Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Greece
1 × India
1 × Poland
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.Coppola S.Guerrini A.Masini U.D.Lago A.Fagiolini A.Bicchi A.Asperti P.Inverardi C.Montangero
Talks about:
elementari (2) system (2) proof (2) type (2) net (2) constructor (1) constraint (1) distribut (1) consensus (1) synchron (1)
Person: Simone Martini
DBLP: Martini:Simone
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- CASE-2009-FagioliniMB #distributed
- Set-valued consensus for distributed clock synchronization (AF, SM, AB), pp. 116–121.
- ICALP-v2-2009-LagoM #on the #term rewriting #λ-calculus
- On Constructor Rewrite Systems and the λ-Calculus (UDL, SM), pp. 163–174.
- TLCA-2001-CoppolaM #constraints #linear #logic #type system
- Typing λ Terms in Elementary Logic with Linear Constraints (PC, SM), pp. 76–90.
- POPL-2000-AspertiCM #recursion
- (Optimal) Duplication is not Elementary Recursive (AA, PC, SM), pp. 96–107.
- TLCA-1997-GuerriniMM #proving
- Proof Nets, Garbage, and Computations (SG, SM, AM), pp. 181–195.
- RTA-1996-GuerriniMM #proving
- Coherence for Sharing Proof Nets (SG, SM, AM), pp. 215–229.
- CCIPL-1989-InverardiMM #question #type checking
- Is Type Checking Practical for System Configuration? (PI, SM, CM), pp. 257–271.