90 papers:
DocEng-2015-LesnikovaDE #rdf #using- Interlinking English and Chinese RDF Data Using BabelNet (TL, JD, JE), pp. 39–42.
ICSME-2015-PawelkaJ #case study #identifier #natural language- Is this code written in English? A study of the natural language of comments and identifiers in practice (TP, EJ), pp. 401–410.
LCT-2015-BoonbrahmKB #artificial reality #learning #student #using- Using Augmented Reality Technology in Assisting English Learning for Primary School Students (SB, CK, PB), pp. 24–32.
KDD-2015-ShashidharPA #machine learning- Spoken English Grading: Machine Learning with Crowd Intelligence (VS, NP, VA), pp. 2089–2097.
MLDM-2015-ShaluntsB #analysis #named #sentiment- SentiSAIL: Sentiment Analysis in English, German and Russian (GS, GB), pp. 87–97.
CHI-2014-GaoYHEF #automation #communication #multi- Effects of public vs. private automated transcripts on multiparty communication between native and non-native english speakers (GG, NY, AMJH, AE, SRF), pp. 843–852.
CHI-2014-HautasaariYG #communication #detection #quote- “Maybe it was a joke”: emotion detection in text-only communication by non-native english speakers (AMJH, NY, GG), pp. 3715–3724.
CSCW-2014-0002CTS #twitter- Cursing in English on twitter (WW, LC, KT, APS), pp. 415–425.
DUXU-DI-2014-IuliucciR #interactive- Cultural Divergence in Website Interaction Spanish vs. English (NI, AR), pp. 127–138.
HCI-TMT-2014-MatsumotoKKA #adaptation #automation #learning #student #word- Evaluating an Automatic Adaptive Delivery Method of English Words Learning Contents for University Students in Science and Technology (SM, TK, TK, MA), pp. 510–520.
LCT-NLE-2014-WangLC #learning #online #student- Low-Achieving Students’ Perceptions of Online Language Learning: A Case of English Proficiency Threshold (ALW, YCL, SFC), pp. 250–258.
ICPR-2014-TarafdarPRRC #documentation #visual notation #word- Word Spotting in Bangla and English Graphical Documents (AT, UP, JYR, NR, BBC), pp. 3044–3049.
ICDAR-2013-BreuelUAS #network #using- High-Performance OCR for Printed English and Fraktur Using LSTM Networks (TMB, AUH, MIAAA, FS), pp. 683–687.
ICDAR-2013-ShivramRSG #dataset #named- IBM_UB_1: A Dual Mode Unconstrained English Handwriting Dataset (AS, CR, SS, VG), pp. 13–17.
ICDAR-2013-Siriteerakul #classification- Mixed Thai-English Character Classification Based on Histogram of Oriented Gradient Feature (TS), pp. 847–851.
CSCW-2013-LarsonRSS #exclamation #game studies #student- I want to be Sachin Tendulkar!: a spoken english cricket game for rural students (ML, NR, AS, SS), pp. 1353–1364.
HCI-AS-2013-MatsumotoAK #development #email #learning #using #word- Development of Push-Based English Words Learning System by Using E-Mail Service (SM, MA, TK), pp. 444–453.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-NakajimaT #generative #learning #online- New Potential of E-learning by Re-utilizing Open Content Online — TED NOTE: English Learning System as an Auto-assignment Generator (AN, KT), pp. 108–117.
CIKM-2012-JatowtT #analysis #scalability- Large scale analysis of changes in english vocabulary over recent time (AJ, KT), pp. 2523–2526.
ECIR-2012-ChhedaFM #word- Handling OOV Words in Indian-language — English CLIR (PC, MF, PM), pp. 476–479.
KEOD-2012-BachaZ- Machine Translation System on the Pair of Arabic / English (KB, MZ), pp. 347–351.
KR-2012-BaralD #automation #how #learning #programming #set- Solving Puzzles Described in English by Automated Translation to Answer Set Programming and Learning How to Do that Translation (CB, JD).
