384 papers:
- STOC-2015-ChenDST #adaptation #query #testing
- Boolean Function Monotonicity Testing Requires (Almost) n 1/2 Non-adaptive Queries (XC, AD, RAS, LYT), pp. 519–528.
- STOC-2015-GanorKR #communication #exponential
- Exponential Separation of Information and Communication for Boolean Functions (AG, GK, RR), pp. 557–566.
- ICALP-v1-2015-DvorakK #csp #on the
- On Planar Boolean CSP (ZD, MK), pp. 432–443.
- ICALP-v1-2015-MouawadNPR #configuration management
- Shortest Reconfiguration Paths in the Solution Space of Boolean Formulas (AEM, NN, VP, VR), pp. 985–996.
- ICALP-v1-2015-Sanyal #bound #fourier
- Near-Optimal Upper Bound on Fourier Dimension of Boolean Functions in Terms of Fourier Sparsity (SS), pp. 1035–1045.
- ICALP-v1-2015-Yu #algorithm #combinator #matrix #multi
- An Improved Combinatorial Algorithm for Boolean Matrix Multiplication (HY), pp. 1094–1105.
- CSL-2015-BrotherstonV #logic
- Sub-classical Boolean Bunched Logics and the Meaning of Par (JB, JV), pp. 325–342.
- SAT-2015-PhilippS #constraints #encoding #library #named #pseudo
- PBLib — A Library for Encoding Pseudo-Boolean Constraints into CNF (TP, PS), pp. 9–16.
- DATE-2014-SeidlK #quantifier
- Partial witnesses from preprocessed quantified Boolean formulas (MS, RK), pp. 1–6.
- STOC-2014-ArtemenkoS #generative #pseudo
- Pseudorandom generators with optimal seed length for non-boolean poly-size circuits (SA, RS), pp. 99–108.
- AFL-2014-Valdats #complexity #regular expression
- Boolean Circuit Complexity of Regular Languages (MV), pp. 342–354.
- ICALP-v1-2014-BlaisHST #approximate #on the
- On DNF Approximators for Monotone Boolean Functions (EB, JH, RAS, LYT), pp. 235–246.
- ICALP-v2-2014-BellBMR #complexity #symmetry
- Symmetric Groups and Quotient Complexity of Boolean Operations (JB, JAB, NM, RR), pp. 1–12.
- ICALP-v2-2014-Heunen #algebra
- Piecewise Boolean Algebras and Their Domains (CH), pp. 208–219.
- KR-2014-ClercqBSCN #game studies #programming #set #using
- Using Answer Set Programming for Solving Boolean Games (SDC, KB, SS, MDC, AN).
- KR-2014-IanovskiO #game studies
- EGuaranteeNash for Boolean Games Is NEXP-Hard (EI, LO).
- PPDP-2014-Tarau #encoding
- Bijective Collection Encodings and Boolean Operations with Hereditarily Binary Natural Numbers (PT), pp. 31–42.
- POPL-2014-ChaudhuriCS #proving #synthesis #using
- Bridging boolean and quantitative synthesis using smoothed proof search (SC, MC, ASL), pp. 207–220.
- SAT-2014-FeketeC #constraints #pseudo
- Simplifying Pseudo-Boolean Constraints in Residual Number Systems (YF, MC), pp. 351–366.
- DAC-2013-KarthikR #approximate #linear #modelling #named #using
- ABCD-L: approximating continuous linear systems using boolean models (KVA, JSR), p. 9.
- DATE-2013-BernasconiCTV #using
- Minimization of P-circuits using Boolean relations (AB, VC, GT, TV), pp. 996–1001.
- PODS-2013-AbouziedAPHS #learning #quantifier #query #verification
- Learning and verifying quantified boolean queries by example (AA, DA, CHP, JMH, AS), pp. 49–60.
- TACAS-2013-ChenW #algorithm #learning #library #named
- BULL: A Library for Learning Algorithms of Boolean Functions (YFC, BYW), pp. 537–542.
- TACAS-2013-GodefroidY #analysis #source code
- Analysis of Boolean Programs (PG, MY), pp. 214–229.
- STOC-2013-ChakrabartyS
- A o(n) monotonicity tester for boolean functions over the hypercube (DC, CS), pp. 411–418.
- ICALP-v1-2013-BhattacharyyaY #algebra
- An Algebraic Characterization of Testable Boolean CSPs (AB, YY), pp. 123–134.
- ICALP-v1-2013-DinurG #clustering
- Clustering in the Boolean Hypercube in a List Decoding Regime (ID, EG), pp. 413–424.
- ICALP-v1-2013-GuoW #complexity #csp
- The Complexity of Planar Boolean #CSP with Complex Weights (HG, TW), pp. 516–527.
- LATA-2013-SelivanovK #algebra
- Boolean Algebras of Regular ω-Languages (VLS, AK), pp. 504–515.
- CIKM-2013-JabbourSS #mining #satisfiability #sequence
- Boolean satisfiability for sequence mining (SJ, LS, YS), pp. 649–658.
- ICML-c3-2013-MalioutovV #learning
- Exact Rule Learning via Boolean Compressed Sensing (DMM, KRV), pp. 765–773.
- POPL-2013-ParkSP #proving #theorem proving
- A theorem prover for Boolean BI (JP, JS, SP), pp. 219–232.
- SAC-2013-LaroucheMGH #equation #satisfiability #word
- Solving equations on words through boolean satisfiability (ML, ABM, SG, SH), pp. 104–106.
- ICSE-2013-CordySHL #model checking #multi #product line
- Beyond boolean product-line model checking: dealing with feature attributes and multi-features (MC, PYS, PH, AL), pp. 472–481.
- CAV-2013-Marques-SilvaJB #set
- Minimal Sets over Monotone Predicates in Boolean Formulae (JMS, MJ, AB), pp. 592–607.
- SAT-2013-BubeckB #modelling #quantifier
- Nested Boolean Functions as Models for Quantified Boolean Formulas (UB, HKB), pp. 267–275.
- SAT-2013-LonsingEG #learning #performance #pseudo #quantifier
- Efficient Clause Learning for Quantified Boolean Formulas via QBF Pseudo Unit Propagation (FL, UE, AVG), pp. 100–115.
- DAC-2012-LinMK #logic #satisfiability #using
- Boolean satisfiability using noise based logic (PCKL, AM, SPK), pp. 1260–1261.
- DAC-2012-RyzhenkoB #satisfiability #standard
- Standard cell routing via boolean satisfiability (NR, SB), pp. 603–612.
- DATE-2012-ChenJM
- QBf-based boolean function bi-decomposition (HC, MJ, JMS), pp. 816–819.
- TACAS-2012-LangM #equation #lts #model checking #network #using
- Partial Model Checking Using Networks of Labelled Transition Systems and Boolean Equation Systems (FL, RM), pp. 141–156.
- FLOPS-2012-Codish #programming
- Programming with Boolean Satisfaction (MC), p. 1.
- CIAA-2012-JahnKL
- Regular Ideal Languages and Their Boolean Combinations (FJ, MK, AL), pp. 205–216.
- ICALP-v1-2012-JefferyKM #complexity #graph #matrix #multi #quantum #query #using
- Improving Quantum Query Complexity of Boolean Matrix Multiplication Using Graph Collision (SJ, RK, FM), pp. 522–532.
- ICALP-v2-2012-BojanczykP #infinity #regular expression #set
- Regular Languages of Infinite Trees That Are Boolean Combinations of Open Sets (MB, TP), pp. 104–115.
- LATA-2012-ArvindV #morphism #testing
- Isomorphism Testing of Boolean Functions Computable by Constant-Depth Circuits (VA, YV), pp. 83–94.
- GRAPHITE-2012-KantP #equation #game studies #performance
- Efficient Instantiation of Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems to Parity Games (GK, JvdP), pp. 50–65.
- KDD-2012-LiZ
- Sampling minimal frequent boolean (DNF) patterns (GL, MJZ), pp. 87–95.
- KR-2012-Huang12a #constraints #simulation
- Search Strategy Simulation in Constraint Booleanization (JH).
