Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Germany
1 × Hungary
1 × Taiwan
Collaborated with:
Talks about:
languag (3) equat (3) determinist (2) homomorph (2) preserv (2) grammar (2) context (2) boolean (2) number (2) limit (2)
Person: Tommi Lehtinen
DBLP: Lehtinen:Tommi
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- DLT-2012-LehtinenO #context-free grammar #morphism
- Homomorphisms Preserving Deterministic Context-Free Languages (TL, AO), pp. 154–165.
- DLT-J-2012-LehtinenO13 #context-free grammar #morphism
- Homomorphisms Preserving Deterministic Context-Free Languages (TL, AO), pp. 1049–1066.
- DLT-2010-LehtinenO #equation #on the
- On Language Equations XXK = XXL and XM = N over a Unary Alphabet (TL, AO), pp. 291–302.
- DLT-2009-LehtinenO #equation #on the #set
- On Equations over Sets of Numbers and Their Limitations (TL, AO), pp. 360–371.
- DLT-J-2009-LehtinenO11 #equation #on the #set
- On Equations over Sets of Numbers and their Limitations (TL, AO), pp. 377–393.
- AFL-2008-LehtinenO #boolean grammar
- Boolean grammars and gsm mappings (TL, AO), pp. 269–280.
- AFL-J-2008-LehtinenO10 #boolean grammar
- Boolean Grammars and GSM Mappings (TL, AO), pp. 799–815.