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Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × Denmark
1 × Hungary
1 × Ireland
1 × Portugal
1 × Russia
1 × Spain
14 × USA
2 × Germany
2 × Italy
2 × United Kingdom
4 × France
Collaborated with:
M.Y.Vardi A.Pnueli J.Fisher O.Kupferman B.Cook V.A.Braberman N.D'Ippolito S.Uchitel T.A.Henzinger H.Khlaaf A.Bakhirkin J.Berdine S.Ishtiaq P.Godefroid S.Juvekar Y.Fang L.D.Zuck A.S.Köksal M.Huth J.H.Kuo U.Klein R.Bloem S.J.Galler B.Jobstmann M.Weiglhofer K.Chatterjee O.Grinchtein M.Leucker Y.Sa'ar Y.Kesten S.Woodhouse E.Krepska A.S.Taylor C.Cockerton S.Bourton D.Benque K.Claessen Q.Wang D.Sykes B.A.Hall G.Juniwal Y.Pu S.Srivastava R.Bodík R.Armoni L.Fix A.Flaisher O.Grumberg A.Tiemeyer
Talks about:
model (10) system (9) synthesi (8) biolog (5) live (5) automata (4) network (4) check (4) game (4) infinit (3)

Person: Nir Piterman

DBLP DBLP: Piterman:Nir

Facilitated 1 volumes:

TACAS 2013Ed

Contributed to:

CAV 20152015
SAS 20152015
TACAS 20152015
CAV 20142014
SAS 20142014
CAV 20132013
CHI 20132013
FOSSACS 20132013
ICSE 20132013
POPL 20132013
CAV 20122012
FM 20122012
VMCAI 20122012
FM 20112011
ICSE 20112011
VMCAI 20112011
FSE 20102010
FOSSACS 20092009
VMCAI 20092009
CAV 20072007
COCV 20072007
DATE 20072007
FoSSaCS 20072007
CAV 20062006
CSL 20062006
IJCAR 20062006
LICS 20062006
VMCAI 20062006
CAV 20042004
TACAS 20042004
VMCAI 20042004
CAV 20032003
LICS 20032003
CAV 20022002

Wrote 38 papers:

CAV-2015-CookKP #automation #infinity #on the #verification
On Automation of CTL* Verification for Infinite-State Systems (BC, HK, NP), pp. 13–29.
CAV-2015-FisherKPW #execution #network
Synthesising Executable Gene Regulatory Networks from Single-Cell Gene Expression Data (JF, ASK, NP, SW), pp. 544–560.
SAS-2015-BakhirkinBP #analysis #set
A Forward Analysis for Recurrent Sets (AB, JB, NP), pp. 293–311.
TACAS-2015-CookKP #infinity
Fairness for Infinite-State Systems (BC, HK, NP), pp. 384–398.
CAV-2014-CookFHIJP #biology #modelling
Finding Instability in Biological Models (BC, JF, BAH, SI, GJ, NP), pp. 358–372.
SAS-2014-BakhirkinBP #abstraction #analysis #approximate
Backward Analysis via over-Approximate Abstraction and under-Approximate Subtraction (AB, JB, NP), pp. 34–50.
CAV-2013-ClaessenFIPW #model checking #network #reachability #set
Model-Checking Signal Transduction Networks through Decreasing Reachability Sets (KC, JF, SI, NP, QW), pp. 85–100.
CHI-2013-TaylorPIFCCBB #biology #interface
At the interface of biology and computation (AST, NP, SI, JF, BC, CC, SB, DB), pp. 493–502.
FoSSaCS-2013-HuthKP #game studies
Fatal Attractors in Parity Games (MH, JHPK, NP), pp. 34–49.
ICSE-2013-BrabermanDPSU #modelling #synthesis
Controller synthesis: from modelling to enactment (VAB, ND, NP, DS, SU), pp. 1347–1350.
POPL-2013-KoksalPSBFP #biology #modelling #synthesis
Synthesis of biological models from mutation experiments (ASK, YP, SS, RB, JF, NP), pp. 469–482.
CAV-2012-BenqueBCCFIPTV #biology #modelling #named #network #visual notation
Bma: Visual Tool for Modeling and Analyzing Biological Networks (DB, SB, CC, BC, JF, SI, NP, AST, MYV), pp. 686–692.
FM-2012-DIppolitoBPU #problem
The Modal Transition System Control Problem (ND, VAB, NP, SU), pp. 155–170.
VMCAI-2012-KleinPP #effectiveness #specification #synthesis
Effective Synthesis of Asynchronous Systems from GR(1) Specifications (UK, NP, AP), pp. 283–298.
The Only Way Is Up (JF, NP, MYV), pp. 3–11.
ICSE-2011-DIppolitoBPU #behaviour #modelling #synthesis
Synthesis of live behaviour models for fallible domains (ND, VAB, NP, SU), pp. 211–220.
VMCAI-2011-CookFKP #biology #proving
Proving Stabilization of Biological Systems (BC, JF, EK, NP), pp. 134–149.
FSE-2010-DIppolitoBPU #behaviour #modelling #synthesis
Synthesis of live behaviour models (ND, VAB, NP, SU), pp. 77–86.
FoSSaCS-2009-KupfermanP #automaton #bound
Lower Bounds on Witnesses for Nonemptiness of Universal Co-Büchi Automata (OK, NP), pp. 182–196.
VMCAI-2009-GodefroidP #ltl #model checking #revisited
LTL Generalized Model Checking Revisited (PG, NP), pp. 89–104.
CAV-2007-KupfermanPV #liveness
From Liveness to Promptness (OK, NP, MYV), pp. 406–419.
COCV-2007-BloemGJPPW #hardware
Specify, Compile, Run: Hardware from PSL (RB, SJG, BJ, NP, AP, MW), pp. 3–16.
DATE-2007-BloemGJPPW #automation #case study #hardware #interactive #specification #synthesis
Interactive presentation: Automatic hardware synthesis from specifications: a case study (RB, SJG, BJ, NP, AP, MW), pp. 1188–1193.
FoSSaCS-2007-ChatterjeeHP #game studies
Generalized Parity Games (KC, TAH, NP), pp. 153–167.
CAV-2006-JuvekarP #automaton
Minimizing Generalized Büchi Automata (SJ, NP), pp. 45–58.
CAV-2006-KupfermanPV #composition #synthesis
Safraless Compositional Synthesis (OK, NP, MYV), pp. 31–44.
CSL-2006-HenzingerP #game studies
Solving Games Without Determinization (TAH, NP), pp. 395–410.
IJCAR-2006-GrinchteinLP #automation #invariant #network
Inferring Network Invariants Automatically (OG, ML, NP), pp. 483–497.
LICS-2006-Piterman #automaton #nondeterminism
From Nondeterministic Buchi and Streett Automata to Deterministic Parity Automata (NP), pp. 255–264.
LICS-2006-PitermanP #game studies #performance
Faster Solutions of Rabin and Streett Games (NP, AP), pp. 275–284.
VMCAI-2006-PitermanPS #design #synthesis
Synthesis of Reactive(1) Designs (NP, AP, YS), pp. 364–380.
CAV-2004-PitermanV #infinity #model checking
Global Model-Checking of Infinite-State Systems (NP, MYV), pp. 387–400.
TACAS-2004-FangPPZ #liveness #ranking
Liveness with Incomprehensible Ranking (YF, NP, AP, LDZ), pp. 482–496.
VMCAI-2004-FangPPZ #liveness #ranking
Liveness with Invisible Ranking (YF, NP, AP, LDZ), pp. 223–238.
CAV-2003-ArmoniFFGPTV #detection #linear #logic
Enhanced Vacuity Detection in Linear Temporal Logic (RA, LF, AF, OG, NP, AT, MYV), pp. 368–380.
CAV-2003-KestenPP #simulation
Bridging the Gap between Fair Simulation and Trace Inclusion (YK, NP, AP), pp. 381–393.
LICS-2003-PitermanV #decidability #future of #stack
Micro-Macro Stack Systems: A New Frontier of Elementary Decidability for Sequential Systems (NP, MYV), p. 381–?.
CAV-2002-KupfermanPV #linear #model checking
Model Checking Linear Properties of Prefix-Recognizable Systems (OK, NP, MYV), pp. 371–385.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.