- SAC-2012-ChhelLGS #biology #multi #using
- Minimum multiple characterization of biological data using partially defined boolean formulas (FC, FL, AG, FS), pp. 1399–1405.
- SAC-2012-MascardiL #algorithm #named #ontology
- BOwL: exploiting Boolean operators and lesk algorithm for linking ontologies (VM, AL), pp. 398–400.
- SAC-2012-WangCCX #fault
- Fault class prioritization in Boolean expressions (ZW, ZC, TYC, BX), pp. 1191–1196.
- SAC-2012-WickerPK #classification #composition #matrix #multi #using
- Multi-label classification using boolean matrix decomposition (JW, BP, SK), pp. 179–186.
- CAV-2012-ChenW #incremental #learning
- Learning Boolean Functions Incrementally (YFC, BYW), pp. 55–70.
- CAV-2012-HanJ #satisfiability
- When Boolean Satisfiability Meets Gaussian Elimination in a Simplex Way (CSH, JHRJ), pp. 410–426.
- ICST-2012-BallanceVJ #effectiveness #testing
- Effectiveness of Pair-Wise Testing for Software with Boolean Inputs (WAB, SV, WJ), pp. 580–586.
- SAT-2012-BalabanovCJ #quantifier
- Henkin Quantifiers and Boolean Formulae (VB, HJKC, JHRJ), pp. 129–142.
- SAT-2012-GelderWL #preprocessor #quantifier
- Extended Failed-Literal Preprocessing for Quantified Boolean Formulas (AVG, SBW, FL), pp. 86–99.
- ASE-2011-ArcainiGR #automation #generative #optimisation #satisfiability #smt #testing
- Optimizing the automatic test generation by SAT and SMT solving for Boolean expressions (PA, AG, ER), pp. 388–391.
- CASE-2011-MalkiM #approach #modelling
- Boolean temporal model-based approach for the diagnosis of Discrete Event Systems (NM, MSM), pp. 175–180.
- DATE-2011-EggersglusD #fault #generative #optimisation #pseudo #testing #using
- As-Robust-As-Possible test generation in the presence of small delay defects using pseudo-Boolean optimization (SE, RD), pp. 1291–1296.
- DATE-2011-PavlenkoWSKDSG #algebra #named #problem #reasoning #smt #verification
- STABLE: A new QF-BV SMT solver for hard verification problems combining Boolean reasoning with computer algebra (EP, MW, DS, WK, AD, FS, GMG), pp. 155–160.
- SIGMOD-2011-SadoghiJ #named
- BE-tree: an index structure to efficiently match boolean expressions over high-dimensional discrete space (MS, HAJ), pp. 637–648.
- TACAS-2011-CodishFFS #constraints #encoding #pseudo
- Optimal Base Encodings for Pseudo-Boolean Constraints (MC, YF, CF, PSK), pp. 189–204.
- TACAS-2011-TeigeF #probability #problem #satisfiability
- Generalized Craig Interpolation for Stochastic Boolean Satisfiability Problems (TT, MF), pp. 158–172.
- DLT-J-2010-Head11 #algebra #parallel #towards
- Computing with Light: toward Parallel Boolean Algebra (TH), pp. 1625–1637.
- DLT-2011-SelivanovK #algebra #regular expression
- Boolean Algebras of Regular Languages (VLS, AK), pp. 386–396.
- ICALP-v1-2011-GuoLV #complexity #problem #symmetry
- The Complexity of Symmetric Boolean Parity Holant Problems — (Extended Abstract) (HG, PL, LGV), pp. 712–723.
- ICALP-v1-2011-ODonnellWZ #fourier
- The Fourier Entropy-Influence Conjecture for Certain Classes of Boolean Functions (RO, JW, YZ), pp. 330–341.
- KDD-2011-MiettinenV #matrix #order
- Model order selection for boolean matrix factorization (PM, JV), pp. 51–59.
- SIGIR-2011-KimSC #automation #query
- Automatic boolean query suggestion for professional search (YK, JS, WBC), pp. 825–834.
- ICLP-2011-KoninckBS #constraints
- Constraints in Non-Boolean Contexts (LDK, SB, PJS), pp. 117–127.
- SAT-2011-Aavani #constraints #pseudo
- Translating Pseudo-Boolean Constraints into CNF (AA), pp. 357–359.
- SAT-2011-AbioNOR #constraints #pseudo #revisited
- BDDs for Pseudo-Boolean Constraints — Revisited (IA, RN, AO, ERC), pp. 61–75.
- SAT-2011-BelovS #satisfiability
- Minimally Unsatisfiable Boolean Circuits (AB, JPMS), pp. 145–158.
- SAT-2011-CreignouOS #csp
- Enumerating All Solutions of a Boolean CSP by Non-decreasing Weight (NC, FO, JS), pp. 120–133.
- SAT-2011-PrevitiRSS #satisfiability
- Applying UCT to Boolean Satisfiability (AP, RR, MS, BS), pp. 373–374.
- TLCA-2011-BrunelHH #algebra #deduction #orthogonal
- Orthogonality and Boolean Algebras for Deduction Modulo (AB, OH, CH), pp. 76–90.
- ASE-2010-Letarte #analysis #graph #interprocedural #model checking #precise #representation
- Model checking graph representation of precise boolean inter-procedural flow analysis (DL), pp. 511–516.
- ASE-2010-TrezentosLO #dependence #named #optimisation #problem #pseudo #using
- Apt-pbo: solving the software dependency problem using pseudo-boolean optimization (PT, IL, ALO), pp. 427–436.
- DAC-2010-AltunR
- Lattice-based computation of Boolean functions (MA, MDR), pp. 609–612.
- DAC-2010-LaiJW #abstraction #learning #named
- BooM: a decision procedure for boolean matching with abstraction and dynamic learning (CFL, JHRJ, KHW), pp. 499–504.
- DATE-2010-KatebiM #scalability
- Large-scale Boolean matching (HK, ILM), pp. 771–776.
- DATE-2010-SoekenWKGD #modelling #ocl #satisfiability #uml #using #verification
- Verifying UML/OCL models using Boolean satisfiability (MS, RW, MK, MG, RD), pp. 1341–1344.
- SIGMOD-2010-FontouraSSVVVZ
- Efficiently evaluating complex boolean expressions (MF, SS, JS, SV, EV, SV, JYZ), pp. 3–14.
- TACAS-2010-BaslerHKOWZ #model checking #named
- Boom: Taking Boolean Program Model Checking One Step Further (GB, MH, DK, CHLO, TW, HZ), pp. 145–149.
- SAS-2010-BrauerK #abstraction #automation #using
- Automatic Abstraction for Intervals Using Boolean Formulae (JB, AK), pp. 167–183.
- AFL-J-2008-LehtinenO10 #boolean grammar
- Boolean Grammars and GSM Mappings (TL, AO), pp. 799–815.
- DLT-2010-Head #algebra #parallel #using
- Using Light to Implement Parallel Boolean Algebra (TH), pp. 231–242.
- DLT-2010-Okhotin #algorithm #boolean grammar #parsing #performance
- Fast Parsing for Boolean Grammars: A Generalization of Valiant’s Algorithm (AO), pp. 340–351.
- ICPR-2010-KhreichGMS #classification
- Boolean Combination of Classifiers in the ROC Space (WK, EG, AM, RS), pp. 4299–4303.
- KR-2010-CreignouST #abduction #complexity #set #strict
- Complexity of Propositional Abduction for Restricted Sets of Boolean Functions (NC, JS, MT).
- POPL-2010-Henzinger #correctness
- From Boolean to quantitative notions of correctness (TAH), pp. 157–158.
- LICS-2010-Larchey-WendlingG #semantics
- The Undecidability of Boolean BI through Phase Semantics (DLW, DG), pp. 140–149.
- SAT-2010-MakinoTY #algorithm #problem
- An Exact Algorithm for the Boolean Connectivity Problem for k-CNF (KM, ST, MY), pp. 172–180.
- SAT-2010-ManquinhoML #algorithm #optimisation #satisfiability
- Improving Unsatisfiability-Based Algorithms for Boolean Optimization (VMM, RM, IL), pp. 181–193.
