Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
H.Jacobsen M.Pöss B.Caufield M.Danisch M.Frank S.Schindler M.Sadoghi S.Gómez-Villamor V.Muntés-Mulero S.Mankowskii A.Ghazal M.Hu F.Raab A.Crolotte Y.Liu S.Hu W.Liu K.Wu J.Chen J.Li
Talks about:
data (4) big (4) benchmark (2) industri (2) index (2) multidimension (1) enterpris (1) standard (1) challeng (1) synthes (1)
Person: Tilmann Rabl
DBLP: Rabl:Tilmann
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- SIGMOD-2015-RablDFSJ #big data
- Just can’t get enough: Synthesizing Big Data (TR, MD, MF, SS, HAJ), pp. 1457–1462.
- VLDB-2014-LiuHRLJWCL #effectiveness #grid #multi #smarttech
- DGFIndex for Smart Grid: Enhancing Hive with a Cost-Effective Multidimensional Range Index (YL, SH, TR, WL, HAJ, KW, JC, JL), pp. 1496–1507.
- VLDB-2014-PoessRC #benchmark #industrial #integration #metric #named
- TPC-DI: The First Industry Benchmark for Data Integration (MP, TR, BC), pp. 1367–1378.
- SIGMOD-2013-GhazalRHRPCJ #benchmark #big data #data analysis #industrial #metric #named #standard #towards
- BigBench: towards an industry standard benchmark for big data analytics (AG, TR, MH, FR, MP, AC, HAJ), pp. 1197–1208.
- VLDB-2012-RablSJGMM #big data #challenge #enterprise #performance
- Solving Big Data Challenges for Enterprise Application Performance Management (TR, MS, HAJ, SGV, VMM, SM), pp. 1724–1735.