49 papers:
DATE-2015-KonstantinouKM #encryption #functional #privacy #verification- Privacy-preserving functional IP verification utilizing fully homomorphic encryption (CK, AK, MM), pp. 333–338.
STOC-2015-GorbunovVW #standard- Leveled Fully Homomorphic Signatures from Standard Lattices (SG, VV, DW), pp. 469–477.
ICALP-v1-2015-0001GR #graph #morphism- Counting Homomorphisms to Square-Free Graphs, Modulo 2 (AG, LAG, DR), pp. 642–653.
ICALP-v1-2015-FominGKM #bound #graph #morphism #problem- Lower Bounds for the Graph Homomorphism Problem (FVF, AG, ASK, IM), pp. 481–493.
DATE-2014-TsoutsosM #named- HEROIC: Homomorphically EncRypted One Instruction Computer (NGT, MM), pp. 1–6.
PPDP-2014-YangEMMN #encryption #finite #unification- Theories of Homomorphic Encryption, Unification, and the Finite Variant Property (FY, SE, CM, JM, PN), pp. 123–133.
STOC-2013-AndoniGMP #sketching- Homomorphic fingerprints under misalignments: sketching edit and shift distances (AA, AG, AM, EP), pp. 931–940.
DLT-J-2012-LehtinenO13 #context-free grammar #morphism- Homomorphisms Preserving Deterministic Context-Free Languages (TL, AO), pp. 1049–1066.
DocEng-2012-ChuangW #documentation #graph #morphism #xml- Structure-conforming XML document transformation based on graph homomorphism (TRC, HYW), pp. 99–102.
STOC-2012-Lopez-AltTV #encryption #multi #on the fly- On-the-fly multiparty computation on the cloud via multikey fully homomorphic encryption (ALA, ET, VV), pp. 1219–1234.
DLT-2012-LehtinenO #context-free grammar #morphism- Homomorphisms Preserving Deterministic Context-Free Languages (TL, AO), pp. 154–165.
AFL-2011-PiaoSV #morphism- Tree Homomorphisms for Unranked Trees (XP, KS, SV), pp. 343–357.
ICFP-2011-MuM #functional #morphism #theorem- Generalising and dualising the third list-homomorphism theorem: functional pearl (SCM, AM), pp. 385–391.
PPDP-2011-EscobarKLMMNS #analysis #encryption #protocol #unification #using- Protocol analysis in Maude-NPA using unification modulo homomorphic encryption (SE, DK, CL, CM, JM, PN, RS), pp. 65–76.
CADE-2011-LiuL #morphism #performance #unification- Efficient General Unification for XOR with Homomorphism (ZL, CL), pp. 407–421.
VLDB-2010-FanLMWW #graph #morphism- Graph Homomorphism Revisited for Graph Matching (WF, JL, SM, HW, YW), pp. 1161–1172.
ICALP-v1-2010-CaiCL #graph #morphism #theorem- Graph Homomorphisms with Complex Values: A Dichotomy Theorem (JyC, XC, PL), pp. 275–286.
STOC-2009-Gentry #encryption #using- Fully homomorphic encryption using ideal lattices (CG), pp. 169–178.
ICALP-v1-2009-AminiFS #morphism- Counting Subgraphs via Homomorphisms (OA, FVF, SS), pp. 71–82.
POPL-2009-MorihataMHT #divide and conquer #morphism #theorem- The third homomorphism theorem on trees: downward & upward lead to divide-and-conquer (AM, KM, ZH, MT), pp. 177–185.
FoSSaCS-2008-GodoyMT #decidability #morphism- Classes of Tree Homomorphisms with Decidable Preservation of Regularity (GG, SM, ST), pp. 127–141.
STOC-2008-BartoKN #complexity #graph #morphism #problem- Graphs, polymorphisms and the complexity of homomorphism problems (LB, MK, TN), pp. 789–796.
STOC-2008-DinurGKS #bound #morphism- Decodability of group homomorphisms beyond the johnson bound (ID, EG, SK, MS), pp. 275–284.
AFL-2008-JurgensenM #morphism- Homomorphisms Preserving Types of Density (HJ, IM), pp. 183–194.