- TAP-2010-GoldbergM #encoding #generative #proving #testing
- Generating High-Quality Tests for Boolean Circuits by Treating Tests as Proof Encoding (EG, PM), pp. 101–116.
- DAC-2009-BawiecN #logic #synthesis
- Boolean logic function synthesis for generalised threshold gate circuits (MAB, MN), pp. 83–86.
- DAC-2009-WangCL #network #satisfiability #scalability #simulation
- Simulation and SAT-based Boolean matching for large Boolean networks (KHW, CMC, JCL), pp. 396–401.
- DATE-2009-BernasconiCTV #on the
- On decomposing Boolean functions via extended cofactoring (AB, VC, GT, TV), pp. 1464–1469.
- VLDB-2009-WhangBSVVYG
- Indexing Boolean Expressions (SW, CB, JS, SV, EV, RY, HGM), pp. 37–48.
- TACAS-2009-OrzanWW #equation #static analysis
- Static Analysis Techniques for Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems (SO, WW, TACW), pp. 230–245.
- DLT-2009-KountouriotisNR #boolean grammar #game studies
- A Game-Theoretic Characterization of Boolean Grammars (VK, CN, PR), pp. 334–347.
- ICML-2009-StreichFBB #clustering #multi
- Multi-assignment clustering for Boolean data (APS, MF, DAB, JMB), pp. 969–976.
- CADE-2009-MaLZ #constraints #linear
- Volume Computation for Boolean Combination of Linear Arithmetic Constraints (FM, SL, JZ), pp. 453–468.
- CAV-2009-KitchenK #constraints #integer #markov #monte carlo
- A Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampler for Mixed Boolean/Integer Constraints (NK, AK), pp. 446–461.
- CSL-2009-GuoWXC #model checking #on the
- On Model Checking Boolean BI (HG, HW, ZX, YC), pp. 302–316.
- SAT-2009-BailleuxBR #constraints #encoding #pseudo
- New Encodings of Pseudo-Boolean Constraints into CNF (OB, YB, OR), pp. 181–194.
- SAT-2009-BertholdHP #optimisation #pseudo #question
- Nonlinear Pseudo-Boolean Optimization: Relaxation or Propagation? (TB, SH, MEP), pp. 441–446.
- SAT-2009-BuningZB #quantifier #subclass
- Resolution and Expressiveness of Subclasses of Quantified Boolean Formulas and Circuits (HKB, XZ, UB), pp. 391–397.
- SAT-2009-LarrosaNOR #bound #branch #generative #optimisation
- Branch and Bound for Boolean Optimization and the Generation of Optimality Certificates (JL, RN, AO, ERC), pp. 453–466.
- SAT-2009-ManquinhoSP #algorithm #optimisation
- Algorithms for Weighted Boolean Optimization (VMM, JPMS, JP), pp. 495–508.
- DAC-2008-Abdollahi
- Signature based Boolean matching in the presence of don’t cares (AA), pp. 642–647.
- DAC-2008-DavisTYZ #configuration management #hardware #satisfiability
- A practical reconfigurable hardware accelerator for Boolean satisfiability solvers (JDD, ZT, FY, LZ), pp. 780–785.
- DAC-2008-LeeJH #satisfiability #scalability
- Bi-decomposing large Boolean functions via interpolation and satisfiability solving (RRL, JHRJ, WLH), pp. 636–641.
- DATE-2008-VelevG #comparison #encoding #problem #satisfiability
- Comparison of Boolean Satisfiability Encodings on FPGA Detailed Routing Problems (MNV, PG), pp. 1268–1273.
- SAS-2008-Simon #control flow
- Splitting the Control Flow with Boolean Flags (AS), pp. 315–331.
- STOC-2008-ODonnell #analysis #topic
- Some topics in analysis of boolean functions (RO), pp. 569–578.
- AFL-2008-LehtinenO #boolean grammar
- Boolean grammars and gsm mappings (TL, AO), pp. 269–280.
- ICALP-A-2008-BorosEM #multi #on the
- On Berge Multiplication for Monotone Boolean Dualization (EB, KME, KM), pp. 48–59.
- ICALP-A-2008-BuchfuhrerU #complexity
- The Complexity of Boolean Formula Minimization (DB, CU), pp. 24–35.
- SEFM-2008-Spoto #analysis
- Nullness Analysis in Boolean Form (FS), pp. 21–30.
- SEKE-2008-ParkK #automaton #bound #constraints #lts #model checking #using
- Using Boolean Cardinality Constraint for LTS Bounded Model Checking (SP, GK), pp. 537–542.
- SAC-2008-ChenXN #analysis #detection #fault #specification
- A detectability analysis of fault classes for Boolean specifications (ZC, BX, CN), pp. 826–830.
- CSL-2008-CreignouSS #constraints #problem
- Non-uniform Boolean Constraint Satisfaction Problems with Cardinality Constraint (NC, HS, IS), pp. 109–123.
- CSL-2008-McKenzieTV
- Extensional Uniformity for Boolean Circuits (PM, MT, HV), pp. 64–78.
- SAT-2008-CreignouDER #quantifier #random
- New Results on the Phase Transition for Random Quantified Boolean Formulas (NC, HD, UE, RR), pp. 34–47.
- DAC-2007-AgostaBPS #approach #canonical
- A Unified Approach to Canonical Form-based Boolean Matching (GA, FB, GP, DS), pp. 841–846.
- DATE-2007-MangassarianVSNA #estimation #process #pseudo #satisfiability #using
- Maximum circuit activity estimation using pseudo-boolean satisfiability (HM, AGV, SS, FNN, MSA), pp. 1538–1543.
- LATA-2007-NomikosR #boolean grammar
- Locally Stratified Boolean Grammars (CN, PR), pp. 437–448.
- LATA-2007-Okhotin #ambiguity #boolean grammar
- Unambiguous Boolean grammars (AO), pp. 473–484.
- AdaEurope-2007-LauLCY #detection #fault #on the
- On Detecting Double Literal Faults in Boolean Expressions (MFL, YL, TYC, YTY), pp. 55–68.
- CIKM-2007-ZhangYGY #adaptation #analysis #correlation #representation
- Boolean representation based data-adaptive correlation analysis over time series streams (TZ, DY, YG, GY), pp. 203–212.
- SIGIR-2007-VelipasaogluSP #constraints #learning
- Improving active learning recall via disjunctive boolean constraints (EV, HS, JOP), pp. 893–894.
- LOPSTR-2007-Codish #proving #termination
- Proving Termination with (Boolean) Satisfaction (MC), pp. 1–7.
- SAC-2007-BordeauxZ #constraints #linear #quantifier
- A solver for quantified Boolean and linear constraints (LB, LZ), pp. 321–325.
- SMT-J-2006-SeshiaSB07 #constraints #on the
- On Solving Boolean Combinations of UTVPI Constraints (SAS, KS, REB), pp. 67–90.
- CADE-2007-KuncakR #algebra #performance #satisfiability #towards
- Towards Efficient Satisfiability Checking for Boolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic (VK, MCR), pp. 215–230.
- CAV-2007-CimattiRST #abstraction #logic #satisfiability
- Boolean Abstraction for Temporal Logic Satisfiability (AC, MR, VS, ST), pp. 532–546.
- ISSTA-2007-NainarCRL #debugging #statistics #using
- Statistical debugging using compound boolean predicates (PAN, TC, JR, BL), pp. 5–15.
- SAT-2007-HeuleM #multi
- From Idempotent Generalized Boolean Assignments to Multi-bit Search (MH, HvM), pp. 134–147.
- SAT-2007-LukasiewyczGHT #multi #problem #pseudo
- Solving Multi-objective Pseudo-Boolean Problems (ML, MG, CH, JT), pp. 56–69.
- SAT-2007-MakinoTY #on the #problem
- On the Boolean Connectivity Problem for Horn Relations (KM, ST, MY), pp. 187–200.
- SAT-2007-SamerS #quantifier #set
- Backdoor Sets of Quantified Boolean Formulas (MS, SS), pp. 230–243.
