Travelled to:
1 × USA
2 × India
Collaborated with:
∅ Y.Choed-Amphai
Talks about:
opportun (2) challeng (2) exascal (2) comput (2) decad (2) next (2) synthesi (1) concurr (1) system (1) rule (1)
Person: Tilak Agerwala
DBLP: Agerwala:Tilak
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- HPCA-2010-Agerwala #challenge
- Exascale computing: The challenges and opportunities in the next decade (TA), p. 1.
- PPoPP-2010-Agerwala #challenge
- Exascale computing: the challenges and opportunities in the next decade (TA), pp. 1–2.
- DAC-1978-AgerwalaC #concurrent #synthesis
- A synthesis rule for concurrent systems (TA, YCCA), pp. 305–311.