Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × Spain
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
F.Kishino T.Masaki Y.Itoh T.Yamauchi T.Yamaguchi Y.Yamaguchi H.Imamizu M.Kawato S.Sakurai T.Yamaguchi R.Fukazawa E.Sharlin B.Watson S.Sutphen L.Liu
Talks about:
multi (3) interfac (2) interact (2) manipul (2) generat (2) cognit (2) user (2) use (2) represent (1) algorithm (1)
Person: Yoshifumi Kitamura
DBLP: Kitamura:Yoshifumi
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- HCI-NIMT-2009-KitamuraSYFIK #interface #multi
- Multi-modal Interface in Multi-Display Environment for Multi-users (YK, SS, TY, RF, YI, FK), pp. 66–74.
- CHI-2003-KitamuraYHKK #tool support
- Things happening in the brain while humans learn to use new tools (YK, YY, HI, FK, MK), pp. 417–424.
- CHI-2002-SharlinIWKSL #assessment #user interface
- Cognitive cubes: a tangible user interface for cognitive assessment (ES, YI, BW, YK, SS, LL), pp. 347–354.
- ICPR-v4-2000-MasakiYKK #generative #image #interactive
- Generating Images with Interactive Manipulation and its Model Capture (TM, TY, YK, FK), pp. 4473–4476.
- ICPR-1998-MasakiYKK #interactive #using #video
- Interactive manipulation through augmented virtuality using processed video contents (TM, TY, YK, FK), pp. 1219–1222.
- ICPR-1996-KitamuraK #algorithm #generative #parallel #representation
- A parallel algorithm for octree generation from polyhedral shape representation (YK, FK), pp. 303–309.