- TAP-2007-LiuMS #automation #contract #generative #quality #query #testing #using
- Using Contracts and Boolean Queries to Improve the Quality of Automatic Test Generation (L(L, BM, BS), pp. 114–130.
- DAC-2006-SafarpourVBY #performance #satisfiability
- Efficient SAT-based Boolean matching for FPGA technology mapping (SS, AGV, GB, RY), pp. 466–471.
- DAC-2006-Wang #detection #symmetry
- Exploiting K-Distance Signature for Boolean Matching and G-Symmetry Detection (KHW), pp. 516–521.
- DAC-2006-ZhangMBC #detection #representation #satisfiability #scalability #simulation #symmetry #using
- Symmetry detection for large Boolean functions using circuit representation, simulation, and satisfiability (JSZ, AM, RKB, MCJ), pp. 510–515.
- DATE-2006-ChaiK #detection #symmetry
- Building a better Boolean matcher and symmetry detector (DC, AK), pp. 1079–1084.
- SIGMOD-2006-ZhangHCWLC #database #optimisation #query #ranking
- Boolean + ranking: querying a database by k-constrained optimization (ZZ, SwH, KCCC, MW, CAL, YCC), pp. 359–370.
- DLT-J-2005-Okhotin06 #algorithm #boolean grammar #glr #parsing
- Generalized Lr Parsing Algorithm for Boolean Grammars (AO), pp. 629–664.
- DLT-2006-Jurdzinski #context-sensitive grammar
- The Boolean Closure of Growing Context-Sensitive Languages (TJ), pp. 248–259.
- DLT-2006-KountouriotisNR #boolean grammar #semantics
- Well-Founded Semantics for Boolean Grammars (VK, CN, PR), pp. 203–214.
- ICALP-v1-2006-GopalanKMP #satisfiability
- The Connectivity of Boolean Satisfiability: Computational and Structural Dichotomies (PG, PGK, ENM, CHP), pp. 346–357.
- ICALP-v2-2006-ArmknechtK #algebra #multi
- Constructing Single- and Multi-output Boolean Functions with Maximal Algebraic Immunity (FA, MK), pp. 180–191.
- KDD-2006-ZhaoZR #framework #mining #named
- BLOSOM: a framework for mining arbitrary boolean expressions (LZ, MJZ, NR), pp. 827–832.
- KR-2006-Coste-MarquisFLBM #policy #quantifier #representation
- Representing Policies for Quantified Boolean Formulae (SCM, HF, JL, DLB, PM), pp. 286–297.
- KR-2006-WachterH #graph #representation
- Propositional DAGs: A New Graph-Based Language for Representing Boolean Functions (MW, RH), pp. 277–285.
- SAC-2006-Capron #bound #static analysis
- Static analysis of time bounded reactive properties of Boolean symbols (GC), pp. 1827–1834.
- LDTA-2006-Megacz #parsing
- Scannerless Boolean Parsing (AM), pp. 97–102.
- CAV-2006-GriesmayerBC #c #source code
- Repair of Boolean Programs with an Application to C (AG, RB, BC), pp. 358–371.
- CSL-2006-LowS #modelling
- Universality Results for Models in Locally Boolean Domains (TL, TS), pp. 456–470.
- LICS-2006-Bryant #infinity #using #verification
- Formal Verification of Infinite State Systems Using Boolean Methods (REB), pp. 3–4.
- LICS-2006-ManzonettoS #algebra #λ-calculus
- Boolean Algebras for λ Calculus (GM, AS), pp. 317–326.
- RTA-2006-BouajjaniE #modelling #source code
- Rewriting Models of Boolean Programs (AB, JE), pp. 136–150.
- RTA-2006-Bryant #infinity #using #verification
- Formal Verification of Infinite State Systems Using Boolean Methods (REB), pp. 1–3.
- SAT-2006-BuningZ #quantifier
- Minimal False Quantified Boolean Formulas (HKB, XZ), pp. 339–352.
- SAT-2006-HsuM #satisfiability
- Characterizing Propagation Methods for Boolean Satisfiability (EIH, SAM), pp. 325–338.
- SAT-2006-TangM #quantifier
- Solving Quantified Boolean Formulas with Circuit Observability Don’t Cares (DT, SM), pp. 368–381.
- VMCAI-2006-RossignoliS #compilation #detection
- Detecting Non-cyclicity by Abstract Compilation into Boolean Functions (SR, FS), pp. 95–110.
- DAC-2005-AbdollahiP #canonical #logic #performance #synthesis #verification
- A new canonical form for fast boolean matching in logic synthesis and verification (AA, MP), pp. 379–384.
- DAC-2005-JinS #performance
- Prime clauses for fast enumeration of satisfying assignments to boolean circuits (HJ, FS), pp. 750–753.
- DATE-2005-ManquinhoM #bound #effectiveness #optimisation #pseudo
- Effective Lower Bounding Techniques for Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (VMM, JPMS), pp. 660–665.
- DATE-2005-SheiniS #named #pseudo #satisfiability
- Pueblo: A Modern Pseudo-Boolean SAT Solver (HMS, KAS), pp. 684–685.
- TACAS-2005-JinHS #analysis #performance
- Efficient Conflict Analysis for Finding All Satisfying Assignments of a Boolean Circuit (HJ, HH, FS), pp. 287–300.
- SAS-2005-PodelskiW
- Boolean Heaps (AP, TW), pp. 268–283.
- STOC-2005-BenjaminiSW
- Balanced boolean functions that can be evaluated so that every input bit is unlikely to be read (IB, OS, DBW), pp. 244–250.
- DLT-2005-Okhotin #boolean grammar #lr #parsing
- LR Parsing for Boolean Grammars (AO), pp. 362–373.
- ICALP-2005-BraekenBNP #classification #encryption
- Classification of Boolean Functions of 6 Variables or Less with Respect to Some Cryptographic Properties (AB, YLB, SN, BP), pp. 324–334.
- ICML-2005-RosellHRP #learning #why
- Why skewing works: learning difficult Boolean functions with greedy tree learners (BR, LH, SR, DP), pp. 728–735.
- POPL-2005-XieA #detection #fault #satisfiability #scalability #using
- Scalable error detection using boolean satisfiability (YX, AA), pp. 351–363.
- SAT-J-2004-AnsoteguiM05 #problem
- Mapping Problems with Finite-Domain Variables to Problems with Boolean Variables (CA, FM), pp. 1–15.
- SAT-J-2004-ArmandoCGM05 #constraints #difference #satisfiability
- A SAT-Based Decision Procedure for the Boolean Combination of Difference Constraints (AA, CC, EG, MM), pp. 16–29.
- SAT-J-2004-BuningZ05 #equivalence #modelling #quantifier
- Equivalence Models for Quantified Boolean Formulas (HKB, XZ), pp. 224–234.
- SAT-J-2004-ChenD05 #algebra #quantifier
- Looking Algebraically at Tractable Quantified Boolean Formulas (HC, VD), pp. 71–79.
- SAT-J-2004-JacksonS05
- Clause Form Conversions for Boolean Circuits (PJ, DS), pp. 183–198.
- SAT-J-2004-TangYRM05 #algorithm #analysis #problem #quantifier #satisfiability
- Analysis of Search Based Algorithms for Satisfiability of Propositional and Quantified Boolean Formulas Arising from Circuit State Space Diameter Problems (DT, YY, DR, SM), pp. 292–305.
- CADE-2005-KuncakNR #algebra #algorithm
- An Algorithm for Deciding BAPA: Boolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic (VK, HHN, MCR), pp. 260–277.
- LICS-2005-LamarcheS #category theory
- Constructing Free Boolean Categories (FL, LS), pp. 209–218.
- SAT-2005-AudemardS #approach #quantifier
- A Symbolic Search Based Approach for Quantified Boolean Formulas (GA, LS), pp. 16–30.
- SAT-2005-LingSB #logic #quantifier #satisfiability #synthesis #using
- FPGA Logic Synthesis Using Quantified Boolean Satisfiability (ACL, DPS, SDB), pp. 444–450.