HCI-UA-2011-Wang11a #interactive #learning #network #student #tool support #using- Interactions between Human and Computer Networks: EFL College Students Using Computer Learning Tools in Remedial English Classes (ALW), pp. 107–112.
REFSQ-2011-PostMP #case study #requirements #strict- Applying Restricted English Grammar on Automotive Requirements — Does it Work? A Case Study (AP, IM, AP), pp. 166–180.
ICPR-2010-FausserS #approximate #learning- Learning a Strategy with Neural Approximated Temporal-Difference Methods in English Draughts (SF, FS), pp. 2925–2928.
ICPR-2010-GilliamWC #identification- Scribe Identification in Medieval English Manuscripts (TG, RCW, JAC), pp. 1880–1883.
ICPR-2010-PalRK #automation #recognition- Bangla and English City Name Recognition for Indian Postal Automation (UP, RKR, FK), pp. 1985–1988.
ICPR-2010-WangLS #documentation #identification #using- Noise Tolerant Script Identification of Printed Oriental and English Documents Using a Downgraded Pixel Density Feature (NW, LL, CYS), pp. 2037–2040.
ICPR-2010-ZhangSQ10a #automation #keyword- Automatic Pronunciation Transliteration for Chinese-English Mixed Language Keyword Spotting (SZ, ZS, YQ), pp. 1610–1613.
SIGIR-2010-ChinnakotlaRB #multi- Multilingual PRF: english lends a helping hand (MKC, KR, PB), pp. 659–666.
SIGIR-2010-WanLX #named #summary- EUSUM: extracting easy-to-understand english summaries for non-native readers (XW, HL, JX), pp. 491–498.
ICDAR-2009-WangJW #identification #performance- High Performance Chinese/English Mixed OCR with Character Level Language Identification (KW, JJ, QW), pp. 406–410.
ICDAR-2009-ZhuSMHN #classification #feature model- Separate Chinese Character and English Character by Cascade Classifier and Feature Selection (YZ, JS, AM, YH, SN), pp. 1191–1195.
IDGD-2009-BoseS #hypermedia- The Use of Hypertext as a Vocabulary Acquisition Strategy for English as Second Language Learners (DB, DS), pp. 147–155.
IDGD-2009-PetriePS #locality #navigation- Internationalization and Localization of Websites: Navigation in English Language and Chinese Language Sites (HP, CP, WS), pp. 293–300.
CIKM-2009-KhaitanDGS #data-driven- Data-driven compound splitting method for english compounds in domain names (SK, AD, SG, AS), pp. 207–214.
KDIR-2009-NettletonMM #case study #evaluation #image #internet- User Study of the Assignment of Objective and Subjective Type Tags to Images in Internet — Evaluation for Native and non Native English Language Taggers (DFN, MCM, BML), pp. 99–104.
DRR-2008-JoseBG #documentation- Transcript mapping for handwritten English documents (DJ, AB, VG), p. 68150.
HT-2008-Diniz #education #hypermedia #using- Efl and hypertext: using webquests to maximize english teaching (MGD), pp. 223–224.
ICDAR-2007-ChandaTP #identification- SVM Based Scheme for Thai and English Script Identification (SC, ORT, UP), pp. 551–555.
ICDAR-2007-XiaXWD #documentation #recognition #segmentation- Integrated Segmentation and Recognition of Mixed Chinese/English Document (YX, BX, CHW, RD), pp. 704–708.
SEKE-2007-LimCR #automation #case study #diagrams #documentation #generative #specification- Automatic Generation of Use Case Diagrams from English Specifications Document (NRTL, CTC, JAER), pp. 203–208.
SIGIR-2007-FranzX #multi #segmentation #using- Story segmentation of broadcast news in Arabic, Chinese and English using multi-window features (MF, JMX), pp. 703–704.
SIGIR-2007-HofmannS #automation- Automatic extension of non-english wordnets (KH, EFTKS), pp. 833–834.
