Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × United Kingdom
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
K.S.Namjoshi A.Pnueli S.Maoz A.Cohen S.Bansal L.D.Zuck N.Piterman
Talks about:
synthesi (4) specif (3) scenario (2) composit (2) reactiv (2) program (2) tempor (2) framework (1) asynchron (1) algorithm (1)
Person: Yaniv Sa'ar
DBLP: Sa'ar:Yaniv
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- ICSE-2013-MaozS #specification
- Counter play-out: executing unrealizable scenario-based specifications (SM, YS), pp. 242–251.
- MoDELS-2012-MaozS #semantics #synthesis
- Assume-Guarantee Scenarios: Semantics and Synthesis (SM, YS), pp. 335–351.
- CAV-2010-CohenNS #composition #reasoning
- A Dash of Fairness for Compositional Reasoning (AC, KSN, YS), pp. 543–557.
- CAV-2010-CohenNS10a #composition #ltl #named #verification
- SPLIT: A Compositional LTL Verifier (AC, KSN, YS), pp. 558–561.
- CAV-2010-PnueliSZ #algorithm #framework #named #verification
- Jtlv: A Framework for Developing Verification Algorithms (AP, YS, LDZ), pp. 171–174.
- VMCAI-2008-PnueliS
- All You Need Is Compassion (AP, YS), pp. 233–247.
- VMCAI-2006-PitermanPS #design #synthesis
- Synthesis of Reactive(1) Designs (NP, AP, YS), pp. 364–380.
- CAV-2018-BansalNS #source code #specification #synthesis
- Synthesis of Asynchronous Reactive Programs from Temporal Specifications (SB, KSN, YS), pp. 367–385.
- POPL-2020-BansalNS #coordination #linear #source code #specification #synthesis
- Synthesis of coordination programs from linear temporal specifications (SB, KSN, YS), p. 27.