Travelled to:
1 × India
1 × Portugal
2 × Italy
7 × USA
Collaborated with:
N.Rungta S.G.Elbaum M.B.Dwyer G.Yang S.Khurshid G.Nugent L.Soh A.Samal J.Lang C.S.Pasareanu J.Branchaud M.Waterloo B.Ray M.Kim R.Purandare J.Dokulil M.Jorde M.W.Whalen M.Staats D.Grijincu L.Zhang P.C.Mehlitz D.H.Bushnell K.Gundy-Burlet M.R.Lowry M.Pape
Talks about:
execut (4) test (4) symbol (3) increment (2) character (2) softwar (2) analysi (2) search (2) detect (2) level (2)
Person: Suzette Person
DBLP: Person:Suzette
Contributed to:
Wrote 14 papers:
- ICSE-v1-2015-WhalenPRSG #approach #flexibility #metric
- A Flexible and Non-intrusive Approach for Computing Complex Structural Coverage Metrics (MWW, SP, NR, MS, DG), pp. 506–516.
- ICSE-2014-YangKPR #difference #incremental
- Property differencing for incremental checking (GY, SK, SP, NR), pp. 1059–1070.
- ISSTA-2014-ZhangYRPK #invariant
- Feedback-driven dynamic invariant discovery (LZ, GY, NR, SP, SK), pp. 362–372.
- ASE-2013-RayKPR #consistency #detection #nondeterminism #semantics
- Detecting and characterizing semantic inconsistencies in ported code (BR, MK, SP, NR), pp. 367–377.
- ICSM-2012-RungtaPB #behaviour #evolution #impact analysis
- A change impact analysis to characterize evolving program behaviors (NR, SP, JB), pp. 109–118.
- PLDI-2011-PersonYRK #execution #incremental #symbolic computation
- Directed incremental symbolic execution (SP, GY, NR, SK), pp. 504–515.
- FSE-2008-PersonDEP #difference #execution #symbolic computation
- Differential symbolic execution (SP, MBD, SGE, CSP), pp. 226–237.
- ISSTA-2008-PasareanuMBGLPP #execution #symbolic computation #testing
- Combining unit-level symbolic execution and system-level concrete execution for testing NASA software (CSP, PCM, DHB, KGB, MRL, SP, MP), pp. 15–26.
- ICSE-2007-DwyerEPP #parallel #random
- Parallel Randomized State-Space Search (MBD, SGE, SP, RP), pp. 3–12.
- ICSE-2007-ElbaumPDJ #debugging #testing
- Bug Hunt: Making Early Software Testing Lessons Engaging and Affordable (SGE, SP, JD, MJ), pp. 688–697.
- FSE-2006-DwyerPE #detection #fault
- Controlling factors in evaluating path-sensitive error detection techniques (MBD, SP, SGE), pp. 92–104.
- ITiCSE-2005-NugentSSPL #design #development #learning #validation
- Design, development, and validation of a learning object for CS1 (GN, LKS, AS, SP, JL), p. 370.
- ITiCSE-2005-SohSPNL #process
- Analyzing relationships between closed labs and course activities in CS1 (LKS, AS, SP, GN, JL), pp. 183–187.
- ASE-2015-WaterlooPE #analysis #fault #testing
- Test Analysis: Searching for Faults in Tests (N) (MW, SP, SGE), pp. 149–154.