553 papers:
- DAC-2015-WolfF #architecture #continuation #question #what
- What don’t we know about CPS architectures? (MW, EF), p. 4.
- DocEng-2015-Paoli #documentation #what
- Documents as Data, Data as Documents: What we learned about Semi-Structured Information for our Open World of Cloud & Devices (JP), p. 1.
- SIGMOD-2015-ArulrajPD #database #memory management
- Let’s Talk About Storage & Recovery Methods for Non-Volatile Memory Database Systems (JA, AP, SD), pp. 707–722.
- SIGMOD-2015-CSKZYRPAKDRD #big data #industrial #what #why
- Why Big Data Industrial Systems Need Rules and What We Can Do About It (PSGC, CS, KGK, HZ, FY, NR, SP, EA, GK, RD, VR, AD), pp. 265–276.
- ITiCSE-2015-Tudor #learning #optimisation #query #xml
- Virtual Learning Laboratory about Query Optimization against XML Data (LNT), p. 348.
- ESOP-2015-DavidKL15a #reasoning #safety #source code #termination
- Propositional Reasoning about Safety and Termination of Heap-Manipulating Programs (CD, DK, ML), pp. 661–684.
- FASE-2015-DaniaC #modelling #reasoning
- Model-Based Formal Reasoning about Data-Management Applications (CD, MC), pp. 218–232.
- MSR-2015-HonselHG #evaluation #stack overflow
- Intuition vs. Truth: Evaluation of Common Myths about StackOverflow Posts (VH, SH, JG), pp. 438–441.
- FM-2015-BringerCML #architecture #design #privacy #reasoning
- Privacy by Design in Practice: Reasoning about Privacy Properties of Biometric System Architectures (JB, HC, DLM, RL), pp. 90–107.
- SEFM-2015-JonesY #abstraction #reasoning #using
- Reasoning about Separation Using Abstraction and Reification (CBJ, NY), pp. 3–19.
- CHI-2015-0001RJ #smarttech
- It’s About Time: Smartwatches as Public Displays (JP, SR, MJ), pp. 1257–1266.
- CHI-2015-AmmariKLS #how #online #what
- Managing Children’s Online Identities: How Parents Decide what to Disclose about their Children Online (TA, PK, CL, SYS), pp. 1895–1904.
- CHI-2015-EslamiRVAVKHS #algorithm #quote #reasoning
- “I always assumed that I wasn’t really that close to [her]”: Reasoning about Invisible Algorithms in News Feeds (ME, AR, KV, AA, AV, KK, KH, CS), pp. 153–162.
- CHI-2015-FourneyWH
- Exploring Time-Dependent Concerns about Pregnancy and Childbirth from Search Logs (AF, RWW, EH), pp. 737–746.
- CHI-2015-JohnsonNW #all about #case study #experience #game studies #video
- All about that Base: Differing Player Experiences in Video Game Genres and the Unique Case of MOBA Games (DJ, LEN, PW), pp. 2265–2274.
- CHI-2015-KoemanKR #approach #distributed #exclamation #quote #visualisation
- “Everyone Is Talking about It!”: A Distributed Approach to Urban Voting Technology and Visualisations (LK, VK, YR), pp. 3127–3136.
- CHI-2015-LiaoFM #all about
- It Is All About Perspective: An Exploration of Mitigating Selective Exposure with Aspect Indicators (QVL, WTF, SSM), pp. 1439–1448.
- CHI-2015-RaderG #algorithm #comprehension #facebook
- Understanding User Beliefs About Algorithmic Curation in the Facebook News Feed (ER, RG), pp. 173–182.
- CHI-2015-ValtchanovH #feedback #named
- EnviroPulse: Providing Feedback about the Expected Affective Valence of the Environment (DV, MSH), pp. 2073–2082.
- CSCW-2015-VinesWSWO #authentication #collaboration #information management
- Authenticity, Relatability and Collaborative Approaches to Sharing Knowledge about Assistive Living Technology (JV, PCW, DS, MW, PO), pp. 82–94.
- DUXU-IXD-2015-GoncalvesQ #automation #behaviour #case study #interactive
- Drivers and Automation: A Study About Cultural and Behavioral Influence in the Interaction with Driver Assistants (RCG, MQ), pp. 462–472.
- HCI-DE-2015-BevanCH #question #usability #what
- ISO 9241-11 Revised: What Have We Learnt About Usability Since 1998? (NB, JC, SH), pp. 143–151.
- HCI-DE-2015-ChamunZMOS #approach #design #documentation #what
- What About Document Folding? User Impressions and a Design Approach (RC, AdCAZ, IHM, JBSdO, MSS), pp. 307–319.
- HIMI-IKC-2015-ItaiM #development #interactive #using
- Study About Creation of “Maai” Involving Intention Using Rhythm Controller — Development of Maai Creating Agent and Interaction Experiments Between Human and Agent (SI, YM), pp. 599–609.
- SCSM-2015-BeldadK #facebook #risk management
- It’s Not About the Risks, I’m just Used to Doing It: Disclosure of Personal Information on Facebook Among Adolescent Dutch Users (ADB, RK), pp. 185–195.
- ICEIS-v2-2015-BrancoOGPC #empirical
- An Empirical Study about the Influence of Project Manager Personality in Software Project Effort (DTMCB, ECCdO, LG, RP, TC), pp. 102–113.
- SIGIR-2015-Hoenkamp #interactive #interface #quality
- About the “Compromised Information Need” and Optimal Interaction as Quality Measure for Search Interfaces (ECH), pp. 835–838.
- MoDELS-J-2011-JacksonLB15 #automation #metamodelling #reasoning
- Automatically reasoning about metamodeling (EKJ, TL, DB), pp. 271–285.
- MoDELS-J-2011-JacksonLB15 #automation #metamodelling #reasoning
- Automatically reasoning about metamodeling (EKJ, TL, DB), pp. 271–285.
- OOPSLA-2015-NtzikG #file system #reasoning
- Reasoning about the POSIX file system: local update and global pathnames (GN, PG), pp. 201–220.
- POPL-2015-HeGWZ #automaton #composition #concurrent #probability #reasoning
- Leveraging Weighted Automata in Compositional Reasoning about Concurrent Probabilistic Systems (FH, XG, BYW, LZ), pp. 503–514.
- POPL-2015-VafeiadisBCMN #compilation #memory management #optimisation #what
- Common Compiler Optimisations are Invalid in the C11 Memory Model and what we can do about it (VV, TB, SC, RM, FZN), pp. 209–220.
- REFSQ-2015-GharibG #modelling #quality #reasoning #requirements
- Modeling and Reasoning About Information Quality Requirements (MG, PG), pp. 49–64.
- SAC-2015-NonnenmacherOBV #modelling #process
- Modelling consumers decision-making process about excluding products as a result of mutual influence (VN, LPLdO, BEJB, MBV), pp. 1123–1128.
- ESEC-FSE-2015-GuJSZL #concurrent #thread #what
- What change history tells us about thread synchronization (RG, GJ, LS, LZ, SL), pp. 426–438.
- ICSE-v2-2015-AndersonSD #case study #industrial #predict
- Striving for Failure: An Industrial Case Study about Test Failure Prediction (JA, SS, HD), pp. 49–58.
- SPLC-2015-TeixeiraABG #evolution #product line #reasoning
- A product line of theories for reasoning about safe evolution of product lines (LT, VA, PB, RG), pp. 161–170.
- PPoPP-2015-Gramoli #algorithm #concurrent #impact analysis
- More than you ever wanted to know about synchronization: synchrobench, measuring the impact of the synchronization on concurrent algorithms (VG), pp. 1–10.
- CSL-2015-Williams
- Thinking Algorithmically About Impossibility (Invited Talk) (RRW), pp. 14–23.
- ICLP-2015-LeeWZ #automation #programming #reasoning #set #using
- Automated Reasoning about XACML 3.0 Delegation Using Answer Set Programming (JL, YW, YZ).
- LICS-2015-CrubilleL #metric #reasoning
- Metric Reasoning about ?-Terms: The Affine Case (RC, UDL), pp. 633–644.
- CSMR-WCRE-2014-RahmanYR #exception #fault #ide #programming #recommendation #towards
- Towards a context-aware IDE-based meta search engine for recommendation about programming errors and exceptions (MMR, SY, CKR), pp. 194–203.
- ICPC-2014-WenT #clustering #evaluation #product line
- The MoJo family: a story about clustering evaluation (invited talk) (ZW, VT), p. 2.
- ICSME-2014-PanichellaBPCA #developer #how
- How Developers’ Collaborations Identified from Different Sources Tell Us about Code Changes (SP, GB, MDP, GC, GA), pp. 251–260.
- MSR-2014-PintoCL #energy #mining
- Mining questions about software energy consumption (GP, FC, YDL), pp. 22–31.
- MSR-2014-RoblesRSVG #bibliography #challenge #dataset
- FLOSS 2013: a survey dataset about free software contributors: challenges for curating, sharing, and combining (GR, LAR, AS, BV, JMGB), pp. 396–399.
- STOC-2014-KumarS #all about #reduction
- The limits of depth reduction for arithmetic formulas: it’s all about the top fan-in (MK, SS), pp. 136–145.
- DLT-2014-Berlinkov #algorithm #automaton #on the #problem
- On Two Algorithmic Problems about Synchronizing Automata — (Short Paper) (MVB), pp. 61–67.
- CHI-2014-GossenHN #case study #comparative #web
- A comparative study about children’s and adults’ perception of targeted web search engines (TG, JH, AN), pp. 1821–1824.
- CHI-2014-LieberBM #concept #programming #visualisation
- Addressing misconceptions about code with always-on programming visualizations (TL, JRB, RCM), pp. 2481–2490.
- CHI-2014-MasseyTTW #file system #question #what
- PIM and personality: what do our personal file systems say about us? (CM, ST, CT, SW), pp. 3695–3704.
- CSCW-2014-GaoXCF #how #multi
- How beliefs about the presence of machine translation impact multilingual collaborations (GG, BX, DC, SRF), pp. 1549–1560.
- DUXU-DI-2014-ChoiCSLY #case study #crowdsourcing #design
- A Study about Designing Reward for Gamified Crowdsourcing System (JC, HC, WS, JL, JY), pp. 678–687.
