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Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × Portugal
1 × South Korea
1 × Switzerland
1 × The Netherlands
2 × Italy
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Kim P.T.Devanbu V.Filkov Y.Tian D.Posnett T.McDonnell C.Wiley Y.J.Kang S.Jana S.Person N.Rungta J.Park D.Bae C.Casalnuovo A.Oliveira M.Nagappan C.Bird N.Nagappan T.Zimmermann C.J.Rossbach J.Currey M.Silberstein E.Witchel N.Arora J.B.0001 F.Ivancic G.E.Kaiser B.Vasilescu M.v.d.Brand A.Serebrenik
Talks about:
studi (4) project (3) system (3) port (3) bug (3) applic (2) error (2) empir (2) cross (2) fork (2)

Person: Baishakhi Ray

DBLP DBLP: Ray:Baishakhi

Facilitated 1 volumes:

MSR 2015PrCo

Contributed to:

CHI 20152015
ICSE 20152015
MSR 20152015
FSE 20142014
ASE 20132013
ICSM 20132013
FSE 20122012
MSR 20122012
SOSP 20112011
ASE 20162016
ESEC/FSE 20172017
ASE 20182018

Wrote 13 papers:

CHI-2015-VasilescuPRBSDF #gender #git
Gender and Tenure Diversity in GitHub Teams (BV, DP, BR, MvdB, AS, PTD, VF), pp. 3789–3798.
ICSE-v1-2015-CasalnuovoDOFR #git
Assert Use in GitHub Projects (CC, PTD, AO, VF, BR), pp. 755–766.
The Uniqueness of Changes: Characteristics and Applications (BR, MN, CB, NN, TZ), pp. 34–44.
FSE-2014-RayPFD #case study #git #programming language #quality #scalability
A large scale study of programming languages and code quality in github (BR, DP, VF, PTD), pp. 155–165.
ASE-2013-RayKPR #consistency #detection #nondeterminism #semantics
Detecting and characterizing semantic inconsistencies in ported code (BR, MK, SP, NR), pp. 367–377.
ICSM-2013-McDonnellRK #android #api #ecosystem #empirical
An Empirical Study of API Stability and Adoption in the Android Ecosystem (TM, BR, MK), pp. 70–79.
FSE-2012-RayK #case study #migration
A case study of cross-system porting in forked projects (BR, MK), p. 53.
FSE-2012-RayWK #analysis #migration #named
REPERTOIRE: a cross-system porting analysis tool for forked software projects (BR, CW, MK), p. 8.
MSR-2012-ParkKRB #debugging #empirical
An empirical study of supplementary bug fixes (JP, MK, BR, DHB), pp. 40–49.
SOSP-2011-RossbachCSRW #abstraction #named #operating system
PTask: operating system abstractions to manage GPUs as compute devices (CJR, JC, MS, BR, EW), pp. 233–248.
ASE-2016-KangRJ #api #automation #c #fault #named #specification
APEx: automated inference of error specifications for C APIs (YJK, BR, SJ), pp. 472–482.
ESEC-FSE-2017-TianR #automation #c #debugging #fault
Automatically diagnosing and repairing error handling bugs in C (YT, BR), pp. 752–762.
ASE-2018-Arora0IKR #debugging
Replay without recording of production bugs for service oriented applications (NA, JB0, FI, GEK, BR), pp. 452–463.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.