Travelled to:
1 × Luxembourg
1 × Romania
2 × Germany
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
W.Weimer S.Forrest B.Landau E.Hill L.L.Pollock K.Vijay-Shanker D.C.Shepherd K.Maloor H.Boyd G.Sridhara Y.Novikova
Talks about:
program (4) mainten (3) softwar (2) leverag (2) analysi (2) studi (2) human (2) maintain (1) introduc (1) accuraci (1)
Person: Zachary P. Fry
DBLP: Fry:Zachary_P=
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- ASE-2013-WeimerFF #adaptation #equivalence #modelling #program repair
- Leveraging program equivalence for adaptive program repair: Models and first results (WW, ZPF, SF), pp. 356–366.
- ICST-2013-FryW #analysis #maintenance
- Leveraging Light-Weight Analyses to Aid Software Maintenance (ZPF, WW), pp. 507–508.
- WCRE-2013-FryW #clustering #fault #maintenance #static analysis
- Clustering static analysis defect reports to reduce maintenance costs (ZPF, WW), pp. 282–291.
- ISSTA-2012-FryLW #maintenance
- A human study of patch maintainability (ZPF, BL, WW), pp. 177–187.
- ICSM-2010-FryW #fault #locality
- A human study of fault localization accuracy (ZPF, WW), pp. 1–10.
- MSR-2008-HillFBSNPV #automation #maintenance #mining #named #source code #tool support
- AMAP: automatically mining abbreviation expansions in programs to enhance software maintenance tools (EH, ZPF, HB, GS, YN, LLP, KVS), pp. 79–88.
- PASTE-2007-PollockVSHFM #natural language #program analysis
- Introducing natural language program analysis (LLP, KVS, DCS, EH, ZPF, KM), pp. 15–16.