacy for Digital Library Transactions on the Web: Client and Server Security Policies (MW, NC, VEJ, IS), pp. 140–152.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.