Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × France
1 × India
1 × Japan
1 × Sweden
1 × Turkey
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Canada
2 × Spain
3 × China
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.A.W.West D.Q.Phung H.H.Bui W.Liu S.K.Gupta C.Dorai B.Adams T.V.Duong T.Tran A.S.Ghanem S.Moncrieff B.T.Truong K.Weber M.V.Srinivasan F.Lim N.T.Nguyen P.Peursum M.Lazarescu D.Q.Phung S.Greenhill T.Caelli S.Rana T.Nguyen D.Pham A.Kuhl T.Tan S.An E.Tassone R.Hosie K.Shearer H.Bunke C.Li T.Nguyen P.Vellanki X.Zhang D.Pharn G.S.Chambers M.Takatsuka X.Nguyen H.Bui H.Qiu J.Lai W.Luo R.Harvey M.Berk
Talks about:
data (9) learn (7) recognit (6) video (6) model (6) nonparametr (5) bayesian (5) use (5) track (4) multi (4)
Person: Svetha Venkatesh
DBLP: Venkatesh:Svetha
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 40 papers:
- ICML-c1-2014-NguyenPNVB #clustering #multi #parametricity
- Bayesian Nonparametric Multilevel Clustering with Group-Level Contexts (TVN, DQP, XN, SV, HB), pp. 288–296.
- ICPR-2014-LiRPV #modelling #topic #using
- Regularizing Topic Discovery in EMRs with Side Information by Using Hierarchical Bayesian Models (CL, SR, DQP, SV), pp. 1307–1312.
- ICPR-2014-NguyenGVP #framework #parametricity #process #recognition #using
- A Bayesian Nonparametric Framework for Activity Recognition Using Accelerometer Data (TN, SKG, SV, DQP), pp. 2017–2022.
- ICPR-2014-VellankiDVP #learning #parametricity
- Nonparametric Discovery of Learning Patterns and Autism Subgroups from Therapeutic Data (PV, TVD, SV, DQP), pp. 1828–1833.
- CHI-2013-VenkateshPDGA #named
- TOBY: early intervention in autism through technology (SV, DQP, TVD, SG, BA), pp. 3187–3196.
- ICML-c2-2013-TranPV #learning #multi
- Thurstonian Boltzmann Machines: Learning from Multiple Inequalities (TT, DQP, SV), pp. 46–54.
- ICML-c3-2013-GuptaPV #approach #learning #multi #parametricity
- Factorial Multi-Task Learning : A Bayesian Nonparametric Approach (SKG, DQP, SV), pp. 657–665.
- KDD-2013-TranPLHBV #framework #predict #risk management
- An integrated framework for suicide risk prediction (TT, DQP, WL, RH, MB, SV), pp. 1410–1418.
- ICPR-2012-GuptaPV #parametricity
- A nonparametric Bayesian Poisson gamma model for count data (SKG, DQP, SV), pp. 1815–1818.
- ICPR-2012-NguyenPRPV #detection #multi #segmentation #video
- Multi-modal abnormality detection in video with unknown data segmentation (TVN, DQP, SR, DSP, SV), pp. 1322–1325.
- ICPR-2012-ZhangPLV #metric #multi #recognition
- Optimal metric selection for improved multi-pose face recognition with group information (XZ, DSP, WL, SV), pp. 1675–1678.
- ICPR-2010-GhanemVW #classification #multi
- Multi-class Pattern Classification in Imbalanced Data (ASG, SV, GAWW), pp. 2881–2884.
- ICPR-2010-QiuPVLL #performance #recognition #representation #robust
- A Fast Extension for Sparse Representation on Robust Face Recognition (HQ, DSP, SV, WL, JHL), pp. 1023–1027.
- KDD-2010-GuptaPATV #learning #retrieval #social #social media
- Nonnegative shared subspace learning and its application to social media retrieval (SKG, DQP, BA, TT, SV), pp. 1169–1178.
- ICPR-2008-GhanemVW #learning #relational
- Learning in imbalanced relational data (ASG, SV, GAWW), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-KuhlTV #modelling
- Model-based combined tracking and resolution enhancement (AK, TT, SV), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-MoncrieffVW #privacy #visual notation
- Context aware privacy in visual surveillance (SM, SV, GAWW), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-NguyenLV #2d #locality
- Ridge Regression for Two Dimensional Locality Preserving Projection (NTN, WL, SV), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-v3-2006-AnLV #classification #performance
- Efficient Cross-validation of the Complete Two Stages in KFD Classifier Formulation (SA, WL, SV), pp. 240–244.
