29 papers:
ITiCSE-2015-LarreaDEI #evolution- Capstone Projects Evolution over a Decade in a Computer Science Engineering Degree (JJOL, CD, AJE, FJGI), p. 336.
MSR-2015-Zacchiroli #dataset #metadata #source code- The Debsources Dataset: Two Decades of Debian Source Code Metadata (SZ), pp. 466–469.
ICFP-2015-Bodik #synthesis- Program synthesis: opportunities for the next decade (RB), p. 1.
KDD-2015-XieBDG #performance #personalisation #rank- Edge-Weighted Personalized PageRank: Breaking A Decade-Old Performance Barrier (WX, DB, AJD, JG), pp. 1325–1334.
ITiCSE-2014-PearsCCCDL #named- ITiCSE: the next decade (AP, AC, LNC, ECV, VD, CL), p. 323.
CHI-2014-LiuGFXHK #analysis- CHI 1994-2013: mapping two decades of intellectual progress through co-word analysis (YL, JG, DF, BX, SH, VK), pp. 3553–3562.
HILT-2014-Ball #compilation #correctness #logic #research #verification- Correctness via compilation to logic: a decade of verification at microsoft research (TB), pp. 69–70.
SAC-2014-XavierMMA #bibliography #reliability #research- A survey on research in software reliability engineering in the last decade (JX, AM, RM, LBdA), pp. 1190–1191.
ASPLOS-2014-Wood #architecture #named- Resolved: specialized architectures, languages, and system software should supplant general-purpose alternatives within a decade (DAW), pp. 653–654.
MSR-2013-HemmatiNBKWHG #mining #research- The MSR cookbook: mining a decade of research (HH, SN, OB, OK, WW, RH, MWG), pp. 343–352.
WCRE-2013-MemonBNR #user interface- The first decade of GUI ripping: Extensions, applications, and broader impacts (AMM, IB, BNN, BR), pp. 11–20.
OSDI-2012-Levis #case study #development #experience- Experiences from a Decade of TinyOS Development (PL), pp. 207–220.
ITiCSE-2011-SheardD #student- Computing student practices of cheating and plagiarism: a decade of change (JS, MD), pp. 233–237.
HPCA-2010-Agerwala #challenge- Exascale computing: The challenges and opportunities in the next decade (TA), p. 1.
PPoPP-2010-Agerwala #challenge- Exascale computing: the challenges and opportunities in the next decade (TA), pp. 1–2.
SPLC-2009-JohnE #bibliography- A decade of scoping: a survey (IJ, ME), pp. 31–40.
VLDB-2007-ChaudhuriN #database #self- Self-Tuning Database Systems: A Decade of Progress (SC, VRN), pp. 3–14.
VLDB-2006-Keogh #database #mining #scalability- A Decade of Progress in Indexing and Mining Large Time Series Databases (EJK), p. 1268.
ICSM-2005-Parikh #challenge #evolution- Software Support, Management, and Evolution (SSME) in the Coming Decade and Beyond...Oppotunities and Challenges (GP), pp. 10–11.
STOC-2004-Ambainis #algorithm #quantum- Quantum algorithms a decade after shor (AA), p. 111.
DATE-2001-Hartenstein #configuration management- A decade of reconfigurable computing: a visionary retrospective (RWH), pp. 642–649.
SAC-2001-Berghel- A decade of applied computing (HB), pp. 1–5.
SIGMOD-1998-BerchtoldK #database #tutorial- High-Dimensional Index Structures, Database Support for Next Decade’s Applications (Tutorial) (SB, DAK), p. 501.
ICSE-1997-Yourdon #developer #re-engineering- Beyond Software Engineering: Ten Imperatives for the Successful Software Developer at the End of the Decade (Abstract) (EY), p. 538.
VLDB-1996-CareyD #database- Of Objects and Databases: A Decade of Turmoil (MJC, DJD), pp. 3–14.
AdaEurope-1996-Smart #ada #development #distributed- A Decade of Development and Development of Distributed Ada Systems (JDS), pp. 485–499.
SAC-1994-RunklerG #approximate #fuzzy #named #performance #realtime- DECADE — fast centroid approximation defuzzification for real time fuzzy control applications (TAR, MG), pp. 161–165.
CAiSE-1991-Nilsson- Organisation’s IT Needs in the Next Decade — The Swedish Vision (BN), p. 579.
NACLP-1990-Pereira #analysis #prolog- Prolog and Natural-Language Analysis: Into the Third Decade (FCNP), pp. 813–832.