- DUXU-DI-2014-Hellweg #development #education #future of #game studies #what
- Wanting the Unwanted — What Games Can Teach Us about the Future of Software Development (DH), pp. 711–719.
- DUXU-DI-2014-Schranz #artificial reality #design #hybrid #physics
- Augmented Reality in Design — Thinking about Hybrid Forms of Virtual and Physical Space in Design (CS), pp. 624–635.
- DUXU-ELAS-2014-MontAlvao #bibliography #health #using
- Health Care Professionals vs Other Professionals: Do They Have Different Perceptions about Health Care Waste and Dangerous Products Pictograms? Some Findings Using a Digital Device in Field Survey (CRM), pp. 83–90.
- DUXU-ELAS-2014-Waarde #question
- Information about Medicines for Patients in Europe: To Impede or to Empower? (KvdW), pp. 132–140.
- HCI-TMT-2014-LizanoS #comprehension #developer #towards #usability
- Improvement of Novice Software Developers’ Understanding about Usability: The Role of Empathy Toward Users as a Case of Emotional Contagion (FL, JS), pp. 207–218.
- LCT-TRE-2014-LoureiroSBR #collaboration #question #what
- Collaboration, Knowledge Sharing and Digital Environments: What about Argumentation and Questioning Skills? (MJ(L, FNdS, AB, AR), pp. 440–449.
- SCSM-2014-Fu #microblog #network #social
- Can Network Help Chinese Microblogs Diffuse? Analyzing 118 Networks of Reposts About Social Issues in China (KwF), pp. 331–341.
- SCSM-2014-TurnerH #network #social #what
- What Does Your Profile Picture Say About You? The Accuracy of Thin-Slice Personality Judgments from Social Networking Sites Made at Zero-Acquaintance (MT, NH), pp. 506–516.
- KEOD-2014-DogmusPE #natural language #ontology #query
- Answering Natural Language Queries about Rehabilitation Robotics Ontology on the Cloud (ZD, VP, EE), pp. 75–83.
- KR-2014-GutierrezHW #concurrent #reasoning
- Reasoning about Equilibria in Game-Like Concurrent Systems (JG, PH, MW).
- KR-2014-Morgenstern #concept #reasoning #representation
- Representing and Reasoning about Time Travel Narratives: Foundational Concepts (LM).
- ECOOP-2014-SunshineHA #documentation #empirical #programming #protocol
- Structuring Documentation to Support State Search: A Laboratory Experiment about Protocol Programming (JS, JDH, JA), pp. 157–181.
- POPL-2014-Birkedal #composition #concurrent #higher-order #imperative #reasoning #source code
- Modular reasoning about concurrent higher-order imperative programs (LB), pp. 1–2.
- POPL-2014-ChongDK #abstraction #parallel #reasoning
- A sound and complete abstraction for reasoning about parallel prefix sums (NC, AFD, JK), pp. 397–410.
- POPL-2014-ItzhakyBILNS #composition #effectiveness #reasoning
- Modular reasoning about heap paths via effectively propositional formulas (SI, AB, NI, OL, AN, MS), pp. 385–396.
- RE-2014-IngolfoSM #reasoning #requirements
- Nòmos 3: Reasoning about regulatory compliance of requirements (SI, AS, JM), pp. 313–314.
- FSE-2014-TsayDH #git
- Let’s talk about it: evaluating contributions through discussion in GitHub (JT, LD, JDH), pp. 144–154.
- SAT-2014-BalyoFHB #set
- Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Blocked Sets (But Were Afraid to Ask) (TB, AF, MH, AB), pp. 317–332.
- SMT-2014-LamC #reasoning #set
- Reasoning About Set Comprehensions (ESLL, IC), pp. 27–37.
- CSEET-2013-Andrews #quality
- Killer App: A Eurogame about software quality (JHA), pp. 319–323.
- ESOP-2013-SvendsenBP #composition #concurrent #data type #reasoning
- Modular Reasoning about Separation of Concurrent Data Structures (KS, LB, MJP), pp. 169–188.
- CSMR-2013-AnicheOG #case study #industrial #open source #quality #testing #what
- What Do the Asserts in a Unit Test Tell Us about Code Quality? A Study on Open Source and Industrial Projects (MFA, GAO, MAG), pp. 111–120.
- ICSM-2013-EbertC #case study #debugging #developer #exception
- A Study on Developers’ Perceptions about Exception Handling Bugs (FE, FC), pp. 448–451.
- MSR-2013-AsaduzzamanMRS #stack overflow
- Answering questions about unanswered questions of stack overflow (MA, ASM, CKR, KAS), pp. 97–100.
- MSR-2013-StevensGFDC #android
- Asking for (and about) permissions used by Android apps (RS, JG, VF, PTD, HC), pp. 31–40.
- WCRE-2013-YamashitaM #bibliography #developer #smell
- Do developers care about code smells? An exploratory survey (AFY, LM), pp. 242–251.
- PLDI-2013-CookK #nondeterminism #reasoning #source code
- Reasoning about nondeterminism in programs (BC, EK), pp. 219–230.
- ICALP-v2-2013-AlmagorBK #formal method #quality #reasoning
- Formalizing and Reasoning about Quality (SA, UB, OK), pp. 15–27.
- CHI-2013-BardzellB #design #question #what
- What is “critical” about critical design? (JB, SB), pp. 3297–3306.
- CHI-2013-DoornSG #design #experience #research #user interface #using
- Design research by proxy: using children as researchers to gain contextual knowledge about user experience (FvD, PJS, MG), pp. 2883–2892.
- CHI-2013-GrahamSPBD #architecture #distributed #game studies #what
- Villains, architects and micro-managers: what tabula rasa teaches us about game orchestration (TCNG, IS, MP, QB, RD), pp. 705–714.
- CHI-2013-ObristSS #case study #experience
- Talking about tactile experiences (MO, SAS, SS), pp. 1659–1668.
- CSCW-2013-SchneiderSPD #ad hoc #experience #how #online
- Arguments about deletion: how experience improves the acceptability of arguments in ad-hoc online task groups (JS, KS, AP, SD), pp. 1069–1080.
- DUXU-NTE-2013-SonntagZSWT #artificial reality #cyber-physical #information management #multimodal #towards
- Towards Medical Cyber-Physical Systems: Multimodal Augmented Reality for Doctors and Knowledge Discovery about Patients (DS, SZ, CHS, MW, TT), pp. 401–410.
- DUXU-PMT-2013-FrancaSM #parallel
- Is Reality Real? Thoughts and Conjectures about Culture, Self, Intersubjectivity and Parallel Worlds in Digital Technologies (ACPdF, MMS, LRdLM), pp. 68–73.
- DUXU-PMT-2013-Moallem #network
- Location, Location, Location: About Home Networking Devices Location and Features (AM), pp. 107–114.
- DUXU-WM-2013-SasajimaNKHHNTTM #learning #ontology
- CHARM Pad: Ontology-Based Tool for Learning Systematic Knowledge about Nursing (MS, SN, YK, AH, KH, AN, HT, YT, RM), pp. 560–567.
- HCI-AMTE-2013-GabillonLO #case study #composition #towards #user interface
- Towards Ergonomic User Interface Composition: A Study about Information Density Criterion (YG, SL, KMdO), pp. 211–220.
- OCSC-2013-BramanVDWRT #education #network #perspective #social
- Teaching about the Impacts of Social Networks: An End of Life Perspective (JB, GV, AD, YW, KR, UT), pp. 240–249.
- CAiSE-2013-OrmenoP #elicitation #requirements #usability
- Mapping Study about Usability Requirements Elicitation (YIO, JIP), pp. 672–687.
- ICEIS-J-2013-KahkonenMS #enterprise #integration #question #what
- What Do We Know About ERP Integration? (TK, AM, KS), pp. 51–67.
- ICEIS-v3-2013-BuchdidB #human-computer #what #word
- HCI in Context — What the Words Reveal about It (SBB, MCCB), pp. 134–142.
- CIKM-2013-MoffatTS #effectiveness #metric #modelling #what
- Users versus models: what observation tells us about effectiveness metrics (AM, PT, FS), pp. 659–668.
- CIKM-2013-ValkanasG #how #web
- How the live web feels about events (GV, DG), pp. 639–648.
- ECIR-2013-Cleger-TamayoFHT #predict #quality #recommendation
- Being Confident about the Quality of the Predictions in Recommender Systems (SCT, JMFL, JFH, NT), pp. 411–422.
- ECIR-2013-GuoDY
- Updating Users about Time Critical Events (QG, FD, EYT), pp. 483–494.
- KDIR-KMIS-2013-DowGABP #information management
- Knowing More about Knowledge Management at ESA (RMD, DG, RCA, DB, SP), pp. 281–289.
- KEOD-2013-LepperT #named
- tScore: Makes Computers and Humans Talk About Time (ML, BTyW), pp. 176–183.
- SIGIR-2013-Rodriguez-VaamondeTF #documentation #image #using #web #what
- What can pictures tell us about web pages?: improving document search using images (SRV, LT, AWF), pp. 849–852.
- SIGIR-2013-WestWH #predict #process #query
- Here and there: goals, activities, and predictions about location from geotagged queries (RW, RWW, EH), pp. 817–820.
- SIGIR-2013-YangWH #query
- Pursuing insights about healthcare utilization via geocoded search queries (SHY, RWW, EH), pp. 993–996.
- Onward-2013-ValleeWZFK #modelling #problem #reasoning #security
- Usable security as a static-analysis problem: modeling and reasoning about user permissions in social-sharing systems (HQdlV, JMW, WZ, KF, SK), pp. 1–16.
- PPDP-2013-WangCGN #higher-order #reasoning #relational #specification
- Reasoning about higher-order relational specifications (YW, KC, AG, GN), pp. 157–168.
- ESEC-FSE-2013-PhamW #abstraction #algebra #data type #named #reasoning
- RADA: a tool for reasoning about algebraic data types with abstractions (THP, MWW), pp. 611–614.
- ASPLOS-2013-OliveiraFDHS #why
- Why you should care about quantile regression (ABdO, SF, AD, MH, PFS), pp. 207–218.