- ICPR-v3-2006-DuongPBV #behaviour #exponential #markov #modelling #product line #recognition
- Human Behavior Recognition with Generic Exponential Family Duration Modeling in the Hidden Semi-Markov Model (TVD, DQP, HHB, SV), pp. 202–207.
- ICPR-v4-2006-MoncrieffVW #modelling #using
- Unifying Background Models over Complex Audio using Entropy (SM, SV, GAWW), pp. 249–253.
- ICPR-v4-2006-PeursumVW #linear
- Observation-Switching Linear Dynamic Systems for Tracking Humans Through Unexpected Partial Occlusions by Scene Objects (PP, SV, GAWW), pp. 929–934.
- ICPR-v4-2004-PeursumBVW #segmentation #using
- Human Action Segmentation via Controlled Use of Missing Data in HMMs (PP, HHB, SV, GAWW), pp. 440–445.
- ICPR-v1-2002-NguyenVWB #behaviour #monitoring #multi #people #using
- Hierarchical Monitoring of People’s Behaviors in Complex Environments Using Multiple Cameras (NTN, SV, GAWW, HHB), pp. 13–16.
- ICPR-v2-2002-ChambersVWB #gesture #recognition #video
- Hierarchical Recognition of Intentional Human Gestures for Sports Video Annotation (GSC, SV, GAWW, HHB), pp. 1082–1085.
- ICPR-v2-2002-PhungDV #analysis #education
- Narrative Structure Analysis with Education and Training Videos for E-Learning (DQP, CD, SV), p. 835–?.
- ICPR-v2-2002-TassoneWV #classification
- Temporal PDMs for Gait Classification (ET, GAWW, SV), pp. 1065–1068.
- ICPR-v2-2002-TruongVD
- Neighborhood Coherence and Edge Based Approaches to Film Scene Extraction (BTT, SV, CD), pp. 350–353.
- ICPR-v2-2000-MugurelVW #incremental #learning #multi #on the #recognition
- On the Incremental Learning and Recognition of the Pattern of Movement of Multiple Labeled Objects in Dynamic Scenes (ML, SV, GAWW), pp. 2652–2655.
- ICPR-v4-2000-BuiVW #framework #probability
- A Probabilistic Framework for Tracking in Wide-Area Environments (HHB, SV, GAWW), pp. 4702–4705.
- ICPR-v4-2000-TruongVD #automation #categorisation #identification #video
- Automatic Genre Identification for Content-Based Video Categorization (BTT, SV, CD), pp. 4230–4233.
- ICDAR-1999-TakatsukaCWV #distributed #representation
- Symbolic Representation and Distributed Matching Strategies for Schematics (MT, TC, GAWW, SV), pp. 693–696.
- ICPR-1998-HosieVW #behaviour #detection #visual notation
- Classifying and detecting group behaviour from visual surveillance data (RH, SV, GAWW), pp. 602–604.
- ICPR-1998-LazarescuVWC #query #video
- Combining NL processing and video data to query American Football (ML, SV, GAWW, TC), pp. 1238–1240.
- ICPR-1998-ShearerVB #algorithm #performance #video
- An efficient least common subgraph algorithm for video indexing (KS, SV, HB), pp. 1241–1243.
- ICPR-1998-WeberVS #approach
- An insect-based approach to robotic homing (KW, SV, MVS), pp. 297–299.
- ICPR-1996-LimVW
- Resolution consideration in spatially variant sensors (FLL, SV, GAWW), pp. 795–799.
- ICPR-1996-LimWV
- Tracking in a space variant active vision system (FLL, GAWW, SV), pp. 745–749.
- ICPR-1996-WeberVS #behaviour #mobile
- Insect inspired behaviours for the autonomous control of mobile robots (KW, SV, MVS), pp. 156–160.
- JCDL-2010-GreenhillAV
- Interactively browsing movies in terms of action, foreshadowing and resolution (SG, BA, SV), pp. 197–200.