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424 papers:

DACDAC-2015-ChangHLW #analysis #encoding #functional #named
TA-FTA: transition-aware functional timing analysis with a four-valued encoding (JCCC, RHMH, LYZL, CHPW), p. 6.
DACDAC-2015-ChenSC #flexibility
A SPICE model of flexible transition metal dichalcogenide field-effect transistors (YYC, ZS, DC), p. 6.
Avoiding transitional effects in dynamic circuit specialisation on FPGAs (KH, DS), p. 6.
DACDAC-2015-RakshitWLGM #design #power management #robust
Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide and black phosphorus transistors for low power robust SRAM design (JR, RW, KTL, JG, KM), p. 6.
DATEDATE-2015-Sharma #optimisation #power management
Minimum current consumption transition time optimization methodology for low power CTS (VS), pp. 412–416.
ICSMEICSME-2015-NishikawaWFOM #traceability #transitive
Recovering transitive traceability links among software artifacts (KN, HW, YF, KO, RM), pp. 576–580.
CIAACIAA-2015-AdigaKMRRS #complexity
Complexity of Inferring Local Transition Functions of Discrete Dynamical Systems (AA, CJK, MVM, SSR, DJR, RES), pp. 21–34.
DLTDLT-2015-CzybaST #automaton #finite #infinity #modelling
Finite Automata Over Infinite Alphabets: Two Models with Transitions for Local Change (CC, CS, WT), pp. 203–214.
SEFMSEFM-2015-BeekDGMP #constraints #variability
From Featured Transition Systems to Modal Transition Systems with Variability Constraints (MHtB, FD, SG, FM, LP), pp. 344–359.
GaMGaM-2015-Wijs #confluence #detection #lts
Confluence Detection for Transformations of Labelled Transition Systems (AW), pp. 1–15.
ICGTICGT-2015-Padberg #configuration management #petri net
Reconfigurable Petri Nets with Transition Priorities and Inhibitor Arcs (JP), pp. 104–120.
Trajectory Bundling for Animated Transitions (FD, NC, JZ, YRL), pp. 289–298.
CSCWCSCW-2015-HaimsonBDH #facebook #gender
Disclosure, Stress, and Support During Gender Transition on Facebook (OLH, JRB, LD, GRH), pp. 1176–1190.
CSCWCSCW-2015-KaziunasBJCHA #health
Transition and Reflection in the Use of Health Information: The Case of Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Caregivers (EK, AGB, JJ, SWC, DAH, MSA), pp. 1763–1774.
ICMLICML-2015-QiuXHLC #estimation #matrix #process #robust
Robust Estimation of Transition Matrices in High Dimensional Heavy-tailed Vector Autoregressive Processes (HQ, SX, FH, HL, BC), pp. 1843–1851.
KDDKDD-2015-HolleczekAYJAGL #agile #metric #recommendation
Traffic Measurement and Route Recommendation System for Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) (TH, DTA, SY, YJ, SA, HLG, SL, ASN), pp. 1859–1868.
KDDKDD-2015-OuCWW0 #component #similarity #transitive
Non-transitive Hashing with Latent Similarity Components (MO, PC, FW, JW, WZ), pp. 895–904.
KDDKDD-2015-TanSZ0 #learning #transitive
Transitive Transfer Learning (BT, YS, EZ, QY), pp. 1155–1164.
QAPLQAPL-2015-LeeV #bisimulation #branch #congruence #probability
Rooted branching bisimulation as a congruence for probabilistic transition systems (MDL, EPdV), pp. 79–94.
HPDCHPDC-2015-LiTKC #named #parallel #thread #visual notation
Transit: A Visual Analytical Model for Multithreaded Machines (AL, YCT, AK, HC), pp. 101–106.
ICLPICLP-2015-MartinezRIAT #learning #modelling #probability
Learning Probabilistic Action Models from Interpretation Transitions (DM, TR, KI, GA, CT).
ICSTICST-2015-KorosecP #agile #matrix
Supporting the Transition to an Agile Test Matrix (RK, RP), pp. 1–2.
CASECASE-2014-GaoLWA #monitoring #petri net #problem #sequence #using
A monitor solution to enforce legal transition firing sequences problems by using Petri nets (XG, ZL, AW, AMAA), pp. 419–424.
DATEDATE-2014-Pomeranz14a #fault
Substituting transition faults with path delay faults as a basic delay fault model (IP), pp. 1–6.
ESOPESOP-2014-NanevskiLSD #communication #concurrent #fine-grained
Communicating State Transition Systems for Fine-Grained Concurrent Resources (AN, RLW, IS, GAD), pp. 290–310.
SANERCSMR-WCRE-2014-OyetoyanCC #component #dependence #evolution #fault
Transition and defect patterns of components in dependency cycles during software evolution (TDO, DSC, RC), pp. 283–292.
ICPCICPC-2014-KaulgudAMT #comprehension #learning
Comprehension support during knowledge transitions: learning from field (VSK, KMA, JM, GT), pp. 205–206.
AFLAFL-2014-Vorel #automaton #set #transitive
Subset Synchronization of Transitive Automata (VV), pp. 370–381.
DLTDLT-2014-BerdinskyK #automation #graph #on the #transitive
On Automatic Transitive Graphs (DB, BK), pp. 1–12.
LATALATA-2014-BreveglieriCM #network #parsing
Shift-Reduce Parsers for Transition Networks (LB, SCR, AM), pp. 222–235.
Revisiting Compatibility of Input-Output Modal Transition Systems (IK, ND, NM, SU), pp. 367–381.
CHICHI-2014-LeeJN #experience
Partially intelligent automobiles and driving experience at the moment of system transition (KJL, YKJ, CN), pp. 3631–3634.
CHICHI-2014-McLachlanBB #interactive
Transient and transitional states: pressure as an auxiliary input modality for bimanual interaction (RM, DB, SAB), pp. 401–410.
CSCWCSCW-2014-MassimiBWA #community #health #online
Life transitions and online health communities: reflecting on adoption, use, and disengagement (MM, JLB, HOW, OHA), pp. 1491–1501.
HCIDUXU-ELAS-2014-WinklerP #design #named #smarttech #towards #transitive
ReFlexLab: Designing Transitive Wearable Technologies towards Poetic Aesthetics (CW, SP), pp. 731–738.
HCIDUXU-ELAS-2014-WinklerP14a #design #named #smarttech #towards #transitive
Erratum: ReFlexLab: Designing Transitive Wearable Technologies towards Poetic Aesthetics (CW, SP).
ICMLICML-c2-2014-ChenX #modelling #statistics
Statistical-Computational Phase Transitions in Planted Models: The High-Dimensional Setting (YC, JX), pp. 244–252.
ICPRICPR-2014-BiswasZLMV #analysis #detection #image #using
Lesion Detection in Breast Ultrasound Images Using Tissue Transition Analysis (SB, FZ, XL, RM, VV), pp. 1185–1188.
KDDKDD-2014-SudhofEMP #sentiment #social
Sentiment expression conditioned by affective transitions and social forces (MS, AGE, ALM, CP), pp. 1136–1145.
KMISKMIS-2014-PaciBLT #research
Research Change in Transition (AMP, CB, CL, FT), pp. 44–53.
Battery transition systems (UB, TAH, AR), pp. 595–606.
SACSAC-2014-BeoharM #consistency #testing
Input-output conformance testing based on featured transition systems (HB, MRM), pp. 1272–1278.
ICSEICSE-2014-MusluBNC #case study #distributed #version control
Transition from centralized to decentralized version control systems: a case study on reasons, barriers, and outcomes (KM, CB, NN, JC), pp. 334–344.
LICSLICS-CSL-2014-CharatonikKM #decidability #logic #transitive
Decidability of weak logics with deterministic transitive closure (WC, EK, FM), p. 10.
LICSLICS-CSL-2014-LevyS #game studies
Transition systems over games (PBL, SS), p. 10.
CASECASE-2013-SaricXS #assembly
Robotic surface assembly via contact state transitions (AS, JX, JS), pp. 954–959.
DACDAC-2013-LiaoHL #detection #fault
GPU-based n-detect transition fault ATPG (KYL, SCH, JCML), p. 8.
DATEDATE-2013-GhiribaldiBN #architecture #effectiveness #manycore
A transition-signaling bundled data NoC switch architecture for cost-effective GALS multicore systems (AG, DB, SMN), pp. 332–337.
PODSPODS-2013-Figueira #on the #testing #transitive #xpath
On XPath with transitive axes and data tests (DF), pp. 249–260.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2013-WangLKFF #crowdsourcing #transitive
Leveraging transitive relations for crowdsourced joins (JW, GL, TK, MJF, JF), pp. 229–240.
CSEETCSEET-2013-LongstreetC #development #education #re-engineering
Positive transitions from the classroom to the cubicle: Creating strategies for augmenting professional development in the software engineering curriculum (CSL, KMLC), pp. 365–367.
PLDIPLDI-2013-UdupaRDMMA #named #protocol #specification
TRANSIT: specifying protocols with concolic snippets (AU, AR, JVD, SMH, MMKM, RA), pp. 287–296.
