147 papers:
DocEng-2015-LiangWWWPBSWBG #automation #framework #named- BBookX: An Automatic Book Creation Framework (CL, SW, ZW, KW, BP, BB, SS, HW, KB, CLG), pp. 121–124.
DRR-2015-SoheiliKS #clustering #image #recognition- Clustering of Farsi sub-word images for whole-book recognition (MRS, EK, DS).
HT-2015-PeraN #recommendation- Analyzing Book-Related Features to Recommend Books for Emergent Readers (MSP, YKN), pp. 221–230.
CHI-2015-Gilbert #abstraction- Open Book: A Socially-inspired Cloaking Technique that Uses Lexical Abstraction to Transform Messages (EG), pp. 477–486.
CSCW-2015-KumarS #facebook #privacy #women- The Modern Day Baby Book: Enacting Good Mothering and Stewarding Privacy on Facebook (PK, SYS), pp. 1302–1312.
ECIR-2015-FoleyA- Retrieving Time from Scanned Books (JF, JA), pp. 221–232.
ECIR-2015-KoolenBBK #analysis #social #social media- Looking for Books in Social Media: An Analysis of Complex Search Requests (MK, TB, AvdB, JK), pp. 184–196.
ECOOP-2015-PetriVJ #formal method #implementation- Cooking the Books: Formalizing JMM Implementation Recipes (GP, JV, SJ), pp. 445–469.
DRR-2014-TaoTX #documentation #learning #random #using- Document page structure learning for fixed-layout e-books using conditional random fields (XT, ZT, CX), p. ?–9.
CSCW-2014-HupfeldR #social- Books as a social technology (AH, TR), pp. 639–651.
CIKM-2014-ZhangYCQGZSH #ranking #social- Social Book Search Reranking with Generalized Content-Based Filtering (BWZ, XCY, XPC, JQ, BG, FZ, LS, HWH), pp. 361–370.
RecSys-2014-PeraN14a #automation #recommendation- Automating readers’ advisory to make book recommendations for K-12 readers (MSP, YKN), pp. 9–16.
SIGIR-2014-GuptaBV #automation #named- CharBoxes: a system for automatic discovery of character infoboxes from books (MG, PB, VV), pp. 1255–1256.
DocEng-2013-WuDLMG #documentation #online- Searching online book documents and analyzing book citations (ZW, SD, ZL, PM, CLG), pp. 81–90.
DRR-2013-DoesD #case study- Lexicon-supported OCR of eighteenth century Dutch books: a case study (JdD, KD).
ICDAR-2013-AntonacopoulosCPP13a #contest #recognition- ICDAR 2013 Competition on Historical Book Recognition (HBR 2013) (AA, CC, CP, SP), pp. 1459–1463.
ICDAR-2013-DoucetKCM #contest- ICDAR 2013 Competition on Book Structure Extraction (AD, GK, SC, GM), pp. 1438–1443.
ICDAR-2013-HePXSN #3d #bound #re-engineering- A Book Dewarping System by Boundary-Based 3D Surface Reconstruction (YH, PP, SX, JS, SN), pp. 403–407.
ICDAR-2013-MehriHGBM #approach- A Pixel Labeling Approach for Historical Digitized Books (MM, PH, PGK, AB, RM), pp. 817–821.
ICDAR-2013-RomeroS #modelling #recognition- Category-Based Language Models for Handwriting Recognition of Marriage License Books (VR, JAS), pp. 788–792.
ICDAR-2013-RomeroS13a #evaluation #process- Human Evaluation of the Transcription Process of a Marriage License Book (VR, JAS), pp. 1255–1259.
ICDAR-2013-WuMG #documentation #recognition- Table of Contents Recognition and Extraction for Heterogeneous Book Documents (ZW, PM, CLG), pp. 1205–1209.
HIMI-D-2013-ChangSCH #design #interface #layout #on the #performance #topic- On the Reading Performance of Text Layout, Switch Position, Topic of Text, and Luminance Contrast for Chinese E-books Interface Design (WTC, LHS, ZC, KCH), pp. 567–575.
