13 papers:
HCI-DE-2015-BakkeB #developer #learning #proximity- The Closer the Better: Effects of Developer-User Proximity for Mutual Learning (SB, TB), pp. 14–26.
CHI-2014-BurkeK #facebook #network #social- Growing closer on facebook: changes in tie strength through social network site use (MB, REK), pp. 4187–4196.
CHI-2014-GrimpeHJ #design #human-computer #policy #towards- Towards a closer dialogue between policy and practice: responsible design in HCI (BG, MH, MJ), pp. 2965–2974.
VISSOFT-2013-SassoL #debugging- A closer look at bugs (TDS, ML), pp. 1–4.
SIGMOD-2012-ArvanitisK #named- PrefDB: bringing preferences closer to the DBMS (AA, GK), pp. 665–668.
ITiCSE-2011-UrbanoMMM #information retrieval #student- Bringing undergraduate students closer to a real-world information retrieval setting: methodology and resources (JU, MM, DM, JM), pp. 293–297.
OOPSLA-2010-LiZH #named #programming- G-Finder: routing programming questions closer to the experts (WL, CZ, SH), pp. 62–73.
ICEIS-J-2008-DroopFGGLPSSSSZ08a #rdf #semantics #web #xml #xpath- Bringing the XML and Semantic Web Worlds Closer: Transforming XML into RDF and Embedding XPath into SPARQL (MD, MF, JG, SG, VL, JP, FS, MS, FS, HS, SZ), pp. 31–45.
ISMM-2008-DilligDYC #automation #java #resource management- The CLOSER: automating resource management in java (ID, TD, EY, SC), pp. 1–10.
ICEIS-v3-2003-LopezMFL #adaptation #generative #people #towards #user interface- Towards Adaptive User Interface Generation: One Step Closer to People (VLJ, FMS, AFC, MDL), pp. 97–103.
DATE-2000-Nassif #design- Designing Closer to the Edge (SRN), pp. 636–637.
ICRE-2000-BreitmanL #evolution- Scenario Evolution: A Closer View on Relationships (KB, JCSdPL), pp. 95–105.
ICSE-1982-Mili- A Closer Look at Iteration: The Self Stabilizing Capability of Loops (AM), pp. 48–57.