Travelled to:
1 × India
1 × Taiwan
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Fagiolini S.Martini G.Valenti L.Pallottino G.Dini N.Vaskevicius C.A.Müller M.Bonilla V.Tincani T.Stoyanov G.Fantoni K.Pathak A.J.Lilienthal A.Birk
Talks about:
local (2) implement (1) distribut (1) consensus (1) synchron (1) recognit (1) monitor (1) gripper (1) decentr (1) context (1)
Person: Antonio Bicchi
DBLP: Bicchi:Antonio
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CASE-2014-VaskeviciusMBTSFPLB0 #locality #recognition #robust
- Object recognition and localization for robust grasping with a dexterous gripper in the context of container unloading (NV, CAM, MB, VT, TS, GF, KP, AJL, AB, AB), pp. 1270–1277.
- CASE-2009-FagioliniMB #distributed
- Set-valued consensus for distributed clock synchronization (AF, SM, AB), pp. 116–121.
- CASE-2007-FagioliniVPDB #detection #distributed #implementation #monitoring #multi
- Local Monitor Implementation for Decentralized Intrusion Detection in Secure Multi-Agent Systems (AF, GV, LP, GD, AB), pp. 454–459.