- SAT-2005-ManquinhoM #algorithm #on the #optimisation #pseudo
- On Applying Cutting Planes in DLL-Based Algorithms for Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (VMM, JPMS), pp. 451–458.
- SAT-2005-MarinovKBZR #compilation #declarative #modelling #optimisation
- Optimizations for Compiling Declarative Models into Boolean Formulas (DM, SK, SB, LZ, MCR), pp. 187–202.
- DAC-2004-BaneresCK #paradigm #recursion
- A recursive paradigm to solve Boolean relations (DB, JC, MK), pp. 416–421.
- DAC-2004-ChopraV #algorithm #pseudo
- Implicit pseudo boolean enumeration algorithms for input vector control (KC, SBKV), pp. 767–772.
- DATE-v1-2004-SafarpourVDL #satisfiability
- Managing Don’t Cares in Boolean Satisfiability (SS, AGV, RD, JL), pp. 260–265.
- VLDB-2004-JohnsonKCKV #matrix #order #scalability #using
- Compressing Large Boolean Matrices using Reordering Techniques (DSJ, SK, JC, SK, SV), pp. 13–23.
- TACAS-2004-GrooteK #equation #fixpoint
- Solving Disjunctive/Conjunctive Boolean Equation Systems with Alternating Fixed Points (JFG, MK), pp. 436–450.
- DLT-2004-KutribMW #context-free grammar #linear
- The Boolean Closure of Linear Context-Free Languages (MK, AM, DW), pp. 284–295.
- ICALP-2004-Skelley #quantifier #reasoning #source code
- Propositional PSPACE Reasoning with Boolean Programs Versus Quantified Boolean Formulas (AS), pp. 1163–1175.
- CAV-2004-GoelB #abstraction #functional #model checking #order #simulation
- Symbolic Simulation, Model Checking and Abstraction with Partially Ordered Boolean Functional Vectors (AG, REB), pp. 255–267.
- LICS-2004-Terui #proving
- Proof Nets and Boolean Circuits (KT), pp. 182–191.
- SAT-2004-AnsoteguiM #problem
- Mapping Problems with Finite-Domain Variables into Problems with Boolean Variables (CA, FM), pp. 111–119.
- SAT-2004-ArmandoCGM #constraints #difference #satisfiability
- A SAT-based Decision Procedure for the Boolean Combination of Difference Constraints (AA, CC, EG, MM), pp. 166–173.
- SAT-2004-BuningZ #equivalence #modelling #quantifier
- Equivalence Models for Quantified Boolean Formulas (HKB, XZ), pp. 230–237.
- SAT-2004-ChenD #algebra #quantifier
- Looking Algebraically at Tractable Quantified Boolean Formulas (HC, VD), pp. 224–229.
- SAT-2004-ManquinhoM #bound #optimisation #pseudo #satisfiability #using
- Using Lower-Bound Estimates in SAT-Based Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (VMM, JPMS), pp. 120–126.
- SAT-2004-Stachniak
- A Note on Satisfying Truth-Value Assignments of Boolean Formulas (ZS), pp. 104–110.
- SAT-2004-TangYRM #algorithm #analysis #problem #quantifier #satisfiability
- Analysis of Search Based Algorithms for Satisfiability of Quantified Boolean Formulas Arising from Circuit State Space Diameter Problems (DT, YY, DR, SM), pp. 214–223.
- VMCAI-2004-KuncakR #algebra #analysis #constraints
- Boolean Algebra of Shape Analysis Constraints (VK, MCR), pp. 59–72.
- DAC-2003-AloulMS #named #performance #satisfiability #symmetry
- Shatter: efficient symmetry-breaking for boolean satisfiability (FAA, ILM, KAS), pp. 836–839.
- DAC-2003-ChaiK #constraints #performance #pseudo #theorem proving
- A fast pseudo-boolean constraint solver (DC, AK), pp. 830–835.
- DATE-2003-GoelB #analysis #functional #reachability #set
- Set Manipulation with Boolean Functional Vectors for Symbolic Reachability Analysis (AG, REB), pp. 10816–10821.
- DATE-2003-Novikov
- Local Search for Boolean Relations on the Basis of Unit Propagation (YN), pp. 10810–10815.
- TACAS-2003-Mateescu #equation #on the fly
- A Generic On-the-Fly Solver for Alternation-Free Boolean Equation Systems (RM), pp. 81–96.
- CIAA-2003-HosoyaM #constraints
- Boolean Operations for Attribute-Element Constraints (HH, MM), pp. 201–212.
- DLT-2003-Okhotin #boolean grammar
- Boolean Grammars (AO), pp. 398–410.
- ICALP-2003-Okhotin #equation #problem
- Decision Problems for Language Equations with Boolean Operations (AO), pp. 239–251.
- CAV-2003-SeshiaB #automaton #bound #model checking #using
- Unbounded, Fully Symbolic Model Checking of Timed Automata using Boolean Methods (SAS, REB), pp. 154–166.
- RTA-2003-OhsakiST
- Recognizing Boolean Closed A-Tree Languages with Membership Conditional Rewriting Mechanism (HO, HS, TT), pp. 483–498.
- SAT-2003-BuningSZ #modelling #on the #quantifier
- On Boolean Models for Quantified Boolean Horn Formulas (HKB, KS, XZ), pp. 93–104.
- SAT-2003-EglySTWZ #quantifier
- Comparing Different Prenexing Strategies for Quantified Boolean Formulas (UE, MS, HT, SW, MZ), pp. 214–228.
- SAT-2003-HanataniHI
- Density Condensation of Boolean Formulas (YH, TH, KI), pp. 69–77.
- DATE-2002-Kania #approach #multi #using
- Improved Technology Mapping for PAL-Based Devices Using a New Approach to Multi-Output Boolean Functions (DK), p. 1087.
- STOC-2002-KaplanST
- Meldable heaps and boolean union-find (HK, NS, RET), pp. 573–582.
- ICPR-v2-2002-Han #classification #using
- A Supervised Classification Scheme Using Positive Boolean Function (CCH), pp. 100–103.
- ICPR-v2-2002-PernerPM #classification
- Texture Classification Based on the Boolean Model and its Application to Hep-2 Cells (PP, HP, BM), pp. 406–409.
- SIGIR-2002-VermaB #named #performance #query
- K-tree/forest: efficient indexes for boolean queries (RMV, SB), pp. 433–434.
- CADE-2002-AudemardBCKS #approach #linear #satisfiability
- A SAT Based Approach for Solving Formulas over Boolean and Linear Mathematical Propositions (GA, PB, AC, AK, RS), pp. 195–210.
- CADE-2002-ZhangM #performance #satisfiability
- The Quest for Efficient Boolean Satisfiability Solvers (LZ, SM), pp. 295–313.
- CAV-2002-ZhangM #performance #satisfiability
- The Quest for Efficient Boolean Satisfiability Solvers (LZ, SM), pp. 17–36.
- CSL-2002-BohlerHRV #constraints #equivalence #morphism
- Equivalence and Isomorphism for Boolean Constraint Satisfaction (EB, EH, SR, HV), pp. 412–426.
- SAT-2002-AloulRMS1 #backtracking #named
- PBS: A backtrack-search psuedo-Boolean solver and optimizer (FAA, AR, IM, KS), p. 37.
- DAC-2001-KuehlmannGP #reasoning
- Circuit-based Boolean Reasoning (AK, MKG, VP), pp. 232–237.
- DAC-2001-VelevB #effectiveness #satisfiability #verification
- Effective Use of Boolean Satisfiability Procedures in the Formal Verification of Superscalar and VLIW Microprocessors (MNV, REB), pp. 226–231.
- DATE-2001-NamSR #approach #incremental #satisfiability
- A boolean satisfiability-based incremental rerouting approach with application to FPGAs (GJN, KAS, RAR), pp. 560–565.
- DATE-2001-RedaS #diagrams #equivalence #satisfiability #using
- Combinational equivalence checking using Boolean satisfiability and binary decision diagrams (SR, AS), pp. 122–126.