CIAACIAA-2013-MaiaMR #complexity #finite
Incomplete Transition Complexity of Basic Operations on Finite Languages (EM, NM, RR), pp. 349–356.
DLTDLT-2013-Regnault #automaton #probability #proving
Proof of a Phase Transition in Probabilistic Cellular Automata (DR), pp. 433–444.
ICALPICALP-v2-2013-GottlobPT #query #transitive
Querying the Guarded Fragment with Transitivity (GG, AP, LT), pp. 287–298.
ICALPICALP-v2-2013-Zetzsche #automaton
Silent Transitions in Automata with Storage (GZ), pp. 434–445.
IFMIFM-2013-Prehofer #behaviour #diagrams #refinement #specification
Assume-Guarantee Specifications of State Transition Diagrams for Behavioral Refinement (CP), pp. 31–45.
SEFMSEFM-2013-PerceboisST #graph transformation #invariant #transitive #verification
Rule-Level Verification of Graph Transformations for Invariants Based on Edges’ Transitive Closure (CP, MS, HNT), pp. 106–121.
CHICHI-2013-OdomZFHMCLNLLKRSSM #comprehension
Fragmentation and transition: understanding perceptions of virtual possessions among young adults in Spain, South Korea and the United States (WO, JZ, JF, ALH, MM, JC, YKL, TJN, MHL, YL, DjK, YKR, JS, BS, HM), pp. 1833–1842.
CHICHI-2013-Ortega #3d #automation #using
3D object position using automatic viewpoint transitions (MO), pp. 193–196.
CHICHI-2013-YooZH #co-evolution #design
Probing bus stop for insights on transit co-design (DY, JZ, TH), pp. 409–418.
CSCWCSCW-2013-ColineauPN #collaboration #design
Designing for reflection and collaboration to support a transition from welfare to work (NC, CP, SN), pp. 471–476.
CSCWCSCW-2013-KazakosHV #product line
Revisiting the relationship between reunion and technology-mediated separation in periodically transitioning families (KK, SH, FV), pp. 1157–1168.
CSCWCSCW-2013-SmithQC #analysis #identification #using
Finger on the pulse: identifying deprivation using transit flow analysis (CSC, DQ, LC), pp. 683–692.
HCIDUXU-WM-2013-TrappY #mobile
Addressing Animated Transitions already in Mobile App Storyboards (MT, RY), pp. 723–732.
HCIHCI-AS-2013-DixonDD13a #design #health #implementation #mobile #testing
Designing, Implementing and Testing a Mobile Application to Assist with Pediatric-to-Adult Health Care Transition (JD, JD, SDD), pp. 66–75.
CIKMCIKM-2013-LiuLAM #mining #personalisation #recommendation
Personalized point-of-interest recommendation by mining users’ preference transition (XL, YL, KA, CM), pp. 733–738.
ICMLICML-c2-2013-HanL #estimation #matrix
Transition Matrix Estimation in High Dimensional Time Series (FH, HL), pp. 172–180.
CADECADE-2013-Mayer #hybrid #logic #proving #transitive
A Proof Procedure for Hybrid Logic with Binders, Transitivity and Relation Hierarchies (MCM), pp. 76–90.
CSLCSL-2013-MichaliszynO #logic #transitive
Elementary Modal Logics over Transitive Structures (JM, JO), pp. 563–577.
ICSTICST-2013-AlegrothFO #automation #case study #industrial #testing
Transitioning Manual System Test Suites to Automated Testing: An Industrial Case Study (EA, RF, HHO), pp. 56–65.
Divergent Quiescent Transition Systems (WGJS, MT, MS), pp. 214–231.
CASECASE-2012-HanXZLW #concurrent #policy
Two-stage deadlock prevention policy based on resource-transition circuits (LH, KX, MZ, HL, FW), pp. 741–746.
CASECASE-2012-MohajeraniMF #composition #synthesis
Transition removal for compositional supervisor synthesis (SM, RM, MF), pp. 694–699.
DATEDATE-2012-EllenEO #automation #development #embedded #process #safety
Automatic transition between structural system views in a safety relevant embedded systems development process (CE, CE, MO), pp. 820–823.
DATEDATE-2012-QinM #automation #generative #protocol #testing
Automated generation of directed tests for transition coverage in cache coherence protocols (XQ, PM), pp. 3–8.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2012-DArgenioL #abstraction #bisimulation #congruence #probability #specification
Probabilistic Transition System Specification: Congruence and Full Abstraction of Bisimulation (PRD, MDL), pp. 452–466.
TACASTACAS-2012-LangM #equation #lts #model checking #network #using
Partial Model Checking Using Networks of Labelled Transition Systems and Boolean Equation Systems (FL, RM), pp. 141–156.
PEPMPEPM-2012-HamiltonJ #lts
Distillation with labelled transition systems (GWH, NDJ), pp. 15–24.
STOCSTOC-2012-KaufmanL #graph #symmetry #transitive
Edge transitive ramanujan graphs and symmetric LDPC good codes (TK, AL), pp. 359–366.
The Removal of Weighted ε-Transitions (SL, JS), pp. 345–352.
CIAACIAA-2012-Martyugin #ambiguity #automaton
Synchronization of Automata with One Undefined or Ambiguous Transition (PVM), pp. 278–288.
FMFM-2012-DIppolitoBPU #problem
The Modal Transition System Control Problem (ND, VAB, NP, SU), pp. 155–170.
FMFM-2012-HojjatKGIKR #tool support #verification
A Verification Toolkit for Numerical Transition Systems — Tool Paper (HH, FK, FG, RI, VK, PR), pp. 247–251.
Distribution of Modal Transition Systems (GES, SU, VAB, JK), pp. 403–417.
GRAPHITEGRAPHITE-2012-BeckmannFKM #analysis #graph
A structural analysis of the A5/1 state transition graph (AB, JF, JK, UM), pp. 5–19.
ICGTICGT-2012-BergmannRSTV #incremental #pattern matching #performance #transitive
Incremental Pattern Matching for the Efficient Computation of Transitive Closure (GB, IR, TS, PT, DV), pp. 386–400.
CHICHI-2012-HenneckeMB #how #interactive #pointer
How screen transitions influence touch and pointer interaction across angled display arrangements (FH, WM, AB), pp. 209–212.
ICMLICML-2012-Araya-LopezBT #using
Near-Optimal BRL using Optimistic Local Transitions (MAL, OB, VT), p. 70.
ICMLICML-2012-GrunewalderLBPG #modelling
Modelling transition dynamics in MDPs with RKHS embeddings (SG, GL, LB, MP, AG), p. 208.
KDDKDD-2012-ChenFDS #case study
Differentially private transit data publication: a case study on the montreal transportation system (RC, BCMF, BCD, NMS), pp. 213–221.
KDDKDD-2012-WangAB #modelling #named #online #performance #social #social media #topic
TM-LDA: efficient online modeling of latent topic transitions in social media (YW, EA, MB), pp. 123–131.
KMISKMIS-2012-Grim-YefsahD #information management #outsourcing
Knowledge Transfer in Practice — A Socio-technical System for the Transition in Outsourcing (MGY, JD), pp. 223–228.
SIGIRSIGIR-2012-LiuADMS #comprehension #web
When web search fails, searchers become askers: understanding the transition (QL, EA, GD, YM, IS), pp. 801–810.
MODELSMoDELS-2012-ArandaDB #modelling #question #what
Transition to Model-Driven Engineering — What Is Revolutionary, What Remains the Same? (JA, DD, AB), pp. 692–708.
MODELSMoDELS-2012-ArandaDB #modelling #question #what
Transition to Model-Driven Engineering — What Is Revolutionary, What Remains the Same? (JA, DD, AB), pp. 692–708.
RERE-2012-SmialekS #requirements
Facilitating transition from requirements to code with the ReDSeeDS tool (MS, TS), pp. 321–322.
CSLCSL-2012-KaiserL #logic
A Counting Logic for Structure Transition Systems (LK, SL), pp. 366–380.
CSLCSL-2012-KieronskiM #logic #transitive
Two-Variable Universal Logic with Transitive Closure (EK, JM), pp. 396–410.
VMCAIVMCAI-2012-ZuffereyWH #abstraction
Ideal Abstractions for Well-Structured Transition Systems (DZ, TW, TAH), pp. 445–460.
DACDAC-2011-Pomeranz #clustering #fault
Diagnosis of transition fault clusters (IP), pp. 429–434.
DATEDATE-2011-Al-DujailyMXYP #concurrent #detection #network #runtime #transitive #using
Run-time deadlock detection in networks-on-chip using coupled transitive closure networks (RAD, TSTM, FX, AY, MP), pp. 497–502.
DATEDATE-2011-MiyaseWAFYK #generative #testing
Transition-Time-Relation based capture-safety checking for at-speed scan test generation (KM, XW, MA, HF, YY, SK), pp. 895–898.