- SOSP-2013-DavidGT
- Everything you always wanted to know about synchronization but were afraid to ask (TD, RG, VT), pp. 33–48.
- CAV-2013-ItzhakyBINS #data type #effectiveness #linked data #open data #reachability #reasoning
- Effectively-Propositional Reasoning about Reachability in Linked Data Structures (SI, AB, NI, AN, MS), pp. 756–772.
- CSL-2013-ChatterjeeCT #decidability #markov #process #what
- What is Decidable about Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes with ω-Regular Objectives (KC, MC, MT), pp. 165–180.
- ICST-2013-LeottaCRS #case study #industrial #locality #testing #web
- Repairing Selenium Test Cases: An Industrial Case Study about Web Page Element Localization (ML, DC, FR, CS), pp. 487–488.
- LICS-2013-DemriFP #reasoning
- Reasoning about Data Repetitions with Counter Systems (SD, DF, MP), pp. 33–42.
- DAC-2012-PalemA #exclamation #what
- What to do about the end of Moore’s law, probably! (KVP, LA), pp. 924–929.
- DAC-2012-Rinard #reasoning
- Obtaining and reasoning about good enough software (MCR), pp. 930–935.
- SIGMOD-2012-ZukowskiB #challenge #research
- From x100 to vectorwise: opportunities, challenges and things most researchers do not think about (MZ, PAB), pp. 861–862.
- ITiCSE-2012-MehtaKP #algorithm #learning #network
- Forming project groups while learning about matching and network flows in algorithms (DPM, TMK, IP), pp. 40–45.
- ESOP-2012-AtigBBM #decidability #memory management #modelling #question #what
- What’s Decidable about Weak Memory Models? (MFA, AB, SB, MM), pp. 26–46.
- ESOP-2012-HawkinsAFRS #reasoning
- Reasoning about Lock Placements (PH, AA, KF, MCR, MS), pp. 336–356.
- ESOP-2012-InoueT #multi #reasoning #source code
- Reasoning about Multi-stage Programs (JI, WT), pp. 357–376.
- MSR-2012-TianALLL #community #microblog #question #re-engineering #what
- What does software engineering community microblog about? (YT, PA, INL, DL, EPL), pp. 247–250.
- ICALP-v1-2012-HughesPRS #problem
- A Thirty Year Old Conjecture about Promise Problems (AH, AP, NR, ALS), pp. 473–484.
- SEFM-2012-DinDO #composition #reasoning
- Compositional Reasoning about Shared Futures (CCD, JD, OO), pp. 94–108.
- CHI-2012-DenefK #design #pattern matching
- Talking about implications for design in pattern language (SD, DVK), pp. 2509–2518.
- CHI-2012-PetrieP #comparison #interactive #problem #usability #what
- What do users really care about?: a comparison of usability problems found by users and experts on highly interactive websites (HP, CP), pp. 2107–2116.
- CSCW-2012-LeeTH #coordination #named
- Micro-coordination: because we did not already learn everything we need to know about working with others in kindergarten (JSL, DGT, SH), pp. 1135–1144.
- CIKM-2012-VydiswaranZRP #education #named #topic
- BiasTrust: teaching biased users about controversial topics (VGVV, CZ, DR, PP), pp. 1905–1909.
- ICPR-2012-Gao #what
- What entropy tells about man-made structures (JG), pp. 250–253.
- KEOD-2012-BessmertnyEN #logic
- About Creating Intelligence Systems in Ternary Logic (IAB, SVE, AVN), pp. 161–165.
- KR-2012-LawryD #framework
- A Bipolar Framework for Combining Beliefs about Vague Propositions (JL, DD).
- POPL-2012-FarzanK #composition #concurrent #reasoning #source code #verification
- Verification of parameterized concurrent programs by modular reasoning about data and control (AF, ZK), pp. 297–308.
- RE-2012-MaglyasNS #question #what
- What do practitioners mean when they talk about product management? (AM, UN, KS), pp. 261–266.
- SAC-2012-Zaytsev #bnf #what
- BNF was here: what have we done about the unnecessary diversity of notation for syntactic definitions (VZ), pp. 1910–1915.
- ICSE-2012-Braithwaite #how #industrial #programming #what
- Software as an engineering material: How the affordances of programming have changed and what to do about it (Invited industrial talk) (KB), p. 998.
- ICSE-2012-CeccatoMMNT #debugging #effectiveness #empirical #random testing #testing
- An empirical study about the effectiveness of debugging when random test cases are used (MC, AM, LM, CDN, PT), pp. 452–462.
- ICSE-2012-Duala-EkokoR #api #case study
- Asking and answering questions about unfamiliar APIs: An exploratory study (EDE, MPR), pp. 266–276.
- ICSE-2012-Guzzi #information management
- Documenting and sharing knowledge about code (AG), pp. 1535–1538.
- ICSE-2012-StaatsGH #automation #fault #how #mutation testing #testing
- Automated oracle creation support, or: How I learned to stop worrying about fault propagation and love mutation testing (MS, GG, MPEH), pp. 870–880.
- OSDI-2012-Kapritsos0QCAD #all about #manycore #replication
- All about Eve: Execute-Verify Replication for Multi-Core Servers (MK, YW, VQ, AC, LA, MD), pp. 237–250.
- VMCAI-2012-BouajjaniDES #abstract domain #automation #infinity #reasoning #source code
- Abstract Domains for Automated Reasoning about List-Manipulating Programs with Infinite Data (AB, CD, CE, MS), pp. 1–22.
- WICSA-2011-HeeschA #architecture #bibliography #maturity #process #reasoning
- Mature Architecting — A Survey about the Reasoning Process of Professional Architects (UvH, PA), pp. 260–269.
- WICSA-2011-TekinerdoganOD #architecture #as a service #design #modelling #reasoning
- Modeling and Reasoning about Design Alternatives of Software as a Service Architectures (BT, KÖ, AHD), pp. 312–319.
- HT-2011-Bernstein #hypermedia
- Can we talk about spatial hypertext (MB), pp. 103–112.
- ITiCSE-2011-Hu #what
- Computational thinking: what it might mean and what we might do about it (CH), pp. 223–227.
- ICPC-2011-BurrowsTGF #aspect-oriented #evaluation #fault #reasoning #source code
- Reasoning about Faults in Aspect-Oriented Programs: A Metrics-Based Evaluation (RB, FT, AG, FCF), pp. 131–140.
- MSR-2011-Whitehead #data mining #game studies #mining #what
- Fantasy, farms, and freemium: what game data mining teaches us about retention, conversion, and virality (keynote abstract) (JW), p. 1.
- WCRE-2011-ShangJAHGNF #case study #evolution #execution #scalability
- An Exploratory Study of the Evolution of Communicated Information about the Execution of Large Software Systems (WS, ZMJ, BA, AEH, MWG, MNN, PF), pp. 335–344.
- CEFP-2011-Butterfield #functional #reasoning #source code
- Reasoning about I/O in Functional Programs (AB), pp. 93–141.
- CEFP-2011-MichaelsonG #calculus #multi #reasoning
- Reasoning about Multi-process Systems with the Box Calculus (GM, GG), pp. 279–338.
- AGTIVE-2011-Strecker #graph transformation #locality #reasoning
- Locality in Reasoning about Graph Transformations (MS), pp. 169–181.
- CHI-2011-Antin #people #wiki
- My kind of people?: perceptions about wikipedia contributors and their motivations (JA), pp. 3411–3420.
- CHI-2011-KannabiranBB #how #human-computer #research
- How HCI talks about sexuality: discursive strategies, blind spots, and opportunities for future research (GK, JB, SB), pp. 695–704.
- CSCW-2011-SaveryG #development #latency
- It’s about time: confronting latency in the development of groupware systems (CS, TCNG), pp. 177–186.
- DUXU-v1-2011-BeccariO #approach #experience #user interface
- A Philosophical Approach about User Experience Methodology (MNB, TLO), pp. 13–22.
- DUXU-v2-2011-Horvath #design #persuasion
- Persuasive Design: It’s Not Just about Selling Stuff (JH), pp. 567–574.
- DUXU-v2-2011-Iizuka #empirical #how
- An Experiment about How to Feel Temperature Change of Mouse (SI), pp. 575–581.
- HCI-UA-2011-HymelLBSB #concept #interactive
- The Interaction of Children’s Concepts about Agents and Their Ability to Use an Agent-Based Tutoring System (AMH, DTL, JB, MMS, GB), pp. 580–589.
- IDGD-2011-ShenROWZZY #design
- Service Design about the Recycle System of College Bicycles (TS, PR, YO, YW, BZ, YZ, LY), pp. 220–227.
- OCSC-2011-Alducin-QuinteroCMGJ #design #modelling #process #using
- Productivity Improvement by Using Social-Annotations about Design Intent in CAD Modelling Process (GAQ, MC, JMG, DAGZ, MDJ), pp. 153–161.
- VISSOFT-2011-NeuLHD #gnome
- Telling stories about GNOME with Complicity (SN, ML, LH, MD), pp. 1–8.
- ICEIS-v3-2011-Ke #development
- Study about the Development of the Productivity in Information Society (XK), pp. 428–431.
- ICEIS-v3-2011-ZhouL11a #enterprise #information management
- A Discusson about Urban Rail Transit Enterprise Business Management Information System (RZ, SL), pp. 467–471.
- ICEIS-v4-2011-ZhangFZ #behaviour #industrial #performance
- An Empericial Study about Franchise Relationship Behaviors’s Impacts on Franchisees’ Performance in Fastfood Industry (YZ, JF, YZ), pp. 695–701.
- CIKM-2011-AgrawalBA #information management #network #social #what
- Information diffusion in social networks: observing and affecting what society cares about (DA, CB, AEA), pp. 2609–2610.
- CIKM-2011-JatowtY #scalability
- Extracting collective expectations about the future from large text collections (AJ, CmAY), pp. 1259–1264.
- ICML-2011-BabesMLS #learning #multi
- Apprenticeship Learning About Multiple Intentions (MB, VNM, KS, MLL), pp. 897–904.