- TACAS-2001-BallPR #abstraction #c #model checking #source code
- Boolean and Cartesian Abstraction for Model Checking C Programs (TB, AP, SKR), pp. 268–283.
- TACAS-2001-WilliamsAH #diagrams #satisfiability #using
- Satisfiability Checking Using Boolean Expression Diagrams (PFW, HRA, HH), pp. 39–51.
- CAV-2001-Cabodi #named #representation
- Meta-BDDs: A Decomposed Representation for Layered Symbolic Manipulation of Boolean Functions (GC), pp. 118–130.
- ICLP-2001-HoweK #multi
- Positive Boolean Functions as Multiheaded Clauses (JMH, AK), pp. 120–134.
- ICLP-2001-KumarRS #equation #fixpoint #modelling
- Alternating Fixed Points in Boolean Equation Systems as Preferred Stable Models (KNK, CRR, SAS), pp. 227–241.
- IJCAR-2001-GiunchigliaNT #named #quantifier #satisfiability
- QUBE: A System for Deciding Quantified Boolean Formulas Satisfiability (EG, MN, AT), pp. 364–369.
- DAC-2000-SilvaS #automation #design #satisfiability
- Boolean satisfiability in electronic design automation (JPMS, KAS), pp. 675–680.
- PODS-2000-ChenKKM #estimation #query
- Selectivity Estimation for Boolean Queries (ZC, FK, NK, SM), pp. 216–225.
- PODS-2000-KleinbergPR
- Auditing Boolean Attributes (JMK, CHP, PR), pp. 86–91.
- ESOP-2000-HoweK #analysis #implementation
- Implementing Groundness Analysis with Definite Boolean Functions (JMH, AK), pp. 200–214.
- TACAS-2000-Mateescu #equation #generative #performance
- Efficient Diagnostic Generation for Boolean Equation Systems (RM), pp. 251–265.
- KR-2000-VerberneHT #approximate #constraints #reasoning #using
- Anytime Diagnostic Reasoning using Approximate Boolean Constraint Propagation (AV, FvH, AtT), pp. 323–332.
- SIGIR-2000-BaekLR #query #semantics
- Latent semantic indexing model for boolean query formulation (DHB, HSL, HCR), pp. 310–312.
- SIGIR-2000-Sormunen #effectiveness #evaluation #novel #query
- A novel method for the evaluation of Boolean query effectiveness across a wide operational range (ES), pp. 25–32.
- CAV-2000-AyariBK #automaton #induction
- Decision Procedures for Inductive Boolean Functions Based on Alternating Automata (AA, DAB, FK), pp. 170–185.
- CAV-2000-BryantV #constraints #satisfiability #transitive
- Boolean Satisfiability with Transitivity Constraints (REB, MNV), pp. 85–98.
- CAV-2000-Marques-SilvaS #algorithm #automation #design #satisfiability #tutorial
- Invited Tutorial: Boolean Satisfiability Algorithms and Applications in Electronic Design Automation (JPMS, KAS), p. 3.
- CL-2000-JunttilaN #performance #satisfiability #towards
- Towards an Efficient Tableau Method for Boolean Circuit Satisfiability Checking (TAJ, IN), pp. 553–567.
- DAC-1999-AagaardJS #constraints #parametricity
- Parametric Representations of Boolean Constraints (MA, RBJ, CJHS), pp. 402–407.
- DATE-1999-SilvaSM #algorithm #satisfiability
- Algorithms for Solving Boolean Satisfiability in Combinational Circuits (LGeS, LMS, JPMS), pp. 526–530.
- STOC-1999-Luks #equivalence #morphism
- Hypergraph Isomorphism and Structural Equivalence of Boolean Functions (EML), pp. 652–658.
- ICALP-1999-Tiskin #matrix #named #parallel
- Erratum: Bulk-synchronous Parallel Multiplication of Boolean Matrices (AT), pp. 717–718.
- SIGIR-1999-LosadaB #documentation #modelling #ranking #using
- Using a Belief Revision Operator for Document Ranking in Extended Boolean Models (DEL, AB), pp. 66–73.
- DAC-1998-ChangC #performance
- Efficient Boolean Division and Substitution (SCC, DIC), pp. 342–347.
- DAC-1998-HinsbergerK #library #scalability
- Boolean Matching for Large Libraries (UH, RK), pp. 206–211.
- DAC-1998-ZhongAMM #case study #configuration management #problem #satisfiability #using
- Using Reconfigurable Computing Techniques to Accelerate Problems in the CAD Domain: A Case Study with Boolean Satisfiability (PZ, PA, SM, MM), pp. 194–199.
- DATE-1998-RingeLB #satisfiability #using #verification
- Path Verification Using Boolean Satisfiability (MR, TL, EB), pp. 965–966.
- DATE-1998-RoyAB #clustering #named #power management
- PowerShake: A Low Power Driven Clustering and Factoring Methodology for Boolean Expressions (SR, HA, PB), pp. 967–968.
- ICALP-1998-BucciarelliS
- Totality, Definability and Boolean Ciruits (AB, IS), pp. 808–819.
- ICALP-1998-Tiskin #matrix #parallel
- Bulk-Synchronous Parallel Multiplication of Boolean Matrices (AT), pp. 494–506.
- ICPR-1998-Garcia-SevillaP #analysis #image
- The use of Boolean model for texture analysis of grey images (PGS, MP), pp. 811–813.
- SIGIR-1998-Larson #probability #retrieval
- Cheshire II: Combining Probabilistic and Boolean Retrieval (RRL), p. 385.
- ALP-PLILP-1998-CodishS #analysis #logic #set
- The Boolean Logic of Set Sharing Analysis (MC, HS), pp. 89–101.
- ISSTA-1998-BultanGL #approach #constraints #integer #verification
- Verifying Systems with Integer Constraints and Boolean Predicates: A Composite Approach (TB, RG, CL), pp. 113–123.
- EDTC-1997-SchollMHM #symmetry
- Minimizing ROBDD sizes of incompletely specified Boolean functionsby exploiting strong symmetries (CS, SM, GH, PM), pp. 229–234.
- STOC-1997-KhannaSW #classification #constraints #problem
- A Complete Classification of the Approximability of Maximization Problems Derived from Boolean Constraint Satisfaction (SK, MS, DPW), pp. 11–20.
- STOC-1997-PaturiSZ #bound #exponential
- Exponential Lower Bounds for Depth 3 Boolean Circuits (RP, MES, FZ), pp. 86–91.
- FME-1997-CazierD #2d #set #term rewriting
- Term Rewrite Systems to Derive Set Boolean Operations on 2D Objects (DC, JFD), pp. 605–623.
- SIGIR-1997-GreiffCT #modelling #probability
- Computationally Tractable Probabilistic Modeling of Boolean Operators (WRG, WBC, HRT), pp. 119–128.
- CADE-1997-HarlandP #constraints
- Resource-Distribution via Boolean Constraint (Extended Abstract) (JH, DJP), pp. 222–236.
- CAV-1997-Berry #design #verification
- Boolean and 2-adic Numbers Based Techniques for Verifying Synchronous Design (GB), p. 303.
- LICS-1997-AndersenH #diagrams
- Boolean Expression Diagrams (Extended Abstract) (HRA, HH), pp. 88–98.
- DAC-1996-HansenS #diagrams #synthesis #using
- Synthesis by Spectral Translation Using Boolean Decision Diagrams (JPH, MS), pp. 248–253.
- DAC-1996-LeglWE #approach #design
- A Boolean Approach to Performance-Directed Technology Mapping for LUT-Based FPGA Designs (CL, BW, KE), pp. 730–733.
- STOC-1996-EvansP #bound
- Lower Bounds for Noisy Boolean Decision Trees (WSE, NP), pp. 620–628.
- ICPR-1996-UtschickN #adaptation #network
- Bayesian adaptation of hidden layers in Boolean feedforward neural networks (WU, JAN), pp. 229–233.
- ICPR-1996-ValevR #recognition
- Construction of Boolean decision rules for ECG recognition by non-reducible descriptors (VV, PR), pp. 111–115.