Ordinal Theory for Expressiveness of Well Structured Transition Systems (RB, AF, SH, FRV), pp. 153–167.
TACASTACAS-2011-PodelskiR #abstraction #invariant #termination
Transition Invariants and Transition Predicate Abstraction for Program Termination (AP, AR), pp. 3–10.
SASSAS-2011-VerdoolaegeCB #approximate #integer #transitive #tuple
Transitive Closures of Affine Integer Tuple Relations and Their Overapproximations (SV, AC, AB), pp. 216–232.
CIAACIAA-2011-FelscherT #composition #detection
Compositional Failure Detection in Structured Transition Systems (IF, WT), pp. 130–141.
DLTDLT-2011-BrodaMMR #automaton #complexity
The Average Transition Complexity of Glushkov and Partial Derivative Automata (SB, AM, NM, RR), pp. 93–104.
DLTDLT-2011-DrosteMST #composition #finite
A Cascade Decomposition of Weighted Finite Transition Systems (MD, IM, BS, AT), pp. 472–473.
ICALPICALP-v1-2011-BermanBGRWY #transitive
Steiner Transitive-Closure Spanners of Low-Dimensional Posets (PB, AB, EG, SR, DPW, GY), pp. 760–772.
CHICHI-2011-AzenkotPBFLW #independence #safety
Enhancing independence and safety for blind and deaf-blind public transit riders (SA, SP, AB, EF, REL, JOW), pp. 3247–3256.
Temporal distortion for animated transitions (PD, AB, WJ, NE, JDF), pp. 2009–2018.
CHICHI-2011-ScarrCGQ #comprehension #user interface
Dips and ceilings: understanding and supporting transitions to expertise in user interfaces (JS, AC, CG, PQ), pp. 2741–2750.
HCIDUXU-v2-2011-ShankarVE #challenge #comparative #usability
A Fitting Software Comparative Usability Study to Investigate Transition Challenges Faced by Hearing-Aid Practitioners (AS, SV, BE), pp. 517–526.
HCIHCI-DDA-2011-BomsdorfGHM #configuration management #design #execution #modelling #runtime
Configurable Executable Task Models Supporting the Transition from Design Time to Runtime (BB, SG, MH, JTM), pp. 155–164.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2011-YeL #theory and practice
Analyzing Data from AVL/APC System for Improving Transit Management — Theory and Practice (YY, JL), pp. 267–274.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2011-Li11e #analysis #quality
Construction and Analysis of Service Quality Model for Beijing Urban Mass Transit (WL), pp. 541–543.
Assets Management Around Urban Rail Transit (HL, MX), pp. 439–443.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2011-ZhouL11a #enterprise #information management
A Discusson about Urban Rail Transit Enterprise Business Management Information System (RZ, SL), pp. 467–471.
ICMLICML-2011-ChakrabortyS #learning
Structure Learning in Ergodic Factored MDPs without Knowledge of the Transition Function’s In-Degree (DC, PS), pp. 737–744.
ECMFAECMFA-2011-YueAB #automation #case study #state machine #testing #uml
Automated Transition from Use Cases to UML State Machines to Support State-Based Testing (TY, SA, LCB), pp. 115–131.
QAPLQAPL-2011-FahrenbergTL #game studies
Distances for Weighted Transition Systems: Games and Properties (UF, CRT, KGL), pp. 134–147.
SACSAC-2011-DingSW #algorithm #parallel #transitive
FPGA based parallel transitive closure algorithm (ZD, WS, MYW), pp. 393–394.
SACSAC-2011-LucenaCSAS #architecture #modelling #named #requirements
Stream: a strategy for transition between requirements models and architectural models (ML, JC, CTLLS, FMRA, ES), pp. 699–704.
ICLPICLP-2011-AlrajehKRU #approach #induction #refinement
An Inductive Approach for Modal Transition System Refinement (DA, JK, AR, SU), pp. 106–116.
ICLPICLP-J-2011-LierlerT #approach #generative
Transition systems for model generators — A unifying approach (YL, MT), pp. 629–646.
ICTSSICTSS-2011-SchwarzlAW #composition #random testing #testing #using
Compositional Random Testing Using Extended Symbolic Transition Systems (CS, BKA, FW), pp. 179–194.
ICSTSAT-2011-GaoYX #case study #compilation
Phase Transitions in Knowledge Compilation: An Experimental Study (JG, MY, KX), pp. 364–366.
ASEASE-2010-RatanotayanonCS #feature model #transitive #using
Using transitive changesets to support feature location (SR, HJC, SES), pp. 341–344.
CASECASE-2010-WangLAB #approach #flexibility #quality
Improving quality in flexible manufacturing systems: A bottleneck transition approach (JW, JL, JA, SB), pp. 610–616.
DATEDATE-2010-BoydSS #detection #process #trade-off
Power-accuracy tradeoffs in human activity transition detection (JB, HS, AS), pp. 1524–1529.
DATEDATE-2010-JungP #network #nondeterminism #optimisation #power management
Optimizing the power delivery network in dynamically voltage scaled systems with uncertain power mode transition times (HJ, MP), pp. 351–356.
DATEDATE-2010-KootiBLB #configuration management #embedded #realtime #scheduling
Transition-aware real-time task scheduling for reconfigurable embedded systems (HK, EB, SL, LB), pp. 232–237.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2010-ChenMK #database #probability #query
GRN model of probabilistic databases: construction, transition and querying (RC, YM, IK), pp. 291–302.
SASSAS-2010-HeizmannJP #invariant #termination
Size-Change Termination and Transition Invariants (MH, NDJ, AP), pp. 22–50.
CIAACIAA-2010-OkuiS #ambiguity #automaton #regular expression
Disambiguation in Regular Expression Matching via Position Automata with Augmented Transitions (SO, TS), pp. 231–240.
ICALPICALP-v2-2010-BolligGMZ #automaton #logic #transitive
Pebble Weighted Automata and Transitive Closure Logics (BB, PG, BM, MZ), pp. 587–598.
ICGTICGT-2010-Khomenko #behaviour
A New Type of Behaviour-Preserving Transition Insertions in Unfolding Prefixes (VK), pp. 75–90.
Blogging in a region of conflict: supporting transition to recovery (BAA, GM, BS), pp. 1069–1078.
CHICHI-2010-BranhamGCB #reuse
Let’s go from the whiteboard: supporting transitions in work through whiteboard capture and reuse (SMB, GG, SC, JTB), pp. 75–84.
Documenting transitional information in EMR (YC), pp. 1787–1796.
CHICHI-2010-ChevalierDBF #documentation #navigation #using
Using text animated transitions to support navigation in document histories (FC, PD, AB, JDF), pp. 683–692.
CHICHI-2010-FerrisWB #named #realtime
OneBusAway: results from providing real-time arrival information for public transit (BF, KW, AB), pp. 1807–1816.
CHICHI-2010-HuhtalaSMIH #case study #mobile #user interface
Animated UI transitions and perception of time: a user study on animated effects on a mobile screen (JH, AHS, JM, MI, JH), pp. 1339–1342.
CHICHI-2010-YooZST #co-evolution #comprehension #design #interactive
Understanding the space for co-design in riders’ interactions with a transit service (DY, JZ, AS, AT), pp. 1797–1806.
ICPRICPR-2010-BhatBSS #sequence #transitive #video #visual notation #word
Transitive Closure Based Visual Words for Point Matching in Video Sequence (KKSB, MOB, GS, FS), pp. 3300–3303.
ICPRICPR-2010-Ramirez-OrtegonR10a #documentation
Transition Thresholds for Binarization of Historical Documents (MARO, RR), pp. 2362–2365.
ICPRICPR-2010-TakahashiKIM #image
Region-Based Image Transform for Transition Between Object Appearances (TT, YK, II, HM), pp. 2106–2109.
RecSysRecSys-2010-SymeonidisTM #network #predict #similarity #social #transitive
Transitive node similarity for link prediction in social networks with positive and negative links (PS, ET, YM), pp. 183–190.
SIGIRSIGIR-2010-FilaliNL #ambiguity #query #transitive
Transitive history-based query disambiguation for query reformulation (KF, AN, CL), pp. 849–850.
RERE-2010-SavolainenKV #agile #development #requirements
Transition to Agile Development — Rediscovery of Important Requirements Engineering Practices (JS, JK, AV), pp. 289–294.
SACSAC-2010-FurukawaOMI #behaviour #predict #social
Prediction of social bookmarking based on a behavior transition model (TF, SO, YM, MI), pp. 1741–1747.
SPLCSPLC-2010-TekinerdoganTS #approach #classification #multi #product line
Multidimensional Classification Approach for Defining Product Line Engineering Transition Strategies (BT, ET, ES), pp. 461–465.
CAVCAV-2010-KroeningSTW #analysis #composition #invariant #termination
Termination Analysis with Compositional Transition Invariants (DK, NS, AT, CMW), pp. 89–103.
ICSTICST-2010-FeliachiG #automation #generative #modelling #testing
Generating Transition Probabilities for Automatic Model-Based Test Generation (AF, HLG), pp. 99–102.