HIMI-HSM-2013-LiuskaMS #library #named- BookAidee: Managing Evacuees from Natural Disaster by RFID Tagged Library Books (ML, EM, IS), pp. 124–130.
OCSC-2013-LeeKS #case study #experience #social- Assessing the Possibility of a Social e-Book by Analyzing Reader Experiences (SL, JIK, CS), pp. 50–57.
RecSys-2013-PeraN #personalisation #recommendation #what- What to read next?: making personalized book recommendations for K-12 users (MSP, YKN), pp. 113–120.
DocEng-2012-JayabalRS #challenge #generative- Challenges in generating bookmarks from TOC entries in e-books (YJ, CR, MJS), pp. 37–40.
CHI-2012-ThudtHC #visualisation- The bohemian bookshelf: supporting serendipitous book discoveries through information visualization (AT, UH, SC), pp. 1461–1470.
CSCW-2012-FollmerBRSI #interactive #people #using- People in books: using a FlashCam to become part of an interactive book for connected reading (SF, RB, HR, MS, HI), pp. 685–694.
CIKM-2012-KimFC #behaviour #comprehension #web- Understanding book search behavior on the web (JYK, HAF, MAC), pp. 744–753.
CIKM-2012-KoolenKK #evaluation #social #topic- Social book search: comparing topical relevance judgements and book suggestions for evaluation (MK, JK, GK), pp. 185–194.
ICPR-2012-LiVolsiZB #metric- Collecting historical font metrics from Google Books (RL, RZ, CAB), pp. 351–355.
SIGIR-2012-LarsenLFS #case study #metadata #retrieval- Preliminary study of technical terminology for the retrieval of scientific book metadata records (BL, CL, IF, HS), pp. 1131–1132.
SIGIR-2012-Masys #personalisation- Retrieving information from the book of humanity: the personalized medicine data tsunami crashes on the beach of jeopardy (DRM), pp. 3–4.
SIGIR-2012-PeraN #named #recommendation- BReK12: a book recommender for K-12 users (MSP, YKN), pp. 1037–1038.
SIGIR-2012-YalnizM- Finding translations in scanned book collections (IZY, RM), pp. 465–474.
DRR-2011-FangTG #recognition- Reflowing-driven paragraph recognition for electronic books in PDF (JF, ZT, LG), pp. 1–10.
DRR-2011-XiuB #adaptation #multi #recognition- Multiple-agent adaptation in whole-book recognition (PX, HSB), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2011-DoucetKM #contest- ICDAR 2011 Book Structure Extraction Competition (AD, GK, JLM), pp. 1501–1505.
ICDAR-2011-GaoZTTLH #metadata- Metadata Extraction System for Chinese Books (LG, YZ, YT, ZT, XL, XH), pp. 749–753.
ICDAR-2011-KluznerT #using- Page Curling Correction for Scanned Books Using Local Distortion Information (VK, AT), pp. 890–894.
ICDAR-2011-KluznerTCW #adaptation #approach #hybrid- Hybrid Approach to Adaptive OCR for Historical Books (VK, AT, DC, EW), pp. 900–904.
ICDAR-2011-MarinaiMS- Conversion of PDF Books in ePub Format (SM, EM, GS), pp. 478–482.
ICDAR-2011-RomeroSSV #recognition- Handwritten Text Recognition for Marriage Register Books (VR, JAS, NS, EV), pp. 533–537.
ICDAR-2011-SpasojevicP #clustering #scalability #similarity- Large Scale Page-Based Book Similarity Clustering (NS, GP), pp. 119–125.
ICDAR-2011-YalnizM #automation #evaluation #performance- A Fast Alignment Scheme for Automatic OCR Evaluation of Books (IZY, RM), pp. 754–758.
CSEET-2011-BromanS #how #question #re-engineering #student- How can we make software engineering text books well-founded, up-to-date, and accessible to students? (DB, KS), pp. 386–390.
CHI-2011-MiyataF #documentation #identification- Document area identification for extending books without markers (AM, KF), pp. 3189–3198.