- KDIR-2011-HubwieserM #declarative #named #object-oriented
- Knowpats: Patterns of Declarative Knowledge — Searching Frequent Knowledge Patterns about Object-orientation (PH, AM), pp. 358–364.
- KEOD-2011-HotzR
- Thoughts about Structuralization, Specialization, Instantiation, and Metaization (LH, SvR), pp. 457–460.
- KEOD-2011-SerranoSFD #composition #information management #modelling #ontology
- Ontological Modeling in Cloud Services — About Information Sharing to Support Service Composition (MS, LS, MÓF, WD), pp. 328–335.
- SIGIR-2011-ThomasJH #quality #what
- What deliberately degrading search quality tells us about discount functions (PT, TJ, DH), pp. 1107–1108.
- MoDELS-2011-JacksonLB #automation #metamodelling #proving #reasoning #specification
- Reasoning about Metamodeling with Formal Specifications and Automatic Proofs (EKJ, TL, DB), pp. 653–667.
- MoDELS-2011-JacksonLB #automation #metamodelling #proving #reasoning #specification
- Reasoning about Metamodeling with Formal Specifications and Automatic Proofs (EKJ, TL, DB), pp. 653–667.
- CSL-2011-Kopczynski #consistency #question
- Trees in Trees: Is the Incomplete Information about a Tree Consistent? (EK), pp. 367–380.
- ICLP-2011-Kriener #logic programming #reasoning #source code
- Correct Reasoning about Logic Programs (JK), pp. 280–283.
- LICS-2011-BresolinMSS #decidability #logic #what
- What’s Decidable about Halpern and Shoham’s Interval Logic? The Maximal Fragment ABBL (DB, AM, PS, GS), pp. 387–396.
- VMCAI-2011-JacobsK #axiom #reasoning #specification #towards
- Towards Complete Reasoning about Axiomatic Specifications (SJ, VK), pp. 278–293.
- DAC-2010-Hiskens #grid #question #smarttech #what
- What’s smart about the smart grid? (IAH), pp. 937–939.
- ITiCSE-2010-BrindaH #case study #design #education #experience
- A lecture about teaching informatics in secondary education: lecture design and first experiences (TB, PH), p. 320.
- ITiCSE-2010-GurselG #student #what
- What do promising high school students think about studying computing (DAG, BG), p. 325.
- ITiCSE-2010-MarcosFM10a #database
- Lecturing about the phenomenology of databases (LdM, FF, JJM), p. 313.
- ITiCSE-2010-RagonisH #design #paradigm #programming
- Linking different programming paradigms: thoughts about instructional design (NR, BH), p. 310.
- ESOP-2010-MeolaW #fault tolerance #logic #reasoning #source code
- Faulty Logic: Reasoning about Fault Tolerant Programs (MLM, DW), pp. 468–487.
- CHI-2010-BaumerST
- America is like Metamucil: fostering critical and creative thinking about metaphor in political blogs (EPSB, JS, BT), pp. 1437–1446.
- CSCW-2010-NaamanBL #social
- Is it really about me?: message content in social awareness streams (MN, JB, CHL), pp. 189–192.
- CSCW-2010-StarbirdPHV #microblog #social #what
- Chatter on the red: what hazards threat reveals about the social life of microblogged information (KS, LP, ALH, SV), pp. 241–250.
- CAiSE-2010-ChopraDGM #modelling #reasoning
- Modeling and Reasoning about Service-Oriented Applications via Goals and Commitments (AKC, FD, PG, JM), pp. 113–128.
- CIKM-2010-QianCXQ #how
- How about utilizing ordinal information from the distribution of unlabeled data (MQ, BC, HX, HQ), pp. 289–298.
- KMIS-2010-ChakrabortyZ #approach #process #towards
- A Systematic Approach Towards Collection, Processing & Distribution of Information about Competitor Activities & Customer Needs in Terms of Products & Services (SC, MZ), pp. 348–353.
- KR-2010-AntoniouPB #reasoning
- Reasoning about Context in Ambient Intelligence Environments: A Report from the Field (GA, CP, AB).
- KR-2010-Baral #multi #reasoning
- Reasoning about Actions and Change: From Single Agent Actions to Multi-Agent Actions (Extended Abstract) (CB).
- KR-2010-GiacomoLP #calculus #game studies #reasoning #representation #source code
- Situation Calculus Based Programs for Representing and Reasoning about Game Structures (GDG, YL, ARP).
- KR-2010-HajishirziA #probability #reasoning
- Reasoning about Deterministic Actions with Probabilistic Prior and Application to Stochastic Filtering (HH, EA).
- KR-2010-Halpern10a
- I Don’t Want to Think About it Now: Decision Theory with Costly Computation (JYH).
- KR-2010-HuL #correctness #problem #reasoning
- A Correctness Result for Reasoning about One-Dimensional Planning Problems (YH, HJL).
- RecSys-2010-ZhaoZYZZF #recommendation #social #what
- Who is talking about what: social map-based recommendation for content-centric social websites (SZ, MXZ, QY, XZ, WZ, RF), pp. 143–150.
- SEKE-2010-ImM #architecture #reasoning
- Reasoning about Attribute Architectures (TI, JDM), pp. 165–171.
- ECOOP-2010-Hanenberg #developer #empirical #programming #static typing #type system
- Doubts about the Positive Impact of Static Type Systems on Programming Tasks in Single Developer Projects — An Empirical Study (SH), pp. 300–303.
- ECOOP-2010-Owens #abstraction #concurrent #implementation #reasoning
- Reasoning about the Implementation of Concurrency Abstractions on x86-TSO (SO), pp. 478–503.
- OOPSLA-2010-Hanenberg #development #empirical #static typing #type system
- An experiment about static and dynamic type systems: doubts about the positive impact of static type systems on development time (SH), pp. 22–35.
- OOPSLA-2010-StadenC #abstraction #multi #reasoning
- Reasoning about multiple related abstractions with MultiStar (SvS, CC), pp. 504–519.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2010-NordioCMMT #reasoning
- Reasoning about Function Objects (MN, CC, BM, PM, JT), pp. 79–96.
- RE-2010-RachevaDSHW #agile #case study #requirements
- Do We Know Enough about Requirements Prioritization in Agile Projects: Insights from a Case Study (ZR, MD, KS, AH, RW), pp. 147–156.
- ICSE-2010-MusilSWB #education #game studies #prototype #what
- Synthesized essence: what game jams teach about prototyping of new software products (JM, AS, DW, SB), pp. 183–186.
- CC-2010-CraikK #object-oriented #parallel #source code #using
- Using Ownership to Reason about Inherent Parallelism in Object-Oriented Programs (AC, WK), pp. 145–164.
- CSL-2010-OHearn #abduction #deduction #induction #reasoning
- Abductive, Inductive and Deductive Reasoning about Resources (PWO), pp. 49–50.
- VLDB-2009-FanJLM #reasoning
- Reasoning about Record Matching Rules (WF, XJ, JL, SM), pp. 407–418.
- ITiCSE-2009-CukiermanT #learning #student
- The academic enhancement program: encouraging students to learn about learning as part of their computing science courses (DC, DMT), pp. 171–175.
- ITiCSE-2009-FesakisS #education #programming
- Influence of the familiarization with “scratch” on future teachers’ opinions and attitudes about programming and ICT in education (GF, KS), pp. 258–262.
- ITiCSE-2009-MegiasTBS #distance #education #standard
- Free technology academy: a European initiative for distance education about free software and open standards (DM, WT, LB, FS), pp. 70–74.
- ITiCSE-2009-Perrenet #difference #student
- Differences in beliefs and attitudes about computer science among students and faculty of the bachelor program (JP), pp. 129–133.
- FoSSaCS-2009-Alur #reasoning
- Temporal Reasoning about Program Executions (RA), p. 15.
- FM-2009-Gast #memory management #reasoning
- Reasoning about Memory Layouts (HG), pp. 628–643.
- FM-2009-HasanAATA #random #reasoning
- Formal Reasoning about Expectation Properties for Continuous Random Variables (OH, NA, BA, ST, RA), pp. 435–450.
- CEFP-2009-Hinze #reasoning
- Reasoning about Codata (RH), pp. 42–93.
- HCI-NIMT-2009-IizukaY #case study
- Experimental Study about Effect of Thermal Information Presentation to Mouse (SI, SY), pp. 444–450.
- HCI-NT-2009-SuzukiMSANYF #estimation #on the #performance #using
- On the Possibility about Performance Estimation Just before Beginning a Voluntary Motion Using Movement Related Cortical Potential (SS, TM, YS, KA, NN, TY, SF), pp. 184–191.
- HIMI-DIE-2009-BrangierDE #analysis #integration #library
- The 7 Basic Functions of a Digital Library — Analysis of Focus Groups about the Usefulness of a Thematic Digital Library on the History of European Integration (EB, JD, LE), pp. 345–354.
- ICEIS-ISAS-2009-KinderenGA #modelling #multi #reasoning #using
- Reasoning about Customer Needs in Multi-supplier ICT Service Bundles using Decision Models (SdK, JG, HA), pp. 131–136.
- CIKM-2009-KementsietsidisW #evaluation #query #question #what
- Provenance query evaluation: what’s so special about it? (AK, MW), pp. 681–690.
- CIKM-2009-Paranjpe #documentation #feedback #learning
- Learning document aboutness from implicit user feedback and document structure (DP), pp. 365–374.
- QAPL-2009-MontaltoC #modelling #reasoning
- Modeling and Reasoning about an Attacker with Cryptanalytical Capabilities (BM, CC), pp. 143–165.
- POPL-2009-BrotherstonC #logic #reasoning
- Classical BI: a logic for reasoning about dualising resources (JB, CC), pp. 328–339.
- SAC-2009-LeinoM #first-order #reasoning #smt
- Reasoning about comprehensions with first-order SMT solvers (KRML, RM), pp. 615–622.
- ESEC-FSE-2009-Schafer #concept #navigation
- IQ routes and HD traffic: technology insights about tomtom’s time-dynamic navigation concept (RPS), pp. 171–172.
- ICSE-2009-ThumBK #feature model #modelling #reasoning
- Reasoning about edits to feature models (TT, DSB, CK), pp. 254–264.