A false-path aware formal static timing analyzer considering simultaneous input transitions (ST, CYH), pp. 25–30.
DATEDATE-2009-Schat #fault #on the
On the relationship between stuck-at fault coverage and transition fault coverage (JS), pp. 1218–1221.
TACASTACAS-2009-WehrleKP #model checking
Transition-Based Directed Model Checking (MW, SK, AP), pp. 186–200.
ICPCICPC-2009-SimRC #comprehension #graph #question
Structure transition graphs: An ECG for program comprehension? (SES, SR, LC), pp. 303–304.
CIAACIAA-2009-Sastre-Martinez #network #parsing #performance #recursion #using
Efficient Parsing Using Filtered-Popping Recursive Transition Networks (JMSM), pp. 241–244.
ICALPICALP-v2-2009-ColcombetZ #automaton #bound
A Tight Lower Bound for Determinization of Transition Labeled Büchi Automata (TC, KZ), pp. 151–162.
ICALPICALP-v2-2009-Michaliszyn #decidability #transitive
Decidability of the Guarded Fragment with the Transitive Closure (JM), pp. 261–272.
ICALPICALP-v2-2009-NicolaLLM #calculus #probability #process
Rate-Based Transition Systems for Stochastic Process Calculi (RDN, DL, ML, MM), pp. 435–446.
LATALATA-2009-SumanP #automaton #integer
Determinization and Expressiveness of Integer Reset Timed Automata with Silent Transitions (PVS, PKP), pp. 728–739.
CHICHI-2009-FindlaterBT #interactive #text-to-text
Comparing semiliterate and illiterate users’ ability to transition from audio+text to text-only interaction (LF, RB, KT), pp. 1751–1760.
AdaSIGAda-2009-LiangRS #architecture #automation #generative #prototype
“Automatic Prototype Generating” restated with re-ADA: perspective-bridged architecture for document-driven systems transitioning (SXL, LAR, SS), pp. 45–60.
CAiSECAiSE-2009-Guizzardi #concept #modelling #problem #revisited #transitive
The Problem of Transitivity of Part-Whole Relations in Conceptual Modeling Revisited (GG), pp. 94–109.
MODELSMoDELS-2009-YueBL #analysis #approach #case study #concept #empirical #evaluation #modelling #towards
A Use Case Modeling Approach to Facilitate the Transition towards Analysis Models: Concepts and Empirical Evaluation (TY, LCB, YL), pp. 484–498.
MODELSMoDELS-2009-YueBL #analysis #approach #case study #concept #empirical #evaluation #modelling #towards
A Use Case Modeling Approach to Facilitate the Transition towards Analysis Models: Concepts and Empirical Evaluation (TY, LCB, YL), pp. 484–498.
ICSTICST-2009-KalajiHS #finite #generative #state machine #testing
Generating Feasible Transition Paths for Testing from an Extended Finite State Machine (EFSM) (ASK, RMH, SS), pp. 230–239.
ICSTSAT-2009-CreignouDER #comprehension
(1, 2)-QSAT: A Good Candidate for Understanding Phase Transitions Mechanisms (NC, HD, UE, RR), pp. 363–376.
FATESTestCom-FATES-2009-BentakoukPZ #distributed #framework #testing
A Formal Framework for Service Orchestration Testing Based on Symbolic Transition Systems (LB, PP, FZ), pp. 16–32.
VMCAIVMCAI-2009-WeiGC #revisited
Mixed Transition Systems Revisited (OW, AG, MC), pp. 349–365.
ECSAECSA-2008-AssmannE #architecture #enterprise
Transition to Service-Oriented Enterprise Architecture (MA, GE), pp. 346–349.
ASEASE-2008-DIppolitoFCU #named
MTSA: The Modal Transition System Analyser (ND, DF, MC, SU), pp. 475–476.
DACDAC-2008-DuanZK #design
Forbidden transition free crosstalk avoidance CODEC design (CD, CZ, SPK), pp. 986–991.
DATEDATE-2008-LeeNKT #fault #generative
Layout-Aware, IR-Drop Tolerant Transition Fault Pattern Generation (JL, SN, MK, MT), pp. 1172–1177.
PODSPODS-2008-CateS #automaton #logic #transitive #xpath
XPath, transitive closure logic, and nested tree walking automata (BtC, LS), pp. 251–260.
ICPCICPC-2008-SatoST #comprehension #execution #source code #user interface #visualisation
Support for Understanding GUI Programs by Visualizing Execution Traces Synchronized with Screen Transitions (TS, BS, JT), pp. 272–275.
DLTDLT-J-2007-Tamm08 #automaton #on the
On Transition Minimality of Bideterministic Automata (HT), pp. 677–690.
DLTDLT-2008-CarpiD #automaton #problem #transitive
The Synchronization Problem for Strongly Transitive Automata (AC, FD), pp. 240–251.
GT-VMTGT-VMT-2008-ReinPLHP #configuration management
Negative Application Conditions for Reconfigurable Place/Transition Systems (AR, UP, LL, KH, JP).
CHICHI-2008-PietrigaA #lens
Sigma lenses: focus-context transitions combining space, time and translucence (EP, CA), pp. 1343–1352.
SOFTVISSOFTVIS-2008-PloegerT #interactive #visualisation
Improving an interactive visualization of transition systems (BP, CT), pp. 115–124.
ICPRICPR-2008-LiuZXMD #estimation #image
Illumination transition image: Parameter-based illumination estimation and re-rendering (JL, NZ, LX, GM, SD), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-MirzaeiR #clustering #transitive #using
Combining hierarchical clusterings using min-transitive closure (AM, MR), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-PalaioB #adaptation #multi #using
Multi-object tracking using an adaptive transition model particle filter with region covariance data association (HP, JB), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-YuLL #detection #recognition #robust #video
Robust time recognition of video clock based on digit transition detection and digit-sequence recognition (XY, YL, WSL), pp. 1–4.
ICSEICSE-2008-MichalikNO #architecture #case study #evaluation
3-step knowledge transition: a case study on architecture evaluation (BM, JRN, MO), pp. 741–748.
SPLCSPLC-2008-KruegerCB #product line
HomeAway’s Transition to Software Product Line Practice: Engineering and Business Results in 60 Days (CWK, DC, RB), pp. 297–306.
SMTSMT-2007-RozanovS08 #constraints #generative #logic #similarity #transitive
Generating Minimum Transitivity Constraints in P-time for Deciding Equality Logic (MR, OS), pp. 3–17.
ICSTSAT-2008-CreignouDER #quantifier #random
New Results on the Phase Transition for Random Quantified Boolean Formulas (NC, HD, UE, RR), pp. 34–47.
DACDAC-2007-AhmedTJ #design #fault #generative
Transition Delay Fault Test Pattern Generation Considering Supply Voltage Noise in a SOC Design (NA, MT, VJ), pp. 533–538.
DACDAC-2007-SrivastavaR #equation
Interdependent Latch Setup/Hold Time Characterization via Euler-Newton Curve Tracing on State-Transition Equations (SS, JSR), pp. 136–141.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2007-PatersonH #design #implementation
From classes to code: supporting the transition from design to implementation (JHP, JH), p. 362.
TACASTACAS-2007-HerbreteauST #concurrent
Unfolding Concurrent Well-Structured Transition Systems (FH, GS, TQT), pp. 706–720.
Consistently Incorporating Changes to Evolve Transition-based Systems (MS, HPS), pp. 17–26.
DLTDLT-2007-GruberH #complexity #exclamation #nondeterminism
Inapproximability of Nondeterministic State and Transition Complexity Assuming P=!NP (HG, MH), pp. 205–216.
DLTDLT-2007-Tamm #automaton #on the
On Transition Minimality of Bideterministic Automata (HT), pp. 411–421.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2007-YasuiLGWT #collaboration #online #topic
Delineating Topic and Discussant Transitions in Online Collaborative Environments (NIY, XL, DEG, YW, HT), pp. 14–21.
ECIRECIR-2007-Nanopoulos #collaboration #correlation #transitive
Collaborative Filtering Based on Transitive Correlations Between Items (AN), pp. 368–380.
SACSAC-2007-ArnautovicKFPS #communication #specification #towards
Gradual transition towards autonomic software systems based on high-level communication specification (EA, HK, JF, RP, AS), pp. 84–89.
CSLCSL-2007-AbdullaDB #power of
Comparing the Expressive Power of Well-Structured Transition Systems (PAA, GD, LVB), pp. 99–114.
DATEDATE-2006-PomeranzR #detection #fault #generative #testing
Generation of broadside transition fault test sets that detect four-way bridging faults (IP, SMR), pp. 907–912.
DATEDATE-2006-PomeranzR06a #fault
Test compaction for transition faults under transparent-scan (IP, SMR), pp. 1264–1269.
PODSPODS-2006-Cate #transitive #xpath
The expressivity of XPath with transitive closure (BtC), pp. 328–337.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2006-Serre #game studies #graph #process
Parity Games Played on Transition Graphs of One-Counter Processes (OS), pp. 337–351.
