Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × China
1 × Egypt
1 × Germany
1 × Greece
1 × Italy
1 × Norway
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Canada
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.Cong X.Cao S.Saltenis T.B.Pedersen M.L.Yiu K.Tzoumas C.E.Dyreson B.C.Ooi B.Yang D.Lin D.Sidlauskas D.Wu A.Deshpande M.H.Böhlen S.Chen ∅ S.Pakalnis J.P.Nytun D.B.Lomet N.Tryfona B.Cui H.Gonzalez A.Y.Halevy L.Chen Y.Gao G.Chen C.Guo K.S.Bøgh A.Skovsgaard J.R.Thomsen H.Lu L.Biveinis D.Pfoser Y.Theodoridis B.Skjellaug C.Silvestri F.Lettich S.Orlando M.Kaul R.C.Wong L.Chen P.Venetis A.Shoshani J.Gu S.T.Leutenegger M.A.López R.Bliujute G.Slivinskas Z.Xing R.Zhang L.Xiao J.Lu D.Freni C.R.Vicente S.Mascetti C.Bettini C.Zhang M.Zhang Z.Zhang H.Jeung X.Zhou H.T.Shen C.Hage L.Speicys I.Timko M.Lee W.Hsu K.L.Teo X.Li B.Zheng J.J.Ng N.Phan A.Langen J.Madhavan R.Shapley W.Shen J.Goldberg-Kidon P.A.Bernstein D.J.DeWitt A.Heuer Z.G.Ives H.Meyer M.T.Özsu R.T.Snodgrass K.Whang J.Widom
Talks about:
object (15) queri (12) move (11) index (9) data (8) spatial (7) retriev (7) base (6) process (5) databas (5)
Person: Christian S. Jensen
DBLP: Jensen:Christian_S=
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 46 papers:
- SIGMOD-2015-ChenGLJCZ #metric #nondeterminism #query
- Indexing Metric Uncertain Data for Range Queries (LC, YG, XL, CSJ, GC, BZ), pp. 951–965.
- VLDB-2015-ChenGXJC #distributed #image #named #recommendation #retrieval
- I2RS: A Distributed Geo-Textual Image Retrieval and Recommendation System (LC, YG, ZX, CSJ, GC), pp. 1884–1895.
- VLDB-2015-SidlauskasJ14 #exclamation #implementation #in memory #matter #memory management
- Spatial Joins in Main Memory: Implementation Matters! (DS, CSJ), pp. 97–100.
- PDP-2014-SilvestriLOJ #query
- GPU-Based Computing of Repeated Range Queries over Moving Objects (CS, FL, SO, CSJ), pp. 640–647.
- VLDB-2014-CaoCJY
- Retrieving Regions of Interest for User Exploration (XC, GC, CSJ, MLY), pp. 733–744.
- VLDB-2014-KaulWYJ13
- Finding Shortest Paths on Terrains by Killing Two Birds with One Stone (MK, RCWW, BY, CSJ), pp. 73–84.
- VLDB-2013-0002GJ #correlation #markov #modelling #using
- Travel Cost Inference from Sparse, Spatio-Temporally Correlated Time Series Using Markov Models (BY, CG, CSJ), pp. 769–780.
- VLDB-2013-BoghSJ #approach #named #retrieval
- GroupFinder: A New Approach to Top-K Point-of-Interest Group Retrieval (KSB, AS, CSJ), pp. 1226–1229.
- VLDB-2013-ChenCJW #evaluation #keyword #query
- Spatial Keyword Query Processing: An Experimental Evaluation (LC, GC, CSJ, DW), pp. 217–228.
- SIGMOD-2012-SidlauskasSJ #in memory #parallel #query
- Parallel main-memory indexing for moving-object query and update workloads (DS, SS, CSJ), pp. 37–48.
- SIGMOD-2012-ThomsenYJ #effectiveness
- Effective caching of shortest paths for location-based services (JRT, MLY, CSJ), pp. 313–324.
- VLDB-2012-CaoCJNOPW #named #performance #retrieval #web
- SWORS: A System for the Efficient Retrieval of Relevant Spatial Web Objects (XC, GC, CSJ, JJN, BCO, NTP, DW), pp. 1914–1917.
- VLDB-2012-Jensen #data transformation #web
- Data Management on the Spatial Web (CSJ), p. 1696.
- VLDB-2012-LinJZXL11 #performance #privacy #query
- A MovingObject Index for Efficient Query Processing with Peer-Wise Location Privacy (DL, CSJ, RZ, LX, JL), pp. 37–48.
- SIGMOD-2011-CaoCJO #keyword #query
- Collective spatial keyword querying (XC, GC, CSJ, BCO), pp. 373–384.
- VLDB-2011-TzoumasDJ #estimation #independence #lightweight #modelling #visual notation
- Lightweight Graphical Models for Selectivity Estimation Without Independence Assumptions (KT, AD, CSJ), pp. 852–863.
- VLDB-2011-VenetisGJH #ranking
- Hyper-local, directions-based ranking of places (PV, HG, CSJ, AYH), pp. 290–301.
- CIKM-2010-FreniVMBJ #network #privacy
- Preserving location and absence privacy in geo-social networks (DF, CRV, SM, CB, CSJ), pp. 309–318.