- SPLC-2009-MontagudA #evaluation #product line #quality
- Gathering current knowledge about quality evaluation in software product lines (SM, SA), pp. 91–100.
- RTA-2009-Simonsen #term rewriting
- The -Completeness of Most of the Properties of Rewriting Systems You Care About (and Productivity) (JGS), pp. 335–349.
- TLCA-2009-Zhang #logic #reasoning
- The Computational SLR: A Logic for Reasoning about Computational Indistinguishability (YZ), pp. 401–415.
- HT-2008-PourabdollahAB #approach #hypermedia #rdf #xml
- Are we talking about the same structure?: a unified approach to hypertext links, xml, rdf and zigzag (AP, HA, TJB), pp. 241–242.
- PODS-2008-GardnerSWZ #hoare #reasoning
- Local Hoare reasoning about DOM (PG, GS, MJW, UZ), pp. 261–270.
- CSEET-2008-Epstein #agile #how #process #student
- Getting Students to Think About How Agile Processes can be Made More Secure (RGE), pp. 51–58.
- ITiCSE-2008-ChinnV #gender #student #what
- What students say about gender in hiring software professionals (DC, TV), p. 344.
- FASE-2008-MossakowskiSG #logic #reasoning
- A Generic Complete Dynamic Logic for Reasoning About Purity and Effects (TM, LS, SG), pp. 199–214.
- FoSSaCS-2008-HabermehlIV #array #decidability #integer #question #what
- What Else Is Decidable about Integer Arrays? (PH, RI, TV), pp. 474–489.
- TACAS-2008-Kovacs #algebra #reasoning
- Reasoning Algebraically About P-Solvable Loops (LK), pp. 249–264.
- PLDI-2008-HalbwachsP #array #source code
- Discovering properties about arrays in simple programs (NH, MP), pp. 339–348.
- SAS-2008-PerryW #control flow #fault #reasoning
- Reasoning about Control Flow in the Presence of Transient Faults (FP, DW), pp. 332–346.
- FLOPS-2008-PrinceGM #proving #using
- Proving Properties about Lists Using Containers (RP, NG, CM), pp. 97–112.
- LATA-2008-AlhazovCMR #hybrid #network
- About Universal Hybrid Networks of Evolutionary Processors of Small Size (AA, ECV, CMV, YR), pp. 28–39.
- CHI-2008-PetrelliWB #named #physics #question #what
- AutoTypography: what can physical mementos tell us about digital memories? (DP, SW, JB), pp. 53–62.
- CSCW-2008-DuganGMDBM #all about #online
- It’s all “about you”: diversity in online profiles (CD, WG, MJM, JMD, BB, DRM), pp. 703–706.
- CAiSE-2008-KinderenG #reasoning
- Reasoning about Substitute Choices and Preference Ordering in e-Services (SdK, JG), pp. 390–404.
- ICEIS-SAIC-2008-BaguesBBGI #communication #protocol #semantics
- Use of Semantic Technology to Describe and Reason about Communication Protocols (MIB, IB, JB, AG, AI), pp. 67–72.
- KR-2008-AlechinaDLM #reasoning
- Reasoning about Agent Deliberation (NA, MD, BL, JJCM), pp. 16–26.
- KR-2008-CasaliGS #framework #logic
- A Logical Framework to Represent and Reason about Graded Preferences and Intentions (AC, LG, CS), pp. 27–37.
- SEKE-2008-TubiioLR #bibliography #elicitation #perspective
- Obtaining Well-Founded Practices about Elicitation Techniques by Means of an Update of a Previous Systematic Review (ÓDT, ML, FR), pp. 769–772.
- ECMDA-FA-2008-GoknilKB #approach #metamodelling #reasoning #requirements
- A Metamodeling Approach for Reasoning about Requirements (AG, IK, KvdB), pp. 310–325.
- ECMDA-FA-2008-RechS #bibliography #fault #modelling #visual notation
- A Survey about the Intent to Use Visual Defect Annotations for Software Models (JR, AS), pp. 406–418.
- ECOOP-2008-BanerjeeNR #invariant #logic #reasoning
- Regional Logic for Local Reasoning about Global Invariants (AB, DAN, SR), pp. 387–411.
- POPL-2008-Voigtlander #parallel
- Much ado about two (pearl): a pearl on parallel prefix computation (JV), pp. 29–35.
- ICSE-2008-Dumslaff #industrial
- Change management: from knowledge about innovative SE to capabilities for industrial SE projects (UD), pp. 805–806.
- ICSE-2008-KoM #behaviour #debugging #why
- Debugging reinvented: asking and answering why and why not questions about program behavior (AJK, BAM), pp. 301–310.
- PPoPP-2008-SandersK #memory management #modelling #reasoning
- Assertional reasoning about data races in relaxed memory models (BAS, KK), pp. 267–268.
- CAV-2008-MagillTLT #named #reasoning
- THOR: A Tool for Reasoning about Shape and Arithmetic (SM, MHT, PL, YKT), pp. 428–432.
- ICLP-2008-Pirrotta #reasoning #web
- Extracting and Reasoning about Web Data (GP), pp. 813–814.
- ASE-2007-Selic #automation #what
- The embarrassing truth about software automation and what should be done about it (BS), p. 3.
- PODS-2007-CautisAM #constraints #reasoning #xml
- Reasoning about XML update constraints (BC, SA, TM), pp. 195–204.
- PODS-2007-KasneciS #complexity #reasoning #xml
- The complexity of reasoning about pattern-based XML schemas (GK, TS), pp. 155–164.
- VLDB-2007-RomanK #behaviour #concurrent #logic #reasoning #semantics #transaction #web #web service
- Reasoning about the Behavior of Semantic Web Services with Concurrent Transaction Logic (DR, MK), pp. 627–638.
- FASE-2007-DarvasL #implementation #reasoning
- Practical Reasoning About Invocations and Implementations of Pure Methods (ÁD, KRML), pp. 336–351.
- TACAS-2007-BouajjaniJS #framework #infinity #network #process #reasoning
- A Generic Framework for Reasoning About Dynamic Networks of Infinite-State Processes (AB, YJ, MS), pp. 690–705.
- DLT-2007-Kunc #equation #question #what
- What Do We Know About Language Equations? (MK), pp. 23–27.
- IFM-2007-MeinickeS #development #process #realtime #reasoning #reliability
- A Stepwise Development Process for Reasoning About the Reliability of Real-Time Systems (LM, GS), pp. 439–458.
- SEFM-2007-CastroM #fault tolerance #logic #reasoning
- An ought-to-do deontic logic for reasoning about fault-tolerance: the diarrheic philosophers (PFC, TSEM), pp. 151–160.
- SEFM-2007-JacobsMP #exception #reasoning
- Sound reasoning about unchecked exceptions (BJ, PM, FP), pp. 113–122.
- ICFP-2007-FilinskiS #data type #induction #reasoning
- Inductive reasoning about effectful data types (AF, KS), pp. 97–110.
- ILC-2007-Sperber #all about #lessons learnt #process
- It’s all about being right: lessons from the R6RS process (MS), p. 7.
- CHI-2007-BoshernitsanGH #development #tool support
- Aligning development tools with the way programmers think about code changes (MB, SLG, MAH), pp. 567–576.
- CHI-2007-HancockTE #online
- The truth about lying in online dating profiles (JTH, CLT, NBE), pp. 449–452.
- HCI-AS-2007-CarusiM #education #interactive #learning #process
- An Essay About the Relevance of Educational Interactive Systems in the Learning Process (AC, CRM), pp. 183–189.
- HCI-IDU-2007-DomingoHM #comprehension #game studies #process
- A Game to Promote Understanding About UCD Methods and Process (MGD, MAH, EM), pp. 446–452.
- HCI-MIE-2007-KoLKJL #case study #evaluation #personalisation #recommendation #user satisfaction
- A Study on User Satisfaction Evaluation About the Recommendation Techniques of a Personalized EPG System on Digital TV (SMK, YJL, MHK, YGJ, SWL), pp. 909–917.
- HIMI-IIE-2007-BaeckerFBCC #chat #interactive #learning #persistent
- Webcasting Made Interactive: Persistent Chat for Text Dialogue During and About Learning Events (RB, DF, LB, CC, DC), pp. 260–268.
- HIMI-IIE-2007-HashimotoN #community #memory management #using
- Fond Memory Management System by Using Information About Communities (KH, YN), pp. 23–29.
- HIMI-MTT-2007-KarshEAHSMPSAKSB #case study #predict #quality
- Do Beliefs About Hospital Technologies Predict Nurses’ Perceptions of Their Ability to Provide Quality Care? A Study in Two Pediatric Hospitals (BTK, KE, SA, RJH, MS, KM, NP, TS, JA, RK, KS, RLB), pp. 77–83.
- SIGAda-2007-Lau #imperative #reasoning #source code #using
- Using SPARK for a beginner’s course on reasoning about imperative programs (KKL), pp. 75–78.
- ICEIS-EIS-2007-LeutgebUWF #adaptation #process #semantics
- Adaptive Processes in E-Government — A Field Report about Semantic-Based Approaches from the EU-Project “FIT” (AL, WU, RW, HGF), pp. 264–269.
- CIKM-2007-SchockaertC #reasoning
- Reasoning about vague topological information (SS, MDC), pp. 593–602.
- SEKE-2007-HappelS #architecture #information management #named #semantics #wiki
- Ontobrowse: A Semantic Wiki for Sharing Knowledge about Software Architectures (HJH, SS), p. 506–?.
- SEKE-2007-OliveiraAB #information management #maintenance
- Telling Stories about System Use: Capturing Collective Tacit Knowledge for System Maintenance (ACdO, RMdA, MRSB), pp. 337–342.
- SEKE-2007-RushtonT #reasoning #source code
- A Language Facilitating Informal Reasoning about Programs (JNR, DT), p. 396–?.
- ECMDA-FA-2007-MaraeeB #diagrams #finite #performance #reasoning #satisfiability #set #uml
- Efficient Reasoning About Finite Satisfiability of UML Class Diagrams with Constrained Generalization Sets (AM, MB), pp. 17–31.