CIAACIAA-2006-GiraudVL #automaton #finite
Path-Equivalent Removals of epsilon-transitions in a Genomic Weighted Finite Automaton (MG, PV, DL), pp. 23–33.
FMFM-2006-JohnstonWBSR #model checking #modelling #order #performance
Model-Based Variable and Transition Orderings for Efficient Symbolic Model Checking (WJ, KW, LvdB, PAS, PJR), pp. 524–540.
ICGTICGT-2006-EdelkampJL #analysis #graph #heuristic
Heuristic Search for the Analysis of Graph Transition Systems (SE, SJ, ALL), pp. 414–429.
ICEISICEIS-ISAS-2006-DubinskyHTK #agile #analysis #design #development #scalability
System Analysis and Design in a Large-Scale Software Project: The Case of Transition to Agile Development (YD, OH, DT, AK), pp. 11–18.
Uncertainties-driven Surface Morphing: The case of Photo-realistic Transitions between Facial Expressions (MT, CG, NP), pp. 889–892.
KDDKDD-2006-SpiliopoulouNTS #clustering #modelling #monitoring #named
MONIC: modeling and monitoring cluster transitions (MS, IN, YT, RS), pp. 706–711.
QAPLQAPL-2005-DengCPP06 #metric
Metrics for Action-labelled Quantitative Transition Systems (YD, TC, CP, JP), pp. 79–96.
SACSAC-2006-ChenC #on the #representation #transitive
On the transitive closure representation and adjustable compression (YC, DC), pp. 450–455.
SPLCSPLC-2006-KircherSG #approach #challenge #product line
Transitioning to a Software Product Family Approach — Challenges and Best Practices (MK, CS, IG), pp. 163–171.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2006-XuHB #memory management #reduction #transitive
A regulated transitive reduction (RTR) for longer memory race recording (MX, MDH, RB), pp. 49–60.
DACDAC-2005-AbdollahiFP #effectiveness
An effective power mode transition technique in MTCMOS circuits (AA, FF, MP), pp. 37–42.
VLDBVLDB-2005-BerardiCGHM #automation #composition #semantics #web #web service
Automatic Composition of Transition-based Semantic Web Services with Messaging (DB, DC, GDG, RH, MM), pp. 613–624.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2005-BonsangueK #logic
Duality for Logics of Transition Systems (MMB, AK), pp. 455–469.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2005-CattaniSKN #nondeterminism #probability
Stochastic Transition Systems for Continuous State Spaces and Non-determinism (SC, RS, MZK, GN), pp. 125–139.
DLTDLT-2005-Karianto #automaton #graph
Adding Monotonic Counters to Automata and Transition Graphs (KW), pp. 308–319.
NFAs With and Without epsilon-Transitions (JH, GS), pp. 385–396.
SEKESEKE-2005-DingXDCH #design #mobile #modelling
Design an Interoperable Mobile Agent System Based on Predicate Transition Net Models (JD, DX, YD, PJC, XH), pp. 560–565.
POPLPOPL-2005-PodelskiR #abstraction #termination
Transition predicate abstraction and fair termination (AP, AR), pp. 132–144.
SACSAC-2005-JayadevaprakashMP #generative #graph #transitive #using
Generating association graphs of non-cooccurring text objects using transitive methods (NJ, SM, MJP), pp. 141–145.
SACSAC-2005-Morimoto #mining #transitive
Optimized transitive association rule: mining significant stopover between events (YM), pp. 543–544.
ICSEICSE-2005-Cardelli #modelling #programming
Transitions in programming models: 2 (LC), p. 2.
SPLCSPLC-2005-MatturroS #approach #knowledge-based #product line
A Knowledge-Based Perspective for Preparing the Transition to a Software Product Line Approach (GM, AS), pp. 96–101.
HPCAHPCA-2005-LauSC #classification #predict
Transition Phase Classification and Prediction (JL, SS, BC), pp. 278–289.
CADECADE-2005-KonevWZ #logic #transitive
Temporal Logics over Transitive States (BK, FW, MZ), pp. 182–203.
CAVCAV-2005-JhalaM #approximate
Interpolant-Based Transition Relation Approximation (RJ, KLM), pp. 39–51.
CSLCSL-2005-Kieronski #equivalence #transitive
Results on the Guarded Fragment with Equivalence or Transitive Relations (EK), pp. 309–324.
ICSTSAT-2005-HeuleM #bound #linear #programming #random #satisfiability #using
Observed Lower Bounds for Random 3-SAT Phase Transition Density Using Linear Programming (MH, HvM), pp. 122–134.
WICSAWICSA-2004-Perez-MartinezS #analysis #architecture #heuristic
Heuristics for the Transition from Analysis to Software Architecture (JEPM, ASA), pp. 311–314.
DACDAC-2004-LiRP #fault #generative #on the #testing
On test generation for transition faults with minimized peak power dissipation (WL, SMR, IP), pp. 504–509.
Scan-BIST based on transition probabilities (IP), pp. 940–943.
DATEDATE-v1-2004-KretzschmarNM #power management #why
Why Transition Coding for Power Minimization of On-Chip Buses Does Not Work (CK, AKN, DM), pp. 512–517.
ICALPICALP-2004-AlfaroFS #branch #linear #metric
Linear and Branching Metrics for Quantitative Transition Systems (LdA, MF, MS), pp. 97–109.
SEFMSEFM-2004-LanotteMT #decidability #parametricity #probability #security
Decidability Results for Parametric Probabilistic Transition Systems with an Application to Security (RL, AMS, AT), pp. 114–121.
SEFMSEFM-2004-LiYW #distributed #multi #testing
Distributed Testing of Multi Input/Output Transition System (ZL, XY, JW), pp. 271–280.
ICMLICML-2004-BaskiotisS #approach
C4.5 competence map: a phase transition-inspired approach (NB, MS).
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-KuijperO #set #symmetry
Transitions of the Pre-Symmetry Set (AK, OFO), pp. 190–193.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-LeymarieKG #towards
Towards Surface Regularization via Medial Axis Transitions (FFL, BBK, PJG), pp. 123–126.
KRKR-2004-MailheP #fuzzy #knowledge base
Updating of a Possibilistic Knowledge Base by Crisp or Fuzzy Transition Rules (BM, HP), pp. 338–347.
KRKR-2004-Rintanen #case study
Phase Transitions in Classical Planning: An Experimental Study (JR), pp. 710–719.
SACSAC-2004-Chen #algorithm #transitive
A new algorithm for computing transitive closures (YC), pp. 1091–1092.
CSLCSL-2004-ImmermanRRSY #bound #decidability #logic #transitive
The Boundary Between Decidability and Undecidability for Transitive-Closure Logics (NI, AMR, TWR, SS, GY), pp. 160–174.
IJCARIJCAR-2004-KazakovN #transitive
A Resolution Decision Procedure for the Guarded Fragment with Transitive Guards (YK, HdN), pp. 122–136.
LICSLICS-2004-Huth #lts
Beyond Image-Finiteness: Labelled Transition Systems as a Stone Space (MH), pp. 222–231.
LICSLICS-2004-PodelskiR #invariant
Transition Invariants (AP, AR), pp. 32–41.
LICSLICS-2004-WohrleT #infinity #model checking
Model Checking Synchronized Products of Infinite Transition Systems (SW, WT), pp. 2–11.
ICTSSTestCom-2004-LiWY #multi #testing
Testing Multi Input/Output Transition System with All-Observer (ZL, JW, XY), pp. 95–111.
DACDAC-2003-LiXC #architecture #modelling #optimisation #power management #scalability
Scalable modeling and optimization of mode transitions based on decoupled power management architecture (DL, QX, PHC), pp. 119–124.
FASEFASE-2003-SharyginaB #abstraction #model checking
Model Checking Software via Abstraction of Loop Transitions (NS, JCB), pp. 325–340.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2003-Kieronski #transitive
The Two-Variable Guarded Fragment with Transitive Guards Is 2EXPTIME-Hard (EK), pp. 299–312.
FMFME-2003-MussetR #linear
Computing Meta-transitions for Linear Transition Systems with Polynomials (JM, MR), pp. 562–581.
SEKESEKE-2003-DongFH #diagrams #statechart
Deriving Hierarchical Predicate/Transition Nets from Statechart Diagrams (ZD, YF, XH), pp. 150–157.
POPLPOPL-2003-JensenM #graph
Bigraphs and transitions (OHJ, RM), pp. 38–49.
SACSAC-2003-BorgerRC #concurrent #modelling #state machine #uml
Modeling the Meaning of Transitions from and to Concurrent States in UML State Machines (EB, ER, AC), pp. 1086–1091.
SACSAC-2003-Traore #object-oriented #testing
A Transition-based Strategy for Object-oriented Software Testing (IT), pp. 1055–1062.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2003-UchitelKM #behaviour #lts #using
Behaviour model elaboration using partial labelled transition systems (SU, JK, JM), pp. 19–27.