CHI-2011-PatelF #named #visualisation- Read-N-Karaoke: visualizing prosody in children’s books for expressive oral reading (RP, WF), pp. 3203–3206.
CHI-2011-RaffleRMBBHKCFGS #chat #exclamation #product line #video- Hello, is grandma there? let’s read! StoryVisit: family video chat and connected e-books (HR, GR, KM, RB, KB, HH, JK, KC, NF, JG, MS), pp. 1195–1204.
CHI-2011-RosnerT #design- Antiquarian answers: book restoration as a resource for design (DKR, AST), pp. 2665–2668.
DUXU-v1-2011-HuangW #analysis #gesture #interactive #mobile #usability- Usability Analysis in Gesture Operation of Interactive E-Books on Mobile Devices (CHH, CMW), pp. 573–582.
DUXU-v2-2011-Ding #challenge #online- Challenges and Opportunities of Hotel Online Booking in China (WD), pp. 3–12.
HIMI-v2-2011-TsaiY #evaluation #interface- Interface Evaluation of Web-Based e-Picture Books in Taiwan (PsT, MlY), pp. 94–102.
IDGD-2011-MaR #bibliography #perspective- Reading Chinese in e-Book Readers: A Review (LM, PLPR), pp. 211–219.
ICEIS-v2-2011-ZhangZ #algorithm #optimisation #research- Research on the Route Optimization of Book Distribution based on the Tabu Search Algorithm (PZ, ZZ), pp. 125–130.
CIKM-2011-YalnizCM #detection #scalability- Partial duplicate detection for large book collections (IZY, EFC, RM), pp. 469–474.
SIGIR-2011-KazaiKKM #comparative #crowdsourcing #design #evaluation #ranking- Crowdsourcing for book search evaluation: impact of hit design on comparative system ranking (GK, JK, MK, NMF), pp. 205–214.
DocEng-2010-BattleB- Transquotation in EBooks (SAB, MB), pp. 69–72.
DocEng-2010-GiannettiDLSC #estimation #on-demand #performance #profiling- PDF profiling for B&W versus color pages cost estimation for efficient on-demand book printing (FG, GD, RDL, GPeS, AC), pp. 177–180.
DocEng-2010-MarinaiMS #documentation #recognition- Table of contents recognition for converting PDF documents in e-book formats (SM, EM, GS), pp. 73–76.
DRR-2010-XiuB #recognition- Incorporating linguistic post-processing into whole-book recognition (PX, HSB), pp. 1–10.
ICPR-2010-XiuB #adaptation #recognition- Incorporating Linguistic Model Adaptation into Whole-Book Recognition (PX, HSB), pp. 2057–2060.
ICDAR-2009-DoucetKDURT #contest- ICDAR 2009 Book Structure Extraction Competition (AD, GK, BD, AU, BR, NT), pp. 1408–1412.
ICDAR-2009-Fan #image #robust- Robust Color Image Enhancement of Digitized Books (JF), pp. 561–565.
ICDAR-2009-GaoTLTC #analysis #clustering #documentation- Analysis of Book Documents’ Table of Content Based on Clustering (LG, ZT, XL, XT, YC), pp. 911–915.
ICDAR-2009-KluznerTSWA #adaptation- Word-Based Adaptive OCR for Historical Books (VK, AT, YS, EW, AA), pp. 501–505.
ICDAR-2009-XiuB #recognition #scalability- Scaling Up Whole-Book Recognition (PX, HSB), pp. 698–702.
ICFP-2009-FlattBF #ad hoc #documentation #named #tool support- Scribble: closing the book on ad hoc documentation tools (MF, EB, RBF), pp. 109–120.
CIKM-2009-ShiWY #framework #named #recommendation #semantics- Msuggest: a semantic recommender framework for traditional chinese medicine book search engine (SS, BW, YY), pp. 533–542.
RecSys-2009-GivonL #predict #recommendation- Predicting social-tags for cold start book recommendations (SG, VL), pp. 333–336.
CASE-2008-LeeCAP #automation #image #library #process- Matching book-spine images for library shelf-reading process automation (DJL, YC, JKA, CP), pp. 738–743.