- ECOOP-2007-BalzerGE #reasoning #relational
- A Relational Model of Object Collaborations and Its Use in Reasoning About Relationships (SB, TRG, PE), pp. 323–346.
- ECOOP-2007-CliftonLN #aspect-oriented #effectiveness #named #reasoning
- MAO: Ownership and Effects for More Effective Reasoning About Aspects (CC, GTL, JN), pp. 451–475.
- PPDP-2007-Berdine #reasoning
- Local reasoning about storable locks (JB), p. 153.
- REFSQ-2007-HerrmannKD
- Exploring the Characteristics of NFR Methods — A Dialogue About Two Approaches (AH, DK, JD), pp. 320–334.
- SPLC-2007-JanotaK #feature model #higher-order #logic #modelling #reasoning
- Reasoning about Feature Models in Higher-Order Logic (MJ, JRK), pp. 13–22.
- CSL-2007-Goller #complexity #on the #policy #reasoning
- On the Complexity of Reasoning About Dynamic Policies (SG), pp. 358–373.
- CBSE-2006-Lumpe #abstraction #component #framework #modelling #named #reasoning
- GLoo: A Framework for Modeling and Reasoning About Component-Oriented Language Abstractions (ML), pp. 17–32.
- QoSA-2006-KruchtenLV #architecture #reasoning
- Building Up and Reasoning About Architectural Knowledge (PK, PL, HvV), pp. 43–58.
- ITiCSE-2006-Joyce06a
- Raising awareness about academic integrity (DJ), p. 350.
- ESOP-2006-JiaW #automation #named #pointer #reasoning #source code
- ILC: A Foundation for Automated Reasoning About Pointer Programs (LJ, DW), pp. 131–145.
- FASE-2006-MiliSLME
- Concerned About Separation (HM, HAS, HL, HM, AE), pp. 247–261.
- ICSM-2006-Notkin #re-engineering #research
- Unconventional Views on Conventional Wisdom about Software Engineering Research (DN), p. 201.
- STOC-2006-Shapira #all about #combinator #graph
- A combinatorial characterization of the testable graph properties: it’s all about regularity (NA, EF, IN, AS), pp. 251–260.
- FLOPS-2006-BartheFPR #coq #proving #reasoning #recursion
- Defining and Reasoning About Recursive Functions: A Practical Tool for the Coq Proof Assistant (GB, JF, DP, VR), pp. 114–129.
- FM-2006-BacheriniFTZ #formal method
- A Story About Formal Methods Adoption by a Railway Signaling Manufacturer (SB, AF, MT, NZ), pp. 179–189.
- FM-2006-Mostowski #java #logic #reasoning
- Formal Reasoning About Non-atomic Java Card Methods in Dynamic Logic (WM), pp. 444–459.
- CHI-2006-PearsonHBPN #adaptation #behaviour #how #human-computer #word
- Adaptive language behavior in HCI: how expectations and beliefs about a system affect users’ word choice (JP, JH, HPB, MJP, CN), pp. 1177–1180.
- CHI-2006-SiekCR #how #learning #people
- Pride and prejudice: learning how chronically ill people think about food (KAS, KHC, YR), pp. 947–950.
- ICEIS-ISAS-2006-CruzLW #contract #specification #visual notation
- Visual Contracts — A Way to Reason about States and Cardinalities in IT System Specifications (JDDlC, LSL, AW), pp. 298–303.
- KR-2006-HalpernR #reasoning
- Reasoning about Knowledge of Unawareness (JYH, LCR), pp. 6–13.
- GPCE-2006-Prehofer #composition #multi #reasoning #semantics
- Semantic reasoning about feature composition via multiple aspect-weavings (CP), pp. 237–242.
- POPL-2006-KoutavasW #bisimulation #higher-order #imperative #reasoning #source code
- Small bisimulations for reasoning about higher-order imperative programs (VK, MW), pp. 141–152.
- SAC-2006-SauvagnatHB #question #retrieval #using #what #xml
- XML retrieval: what about using contextual relevance? (KS, LH, MB), pp. 1114–1115.
- SAC-2006-SherchanLK #fuzzy #reasoning #web #web service
- A fuzzy model for reasoning about reputation in web services (WS, SWL, SK), pp. 1886–1892.
- ICSE-2006-Ko #debugging
- Debugging by asking questions about program output (AJK), pp. 989–992.
- CSL-2006-ChadhaMS #probability #reasoning #source code
- Reasoning About States of Probabilistic Sequential Programs (RC, PM, AS), pp. 240–255.
- ICLP-2006-Tu #performance #reasoning
- Efficient Reasoning About Action and Change in the Presence of Incomplete Information and Its Application in Planning (PHT), pp. 469–470.
- IJCAR-2006-DoughertyFK #policy #reasoning #specification
- Specifying and Reasoning About Dynamic Access-Control Policies (DJD, KF, SK), pp. 632–646.
- LICS-2006-Leivant #logic #proving #reasoning #source code
- Matching Explicit and Modal Reasoning about Programs: A Proof Theoretic Delineation of Dynamic Logic (DL), pp. 157–168.
- VMCAI-2006-BradleyMS #array #decidability #question #what
- What’s Decidable About Arrays? (ARB, ZM, HBS), pp. 427–442.
- WICSA-2005-Koschke #architecture #reverse engineering #what
- What Architects Should Know About Reverse Engineering and Rengineering (RK), pp. 4–10.
- ASE-2005-ShankarASX #realtime #reasoning #semantics
- Reasoning about real-time statecharts in the presence of semantic variations (SS, SA, VS, XX), pp. 243–252.
- HT-2005-HsiehS #communication #process
- Activity links: supporting communication and reflection about action (HwH, FMSI), pp. 161–170.
- ITiCSE-2005-ArmenM #education #risk management
- Teaching about the risks of electronic voting technology (CA, RM), pp. 227–231.
- ITiCSE-2005-DavisW #convergence #education #learning #multi
- A research-led curriculum in multimedia: learning about convergence (HCD, SW), pp. 29–33.
- IWPC-2005-HouWH #framework #question #what
- What Can Programmer Questions Tell Us About Frameworks? (DH, KW, HJH), pp. 87–96.
- ICALP-2005-ReusS #higher-order #hoare #logic
- About Hoare Logics for Higher-Order Store (BR, TS), pp. 1337–1348.
- ECIR-2005-CliftonT #framework #named #using
- Knowing-Aboutness: Question-Answering Using a Logic-Based Framework (TC, WJT), pp. 230–244.
- KDD-2005-ZakiR #mining #reasoning #set #using
- Reasoning about sets using redescription mining (MJZ, NR), pp. 364–373.
- SEKE-2005-Zhu #behaviour #multi #reasoning
- Formal Reasoning about Emergent Behaviours of Multi-Agent Systems (HZ), pp. 280–285.
- ECOOP-2005-Aldrich #composition #reasoning
- Open Modules: Modular Reasoning About Advice (JA), pp. 144–168.
- GPCE-2005-WuL #programming #reasoning #source code #using
- Shadow Programming: Reasoning About Programs Using Lexical Join Point Information (PW, KJL), pp. 141–156.
- ESEC-FSE-2005-LandtsheerL #reasoning #requirements
- Reasoning about confidentiality at requirements engineering time (RDL, AvL), pp. 41–49.
- ICSE-2005-MaurerM #agile #what
- What you always wanted to know about agile methods but did not dare to ask (FM, GM), pp. 731–732.
- AMOST-2005-ClermontP #testing #using
- Using information about functions in selecting test cases (MC, DLP).
- CAV-2005-KahlonIG #communication #reasoning #thread
- Reasoning About Threads Communicating via Locks (VK, FI, AG), pp. 505–518.
- DRR-2004-LalanneMI #documentation #multi
- Talking about documents: revealing a missing link to multimedia meeting archives (DL, DM, RI), pp. 82–91.
- ITiCSE-2004-Cliff #education #generative #question
- Teaching about natural systems, the next generation of computers, and the generation after that? (DC), p. 1.
- FASE-2004-HubbersP #java #reasoning #transaction
- Reasoning about Card Tears and Transactions in Java Card (EH, EP), pp. 114–128.
- FoSSaCS-2004-PucellaW #policy #reasoning
- Reasoning about Dynamic Policies (RP, VW), pp. 453–467.
- STOC-2004-Ajtai #polynomial
- A conjecture about polynomial time computable lattice-lattice functions (MA), pp. 486–493.
- IFL-2004-DowseBE #concurrent #functional #reasoning
- Reasoning About Deterministic Concurrent Functional I/O (MD, AB, MCJDvE), pp. 177–194.
- CHI-2004-KoM #behaviour #debugging #design #interface
- Designing the whyline: a debugging interface for asking questions about program behavior (AJK, BAM), pp. 151–158.
- ICEIS-v3-2004-Nobre04a #what
- Computer Ethics: What are we Talking About? Possible Contributions from Philosophy of Action, Critical Realism and Modern Hermeneutics (ÂLN), pp. 683–687.
- KR-2004-Eschenbach #concept #how
- How to Interweave Knowledge about Object Structure and Concepts (CE), pp. 300–310.
- KR-2004-SuLZ #reasoning
- Reasoning about Knowledge by Variable Forgetting (KS, GL, YZ), pp. 576–586.
- KR-2004-TranB #interactive #prolog #reasoning
- Reasoning about Triggered Actions in AnsProlog and Its Application to Molecular Interactions in Cells (NT, CB), pp. 554–564.
- TOOLS-USA-2003-Madsen04 #contract #design #equivalence
- Enhancing Design by Contract with Knowledge about Equivalence Partitions (PM), pp. 5–21.
- PADL-2004-ElkhatibPS #named #prolog #reasoning #set #source code
- ASP-PROLOG: A System for Reasoning about Answer Set Programs in Prolog (OEK, EP, TCS), pp. 148–162.
- POPL-2004-BirkedalTR #garbage collection #reasoning
- Local reasoning about a copying garbage collector (LB, NTS, JCR), pp. 220–231.
- RE-2004-KaiyaOK #case study #diagrams #identification
- Identifying Stakeholders and Their Preferences about NFR by Comparing Use Case Diagrams of Several Existing Systems (HK, AO, KK), pp. 112–121.