CAVCAV-2003-BardinFLP #named #performance
FAST: Fast Acceleration of Symbolikc Transition Systems (SB, AF, JL, LP), pp. 118–121.
ICLPICLP-2003-ZhaoL #case study #programming #set #source code
Answer Set Programming Phase Transition: A Study on Randomly Generated Programs (YZ, FL), pp. 239–253.
ICTSSTestCom-2003-PetrenkoYH #testing
Testing Transition Systems with Input and Output Testers (AP, NY, JH), pp. 129–145.
DATEDATE-2002-HuangLWG #constraints
Maze Routing with Buffer Insertion under Transition Time Constraints (LDH, ML, DFW, YG), pp. 702–707.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2002-FerrariMP #algebra #calculus
Minimizing Transition Systems for Name Passing Calculi: A Co-algebraic Formulation (GLF, UM, MP), pp. 129–158.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2002-Srba #commutative
Note on the Tableau Technique for Commutative Transition Systems (JS), pp. 387–401.
TACASTACAS-2002-Mateescu #calculus #lts #model checking #μ-calculus
Local Model-Checking of Modal μ-Calculus on Acyclic Labeled Transition Systems (RM), pp. 281–295.
STOCSTOC-2002-BaswanaHS #algorithm #maintenance #transitive
Improved decremental algorithms for maintaining transitive closure and all-pairs shortest paths (SB, RH, SS), pp. 117–123.
IFMIFM-2002-KorenblatGK #petri net
Translations between Textual Transition Systems and Petri Nets (KK, OG, SK), pp. 339–359.
ICGTICGT-2002-Varro #semantics #uml
A Formal Semantics of UML Statecharts by Model Transition Systems (DV), pp. 378–392.
A Transition Function Based Characterization of Actions with Delayed and Continuous Effects (CB, TCS, LCT), pp. 291–302.
SEKESEKE-2002-XuVIY #behaviour #modelling #multi #using #verification
Modeling and verifying multi-agent behaviors using predicate/transition nets (DX, RAV, TRI, JY), pp. 193–200.
CAVCAV-2002-KurshanLY #model checking
Compressing Transitions for Model Checking (RPK, VL, HY), pp. 569–581.
LICSLICS-2002-Otto #finite #theorem
Modal and Guarded Characterisation Theorems over Finite Transition Systems (MO), p. 371–?.
SATSAT-2002-SlaneyW #behaviour #optimisation
Phase Transition Behavior: From Decision to Optimization (JS, TW), p. 4.
VMCAIVMCAI-2002-Huth #model checking #using
Model Checking Modal Transition Systems Using Kripke Structures (MH), pp. 302–316.
DACDAC-2001-LinC #graph #named #representation #transitive
TCG: A Transitive Closure Graph-Based Representation for Non-Slicing Floorplans (JML, YWC), pp. 764–769.
DATEDATE-2001-SarkarK #constraints
Repeater block planning under simultaneous delay and transition time constraints (PS, CKK), pp. 540–545.
DATEDATE-2001-VareaA #embedded #modelling #petri net #specification
Dual transitions petri net based modelling technique for embedded systems specification (MV, BMAH), pp. 566–571.
ICDARICDAR-2001-VielhauerSM #transitive #verification
Transitivity Based Enrollment Strategy for Signature Verification (CV, RS, AM), p. 1263–?.
ESOPESOP-2001-HuthJS #program analysis
Modal Transition Systems: A Foundation for Three-Valued Program Analysis (MH, RJ, DAS), pp. 155–169.
ICALPICALP-2001-BreugelW #probability #towards #verification
Towards Quantitative Verification of Probabilistic Transition Systems (FvB, JW), pp. 421–432.
MLDMMLDM-2001-JangKC #detection #fuzzy
FAM-Based Fuzzy Inference for Detecting Shot Transitions (SWJ, GYK, HIC), pp. 52–61.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-2001-Henderson-SellersS #object-oriented #process
Transitioning to an Object-Oriented Process (BHS, MS), p. 381.
Static Transition Compression (DD, OD), pp. 92–107.
LICSLICS-2001-DasD #approximate
Successive Approximation of Abstract Transition Relations (SD, DLD), pp. 51–58.
LICSLICS-2001-Jeffrey #induction #lts #type system
A Symbolic Labelled Transition System for Coinductive Subtyping of Fμ≤ Types (AJ), pp. 323–333.
LICSLICS-2001-SzwastT #on the #problem #transitive
On the Decision Problem for the Guarded Fragment with Transitivity (WS, LT), pp. 147–156.
RTARTA-2001-Struth #calculus #transitive
Deriving Focused Calculi for Transitive Relations (GS), pp. 291–305.
PODSPODS-2000-GeertsK #approximate #database #linear #logic #transitive #using
Linear Approximation of Planar Spatial Databases Using Transitive-Closure Logic (FG, BK), pp. 126–135.
VLDBVLDB-2000-Carey #industrial #research
Toto, We’re Not in Kansas Anymore: On Transitioning from Research to the Real (Invited Industrial Talk) (MJC), p. 733.
FASEFASE-2000-GruerHK #design #network #problem #specification #using #verification
Verification of Object-Z Specifications by Using Transition Systems: Application to the Radiomobile Network Design Problem (PG, VH, AK), pp. 222–236.
TACASTACAS-2000-JonssonN #infinity #transitive #verification
Transitive Closures of Regular Relations for Verifying Infinite-State Systems (BJ, MN), pp. 220–234.
ICALPICALP-2000-LugiezS #decidability #first-order #logic
Decidable First-Order Transition Logics for PA-Processes (DL, PS), pp. 342–353.
ICMLICML-2000-GiordanaSSB #framework #learning #relational
Analyzing Relational Learning in the Phase Transition Framework (AG, LS, MS, MB), pp. 311–318.
ICMLICML-2000-GrudicU #policy
Localizing Policy Gradient Estimates to Action Transition (GZG, LHU), pp. 343–350.
KRKR-2000-HaarslevM #reasoning #strict #transitive
Expressive ABox Reasoning with Number Restrictions, Role Hierarchies, and Transitively Closed Roles (VH, RM), pp. 273–284.
HPCAHPCA-2000-HaungsSF #analysis #branch #classification #metric
Branch Transition Rate: A New Metric for Improved Branch Classification Analysis (MH, PS, MKF), pp. 241–250.
CAVCAV-2000-BryantV #constraints #satisfiability #transitive
Boolean Satisfiability with Transitivity Constraints (REB, MNV), pp. 85–98.
ICLPCL-2000-LeuschelL #deduction #petri net
Coverability of Reset Petri Nets and Other Well-Structured Transition Systems by Partial Deduction (ML, HL), pp. 101–115.
LICSLICS-2000-LemstromH #approximate #logic #pattern matching #transitive
Approximate Pattern Matching is Expressible in Transitive Closure Logic (KL, LH), pp. 157–167.
DATEDATE-1999-CabodiCPQ #simulation
Computing Timed Transition Relations for Sequential Cycle-Based Simulation (GC, PC, CP, SQ), pp. 8–12.
DATEDATE-1999-MurgaiF #on the
On Reducing Transitions Through Data Modifications (RM, MF), p. 82–?.
STOCSTOC-1999-KingS #algorithm #maintenance #transitive
A Fully Dynamic Algorithm for Maintaining the Transitive Closure (VK, GS), pp. 492–498.
FMFM-v1-1999-BarbutiFSV #abstraction #model checking #realtime
Formula Based Abstractions of Transition Systems for Real-Time Model Checking (RB, NDF, AS, GV), pp. 289–306.
IFLIFL-1999-AchtenP #implementation #interactive
The Implementation of Interactive Local State Transition Systems in Clean (PA, MJP), pp. 115–130.
AdaSIGAda-1999-Wisniewski #ada
Transitioning an ASIS application: version 1 to Ada95 2.0 (JRW), pp. 53–65.
ICEISICEIS-1999-HartW #aspect-oriented
Re-Arranging the Chairs: Tackling the Ownership Aspects of Organizational Transition and Infomation Systems Support (DH, GKW), pp. 443–451.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-1999-PourGF #component #development #enterprise
Making the Transition to Component-Based Enterprise Software Development: Overcoming the Obstacles 3/4 Patterns for Success (GP, MLG, JMF), p. 419.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1999-GrissPF #component #development #enterprise
Making the Transition to Component-Based Enterprise Software Development Overcoming the Obstacles — Patterns for Success (MLG, GP, JMF), pp. 527–531.
ESECESEC-FSE-1999-BayerGWDA #architecture #legacy #product line
Transitioning Legacy Assets to a Product Line Architecture (JB, JFG, MW, JMD, MA), pp. 446–463.
LICSLICS-1999-GanzingerMV #transitive
The Two-Variable Guarded Fragment with Transitive Relations (HG, CM, MV), pp. 24–34.
LICSLICS-1999-Ruhl #transitive
Counting and Addition Cannot Express Deterministic Transitive Closure (MR), pp. 326–334.
DACDAC-1998-MurgaiFO #using
Using Complementation and Resequencing to Minimize Transitions (RM, MF, ALO), pp. 694–697.
