Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × India
1 × Italy
1 × Luxembourg
1 × Sweden
1 × The Netherlands
2 × USA
4 × Canada
Collaborated with:
M.D.Penta G.Canfora R.Oliveto H.C.Gall A.D.Lucia A.Panichella G.Bavota A.D.Sorbo C.A.Visaggio ∅ G.Antoniol G.Capobianco E.Guzman C.V.Alexandru V.Arnaoudova C.Vassallo G.Schermann M.Brandtner P.Leitner S.Giannantonio J.Aponte A.Marcus N.Tsantalis José J. Merchante S.Proksch G.Robles J.Shimagaki
Talks about:
develop (9) code (7) sourc (5) softwar (4) project (4) review (4) chang (4) app (4) traceabl (3) recoveri (3)
Person: Sebastiano Panichella
DBLP: Panichella:Sebastiano
Contributed to:
Wrote 22 papers:
- ICPC-2015-SchermannBPLG #commit
- Discovering loners and phantoms in commit and issue data (GS, MB, SP, PL, HCG), pp. 4–14.
- ICSME-2015-Panichella #development
- Supporting newcomers in software development projects (SP), pp. 586–589.
- ICSME-2015-PanichellaSGVCG #evolution #how #maintenance
- How can i improve my app? Classifying user reviews for software maintenance and evolution (SP, ADS, EG, CAV, GC, HCG), pp. 281–290.
- SANER-2015-PanichellaAPA #code review #developer #question #static analysis #tool support
- Would static analysis tools help developers with code reviews? (SP, VA, MDP, GA), pp. 161–170.
- ASE-2014-BavotaPTPOC #recommendation #refactoring
- Recommending refactorings based on team co-maintenance patterns (GB, SP, NT, MDP, RO, GC), pp. 337–342.
- ICPC-2014-PanichellaCPO #empirical #evolution #how
- How the evolution of emerging collaborations relates to code changes: an empirical study (SP, GC, MDP, RO), pp. 177–188.
- ICPC-2014-VassalloPPC #developer #mining #named #source code
- CODES: mining source code descriptions from developers discussions (CV, SP, MDP, GC), pp. 106–109.
- ICSME-2014-PanichellaBPCA #developer #how
- How Developers’ Collaborations Identified from Different Sources Tell Us about Code Changes (SP, GB, MDP, GC, GA), pp. 251–260.
- ICSE-2013-CanforaPGOP #developer #named
- YODA: young and newcomer developer assistant (GC, MDP, SG, RO, SP), pp. 1331–1334.
- ICSM-2013-BavotaCPOP #documentation #empirical #maintenance
- An Empirical Investigation on Documentation Usage Patterns in Maintenance Tasks (GB, GC, MDP, RO, SP), pp. 210–219.
- ICSM-2013-BavotaCPOP13a #ecosystem #evolution
- The Evolution of Project Inter-dependencies in a Software Ecosystem: The Case of Apache (GB, GC, MDP, RO, SP), pp. 280–289.
- ICST-2013-CanforaLPOPP #fault #multi #predict
- Multi-objective Cross-Project Defect Prediction (GC, ADL, MDP, RO, AP, SP), pp. 252–261.
- FSE-2012-CanforaPOP #open source #question
- Who is going to mentor newcomers in open source projects? (GC, MDP, RO, SP), p. 44.
- ICPC-2012-LuciaPOPP #information retrieval #question #source code #using
- Using IR methods for labeling source code artifacts: Is it worthwhile? (ADL, MDP, RO, AP, SP), pp. 193–202.
- ICPC-2012-PanichellaAPMC #developer #mining #source code
- Mining source code descriptions from developer communications (SP, JA, MDP, AM, GC), pp. 63–72.
- ICPC-2011-LuciaPOPP #traceability #using
- Improving IR-based Traceability Recovery Using Smoothing Filters (ADL, MDP, RO, AP, SP), pp. 21–30.
- ICPC-2009-CapobiancoLOPP #on the #traceability
- On the role of the nouns in IR-based traceability recovery (GC, ADL, RO, AP, SP), pp. 148–157.
- WCRE-1999-CapobiancoLOPP99a #analysis #traceability #using
- Traceability Recovery Using Numerical Analysis (GC, ADL, RO, AP, SP), pp. 195–204.
- ASE-2015-SorboPVPCG #developer #development #email #mining
- Development Emails Content Analyzer: Intention Mining in Developer Discussions (T) (ADS, SP, CAV, MDP, GC, HCG), pp. 12–23.
- FSE-2016-PanichellaSGVCG #classification #development #named
- ARdoc: app reviews development oriented classifier (SP, ADS, EG, CAV, GC, HCG), pp. 1023–1027.
- FSE-2016-SorboPASVCG #recommendation #what
- What would users change in my app? summarizing app reviews for recommending software changes (ADS, SP, CVA, JS, CAV, GC, HCG), pp. 499–510.
- Onward-2018-AlexandruMPPGR #on the
- On the usage of pythonic idioms (CVA, JJM, SP, SP, HCG, GR), pp. 1–11.