- SIGMOD-2010-GonzalezHJLMSSG #collaboration #data transformation
- Google fusion tables: web-centered data management and collaboration (HG, AYH, CSJ, AL, JM, RS, WS, JGK), pp. 1061–1066.
- VLDB-2010-CaoCJ #web
- Retrieving Top-k Prestige-Based Relevant Spatial Web Objects (XC, GC, CSJ), pp. 373–384.
- VLDB-2010-CaoCJ10a #mining #semantics
- Mining Significant Semantic Locations From GPS Data (XC, GC, CSJ), pp. 1009–1020.
- VLDB-2010-TzoumasDJ #clustering #correlation #query
- Sharing-Aware Horizontal Partitioning for Exploiting Correlations During Query Processing (KT, AD, CSJ), pp. 542–553.
- CIKM-2009-CaoCCJZ #categorisation #modelling #retrieval #using
- The use of categorization information in language models for question retrieval (XC, GC, BC, CSJ, CZ), pp. 265–274.
- CIKM-2009-YangLJ #monitoring #scalability
- Scalable continuous range monitoring of moving objects in symbolic indoor space (BY, HL, CSJ), pp. 671–680.
- VLDB-2009-CongJW #performance #retrieval #web
- Efficient Retrieval of the Top-k Most Relevant Spatial Web Objects (GC, CSJ, DW), pp. 337–348.
- VLDB-2009-TzoumasYJ
- Workload-Aware Indexing of Continuously Moving Objects (KT, MLY, CSJ), pp. 1186–1197.
- VLDB-2009-ZhangCJOZ #effectiveness #nondeterminism #predict #query
- Effectively Indexing Uncertain Moving Objects for Predictive Queries (MZ, SC, CSJ, BCO, ZZ), pp. 1198–1209.
- VLDB-2008-ChenJL #benchmark #metric
- A benchmark for evaluating moving object indexes (SC, CSJ, DL), pp. 1574–1585.
- VLDB-2008-JeungYZJS #database
- Discovery of convoys in trajectory databases (HJ, MLY, XZ, CSJ, HTS), pp. 1068–1080.
- VLDB-2007-BiveinisSJ #in memory #performance
- Main-Memory Operation Buffering for Efficient R-Tree Update (LB, SS, CSJ), pp. 591–602.
- VLDB-2007-JensenP #named
- TRAX — Real-World Tracking of Moving Objects (CSJ, SP), pp. 1362–1365.
- VLDB-2005-BernsteinDHIJMOSWW #database
- Database Publication Practices (PAB, DJD, AH, ZGI, CSJ, HM, MTÖ, RTS, KYW, JW), pp. 1241–1246.
- VLDB-2004-JensenLO #performance #query
- Query and Update Efficient B+-Tree Based Indexing of Moving Objects (CSJ, DL, BCO), pp. 768–779.
- UML-2003-NytunJ #consistency #legacy #modelling #requirements #testing
- Modeling and Testing Legacy Data Consistency Requirements (JPN, CSJ), pp. 341–355.
- VLDB-2003-HageJPST #data transformation #mobile
- Integrated Data Management for Mobile Services in the Real World (CH, CSJ, TBP, LS, IT), pp. 1019–1030.
- VLDB-2003-LeeHJT #approach #bottom-up
- Supporting Frequent Updates in R-Trees: A Bottom-Up Approach (MLL, WH, CSJ, BC, KLT), pp. 608–619.
- VLDB-2001-JensenL #database #transaction
- Transaction Timestamping in (Temporal) Databases (CSJ, DBL), pp. 441–450.
- CIKM-2000-PedersenSGJ #database #query
- Extending OLAP Querying to External Object Databases (TBP, AS, JG, CSJ), pp. 405–413.
- SAC-2000-TryfonaJ #abstraction #concept #modelling #using
- Using Abstractions for Spatio-Temporal Conceptual Modeling (NT, CSJ), pp. 313–322.
- SIGMOD-2000-SaltenisJLL
- Indexing the Positions of Continuously Moving Objects (SS, CSJ, STL, MAL), pp. 331–342.
- VLDB-2000-PedersenJD #reuse
- The TreeScape System: Reuse of Pre-Computed Aggregates over Irregular OLAP Hierarchies (TBP, CSJ, CED), pp. 595–598.
- VLDB-2000-PfoserJT #novel #query
- Novel Approaches in Query Processing for Moving Object Trajectories (DP, CSJ, YT), pp. 395–406.
- VLDB-1999-DyresonBJ #aspect-oriented #multi #query #semistructured data
- Capturing and Querying Multiple Aspects of Semistructured Data (CED, MHB, CSJ), pp. 290–301.
- VLDB-1999-PedersenJD #online
- Extending Practical Pre-Aggregation in On-Line Analytical Processing (TBP, CSJ, CED), pp. 663–674.
- SAC-1998-BohlenJS #database #legacy
- Spatio-temporal database support for legacy applications (MHB, CSJ, BS), pp. 226–234.
- VLDB-1998-BliujuteJSS
- R-Tree Based Indexing of Now-Relative Bitemporal Data (RB, CSJ, SS, GS), pp. 345–356.