ICALP-C-2008-PrabhakaranR #encryption #security- Homomorphic Encryption with CCA Security (MP, MR), pp. 667–678.
LATA-2008-KlimaP #morphism- Literal Varieties of Languages Induced by Homomorphisms onto Nilpotent Groups (OK, LP), pp. 299–310.
ICALP-v1-2006-DyerGP #graph #morphism #on the- On Counting Homomorphisms to Directed Acyclic Graphs (MED, LAG, MP), pp. 38–49.
ICALP-v2-2006-DelauneLLT #analysis #morphism #protocol- Symbolic Protocol Analysis in Presence of a Homomorphism Operator and Exclusive Or (SD, PL, DL, RT), pp. 132–143.
RTA-2005-LafourcadeLT #deduction #equation #morphism- Intruder Deduction for AC-Like Equational Theories with Homomorphisms (PL, DL, RT), pp. 308–322.
PODS-2004-AtseriasDK #morphism #on the #query- On Preservation under Homomorphisms and Unions of Conjunctive Queries (AA, AD, PGK), pp. 319–329.
STOC-2004-ShpilkaW #morphism #testing- Derandomizing homomorphism testing in general groups (AS, AW), pp. 427–435.
IFL-2004-ShafarenkoS- General Homomorphic Overloading (AVS, SBS), pp. 195–210.
CADE-2003-AnantharamanNR #morphism #unification- Unification Modulo ACU I Plus Homomorphisms/Distributivity (SA, PN, MR), pp. 442–457.
LICS-2003-FederV #morphism- Homomorphism Closed vs. Existential Positive (TF, MYV), pp. 311–320.
PPDP-2002-Shafarenko #morphism #type inference #type system- Coercion as homomorphism: type inference in a system with subtyping and overloading (AVS), pp. 14–25.
SAT-2002-BueningX #complexity #morphism #satisfiability- The complexity of homomorphisms and renamings of minimal unsatisfiable formulas (HKB, DX), p. 9.
ICPR-v2-2000-BartoliPSZ #graph #morphism #using- Attributed Tree Homomorphism Using Association Graphs (MB, MP, KS, SWZ), pp. 2133–2136.
ICPR-v2-2000-PerchantB #fuzzy #graph #morphism- Graph Fuzzy Homomorphism Interpreted as Fuzzy Association Graphs (AP, IB), pp. 6042–6045.
PPDP-2000-KollerM #abstract interpretation #component #morphism #performance #using- Efficient abstract interpretation using component-wise homomorphisms (JK, MM), pp. 226–234.
TOOLS-USA-1997-Kuhne- The Translator Pattern — External Functionality with Homomorphic Mappings (TK), pp. 48–62.
RTA-1991-BaaderN #algebra #commutative #equation #how #morphism #unification- Adding Homomorphisms to Commutative/Monoidal Theories or How Algebra Can Help in Equational Unification (FB, WN), pp. 124–135.
SEKE-1989-WuCZT #identification #morphism #novel #query #subclass- A Novel Way 1o Identify IneguaIity Query Subclasses Which possess the Homomorphism Property (TW, JLC, NZ, KT), pp. 158–163.
ICALP-1982-EhrenfeuchtR #morphism- Repetitions in Homomorphisms and Languages (AE, GR), pp. 192–211.
GG-1982-Pfaltz #morphism- Transformation of structures by convex homomorphisms (JLP), pp. 297–313.
ICALP-1981-Karhumaki #morphism- Generalized Parikh Mappings and Homomorphisms (JK), pp. 324–332.
ICALP-1980-AlbertC #context-free grammar #equivalence #morphism #testing- Test Sets for Homomorphism Equivalence on Context Free Languages (JA, KCI), pp. 12–18.
ICALP-1980-AlbertW- Languages with Homomorphic Replacements (JA, LMW), pp. 19–29.
ICALP-1979-Culik #on the #product line- On the Homomorphic Characterizations of Families of Languages (KCI), pp. 161–170.
ICALP-1974-EhrenfeuchtR #morphism #term rewriting #trade-off- Trade-off between the Use of Nonterminals, Codings and Homomorphisms in Defining Languages for Some Classes of Rewriting Systems (AE, GR), pp. 473–480.