19 papers:
HT-2015-AhlersM #challenge #collaboration #concept #network #semantics- Everything is Filed under “File”: Conceptual Challenges in Applying Semantic Search to Network Shares for Collaborative Work (DA, MM), pp. 327–328.
KR-2014-Herzig #logic- Belief Change Operations: A Short History of Nearly Everything, Told in Dynamic Logic of Propositional Assignments (AH).
SAT-2014-BalyoFHB #set- Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Blocked Sets (But Were Afraid to Ask) (TB, AF, MH, AB), pp. 317–332.
SPLC-2013-McGregorANS- Scale changes everything, but… (JDM, MA, LMN, KS), p. 288.
SOSP-2013-DavidGT- Everything you always wanted to know about synchronization but were afraid to ask (TD, RG, VT), pp. 33–48.
CSCW-2012-LeeTH #coordination #named- Micro-coordination: because we did not already learn everything we need to know about working with others in kindergarten (JSL, DGT, SH), pp. 1135–1144.
VLDB-2011-PandisTJA #named- PLP: Page Latch-free Shared-everything OLTP (IP, PT, RJ, AA), pp. 610–621.
SIGAda-2011-Booch #ada- Everything i know i learned from ada (GB), pp. 17–18.
CIKM-2011-YamamotoNT #interface #named #ranking- RerankEverything: a reranking interface for exploring search results (TY, SN, KT), pp. 1913–1916.
ASPLOS-2011-Larus- The cloud will change everything (JRL), pp. 1–2.
CIKM-2010-HaghaniMA #personalisation #web- The gist of everything new: personalized top-k processing over web 2.0 streams (PH, SM, KA), pp. 489–498.
OSDI-2010-BroomheadCRV- Virtualize Everything but Time (TB, LC, JR, DV), pp. 451–464.
CHI-2009-EgelmanTCA #online #privacy- Timing is everything?: the effects of timing and placement of online privacy indicators (SE, JYT, LFC, AA), pp. 319–328.
STOC-2007-BorgsCDR #analysis- First to market is not everything: an analysis of preferential attachment with fitness (CB, JTC, CD, SR), pp. 135–144.
CIKM-2007-Pereira #learning- Learning to join everything (FP0), pp. 9–10.
VLDB-2001-AmirKN #database #image- Analyzing Quantitative Databases: Image is Everything (AA, RK, NSN), pp. 89–98.
ITiCSE-1998-MeadHBRBS #education #re-engineering- Everything you ever wanted to know about software engineering education, but were afraid to ask (panel) (NRM, TBH, DJB, MR, OB, FLVS), pp. 260–263.
ICSE-1997-Ackerman #collaboration- Everything you Need To Know About Collaboration and Collaboration Software (MSA), p. 592.
ICALP-1989-BrassardC #bound- Everything in NP can be Argued in Perfect Zero-Knowledge in a Bounded Number of Rounds (GB, CC, MY), pp. 123–136.