SAC-2007-LuXG #ambiguity- Translation disambiguation in web-based translation extraction for English-Chinese CLIR (CL, YX, SG), pp. 819–823.
ECIR-2006-AwadallahR #multi- Web-Based Multiple Choice Question Answering for English and Arabic Questions (RA, AR), pp. 515–518.
ECIR-2006-ZhangWGV #automation #corpus #parallel #web- Automatic Acquisition of Chinese-English Parallel Corpus from the Web (YZ, KW, JG, PV), pp. 420–431.
ICPR-v2-2006-PalKRP #multi #recognition- Recognition of English Multi-oriented Characters (UP, FK, KR, TP), pp. 873–876.
ICDAR-2005-DrakeB #geometry #using- Distinguishing Mathematics Notation from English Text using Computational Geometry (DMD, HSB), pp. 1270–1274.
ICDAR-2005-LiwickiB05a #database #named #online- IAM-OnDB — an On-Line English Sentence Database Acquired from Handwritten Text on a Whiteboard (ML, HB), pp. 956–961.
DRR-2004-WangD #segmentation- Comprehensive printed Tibetan/English mixed text segmentation method (HW, XD), pp. 136–146.
DRR-2004-WangD04a #multi #statistics- New statistical method for multifont printed Tibetan/English OCR (HW, XD), pp. 155–165.
CSEET-2004-MezianeV #comparison #re-engineering- A Comparison of Computer Science and Software Engineering Programmes in English Universities (FM, SV), pp. 65–70.
ICDAR-2003-HuoF #modelling #performance #using- Improving Chinese/English OCR Performance by Using MCE-based Character-Pair Modeling and Negative Training (QH, ZDF), pp. 364–368.
CIKM-2003-AbdulJaleelL #information retrieval #statistics- Statistical transliteration for english-arabic cross language information retrieval (NAJ, LSL), pp. 139–146.
KDD-2003-SripadaRHY #generative #summary #using- Generating English summaries of time series data using the Gricean maxims (SS, ER, JH, JY), pp. 187–196.
SIGIR-2003-QuGE #automation #retrieval- Automatic transliteration for Japanese-to-English text retrieval (YQ, GG, DAE), pp. 353–360.
ICPR-v3-2002-FengH #performance- Confidence Guided Progressive Search and Fast Match Techniques for High Performance Chinese/English OCR (ZDF, QH), pp. 89–92.
ICPR-v3-2002-MaoCLS #detection #hybrid #image #video- Hybrid Chinese/English Text Detection in Images and Video Frames (WM, FLC, KKML, WCS), pp. 1015–1018.
ICPR-v4-2002-ZimmermannB #automation #database #segmentation- Automatic Segmentation o the IAM Off-Line Database or Handwritten English Text (MZ, HB), pp. 35–39.
SIGIR-2002-SakaiR #case study #comparative #information retrieval- Relative and absolute term selection criteria: a comparative study for English and Japanese IR (TS, SER), pp. 411–412.
SIGIR-2002-WangCB- Example-based phrase translation in Chinese-English CLIR (BW, XC, SB), pp. 435–436.
ICDAR-2001-ElgammalI01a #documentation #hybrid #identification #image- Techniques for Language Identification for Hybrid Arabic-English Document Images (AME, MAI), pp. 1100–1104.
ICDAR-2001-PalC #automation #identification- Automatic Identification of English, Chinese, Arabic, Devnagari and Bangla Script Line (UP, BBC), pp. 790–794.
CIKM-2001-AljlaylF #effectiveness #information retrieval- Effective Arabic-English Cross-Language Information Retrieval via Machine-Readable Dictionaries and Machine Translation (MA, OF), pp. 295–302.
ICDAR-1999-MartiB #database #recognition- A Full English Sentence Database for Off-line Handwriting Recognition (UVM, HB), pp. 705–708.
ICDAR-1999-SaidYS #recognition #using- Recognition of English and Arabic Numerals using a Dynamic Number of Hidden Neurons (FNS, RAY, CYS), pp. 237–240.
