Tag #folksonomy
39 papers:
JCDL-2018-Holstrom #social- Social Tagging: Organic and Retroactive Folksonomies (CH), pp. 179–182.
RecSys-2015-KowaldL #algorithm #case study #comparative #recommendation- Evaluating Tag Recommender Algorithms in Real-World Folksonomies: A Comparative Study (DK, EL), pp. 265–268.
SEKE-2015-WanderleyP #detection #learning- Learning Folksonomies for Trend Detection in Task-Oriented Dialogues (GW, ECP), pp. 483–488.
SAC-2015-RegoMP #approach #detection #learning- A supervised learning approach to detect subsumption relations between tags in folksonomies (ASdCR, LBM, CESP), pp. 409–415.
SAC-2015-WanderleyP #learning- Learning folksonomies from task-oriented dialogues (GMPW, ECP), pp. 360–367.
HT-2012-ChakrabortyGG #community #detection- Detecting overlapping communities in folksonomies (AC, SG, NG), pp. 213–218.
HT-2012-HelicKGST #performance- Navigational efficiency of broad vs. narrow folksonomies (DH, CK, MG, MS, CT), pp. 63–72.
HT-2012-MatthesNS - Structuring folksonomies with implicit tag relations (FM, CN, AS), pp. 315–316.
TPDL-2012-DaglasKKKP #evaluation- A Methodology for Folksonomy Evaluation (SD, CK, DK, MK, CP), pp. 247–259.
RecSys-2012-Landia #documentation #recommendation- Utilising document content for tag recommendation in folksonomies (NL), pp. 325–328.
SAC-2012-TrabelsiMY #markov #modelling #named #recommendation- HMM-CARe: Hidden Markov Models for context-aware tag recommendation in folksonomies (CT, BM, SBY), pp. 957–961.
JCDL-2011-KawaseH #classification #using- Classification of user interest patterns using a virtual folksonomy (RK, EH), pp. 105–108.
CIKM-2011-QuattroneCMFU #effectiveness #retrieval #similarity #using- Effective retrieval of resources in folksonomies using a new tag similarity measure (GQ, LC, PDM, EF, DU), pp. 545–550.
SEKE-2011-QuattroneFMC #scalability #similarity- Measuring Similarity in Large-scale Folksonomies (GQ, EF, PDM, LC), pp. 385–391.
SAC-2011-EcharteACVL #classification- A method for the classification of folksonomy resources (FE, JJA, AC, JEV, AL), pp. 1675–1680.
ECDL-2010-HeidingerBHBM #privacy- Privacy-Aware Folksonomies (CH, EB, MH, KB, JMQ), pp. 156–167.
HT-2010-AbelKK #multi- Leveraging multi-faceted tagging to improve search in folksonomy systems (FA, RK, DK), pp. 299–300.
CIKM-2010-LiangXLN #personalisation #recommendation #taxonomy- Personalized recommender system based on item taxonomy and folksonomy (HL, YX, YL, RN), pp. 1641–1644.
CIKM-2010-LiuFZ #ontology- Ontology emergence from folksonomies (KL, BF, WZ), pp. 1109–1118.
KDD-2010-PlangprasopchokLG #metadata- Growing a tree in the forest: constructing folksonomies by integrating structured metadata (AP, KL, LG), pp. 949–958.
KDIR-2010-GabrielSN #clustering #named #process- Crosssense — Sensemaking in a Folksonomy with Cross-modal Clustering over Content and User Activities (HHG, MS, AN), pp. 100–111.
SAC-2010-MatteoPTV #algorithm #ambiguity #clustering- Of mice and terms: clustering algorithms on ambiguous terms in folksonomies (NRDM, SP, FT, FV), pp. 844–848.
HT-2009-AbbasiS #modelling #named- RichVSM: enRiched vector space models for folksonomies (RA, SS), pp. 219–228.
HT-2009-AbelBBHKP #ranking- Context-based ranking in folksonomies (FA, MB, CB, NH, DK, VP), pp. 209–218.
HT-2009-BollenH - The role of tag suggestions in folksonomies (DB, HH), pp. 359–360.
HT-2009-SiersdorferS #recommendation #social #web- Social recommender systems for web 2.0 folksonomies (SS, SS), pp. 261–270.
KEOD-2009-FreddoT #evolution #learning #ontology #semantics #social #web- Integrating Social Web with Semantic Web — Ontology Learning and Ontology Evolution from Folksonomies (ARF, CAT), pp. 247–253.
RecSys-2009-GemmellRSCM #ambiguity #recommendation- The impact of ambiguity and redundancy on tag recommendation in folksonomies (JG, MR, TS, LC, BM), pp. 45–52.
SIGIR-2009-NohPYLP #automation #multi #network #using- An automatic translation of tags for multimedia contents using folksonomy networks (TGN, SBP, HGY, SJL, SYP), pp. 492–499.
SIGIR-2009-NollYGMS #ranking- Telling experts from spammers: expertise ranking in folksonomies (MGN, CmAY, NG, CM, NS), pp. 612–619.
SAC-2009-EcharteACV #quality- Improving folksonomies quality by syntactic tag variations grouping (FE, JJA, AC, JEV), pp. 1226–1230.
HT-2008-SzomszorCA #correlation #multi- Correlating user profiles from multiple folksonomies (MS, IC, HA), pp. 33–42.
CIKM-2008-AbelHK #question #ranking- Ranking in folksonomy systems: can context help? (FA, NH, DK), pp. 1429–1430.
SIGIR-2008-XuBFSY #personalisation- Exploring folksonomy for personalized search (SX, SB, BF, ZS, YY), pp. 155–162.
DocEng-2007-Storey #documentation #navigation #ontology #taxonomy #using- Navigating documents using ontologies, taxonomies and folksonomies (MADS), p. 2.
HT-2007-Al-KhalifaD #comprehension #towards- Towards better understanding of folksonomic patterns (HSAK, HCD), pp. 163–166.
HT-2007-LaniadoEC #navigation #semantics- A semantic tool to support navigation in a folksonomy (DL, DE, MC), pp. 153–154.
SAC-2007-KimHK #approach #mining- FCA-based approach for mining contextualized folksonomy (HLK, ShH, HGK), pp. 1340–1345.
HT-2006-WuZM #social- Harvesting social knowledge from folksonomies (HW, MZ, KM), pp. 111–114.