DocEng-2008-ObradorMMO #image #interactive #taxonomy- Image collection taxonomies for photo-book auto-population with intuitive interaction (PO, NM, IM, EOS), pp. 102–103.
DRR-2008-GaoT #approach- A mixed approach to book splitting (LG, ZT), p. 68150.
DRR-2008-XiuB #adaptation #recognition #using- Whole-book recognition using mutual-entropy-driven model adaptation (PX, HSB), p. 681506.
HT-2008-KimFB #navigation #social- Spatial annotation and social navigation support for electronic books (JKK, RF, PB), pp. 233–234.
CHI-2008-ChenGDLA #navigation- Navigation techniques for dual-display e-book readers (NC, FG, MD, CL, MA), pp. 1779–1788.
CHI-2008-QuinnHARB #library #readability- Readability of scanned books in digital libraries (AJQ, CH, TA, AR, BBB), pp. 705–714.
CIKM-2008-SooCFAF- Yizkor books: a voice for the silent past (JJS, RC, OF, MJA, GF), pp. 1337–1338.
ECIR-2008-AbdullahG #approach #usability #using- Using a Task-Based Approach in Evaluating the Usability of BoBIs in an E-book Environment (NA, FG), pp. 246–257.
ECIR-2008-WuKT #information retrieval- Book Search Experiments: Investigating IR Methods for the Indexing and Retrieval of Books (HW, GK, MT), pp. 234–245.
ICPR-2008-NeebaJ #recognition #verification- Recognition of books by verification and retraining (NVN, CVJ), pp. 1–4.
SIGIR-2008-CrainHZ #classification #scalability- A scalable assistant librarian: hierarchical subject classification of books (SPC, JH, HZ), pp. 799–800.
SLE-2008-HostO #java- The Java Programmer’s Phrase Book (EWH, BMØ), pp. 322–341.
DRR-2007-LangleyB- Google Books: making the public domain universally accessible (AL, DSB).
ICDAR-2007-Likforman-SulemS #network #recognition #using- Recognition of Broken Characters from Historical Printed Books Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks (LLS, MS), pp. 173–177.
ICDAR-2007-ShimanukiKW #design- Extracting Features of Paper-made Objects Recognized from Origami Books Based on Design Knowledge (HS, JK, TW), pp. 1203–1207.
ICDAR-2007-Vincent #comprehension #documentation- Google Book Search: Document Understanding on a Massive Scale (LV), pp. 819–823.
ICDAR-2007-WuLFLX #2d #image #modelling- A Model Based Book Dewarping Method to Handle 2D Images Captured by a Digital Camera (MW, RL, BF, WL, ZX), pp. 158–162.
CHI-2007-LampeES #network #online #social- A familiar face(book): profile elements as signals in an online social network (CL, NBE, CS), pp. 435–444.
HCI-IPT-2007-DuarteCM #mobile- Playback of Rich Digital Books on Mobile Devices (CD, LC, FM), pp. 270–279.
HIMI-IIE-2007-TaketaHKN #artificial reality- Virtual Pop-Up Book Based on Augmented Reality (NT, KH, HK, SN), pp. 475–484.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-MuranoGH #feedback #online #user interface- Anthropomorphic vs Non-Anthropomorphic User Interface Feedback for Online Hotel Bookings (PM, AG, POH), pp. 157–163.
ECIR-2007-BettsMO #classification #information management- The Utility of Information Extraction in the Classification of Books (TB, MM, JO), pp. 295–306.
CSCW-2006-LampeES #social- A face(book) in the crowd: social Searching vs. social browsing (CL, NBE, CS), pp. 167–170.
DRR-2005-WalvoordEKH #recognition- Enhancement and character recognition of the erased colophon of a 15th-century Hebrewa prayer book (DJW, RLEJ, KTK, MH), pp. 157–166.
ICDAR-2005-FanLS #image- A Comprehensive Image Processing Suite for Book Re-mastering (JF, XL, SJS), pp. 447–451.
CHI-2005-TeeMFMMPF #visual notation- A visual recipe book for persons with language impairments (KT, KM, LF, EM, JM, BP, SF), pp. 501–510.