- SAC-1996-Hartley #problem #satisfiability
- Steiner systems and the Boolean satisfiability problem (SJH), pp. 277–281.
- CAV-1996-McMillan #model checking #representation
- A Conjunctively Decomposed Boolean Representation for Symbolic Model Checking (KLM), pp. 13–25.
- DAC-1995-BernMS #performance
- Efficient OBDD-Based Boolean Manipulation in CAD beyond Current Limits (JB, CM, AS), pp. 408–413.
- DAC-1995-NakamuraY #clustering #logic #matrix #optimisation #scalability
- A Partitioning-Based Logic Optimization Method for Large Scale Circuits with Boolean Matrix (YN, TY), pp. 653–657.
- DAC-1995-WangH
- Boolean Matching for Incompletely Specified Functions (KHW, TH), pp. 48–53.
- ICML-1995-Lang95a #problem #search-based #synthesis
- Hill Climbing Beats Genetic Search on a Boolean Circuit Synthesis Problem of Koza’s (KJL), pp. 340–343.
- LICS-1995-Tronci #functional #hardware #logic programming #verification
- Hardware Verification, Boolean Logic Programming, Boolean Functional Programming (ET), pp. 408–418.
- DAC-1994-CongLB #clustering #multi #network
- Acyclic Multi-Way Partitioning of Boolean Networks (JC, ZL, RB), pp. 670–675.
- DAC-1994-KrishnamoorthyM
- Boolean Matching of Sequential Elements (SK, FM), pp. 691–697.
- DAC-1994-TsaiM #using
- Boolean Matching Using Generalized Reed-Muller Forms (CCT, MMS), pp. 339–344.
- EDAC-1994-BernGMS
- Boolean Manipulation with Free BDD’s. First Experimental Results (JB, JG, CM, AS), pp. 200–207.
- EDAC-1994-WurthW #logic #multi #optimisation #performance
- Efficient Calculation of Boolean Relations for Multi-Level Logic Optimization (BW, NW), pp. 630–634.
- SAS-1994-ArmstrongMSS #algebra #analysis #dependence #performance #representation
- Boolean Functions for Dependency Analysis: Algebraic Properties and Efficient Representation (TA, KM, PS, HS), pp. 266–280.
- STOC-1994-TanakaN #complexity #network #on the
- On the complexity of negation-limited Boolean networks (KT, TN), pp. 38–47.
- ICALP-1994-VergauwenL #correctness #equation #performance
- Efficient Local Correctness Checking for Single and Alternating Boolean Equation Systems (BV, JL), pp. 304–315.
- CIKM-1994-KwonKC #adaptation #query #using
- Query Expansion Using Domain Adapted, Weighted Thesaurus in an Extended Boolean Model (OWK, MCK, KSC), pp. 140–146.
- SIGIR-1994-Lee #information retrieval #modelling
- Properties of Extended Boolean Models in Information Retrieval (JHL), pp. 182–190.
- SIGIR-1994-Turtle #comparison #evaluation #natural language #performance #query #retrieval
- Natural Language vs. Boolean Query Evaluation: A Comparison of Retrieval Performance (HRT), pp. 212–220.
- PLILP-1994-CodognetD #constraints #performance #theorem proving
- clp(B): Combining Simplicity and Efficiency in Boolean Constraint Solving (PC, DD), pp. 244–260.
- SAC-1994-Chen #learning
- Application of Boolean expression minimization to learning via hierarchical generalization (JC), pp. 303–307.
- ICLP-1994-Rauzy #design
- Notes on the Design of an Open Boolean Solver (AR), pp. 354–368.
- DAC-1993-ClarkeMZFY #scalability
- Spectral Transforms for Large Boolean Functions with Applications to Technology Mapping (EMC, KLM, XZ, MF, JY), pp. 54–60.
- DAC-1993-LamBS #modelling #using
- Circuit Delay Models and Their Exact Computation Using Timed Boolean Functions (WKCL, RKB, ALSV), pp. 128–134.
- DAC-1993-ShihK #clustering #polynomial #programming
- Quadratic Boolean Programming for Performance-Driven System Partitioning (MS, ESK), pp. 761–765.
- SIGIR-1993-LeeKKL #evaluation #framework #on the #retrieval
- On the Evaluation of Boolean Operators in the Extended Boolean Retrieval Framework (JHL, WYK, MHK, YJL), pp. 291–297.
- CAV-1993-GuptaF #induction #parametricity #representation #using
- Parametric Circuit Representation Using Inductive Boolean Functions (AG, ALF), pp. 15–28.
- ICLP-1993-BenhamouM #constraints #equation #logic programming #pseudo
- Boolean Pseudo-equations in Constraint Logic Programming (FB, JLM), pp. 517–531.
- ICLP-1993-CorsiniR #analysis #fault #safety
- Safety Analysis by Means of Fault Trees: An Application for Open Boolean Solvers (MMC, AR), p. 834.
- ILPS-1993-CodognetD #constraints #theorem proving #using
- Boolean Constraint Solving Using clp(FD) (PC, DD), pp. 525–539.
- DAC-1992-BhattacharyaAA #fault #generative #testing #using
- Delay Fault Test Generation for Scan/Hold Circuits Using Boolean Expressions (DB, PA, VDA), pp. 159–164.
- DAC-1992-CoudertM #incremental
- Implicit and Incremental Computation of Primes and Essential Primes of Boolean Functions (OC, JCM), pp. 36–39.
- DAC-1992-SchlichtmannBH #agile
- Characterization of Boolean Functions for Rapid Matching in FPGA Technology Mapping (US, FB, MH), pp. 374–379.
- VLDB-1992-KemperMS #optimisation
- Optimizing Boolean Expressions in Object-Bases (AK, GM, MS), pp. 79–90.
- ESOP-1992-Andersen #graph #model checking
- Model Checking and Boolean Graphs (HRA), pp. 1–19.
- STOC-1992-BarringtonBR #representation
- Representing Boolean Functions as Polynomials Modulo Composite Numbers (Extended Abstract) (DAMB, RB, SR), pp. 455–461.
- STOC-1992-NisanS #on the
- On the Degree of Boolean Functions as Real Polynomials (NN, MS), pp. 462–467.
- STOC-1992-Paturi #approximate #on the #symmetry
- On the Degree of Polynomials that Approximate Symmetric Boolean Functions (Preliminary Version) (RP), pp. 468–474.
- WSA-1992-GloessHLH #on the
- On Boolean Feature Types (PYG, YNH, CML, MAH), pp. 213–220.
- DAC-1991-OchiIY
- Breadth-First Manipulation of SBDD of Boolean Functions for Vector Processing (HO, NI, SY), pp. 413–416.
- ICALP-1991-GrogerT #linear #on the
- On Linear Decision Trees Computing Boolean Functions (HDG, GT), pp. 707–718.
- CAV-1991-CourcoubetisGS #algebra #process
- An Algebra of Boolean Processes (CC, SG, JS), pp. 454–465.
- RTA-1991-Socher-Ambrosius #algebra #convergence #term rewriting
- Boolean Algebra Admits No Convergent Term Rewriting System (RSA), pp. 264–274.
- DAC-1990-ChengA #complexity #multi
- An Entropy Measure for the Complexity of Multi-Output Boolean Functions (KTC, VDA), pp. 302–305.
- DAC-1990-MinatoIY #diagrams #performance
- Shared Binary Decision Diagram with Attributed Edges for Efficient Boolean function Manipulation (SiM, NI, SY), pp. 52–57.
- DAC-1990-SatoYMF #diagrams
- Boolean Resubstitution with Permissible Functions and Binary Decision Diagrams (HS, YY, YM, MF), pp. 284–289.
- STOC-1990-Blum #infinity #learning
- Learning Boolean Functions in an Infinite Atribute Space (Extended Abstract) (AB), pp. 64–72.
- ICALP-1990-KranakisKB #network
- Computing Boolean Functions on Anonymous Networks (EK, DK, JvdB), pp. 254–267.
- ICALP-1990-Pelletier #ambiguity #set
- Boolean Closure and Unambiguity of Rational Sets (MP), pp. 512–525.