DATEDATE-1998-KassabCAK #analysis #constraints
Propagation of Last-Transition-Time Constraints in Gate-Level Timing Analysis (MK, EC, SA, THK), pp. 796–802.
HTHT-1998-ZellwegerCM #incremental
Fluid Links for Informed and Incremental Link Transitions (PZ, BWC, JDM), pp. 50–57.
Symbolic Exploration of transition Hierarchies (RA, TAH, SKR), pp. 330–344.
WRLAWRLA-1998-CarabettaDG #logic #semantics
CCS semantics via proved transition systems and rewriting logic (GC, PD, FG), pp. 369–387.
ICGTTAGT-1998-EhrigHLOPR #framework #graph #rule-based
Double-Pullback Graph Transitions: A Rule-Based Framework with Incomplete Information (HE, RH, ML, FO, JP, GR), pp. 85–102.
KDDKDD-1998-DuMouchelS #algorithm #detection #performance #testing
A Fast Computer Intrusion Detection Algorithm Based on Hypothesis Testing of Command Transition Probabilities (WD, MS), pp. 189–193.
REICRE-1998-FowlerCM #empirical #requirements
Transition Packages: An Experiment in Expediting the Introduction of Requirements Management (PJF, ADC, BM), p. 138–?.
SACSAC-1998-BonsangueKBJ #architecture #distributed #semantics
A software architecture for distributed control systems and its transition system semantics (MMB, JNK, MB, EDdJ), pp. 159–168.
ICTSSIWTCS-1998-BrinksmaHT #generative #multi #testing
Factorized Test Generation for Multi-Input/Output Transition Systems (EB, LH, JT), pp. 67–82.
LICSLICS-1998-JohnstonePTWW #algebra #axiom #category theory
An Axiomatics for Categories of Transition Systems as Coalgebras (PJ, JP, TT, HW, JW), pp. 207–213.
DACDAC-1997-RamprasadSH #estimation #process #statistics
Analytical Estimation of Transition Activity From Word-Level Signal Statistics (SR, NRS, INH), pp. 582–587.
ITiCSEITiCSE-WGR-1997-BogoiavlenskiPS #education
Use of computing curricula 1991 for transition from “Mathematics” to “Applied Mathematics and CS” baccalaureate programme (poster) (IAB, AAP, GSS, AVV), p. 144.
ICALPICALP-1997-VinkR #algebra #approach #bisimulation #probability
Bisimulation for Probabilistic Transition Systems: A Coalgebraic Approach (EPdV, JJMMR), pp. 460–470.
HCIHCI-SEC-1997-GunjiKK #using
Quick Address Search System with Handwriting Using Character Transition Information (KG, SK, KK), pp. 423–426.
AdaTRI-Ada-1997-ChamillardH #ada
Transitioning to Ada in an Introductory Course for Non-Majors (ATC, WCHJ), pp. 37–40.
CAVCAV-1997-ImmermanV #logic #model checking #transitive
Model Checking and Transitive-Closure Logic (NI, MYV), pp. 291–302.
DACDAC-1996-ChandramouliS #modelling #proximity
Modeling the Effects of Temporal Proximity of Input Transitions on Gate Propagation Delay and Transition Time (VC, KAS), pp. 617–622.
ASEKBSE-1996-HoweP #behaviour #modelling
Constructing Transition Models of AI Planner Behavior (AEH, LDP), p. 8.
ESOPESOP-1996-Goubault #concurrent
Durations for Truly-Concurrent Transitions (EG), pp. 173–187.
ICALPICALP-1996-Caucal #decidability #graph #infinity #monad #on the
On Infinite Transition Graphs Having a Decidable Monadic Theory (DC), pp. 194–205.
ICALPICALP-1996-Glabbeek #specification
The Meaning of Negative Premises in Transition System Specifications II (RJvG), pp. 502–513.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-1996-FeithT #ada #realtime #scalability
Planning the Transition to Ada 95 for a Large Real-Time Project (RF, MT), pp. 500–511.
KRKR-1996-LeeG #parallel #reasoning #relational #transitive
Parallel Transitive Reasoning in Mixed Relational Hierarchies (YL, JG), pp. 576–587.
Saving Space by Fully Exploiting Invisible Transitions (HM, SK), pp. 336–347.
LICSLICS-1996-CattaniS #higher-order
Higher Dimensional Transition Systems (GLC, VS), pp. 55–62.
LICSLICS-1996-Seidl #calculus #μ-calculus
A Modal μ-Calculus for Durational Transition Systems (HS), pp. 128–137.
TACASTACAS-1995-Janssen #design #distributed
Layers as Knowledge Transitions in the Design of Distributed Systems (WJ), pp. 238–263.
TACASTACAS-1995-LarsenSW #constraints #proving
A Constraint Oriented Proof Methodology Based on Modal Transition Systems (KGL, BS, CW), pp. 17–40.
LICSLICS-1995-EtessamiI #transitive
Tree Canonization and Transitive Closure (KE, NI), pp. 331–341.
DACDAC-1994-TsuiPD #approximate
Exact and Approximate Methods for Calculating Signal and Transition Probabilities in FSMs (CYT, MP, AMD), pp. 18–23.
DATEEDAC-1994-AkitaA #logic #power management #probability
A Method for Reducing Power Consumption of CMOS Logic Based on Signal Transition Probability (JA, KA), pp. 420–424.
DATEEDAC-1994-BanerjeeRCP #graph transformation
Signal Transition Graph Transformations for Initializability (SB, RKR, STC, DKP), p. 670.
DATEEDAC-1994-VanbekbergenYLM #graph #interface #specification
A Generalized Signal Transition Graph Model for Specification of Complex Interfaces (PV, CYC, BL, HDM), pp. 378–384.
PODSPODS-1994-SuciuP #algebra #algorithm #exponential #set #transitive
Any Algorithm in the Complex Object Algebra with Powerset Needs Exponential Space to Compute Transitive Closure (DS, JP), pp. 201–209.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1994-DarR #algorithm #performance #transitive
A Performance Study of Transitive Closure Algorithms (SD, RR), pp. 454–465.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1994-Vaskevitch #database
Database in Crisis and Transition: A Technical Agenda for the Year 2001 (DV), pp. 484–489.
ICALPICALP-1994-AsarinM #on the
On some Relations between Dynamical Systems and Transition Systems (EA, OM), pp. 59–72.
ICALPICALP-1994-Breugel #lts
Generalized Finiteness Conditions of Labelled Transition Systems (FvB), pp. 376–387.
REICRE-1994-MorganS #specification
Transitioning to rigorous software specification (NWM, CS), pp. 110–117.
ICSEICSE-1994-TakadaMT #debugging #performance #process #testing
A Programmer Performance Measure Based on Programmer State Transitions in Testing and Debugging Process (YT, KiM, KT), pp. 123–132.
CAVCAV-1994-GeistB #automation #model checking #performance
Efficient Model Checking by Automated Ordering of Transition Relation Partitions (DG, IB), pp. 299–310.
LICSLICS-1994-BachmairG #transitive
Rewrite Techniques for Transitive Relations (LB, HG), pp. 384–393.
DACDAC-1993-MatsunagaMB #on the #transitive
On Computing the Transitive Closure of a State Transition Relation (YM, PCM, RKB), pp. 260–265.
VLDBVLDB-1993-HoutsmaWF #algorithm #evaluation #implementation #parallel #performance #transitive
Implementation and Performance Evaluation of a Parallel Transitive Closure Algorithm on PRISMA/DB (MAWH, ANW, JF), pp. 206–217.
ICSMECSM-1993-PigoskiL #case study #experience #maintenance
Software Maintenance Training: Transition Experiences (TMP, CSL), pp. 314–318.
ICSMECSM-1993-RugaberD #cobol #generative #source code
The Transition of Application Programs From COBOL to a Fourth Generation Language (SR, SD), pp. 61–70.
ICALPICALP-1993-InverardiPY #bisimulation #parametricity
Extended Transition Systems for Parametric Bisimulation (PI, CP, DY), pp. 558–569.
CAVCAV-1993-YannakakisL #algorithm #performance #realtime
An Efficient Algorithm for Minimizing Real-time Transition Systems (MY, DL), pp. 210–224.
DACDAC-1992-DevadasKMW #logic #verification
Certified Timing Verification and the Transition Delay of a Logic Circuit (SD, KK, SM, ARW), pp. 549–555.
DACDAC-1992-LavagnoMBS #graph #problem
Solving the State Assignment Problem for Signal Transition Graphs (LL, CWM, RKB, ALSV), pp. 568–572.
STOCSTOC-1992-LeeY #online
Online Minimization of Transition Systems (Extended Abstract) (DL, MY), pp. 264–274.
ICALPICALP-1992-Vogler #communication #petri net #refinement
Asynchronous Communication of Petri Nets and the Refinement of Transitions (WV), pp. 605–616.
AdaTRI-Ada-C-1992-Frankel #analysis #architecture #modelling
Analysis/Architecture Models to ASG Models: Enabling the Transition (MIF), pp. 220–231.