- FSE-2004-LetierL #design #reasoning #requirements
- Reasoning about partial goal satisfaction for requirements and design engineering (EL, AvL), pp. 53–62.
- LICS-2004-NaumannB #imperative #invariant #reasoning #towards
- Towards Imperative Modules: Reasoning about Invariants and Sharing of Mutable State (DAN, MB), pp. 313–323.
- CSEET-2003-BaileyCHW #question #student
- Can We Influence Students? Attitudes About Inspections? Can We Measure a Change in Attitude? (DB, TC, BH, LLW), pp. 260–267.
- FoSSaCS-2003-PowerT #abstraction #reasoning
- Abstraction in Reasoning about Higraph-Based Systems (JP, KT), pp. 392–408.
- DLT-2003-HarjuN
- About Duval’s Conjecture (TH, DN), pp. 316–324.
- FME-2003-DongSW #alloy #reasoning #semantics #web
- Checking and Reasoning about Semantic Web through Alloy (JSD, JS, HHW), pp. 796–813.
- CHI-2003-FriedmanKH #hardware #online #what
- Hardware companions?: what online AIBO discussion forums reveal about the human-robotic relationship (BF, PHKJ, JH), pp. 273–280.
- CHI-2003-JackoSSBEEKMZ #feedback #multimodal #performance #question #visual notation #what
- Older adults and visual impairment: what do exposure times and accuracy tell us about performance gains associated with multimodal feedback? (JAJ, IUS, FS, LB, PJE, VKE, TK, KPM, BSZ), pp. 33–40.
- SEKE-2003-Cebulla #adaptation #architecture #reasoning #using #variability
- Reasoning about Variability and structural Adaptation in Sociotechnical Systems Using Dynamic Architectures (MC), pp. 406–413.
- LOPSTR-2003-Ruiz-ReinaJHM #case study #data type #performance #reasoning
- Formal Reasoning about Efficient Data Structures: A Case Study in ACL2 (JLRR, JAAJ, MJH, FJMM), pp. 75–91.
- ICSE-2003-Berner #case study #development #experience
- About the Development of a Point of Sale System: an Experience Report (SB), pp. 528–533.
- CADE-2003-Belinfante #reasoning
- Reasoning about Iteration in Gödel’s Class Theory (JGFB), pp. 228–242.
- CADE-2003-Cohn #reasoning
- Reasoning about Qualitative Representations of Space and Time (AGC), p. 334.
- CADE-2003-Nelson #quantifier #reasoning
- Reasoning about Quantifiers by Matching in the E-graph (GN), p. 166.
- CADE-2003-WaltherS
- About VeriFun (CW, SS), pp. 322–327.
- LICS-2003-AhmedJW #reasoning
- Reasoning about Hierarchical Storage (AJA, LJ, DW), pp. 33–44.
- LICS-2003-LaurentR #linear #logic
- About Translations of Classical Logic into Polarized Linear Logic (OL, LR), pp. 11–20.
- LICS-2003-McCarthy #logic
- Advice about logical AI (JM), p. 244–?.
- VMCAI-2003-MeenakshiR #message passing #reasoning
- Reasoning about Layered Message Passing Systems (BM, RR), pp. 268–282.
- DATE-2002-Essi #all about #implementation
- IP is All About Implementation and Customer Satisfaction (VPEJ), p. 132.
- DLT-2002-DiekertK #equation #polynomial
- A Remark about Quadratic Trace Equations (VD, MK), pp. 59–66.
- AdaEurope-2002-RybinS #ada #pretty-printing
- About the Difficulties of Building a Pretty-Printer for Ada (SR, AS), pp. 257–268.
- KR-2002-Bittner
- Judgements about spatio-temporal relations (TB), pp. 521–532.
- KR-2002-CalvaneseGV #ltl #reasoning
- Reasoning about Actions and Planning in LTL Action Theories (DC, GDG, MYV), pp. 593–602.
- KR-2002-Saint-CyrL #how #predict
- Belief Extrapolation (or how to Reason About Observations and Unpredicted Change) (FDdSC, JL), pp. 497–508.
- SIGIR-2002-DziadoszC #question #web
- Do thumbnail previews help users make better relevance decisions about web search results? (SD, RC), pp. 365–366.
- RE-2002-Kovitz #ambiguity #what
- Ambiguity and What to Do about It (BK), p. 213.
- SAC-2002-BoscDP #database #query
- About possibilistic queries against possibilistic databases (PB, LD, OP), pp. 807–811.
- ICSE-2002-GehrkeGNNTWZ #industrial #re-engineering
- Reporting about industrial strength software engineering courses for undergraduates (MG, HG, UN, JN, MT, JPW, AZ), pp. 395–405.
- ICSE-2002-PonsB #correctness #development #process #reasoning
- Reasoning about the correctness of software development process (CP, GB), p. 708.
- HPDC-2002-Plale #data type #memory management #runtime
- Leveraging Run Time Knowledge about Event Rates to Improve Memory Utilization in Wide Area Data Stream Filtering (BP), pp. 171–178.
- ICLP-2002-Thielscher #constraints #finite #reasoning
- Reasoning about Actions with CHRs and Finite Domain Constraints (MT), pp. 70–84.
- ASE-2001-MenziesK #process #re-engineering #reasoning
- Better Reasoning About Software Engineering Activities (TM, JDK), pp. 391–394.
- HT-2001-PageCR #metadata
- Its about time: link streams as continuous metadata (KRP, DC, DDR), pp. 93–102.
- CSEET-2001-GrothR #all about #education #process #re-engineering
- It’s All about Process: Project Oriented Teaching of Software Engineering (DPG, ELR), pp. 7–17.
- IWPC-2001-TilleyD #case study #comprehension
- Spreading Knowledge about Gnutella: A Case Study in Understanding Net-Centric Applications (SRT, MD), pp. 189–198.
- STOC-2001-KarlinKR
- Dynamic TCP acknowledgement and other stories about e/(e-1) (ARK, CK, DR), pp. 502–509.
- ICALP-2001-Madhusudan #behaviour #branch #graph #reasoning #sequence
- Reasoning about Sequential and Branching Behaviours of Message Sequence Graphs (PM), pp. 809–820.
- FME-2001-VenkatasubramanianTA #adaptation #formal method #middleware #reasoning
- A Formal Model for Reasoning about Adaptive QoS-Enabled Middleware (NV, CLT, GA), pp. 197–221.
- ICEIS-v1-2001-MarirY #architecture #database #design #named #object-oriented #process
- IODBCON: An Integrated Object-Oriented Database System for Integrating Information about Architecture Design and Construction Processes (FM, YJY), pp. 36–43.
- LSO-2001-LindvallFCT #experience #lessons learnt
- Lessons Learned about Structuring and Describing Experience for Three Experience Bases (ML, MF, PC, RT), pp. 106–119.
- CSL-2001-OHearnRY #data type #reasoning #source code
- Local Reasoning about Programs that Alter Data Structures (PWO, JCR, HY), pp. 1–19.
- VLDB-2000-Bar-YossefBCFW #approximate #query #random #web
- Approximating Aggregate Queries about Web Pages via Random Walks (ZBY, ACB, SC, JF, DW), pp. 535–544.
- CSEET-2000-ThomasI #re-engineering
- Questions about Developing a Postgraduate Software Engineering Program (LT, GI), p. 193.
- ITiCSE-2000-Carter #student #what
- What the students said about plagiarsim (JC), p. 186.
- FASE-2000-LuthW #development #tool support
- More About TAS and IsaWin — Tools for Formal Program Development (CL, BW), pp. 367–370.
- FoSSaCS-2000-EngelhardtMM #framework #reasoning #refinement
- A Program Refinement Framework Supporting Reasoning about Knowledge and Time (KE, RvdM, YM), pp. 114–129.
- ICALP-2000-GhicaM #algol #reasoning #regular expression #using
- Reasoning about Idealized ALGOL Using Regular Languages (DRG, GM), pp. 103–115.
- ICALP-2000-MeenakshiR #finite #message passing #reasoning
- Reasoning about Message Passing in Finite State Environments (BM, RR), pp. 487–498.
- AdaEurope-2000-SoundarajanF #exception #object-oriented #reasoning #using
- Exceptions in OO Languages: Using Them and Reasoning about Them (NS, SF), pp. 238–251.
- CAiSE-2000-RupprechtFKR #experience #process
- Capture and Dissemination of Experience about the Construction of Engineering Processes (CR, MF, HK, TR), pp. 294–308.
- ICEIS-2000-LousaM #workflow
- Thoughts about the Organisational Contect When Adopting a Workflow System (ML, AM), pp. 527–528.
- ICPR-v1-2000-GurdjosP #image #metric
- About Conditions for Recovering the Metric Structures of Perpendicular Planes from the Single Ground Plane to Image Homography (PG, RP), pp. 1358–1361.
- KR-2000-BalbianiO #reasoning
- A Model for Reasoning about Topologic Relations between cyclic intervals (PB, AO), pp. 378–385.
- KR-2000-MorrisM #complexity #on the #reasoning
- On the complexity of reasoning about repeating events (RAM, PHM), pp. 580–588.
- SAIG-2000-Pfenning #reasoning #staged
- Reasoning about Staged Computation (FP), pp. 5–6.
- CAV-2000-AnnichiniAB #parametricity #reasoning
- Symbolic Techniques for Parametric Reasoning about Counter and Clock Systems (AA, EA, AB), pp. 419–434.
- CAV-2000-KupfermanV #approach #infinity #reasoning
- An Automata-Theoretic Approach to Reasoning about Infinite-State Systems (OK, MYV), pp. 36–52.
- CL-2000-BaralTTK #complexity
- Computational Complexity of Planning Based on Partial Information about the System’s Present and Past States (CB, LCT, RT, VK), pp. 882–896.
- CL-2000-KhizderTW #logic #reasoning
- Reasoning about Duplicate Elimination with Description Logic (VLK, DT, GEW), pp. 1017–1032.
- DATE-1999-BreuerMBFLK #reasoning #semantics #using
- Reasoning about VHDL and VHDL-AMS using Denotational Semantics (PTB, NMM, JPB, RBF, MMLP, CDK), pp. 346–352.
