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Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × India
1 × Norway
2 × Canada
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
I.Ahn R.Zhang D.Gao Y.Suh K.E.Pavlou L.E.McKenzie S.Debray S.(.Yao C.S.Collberg W.Li M.H.Böhlen M.D.Soo S.Currim M.W.Johnson C.Yi P.A.Bernstein D.J.DeWitt A.Heuer Z.G.Ives C.S.Jensen H.Meyer M.T.Özsu K.Whang J.Widom
Talks about:
databas (6) tempor (4) system (3) queri (3) time (3) special (2) tamper (2) manag (2) evalu (2) dbms (2)

Person: Richard T. Snodgrass

DBLP DBLP: Snodgrass:Richard_T=

Facilitated 3 volumes:

VLDB 2001Ed

Contributed to:

VLDB 20142014
SIGMOD 20132013
CGO 20122012
SIGMOD 20062006
VLDB 20052005
VLDB 20042004
VLDB 20032003
SIGMOD 20022002
VLDB 19961996
SIGMOD 19871987
SIGMOD 19861986
SIGMOD 19851985
PODS 19841984

Wrote 13 papers:

VLDB-2014-SuhSZ #empirical #information management #named #scalability
AZDBLab: A Laboratory Information System for Large-Scale Empirical DBMS Studies (YKS, RTS, RZ), pp. 1641–1644.
SIGMOD-2013-CurrimSSZJY #query
DBMS metrology: measuring query time (SC, RTS, YKS, RZ, MWJ, CY), pp. 421–432.
CGO-2012-ZhangDS #database #named
Micro-specialization: dynamic code specialization of database management systems (RZ, SD, RTS), pp. 63–73.
SIGMOD-2006-PavlouS #analysis #database #forensics
Forensic analysis of database tampering (KEP, RTS), pp. 109–120.
VLDB-2005-BernsteinDHIJMOSWW #database
Database Publication Practices (PAB, DJD, AH, ZGI, CSJ, HM, MTÖ, RTS, KYW, JW), pp. 1241–1246.
VLDB-2004-SnodgrassYC #detection
Tamper Detection in Audit Logs (RTS, S(Y, CSC), pp. 504–515.
VLDB-2003-GaoS #evaluation #query #slicing #xml
Temporal Slicing in the Evaluation of XML Queries (DG, RTS), pp. 632–643.
Skew handling techniques in sort-merge join (WL, DG, RTS), pp. 169–180.
VLDB-1996-BohlenSS #database
Coalescing in Temporal Databases (MHB, RTS, MDS), pp. 180–191.
SIGMOD-1987-McKenzieS #algebra #relational #transaction
Extending the Relational Algebra to Support Transaction Time (LEM, RTS), pp. 467–478.
SIGMOD-1986-AhnS #database #evaluation #performance
Performance Evaluation of a Temporal Database Management System (IA, RTS), pp. 96–107.
SIGMOD-1985-SnodgrassA #database #taxonomy
A Taxonomy of Time in Databases (RTS, IA), pp. 236–246.
PODS-1984-Snodgrass #query
The Temporal Query Language TQuel (RTS), pp. 204–213.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.