Collaborated with:
∅ P.A.Cairns Marco Gillies
Talks about:
emot (2) function (1) colossus (1) challeng (1) tragedi (1) shadow (1) elicit (1) design (1) betray (1) avant (1)
Person: Tom Cole
DBLP: Cole:Tom
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CHI-PLAY-2015-ColeCG #challenge #functional #game studies
- Emotional and Functional Challenge in Core and Avant-garde Games (TC, PAC, MG), pp. 121–126.
- DiGRA-2015-Cole #design #elicitation #how
- The Tragedy of Betrayal: How the Design of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Elicits Emotion (TC).