- SIGIR-1990-AnickBFHAR #information retrieval #interface #natural language #query
- A Direct Manipulation Interface for Boolean Information Retrieval via Natural Language Query (PGA, JDB, RAF, DRH, BA, JMR), pp. 135–150.
- SIGIR-1990-Rousseau #approach #heuristic #question #retrieval
- Extended Boolean Retrieval: A Heuristic Approach? (RR), pp. 495–508.
- CSL-1990-FlogelKB #quantifier #subclass
- Subclasses of Quantified Boolean Formulas (AF, MK, HKB), pp. 145–155.
- DAC-1989-GoreR #array #automation #equation #logic #programmable #synthesis #using
- Automatic Synthesis of Boolean Equations Using Programmable Array Logic (RG, KR), pp. 283–289.
- STOC-1989-ChorK #privacy
- A Zero-One Law for Boolean Privacy (extended abstract) (BC, EK), pp. 62–72.
- STOC-1989-KearnsV #automaton #encryption #finite #learning
- Cryptographic Limitations on Learning Boolean Formulae and Finite Automata (MJK, LGV), pp. 433–444.
- ALP-1988-Dahn #modelling #specification
- Boolean Valued Models and Incomplete Specifications (BID), pp. 119–126.
- CSL-1988-Karpinski #algebra #complexity #problem
- Boolean Complexity of Algebraic Interpolation Problems (MK), pp. 138–147.
- CSL-1988-VoigtW
- A Remark on Minimal Polynomials of Boolean Functions (BV, IW), pp. 372–383.
- LICS-1988-BoudetJS #unification
- Unification in Free Extensions of Boolean Rings and Abelian Groups (AB, JPJ, MSS), pp. 121–130.
- DAC-1987-NguyenPG #named #performance
- PALMINI — Fast Boolean Minimizer for Personal Computers (LBN, MAP, NBG), pp. 615–621.
- DAC-1987-StablerB #comparison #simulation
- Boolean Comparison by Simulation (EPS, HB), pp. 584–587.
- STOC-1987-BilardiP #complexity #network
- Size-Time Complexity of Boolean Networks for Prefix Computations (GB, FPP), pp. 436–442.
- STOC-1987-Buss #problem
- The Boolean Formula Value Problem Is in ALOGTIME (SRB), pp. 123–131.
- STOC-1987-KearnsLPV #on the
- On the Learnability of Boolean Formulae (MJK, ML, LP, LGV), pp. 285–295.
- STOC-1987-Natarajan #learning #on the
- On Learning Boolean Functions (BKN), pp. 296–304.
- STOC-1987-Smolensky #algebra #bound #complexity #formal method
- Algebraic Methods in the Theory of Lower Bounds for Boolean Circuit Complexity (RS), pp. 77–82.
- ICALP-1987-GambosiNT
- Posets, Boolean Representations and Quick Path Searching (GG, JN, MT), pp. 404–424.
- CSL-1987-LenzW #complexity #polynomial
- The Conjunctive Complexity of Quadratic Boolean Functions (KL, IW), pp. 138–150.
- LICS-1987-AlpernS #proving
- Proving Boolean Combinations of Deterministic Properties (BA, FBS), pp. 131–137.
- DAC-1986-Daehn #difference #fault
- A unified treatment of PLA faults by Boolean differences (WD), pp. 334–338.
- DAC-1986-KuoC #generative #multi
- Generating essential primes for a Boolean function with multiple-valued inputs (YSK, WKC), pp. 193–199.
- DAC-1986-OdawaraTOOZ #comparison #logic #verification
- A logic verifier based on Boolean comparison (GO, MT, OO, TO, ZqZ), pp. 208–214.
- SIGIR-1986-WongZRW #on the #query
- On Extending the Vector Space Model for Boolean Query Processing (SKMW, WZ, VVR, PCNW), pp. 175–185.
- OOPSLA-1986-McAllesterZ
- Boolean Classes (DAM, RZ), pp. 417–423.
- CADE-1986-MartinN #unification
- Unification in Boolean Rings (UM, TN), pp. 506–513.
- DAC-1985-Bryant #representation #using #visual notation
- Symbolic manipulation of Boolean functions using a graphical representation (REB), pp. 688–694.
- SIGIR-1985-Bookstein #probability #retrieval
- Implications of Boolean Structures for Probabilistic Retrieval (AB), pp. 11–17.
- SIGIR-1985-Radecki #clustering #ranking #retrieval
- Output Ranking Methodology for Document-Clustering-Based Boolean Retrieval Systems (TR), pp. 70–76.
- SIGIR-1985-SaltonV #automation
- Automatic Assignment of Soft Boolean Operators (GS, EMV), pp. 54–69.
- DAC-1984-Biswas
- Computer aided minimization procedure for boolean functions (NNB), pp. 699–702.
- DAC-1984-WieclawskiP #compilation #layout #network #optimisation
- Optimization of negative gate networks realized in weinberger-LIKF layout in a boolean level silicon compiler (AW, MAP), pp. 703–704.
- PODS-1984-Hegner #algebra #canonical #component
- Canonical View Update Support through Boolean Algebras of Components (SJH), pp. 163–173.
- SIGMOD-1984-Salton #information retrieval #logic
- The Use of Extended Boolean Logic in Information Retrieval (GS), pp. 277–285.
- STOC-1984-Alt #comparison
- Comparison of Arithmetic Functions with Respect to Boolean Circuit Depth (Extended Abstract) (HA), pp. 466–470.
- SIGIR-1982-Radecki #feedback #retrieval
- Incorporation of Relevance Feedback into Boolean Retrieval System (TR), pp. 133–150.
- DAC-1981-Lauther #algorithm
- An O (N log N) algorithm for Boolean mask operations (UL), pp. 555–562.
- DAC-1981-Wilmore #performance
- Efficient Boolean operations on IC masks (JAW), pp. 571–579.
- SIGIR-1980-Bookstein #comparison #retrieval
- A Comparison of Two Weighting Schemes for Boolean Retrieval (AB), pp. 23–34.
- SIGIR-1980-NoreaultMK #documentation #evaluation #metric #performance #similarity
- A Performance Evaluation of Similarity Measures, Document Term Weighting Schemes and Representations in a Boolean Environment (TN, MM, MBK), pp. 57–76.
- SIGIR-1980-Radecki #clustering #information retrieval
- A Model of a Document-Clustering-Based Information Retrieval System with a Boolean Search Request Formulation (TR), pp. 334–344.
- VLDB-1979-Hardgrave #ambiguity #case study #query
- Ambiguity in Processing Boolean Queries on TDMS Tree Structures: A Study of Four Different Philosophies (WTH), pp. 373–397.
- ICALP-1978-Commentz-Walter #trade-off
- Size-Depth Tradeoff in Boolean Formulas (BCW), pp. 125–141.
- DAC-1977-SchulerC #fault #performance #simulation
- An efficient method of fault simulation for digital circuits modeled from boolean gates and memories (DMS, RKC), pp. 230–238.
- STOC-1976-Pippenger
- The Realization of Monotone Boolean Functions (Preliminary Version) (NP), pp. 204–210.
- ICALP-1976-McColl
- The Depth of Boolean Functions (WFM), pp. 307–321.
- STOC-1975-FischerMP #bound
- Lower Bounds on the Size of Boolean Formulas: Preliminary Report (MJF, ARM, MP), pp. 37–44.
- STOC-1975-Paul #bound #combinator #complexity
- A 2.5 n-lower Bound on the Combinatorial Complexity of Boolean Functions (WJP), pp. 27–36.
- STOC-1974-Pratt #matrix #multi #power of
- The Power of Negative Thinking in Multiplying Boolean Matrices (VRP), pp. 80–83.
- ICALP-1974-Schnorr #information management #on the
- On Maximal Merging of Information in Boolean Computations (CPS), pp. 294–300.
- DAC-1971-ChuangK
- Computer expansion of Boolean expressions (YHC, CCK), pp. 378–383.
- STOC-1969-Spira #on the
- On the Computation Time of Certain Classes of Boolean Functions (PMS), pp. 271–272.