Travelled to:
1 × Ireland
1 × South Korea
1 × Switzerland
2 × Canada
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
L.G.Terveen D.Frankowski J.Riedl E.I.Sparling F.M.Harper S.Drenner D.Cosley B.Hecht R.Priedhorsky D.Pitchford D.Kluver T.T.Nguyen M.D.Ekstrand H.Ford D.R.Musicant M.Graham O.S.B.Keyes W.Geyer M.J.Muller M.Moore B.Brownholtz E.Wilcox D.R.Millen S.K.Lam A.M.Rashid J.Osterhouse M.E.Giesel R.Gold B.Hillmann M.Lesicko S.Naden J.Russell Z.(.Wang
Talks about:
communiti (3) recommend (2) algorithm (2) rate (2) vocabulari (1) difficult (1) standard (1) geograph (1) collabor (1) support (1)
Person: Shilad Sen
DBLP: Sen:Shilad
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- CHI-2015-SenFMGKH #locality #volunteer
- Barriers to the Localness of Volunteered Geographic Information (SS, HF, DRM, MG, OSBK, BH), pp. 197–206.
- CSCW-2015-SenGGHLNRWH #algorithm #community #standard
- Turkers, Scholars, “Arafat” and “Peace”: Cultural Communities and Algorithmic Gold Standards (SS, MEG, RG, BH, ML, SN, JR, Z(W, BH), pp. 826–838.
- CSCW-2012-PriedhorskyPST #algorithm #evaluation #personalisation #recommendation
- Recommending routes in the context of bicycling: algorithms, evaluation, and the value of personalization (RP, DP, SS, LGT), pp. 979–988.
- RecSys-2012-KluverNESR #how #question #rating
- How many bits per rating? (DK, TTN, MDE, SS, JR), pp. 99–106.
- RecSys-2011-SparlingS #how #named #question #rating
- Rating: how difficult is it? (EIS, SS), pp. 149–156.
- RecSys-2008-DrennerST #community #experience #user interface
- Crafting the initial user experience to achieve community goals (SD, SS, LGT), pp. 187–194.
- RecSys-2007-HarperSF #clustering #recommendation #social
- Supporting social recommendations with activity-balanced clustering (FMH, SS, DF), pp. 165–168.
- CSCW-2006-SenGMMBWM #collaboration #named
- FeedMe: a collaborative alert filtering system (SS, WG, MJM, MM, BB, EW, DRM), pp. 89–98.
- CSCW-2006-SenLRCFOHR #community #evolution
- tagging, communities, vocabulary, evolution (SS, SKL, AMR, DC, DF, JO, FMH, JR), pp. 181–190.
- SIGIR-2006-FrankowskiCSTR #privacy #risk management #what
- You are what you say: privacy risks of public mentions (DF, DC, SS, LGT, JR), pp. 565–572.