ICMLML-1992-McCallum #learning #performance #proximity #using
Using Transitional Proximity for Faster Reinforcement Learning (AM), pp. 316–321.
CSLCSL-1992-Fernando #comparative #semantics
Comparative Transition System Semantics (TF), pp. 149–166.
ICTSSIWPTS-1992-GhedamsiDB #fault #finite #nondeterminism #state machine #testing
Diagnostic Tests for Single Transition Faults in Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines (AG, RD, GvB), pp. 105–116.
LICSLICS-1992-GraedelM #logic #nondeterminism #transitive
Deterministic vs. Nondeterministic Transitive Closure Logic (EG, GLM), pp. 58–63.
DACDAC-1991-ChakradharA #algorithm #generative #testing #transitive
A Transitive Closure Based Algorithm for Test Generation (STC, VDA), pp. 353–358.
DACDAC-1991-Najm #probability #process
Transition Density, A Stochastic Measure of Activity in Digital Circuits (FNN), pp. 644–649.
DACDAC-1991-PomeranzR #fault #on the #using
On Achieving a Complete Fault Coverage for Sequential Machines Using the Transition Fault Model (IP, SMR), pp. 341–346.
PODSPODS-1991-Jakobsson #algorithm #transitive
Mixed-Approach Algorithms for Transitive Closure (HJ), pp. 199–205.
STOCSTOC-1991-Babai #finite #generative #graph #random #transitive
Local Expansion of Vertex-Transitive Graphs and Random Generation in Finite Groups (LB), pp. 164–174.
ICALPICALP-1991-BolG #specification
The Meaning of Negative Premises in Transition System Specifications (RNB, JFG), pp. 481–494.
CSLCSL-1991-BarguryM #automaton #multi #power of #transitive
The Expressive Power of Transitive Closue and 2-way Multihead Automata (YB, JAM), pp. 1–14.
CSLCSL-1991-Gradel #logic #on the #transitive
On Transitive Closure Logic (EG), pp. 149–163.
CSLCSL-1991-Tyszkiewicz #logic #query #transitive
Infinitary Queries and Their Asymptotic Probabilities I: Properties Definable in Transitive Closue Logic (JT), pp. 396–410.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1990-UllmanY #complexity #transitive
The Input/Output Complexity of Transitive Closure (JDU, MY), pp. 44–53.
VLDBVLDB-1990-AgrawalJ #algorithm #hybrid #transitive
Hybrid Transitive Closure Algorithms (RA, HVJ), pp. 326–334.
VLDBVLDB-1990-CheineyM #clustering #parallel #transitive
A Parallel Strategy for Transitive Closure usind Double Hash-Based Clustering (JPC, CdM), pp. 347–358.
VLDBVLDB-1990-HoutsmaAC #approach #distributed #set #transitive
Distributed Transitive Closure Computations: The Disconnection Set Approach (MAWH, PMGA, SC), pp. 335–346.
STOCSTOC-1990-KaoK #algorithm #graph #parallel #performance #towards #transitive
Towards Overcoming the Transitive-Closure Bottleneck: Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Planar Digraphs (MYK, PNK), pp. 181–192.
PPDPALP-1990-Lescanne #implementation
Implementations of Completion by Transition Rules + Control: ORME (PL), pp. 262–269.
CADECADE-1990-Lescanne #implementation #named #set
ORME: An Implementation of Completion Procedures as Sets of Transition Rules (PL), pp. 661–662.
LICSLICS-1990-LarsenX #equation #using
Equation Solving Using Modal Transition Systems (KGL, LX), pp. 108–117.
ICLPNACLP-1990-CorradiniM #algebra #logic programming #semantics #source code
An Algebraic Semantics of Logic Programs as Structured Transition Systems (AC, UM), pp. 788–812.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1989-AgrawalBJ #knowledge base #performance #scalability #transitive
Efficient Management of Transitive Relationships in Large Data and Knowledge Bases (RA, AB, HVJ), pp. 253–262.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1989-Cohen #compilation #database
Compiling Complex Database Transition Triggers (DC), pp. 225–234.
VLDBVLDB-1989-LiptonN #transitive
Estimating the Size of Generalized Transitive Closures (RJL, JFN), pp. 165–171.
SEKESEKE-1989-HeL #logic #petri net #specification
Deriving Temporal Logic Specifications from Predicate Transition Petri Net (XH, JANL), pp. 116–121.
PODSPODS-1988-SippuS #query #relational #transitive
A Generalized Transitive Closure for Relational Queries (SS, ESS), pp. 325–332.
VLDBVLDB-1988-IoannidisR #algorithm #performance #transitive
Efficient Transitive Closure Algorithms (YEI, RR), pp. 382–394.
ICALPICALP-1988-Diekert #commutative #for free #monad #transitive
Transitive Orientations, Möbius Functions, and Complete Semi-Thue Systems for Free Partially Commutative Monoids (VD), pp. 176–187.
ICALPICALP-1988-RudichB #morphism #transitive
Optimal Circuits and Transitive Automorphism Groups (SR, LB), pp. 516–524.
ICALPICALP-1988-Simon #on the #reduction #transitive
On Minimum Flow and Transitive Reduction (KS), pp. 535–546.
DACDAC-1987-SchultzB #fault #simulation
Accelerated Transition Fault Simulation (MHS, FB), pp. 237–243.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1987-JagadishAN #case study #recursion #transitive
A Study of Transitive Closure As a Recursion Mechanism (HVJ, RA, LN), pp. 331–344.
VLDBVLDB-1987-AgrawalJ #algorithm #database #transitive
Direct Algorithms for Computing the Transitive Closure of Database Relations (RA, HVJ), pp. 255–266.
VLDBVLDB-1987-Lu #database #transitive
New Strategies for Computing the Transitive Closure of a Database Relation (HL), pp. 267–274.
A Generalization of the Procedure of Karp and Miller to Well Structured Transition Systems (AF), pp. 499–508.
POPLPOPL-1987-Stark #concurrent #network #process #semantics
Concurrent Transition System Semantics of Process Networks (EWS), pp. 199–210.
VLDBVLDB-1986-Ioannidis #on the #relational #transitive
On the Computation of the Transitive Closure of Relational Operators (YEI), pp. 403–411.
ICALPICALP-1986-Simon #algorithm #graph #transitive
An Improved Algorithm for Transitive Closure on Acyclic Digraphs (KS), pp. 376–386.
STOCSTOC-1985-BakkerMOZ #concurrent #semantics
Transition Systems, Infinitary Languages and the Semantics of Uniform Concurrency (JWdB, JJCM, ERO, JIZ), pp. 252–262.
STOCSTOC-1984-Gerth #composition #how #logic
Transition Logic: How to Reason About Temporal Properties in a Compositional Way (RG), pp. 39–50.
STOCSTOC-1983-Spinrad #transitive
Transitive Orientation in O(n²) Time (JPS), pp. 457–466.
ICALPICALP-1983-Arnold #behaviour #infinity
Topological Characterizations of Infinite Behaviours of Transition Systems (AA), pp. 28–38.
ICALPICALP-1983-GoltzR #process
Processes of Place/Transition-Nets (UG, WR), pp. 264–277.
ICALPICALP-1982-Sifakis #invariant
Global and Local Invariants in Transition Systems (JS), pp. 510–522.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1980-ParkerP #dependence #embedded #multi #transitive
Inferences Involving Embedded Multivalued Dependencies and Transitive Dependencies (DSPJ, KPG), pp. 52–57.
STOCSTOC-1980-Tompa80a #algorithm #implementation #polynomial #sublinear #transitive
Two Familiar Transitive Closure Algorithms which Admit No Polynomial Time, Sublinear Space Implementations (MT), pp. 333–338.
ICALPICALP-1980-Turchin #optimisation #proving #theorem proving
The Use of Metasystem Transition in Theorem Proving and Program Optimization (VFT), pp. 645–657.
CCSDCG-1980-Schmidt #λ-calculus
State transition machines for λ calculus expressions (DAS), pp. 415–440.
PLDISCC-1979-Pleban #compilation #matrix #recursion
The use of transition matrices in a recursive-descent compiler (UFP), pp. 144–151.
SIGIRSIGIR-1978-Tharp #database #design #network #personalisation
Augmented Transition Networks as a Design Tool for Personalized Data Base Systems (ALT), pp. 2–13.
STOCSTOC-1976-Hirschberg #algorithm #component #parallel #problem #transitive
Parallel Algorithms for the Transitive Closure and the Connected Component Problems (DSH), pp. 55–57.
ICALPICALP-1976-BloniarzFM #transitive
A Note on the Average Time to Compute Transitive Closures (PAB, MJF, ARM), pp. 425–434.
POPLPOPL-1973-Rosenberg #array
Transitions in Extendible Arrays (ALR), pp. 218–225.
STOCSTOC-1970-Morris #precedence
A Result on the Relationship between Simple Precedence Languages and Reducing Transition Languages (JBM), pp. 73–80.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.