VLDB-1999-Blum #automation #database #query #relational #semantics- Microsoft English Query 7.5: Automatic Extraction of Semantics from Relational Databases and OLAP Cubes (AB), pp. 247–248.
HCI-CCAD-1999-VirvouM99a #fault- Error diagnosis in an English tutor (MV, DM), pp. 657–661.
SIGIR-1999-JonesSCKS #comparison #information retrieval #query- A Comparison of Query Translation Methods for English-Japanese Cross-Language Information Retrieval (poster abstract) (GJFJ, TS, NC, AK, KS), pp. 269–270.
SIGIR-1998-LeeC #automation #information retrieval- Automatic Acquisition of Phrasal Knowledge for English-Chinese Bilingual Information Retrieval (MJL, LFC), pp. 351–352.
LOPSTR-1998-FuchsSS #logic #specification- Attempto Controlled English — Not Just Another Logic Specification Language (NEF, US, RS), pp. 1–20.
ICDAR-1997-BazziLMRS- Omnifont and Unlimited-Vocabulary OCR for English and Arabic (IB, CL, JM, CR, RMS), pp. 842–846.
ICDAR-1997-OhtaTA #retrieval- Retrieval methods for English-text with missrecognized OCR characters (MO, AT, JA), pp. 950–956.
HCI-CC-1997-MillsC- Simplified English for Computer Displays (JAM, BSC), pp. 133–136.
JICSLP-1996-SchwitterF- Attempto Controlled English (ACE) A Seemingly Informal Bridgehead in Formal Territory (Poster Abstract) (RS, NEF), p. 536.
ICDAR-v2-1995-GuoDZGW- Realization of a high-performance bilingual Chinese-English OCR system (HG, XD, ZZ, FG, YW), pp. 978–981.
ICDAR-1993-KuoW #segmentation- A new method for the segmentation of mixed handprinted Chinese/English characters (HHK, JFW), pp. 810–813.
ICDAR-1993-PhillipsHHD #database #documentation #implementation- The implementation methodology for a CD-ROM English document database (ITP, JH, RMH, DD), pp. 484–487.
SIGIR-1992-RobertsonW #database #using- Searching for Historical Word-Forms in a Database of 17th-Century English Text Using Spelling-Correction Methods (AMR, PW), pp. 256–265.
ML-1990-DietterichHB #case study #comparative- A Comparative Study of ID3 and Backpropagation for English Text-to-Speech Mapping (TGD, HH, GB), pp. 24–31.
DAC-1989-Cyre #synthesis #towards- Toward Synthesis from English Descriptions (WRC), pp. 742–745.
HT-1987-RaymondT #hypermedia #taxonomy- Hypertext and the New Oxford English Dictionary (DRR, FWT), pp. 143–153.
SIGIR-1987-ItoK #online #retrieval- A Retrieval System for On-Line English-Japanese Dictionaries (TI, MK), pp. 181–186.
SLP-1986-OhrstromA86 #logic programming- The Logic of Tensed Statements in English — An Application of Logic Programming (PØ, NA), pp. 12–19.
SIGIR-1985-Stubbs #taxonomy- The New English Oxford English Dictionary and its Potential Users: Some Preliminary Comments (JOS), pp. 78–81.
ICSE-1976-KerschbergOP #query #relational- A Synthetic English Query Language for a Relational Accociative Processor (LK, EAO, JESP), pp. 505–519.
SIGMOD-1975-AstrahanC #implementation #query- Implementation of a Structured English Query Language (Abstract) (MMA, DDC), p. 54.
SIGFIDET-1974-ChamberlinB #named #query- SEQUEL: A Structured English Query Language (DDC, RFB), pp. 249–264.
SIGIR-1971-LovemanMT #named #preprocessor #strict- CUE: A Preprocessor for Restricted, Natural English (DBL, JAM, RGT), pp. 47–59.