Travelled to:
1 × Jamaica
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Smialek J.Bojarski W.Nowakowski A.Ambroziewicz
Talks about:
scenario (2) tool (2) base (2) complementari (1) vocabulari (1) represent (1) metamodel (1) construct (1) transit (1) facilit (1)
Person: Tomasz Straszak
DBLP: Straszak:Tomasz
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- RE-2012-SmialekS #requirements
- Facilitating transition from requirements to code with the ReDSeeDS tool (MS, TS), pp. 321–322.
- MoDELS-2007-SmialekBNAS #case study
- Complementary Use Case Scenario Representations Based on Domain Vocabularies (MS, JB, WN, AA, TS), pp. 544–558.
- MoDELS-2005-SmialekBNS #metamodelling #uml
- Scenario Construction Tool Based on Extended UML Metamodel (MS, JB, WN, TS), pp. 414–429.