Travelled to:
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.Neophytou R.Gheorghiu T.Luciani D.Bao A.Labrinidis G.E.Marai P.K.Chrysanthis
Talks about:
understand (1) univers (1) scalabl (1) galaxi (1) shelf (1) navig (1) astro (1) annot (1)
Person: Rebecca Hachey
DBLP: Hachey:Rebecca
Contributed to:
Wrote 1 papers:
- SIGMOD-2012-NeophytouGHLBLMC #comprehension #named #navigation #scalability
- AstroShelf: understanding the universe through scalable navigation of a galaxy of annotations (PN, RG, RH, TL, DB, AL, GEM, PKC), pp. 713–716.