6 papers:
VISSOFT-2011-DengDJ #dependence #information management #visualisation- Constellation visualization: Augmenting program dependence with dynamic information (FD, ND, JAJ), pp. 1–8.
REFSQ-2008-FrickerG #framework #requirements- Negotiation Constellations — Method Selection Framework for Requirements Negotiation (SF, PG), pp. 37–51.
SAC-2008-GordijnWRW #self #towards- Towards self-configuration and management of e-service provisioning in dynamic value constellations (JG, HW, MR, RW), pp. 566–571.
CAiSE-2007-DerzsiGKAT #case study- Assessing Feasibility of IT-Enabled Networked Value Constellations: A Case Study in the Electricity Sector (ZD, JG, KK, HA, YHT), pp. 66–80.
CAiSE-2007-PijpersG #comprehension #named- e3forces: Understanding Strategies of Networked e 3 value Constellations by Analyzing Environmental Forces (VP, JG), pp. 188–202.
RE-2006-GordijnPW #comprehension #modelling #using- Understanding Business Strategies of Networked Value Constellations Using Goal- and Value Modeling (JG, MP, RW), pp. 126–135.