DRR-2004-HeDP #documentation #logic- Hierarchical logical structure extraction of book documents by analyzing tables of contents (FH, XD, LP), pp. 6–13.
ITiCSE-2004-WangC #assessment #learning #online #performance- Extending e-books with annotation, online support and assessment mechanisms to increase efficiency of learning (CYW, GDC), pp. 132–136.
CHI-2004-SchraefelHMSPF #pervasive- Breaking the book: translating the chemistry lab book into a pervasive computing lab environment (MMCS, GVH, HRM, GS, TRP, JGF), pp. 25–32.
ICEIS-v4-2004-ZhaoI #framework- A Web-Based Time Booking Framework (LZ, AI), pp. 439–442.
ICEIS-v5-2004-CarricoDGT #composition- Modular Production of Rich Digital Talking Books (LC, CD, NG, AJS, IT), pp. 158–163.
ICEIS-v5-2004-DuarteCS #architecture #flexibility #interface- A Flexible Interface Architecture for Digital Talking Books (CD, LC, HS), pp. 146–151.
SIGIR-2004-Sun #comprehension #representation- Discovering and representing the contextual and narrative structure of e-books to support reading and comprehension (abstract only) (YS), p. 603.
SIGIR-2004-SunHW #comprehension #design #user interface #visualisation- Design of an e-book user interface and visualizations to support reading for comprehension (YS, DJH, SNKW), pp. 510–511.
ICDAR-2003-ShimanukiKW #process #recognition- Recognition of Folding Process from Origami Drill Books (HS, JK, TW), pp. 550–554.
ITiCSE-2003-CrescenziI #usability- A tool to develop electronic course books based on WWW technologies, resources and usability criteria (PC, GI), pp. 163–167.
ITiCSE-2003-PapadopoulosP #algorithm #authoring #education #using- Using ToolBook authoring tool to facilitate the teaching of algorithms (GP, HMP), p. 277.
ICSM-2003-Mul #internet #legacy- Making maximum use of legacy code: Transavia internet booking engine (CM), p. 466.
CHI-2003-KlemmerGWL #interface #physics- Books with voices: paper transcripts as a physical interface to oral histories (SRK, JG, GJW, JAL), pp. 89–96.
SEKE-2003-ShaoC- Management of the Growing Book as Generalized Objects (SS, SKC), pp. 599–606.
SAC-2003-WilsonL #usability- Evaluating the Usability of Portable Electronic Books (RW, ML), pp. 564–568.
CADE-2003-BaumgartnerFGS #deduction #interactive #quote #slicing- “Living Book” :- “Deduction”, “Slicing”, “Interaction” (PB, UF, MGH, AS), pp. 284–288.
ITiCSE-2002-Gibson #documentation #student- The student record book: showing the value of documentation (RG), p. 197.
ITiCSE-2002-Martinez-UnanuePPUV #bibliography #education #programming- Electronic books for programming education: a review and future prospects (RMU, MPV, CPF, JUF, JÁVI), pp. 34–38.
SAC-2002-CobosA #information management- From collective knowledge to e-books (RC, XA), pp. 525–529.
ICDAR-2001-IwataYYKIM #identification #library #using- Book Cover Identification by Using Four Directional Features Filed for a Small-Scale Library System (KI, KY, MY, KK, MI, KM), pp. 582–586.
CHI-2001-BackCGHM- Listen reader: an electronically augmented paper-based book (MB, JC, RG, SRH, SLM), pp. 23–29.
CHI-2000-BoreczkyGGU #interactive #video- An interactive comic book presentation for exploring video (JSB, AG, GG, SU), pp. 185–192.
CHI-2000-WoodruffGPCC #recommendation- Enhancing a digital book with a reading recommender (AW, RG, JEP, EHhC, SKC), pp. 153–160.
ICPR-v4-2000-NakamuraSO #3d #image #re-engineering #sequence- 3D Reconstruction of Book Surface Taken from Image Sequence with Handy Camera (KN, HS, SO), pp. 4575–4578.
