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Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Canada
1 × India
1 × Italy
1 × Switzerland
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
W.Weimer T.Nguyen D.Kapur C.L.Goues E.M.Schulte Z.P.Fry E.Schulte J.DiLorenzo M.Dewey-Vogt P.Cashin C.Martinez J.Dorn S.Harding E.Trias J.A.Navas E.S.Ackley M.V.Hermenegildo
Talks about:
program (6) repair (4) invari (3) autom (3) use (3) softwar (2) generat (2) automat (2) assembl (2) analysi (2)

Person: Stephanie Forrest

DBLP DBLP: Forrest:Stephanie

Contributed to:

ASPLOS 20142014
ICSE 20142014
ASE 20132013
ASPLOS 20132013
ICSE 20122012
ASE 20102010
OOPSLA 20102010
ICSE 20092009
ICLP 20082008
ASE 20192019

Wrote 11 papers:

ASPLOS-2014-SchulteDHFW #energy #optimisation
Post-compiler software optimization for reducing energy (EMS, JD, SH, SF, WW), pp. 639–652.
ICSE-2014-NguyenKWF #dynamic analysis #invariant #using
Using dynamic analysis to generate disjunctive invariants (TN, DK, WW, SF), pp. 608–619.
ASE-2013-WeimerFF #adaptation #equivalence #modelling #program repair
Leveraging program equivalence for adaptive program repair: Models and first results (WW, ZPF, SF), pp. 356–366.
ASPLOS-2013-SchulteDWF #assembly #automation #embedded #source code
Automated repair of binary and assembly programs for cooperating embedded devices (EMS, JD, WW, SF), pp. 317–328.
ICSE-2012-GouesDFW #automation #debugging #program repair
A systematic study of automated program repair: Fixing 55 out of 105 bugs for $8 each (CLG, MDV, SF, WW), pp. 3–13.
ICSE-2012-NguyenKWF #array #dynamic analysis #invariant #polynomial #using
Using dynamic analysis to discover polynomial and array invariants (TN, DK, WW, SF), pp. 683–693.
ASE-2010-SchulteFW #assembly #automation #evolution #program repair
Automated program repair through the evolution of assembly code (ES, SF, WW), pp. 313–316.
OOPSLA-2010-Forrest #evolution
The case for evolvable software (SF), p. 1.
ICSE-2009-WeimerNGF #automation #programming #search-based #using
Automatically finding patches using genetic programming (WW, TN, CLG, SF), pp. 364–374.
Negative Ternary Set-Sharing (ET, JAN, ESA, SF, MVH), pp. 301–316.
ASE-2019-CashinMWF #comprehension #difference #invariant
Understanding Automatically-Generated Patches Through Symbolic Invariant Differences (PC, CM, WW, SF), pp. 411–414.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.