4 papers:
KDD-2015-PotashBLMRWRJMG #health #modelling #predict- Predictive Modeling for Public Health: Preventing Childhood Lead Poisoning (EP, JB, AL, SM, AR, JW, ER, EJ, RM, RG), pp. 2039–2047.
CSCW-2013-PiperDH #comprehension #documentation #education- Going digital: understanding paper and photo documentation practices in early childhood education (AMP, SD, JDH), pp. 1319–1328.
DUXU-CXC-2013-BarrosNCSC #design #development #game studies- The Design in the Development of Exergames: A New Game for the Contribute to Control Childhood Obesity (MB, AN, WC, MMS, FC), pp. 491–500.
CSCW-2012-PaoMCR #approach #collaboration #design- A need-driven design approach: addressing latent needs in collaboration rooted in early childhood (SYP, SM, KC, AR), pp. 829–832.