ICDAR-1999-SobottkaBK #identification- Identification of Text on Colored Book and Journal Covers (KS, HB, HK), pp. 57–62.
HCI-EI-1999-MarcusAFG99a #design #interface #online #transaction- User-Interface Design for Online Transactions: Planet SABRE Air-Travel Booking (AM, JA, VF, EG), pp. 656–660.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-OrtigosaC #framework #named- SmartBooks: A Step Beyond Active-Cookbooks to Aid in Framework Instantiation (AO, MC), pp. 131–140.
ICDAR-1997-KatoWN #recognition- Recognition of Essential Folding Operations: A Step for Interpreting Illustrated Books of Origami (JK, TW, TN), pp. 81–85.
ICDAR-1997-LinNN #analysis #documentation #image #logic #using- Logical Structure Analysis of Book Document Images Using Contents Information (CL, YN, SN), pp. 1048–1054.
ICDAR-1997-RobertLL #image- Image and text coupling for creating electronic books from manuscripts (LR, LLS, EL), pp. 823–826.
ICDAR-1997-WatanabeN #retrieval- Construction of retrieval system for pictorial book of flora (YW, MN), pp. 962–967.
ITiCSE-1997-Rosbottom #assessment- Computer managed, open question, open book assessment (JR), pp. 100–102.
ITiCSE-1997-TheotokisGGP #data type #education #interactive #named- VIBDaST: a virtual interactive book as a data structures teaching aid (DT, GG, PG, GP), pp. 111–113.
HCI-SEC-1997-UenoSO #html #question- Book Based View and Scroll Based View: Which is Suited for HTML Viewers? (KU, KS, HO), pp. 795–798.
SAC-1997-LiMII #communication- Booking heterogeneous processor resources to reduce communication overhead (DL, AM, YI, NI), pp. 354–360.
CHI-1996-CardRY #web- The WebBook and the Web Forager: An Information Workspace for the World-Wide Web (SKC, GGR, WY), p. 111.
SAC-1996-LeeHHC #case study #how #implementation #performance #problem #process #set- Efficient implementations of two variant subset sum problems: a case study of how to process appraisal books resulting from fire-destroyed money (PL, FYH, CYH, HTC), pp. 230–237.
CHI-1995-ChuahRKMJ #named- SageBook: Searching Data-Graphics by Content (MCC, SFR, JK, JM, OJ), pp. 338–345.
HT-1993-CharoenkitkarnTCG #design #query- Browsing Through Querying: Designing for Electronic Books (NC, JT, MHC, GG), pp. 206–216.
ICDAR-1993-WatanabeKS #interface #retrieval #visual notation- Visual interface for retrieval of electronic-formed books (TW, YK, NS), pp. 692–695.
HT-ECHT-1992-Brody- The Expanded Books (Demonstration) (FB), p. 296.
HT-ECHT-1992-Coover #hypermedia #named- Hypertext: Beyond the End of the Book (RC), p. 289.
HT-ECHT-1992-MonnardP #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented Scripting Environment for the WEBSs Electronic Book System (JM, JPB), pp. 81–90.
CHI-1992-AraiYM- A window system with leafing through mode: BookWindow (KA, TY, YM), pp. 291–292.
CHI-1992-MynattLIFR #hypermedia #question- Hypertext or Book: Which is Better for Answering Questions? (BTM, LML, KI, JF, DSR), pp. 19–25.
HT-1991-Moulthrop #hypermedia- Beyond the Electronic Book: A Critique of Hypertext Rhetoric (SM), pp. 291–298.
ECOOP-1988-Pasquier-BoltuckGC #approach #interactive #object-oriented #prototype #using- Prototyping an Interactive Electronic Book System Using an Object-Oriented Approach (JPB, EG, GC), pp. 177–190.
HT-1987-RemdeGL #automation #hypermedia #named #question- SuperBook: An Automatic Tool for Information Exploration — Hypertext? (JRR, LMG, TKL), pp. 175–188.
VLDB-1985-Shasha #named- NetBook — a Data Model to Support Knowledge Exploration (DS), pp. 418–425.