- PODS-1999-HaraD #dependence #functional #reasoning
- Reasoning about Nested Functional Dependencies (CSH, SBD), pp. 91–100.
- ITiCSE-1999-FinkelC #named #web
- Webware: a course about the Web (DF, IFC), pp. 107–110.
- FoSSaCS-1999-Sangiorgi #concurrent #reasoning #using
- Reasoning About Concurrent Systems Using Types (DS), pp. 31–40.
- ICALP-1999-Hartmanis
- Observations about the Nature and State of Computer Science (Keynote Address) (JH), p. 105.
- FM-v2-1999-BackMW #interactive #reasoning
- Reasoning About Interactive Systems (RJB, AM, JvW), pp. 1460–1476.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-MinnemanH #distributed #sketching
- The DrawStream station: a tool for distributed and asynchronous chats about sketches and artifacts (SLM, SRH), pp. 221–225.
- HCI-EI-1999-Boy #safety
- About the Role of Intelligent Assistants in the Control of Safety-Critical Systems (GAB), pp. 321–325.
- ICEIS-1999-JarvisSMMC #adaptation #what #workflow
- What Right Do You Have To Do That?-Infusing Adaptive Workflow Technology with Knowledfe about the Organisational and Autority Context of a Task (PJ, JS, AM, JPM, PWHC), pp. 240–247.
- SEKE-1999-Giaever #information management
- Collecting, Storing and Utilizing Information about Improvement Opportunities: A Discussion of the Non-Technological Barriers to Success (HMG), pp. 205–209.
- SIGIR-1999-BruzaSW
- Fundamental Properties of Aboutness (poster abstract) (PB, DS, KFW), pp. 277–278.
- TOOLS-ASIA-1999-FanXZ #behaviour #inheritance #reasoning
- Reasoning about Inheritance and Cloning Behaviors of Software Agents (XF, DX, GZ), pp. 77–82.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-Roubine #repository
- Two or Three Things I Have Learnt about Repositories (OR), p. 7.
- HPCA-1999-CondonHPS #memory management #modelling #using
- Using Lamport Clocks to Reason about Relaxed Memory Models (AC, MDH, MP, DJS), pp. 270–278.
- HPDC-1999-VogelsRB #concept #distributed #reliability
- Six Misconceptions about Reliable Distributed Computing (WV, RvR, KPB), pp. 213–215.
- LICS-1999-HalpernS #infinity #reasoning
- Reasoning about Common Knowledge with Infinitely Many Agents (JYH, RAS), pp. 384–393.
- RTA-1999-LimetR #decidability
- A New Result about the Decidability of the Existential One-Step Rewriting Theory (SL, PR), pp. 118–132.
- SIGMOD-1998-Aulakh
- About Quark Digital Media System (KA), pp. 531–532.
- ITiCSE-1998-MeadHBRBS #education #re-engineering
- Everything you ever wanted to know about software engineering education, but were afraid to ask (panel) (NRM, TBH, DJB, MR, OB, FLVS), pp. 260–263.
- ESOP-1998-HenselHJT #logic #modelling #object-oriented #tool support
- Reasonong about Classess in Object-Oriented Languages: Logical Models and Tools (UH, MH, BJ, HT), pp. 105–121.
- ESOP-1998-MaraninchiR #named
- Mode-Automata: About Modes and States for Reactive Systems (FM, YR), pp. 185–199.
- ICALP-1998-Vardi #automaton #reasoning
- Reasoning about The Past with Two-Way Automata (MYV), pp. 628–641.
- TAGT-1998-Kuske
- More About Control Conditions for Transformation Units (SK), pp. 323–337.
- ICML-1998-SuttonPS #learning
- Intra-Option Learning about Temporally Abstract Actions (RSS, DP, SPS), pp. 556–564.
- KR-1998-BalbianiCC #reasoning
- A Model for Reasoning about Bidemsional Temporal Relations (PB, JFC, LFdC), pp. 124–130.
- KR-1998-Jaeger #infinity #network #random #reasoning #relational
- Reasoning About Infinite Random Structures with Relational Bayesian Networks (MJ), pp. 570–581.
- KR-1998-Liberatore #on the #reasoning
- On the Compilability of Diagnosis, Planning, Reasoning about Actions, Belief Revision, etc (PL), pp. 144–155.
- OOPSLA-1998-CockburnF #case study #exclamation
- Question time! about Use Cases (AC, MF), pp. 226–229.
- OOPSLA-1998-JacobsBHB #java #reasoning
- Reasoning about Java Classes (Preliminary Report) (BJ, JvdB, MH, MvB), pp. 329–340.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-SoundarajanF #behaviour #polymorphism #reasoning
- Reasoning About Polymorphic Behavior (NS, SF), p. 346–?.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Wuyts #declarative #object-oriented #reasoning
- Declarative Reasoning about the Structure of Object-Oriented Systems (RW), pp. 112–124.
- FSE-1998-GarlanJN #reasoning
- Reasoning about Implicit Invocation (DG, SJ, DN), pp. 209–221.
- CC-1998-BrouwerGP #analysis #automaton #finite #implementation #performance
- Myths and Facts about the Efficient Implementation of Finite Automata and Lexical Analysis (KB, WG, EP), pp. 1–15.
- CADE-1998-BoudetC #confluence #equation #term rewriting
- About the Confluence of Equational Pattern Rewrite Systems (AB, EC), pp. 88–102.
- CADE-1998-Pfenning #deduction #linear #logic #reasoning
- Reasoning About Deductions in Linear Logic (Abstract of Invited Talk) (FP), pp. 1–2.
- LICS-1998-JohannsenP #on the #proving
- On Proofs about Threshold Circuits and Counting Hierarchies (JJ, CP), pp. 444–452.
- RTA-1998-Comon #consistency #proving
- About Proofs by Consistency (Abstract) (HC), pp. 136–137.
- HT-1997-Neves
- The Aleph: A Tool to Spatially Represent User Knowledge About the WWW Docuverse (FDN), pp. 197–207.
- ITiCSE-1997-Moser #game studies #learning #what #why
- A fantasy adventure game as a learning environment: why learning to program is so difficult and what can be done about it (RM), pp. 114–116.
- TACAS-1997-Boulton #reasoning
- A Tool to Support Formal Reasoning about Computer Languages (RJB), pp. 81–95.
- HCI-CC-1997-Dabija #behaviour #communication
- Communicating about Reactive Behaviors (VGD), pp. 31–34.
- HCI-SEC-1997-BlanchonF #what
- Asking Users About What They Mean: Two Experiments & Results (HB, LF), pp. 609–612.
- HCI-SEC-1997-ConinxRF #human-computer #modelling
- HCI Issues About Immersive Modeling (KC, FVR, EF), pp. 953–956.
- LOPSTR-1997-MomiglianoO #logic programming #reasoning #source code #towards
- Towards a Logic for Reasoning About Logic Programs Transformation (AM, MO), pp. 226–244.
- RE-1997-ZowghiO #evolution #framework #logic #modelling #reasoning #requirements
- A Logical Framework for Modeling and Reasoning About the Evolution of Requirements (DZ, RO), p. 247–?.
- ICSE-1997-Ackerman #collaboration
- Everything you Need To Know About Collaboration and Collaboration Software (MSA), p. 592.
- ICSE-1997-SullivanSM #architecture #formal method #standard #using
- Using Formal Methods to Reason about Architectural Standards (KJS, JS, MM), pp. 503–513.
- ILPS-1997-BaralS #approximate #reasoning
- Approximate Reasoning about Actions in Presence of Sensing and Incomplete Information (CB, TCS), pp. 387–401.
- TLCA-1997-Stark #equation
- Names, Equations, Relations: Practical Ways to Reason about new (IS), pp. 336–353.
- KBSE-1996-Smith
- The Truth about KIDS (Keynote) (DS), p. 11.
- ICPR-1996-WestlingD #generative #interactive #performance #reasoning #recognition
- Object recognition by fast hypothesis generation and reasoning about object interactions (MFW, LSD), pp. 148–153.
- KR-1996-BorgidaM #query
- Asking Queries about Frames (AB, DLM), pp. 340–349.
- KR-1996-MillerS #calculus #reasoning
- Reasoning about Discontinuities in the Event Calculus (RM, MS), pp. 63–74.
- ICSE-1996-RomanMP #interactive #mobile #reasoning
- Assertional Reasoning about Pairwise Transient Interactions in Mobile Computing (GCR, PJM, JYP), pp. 155–164.
- LICS-1996-HirstH #complexity #recursion
- More About Recursive Structures: Descriptive Complexity and Zero-One Laws (TH, DH), pp. 334–347.
- LICS-1996-Pitts #logic #reasoning
- Reasoning about Local Variables with Operationally-Based Logical Relations (AMP), pp. 152–163.
- VLDB-1995-AmmannJR #formal method #semantics #transaction #using
- Using Formal Methods to Reason about Semantics-Based Decompositions of Transactions (PA, SJ, IR), pp. 218–227.
- STOC-1995-DiaconisS #algorithm #question #what
- What do we know about the Metropolis algorithm? (PD, LSC), pp. 112–129.
- STOC-1995-HenzingerKPV #automaton #decidability #hybrid #question #what
- What’s decidable about hybrid automata? (TAH, PWK, AP, PV), pp. 373–382.
- POPL-1995-EmersonN #reasoning
- Reasoning about Rings (EAE, KSN), pp. 85–94.
- PODS-1994-GrahneNU #database #reasoning #string
- Reasoning about Strings in Databases (GG, MN, EU), pp. 303–312.
- VLDB-1994-SistlaYH #reasoning #retrieval
- Reasoning About Spatial Relationships in Picture Retrieval Systems (APS, CTY, RH), pp. 570–581.
- SAS-1994-Halbwachs #abstract interpretation #programming
- About Synchronous Programming and Abstract Interpretation (NH), pp. 179–192.
- ICALP-1994-FixS #reasoning #source code
- Reasoning about Programs by Exploiting the Environment (LF, FBS), pp. 328–339.
- LFP-1994-DavisPS
- Talking About Modules and Delivery (HD, PP, NS), pp. 113–120.
- CHI-1994-HarrisonMBN94a #communication #design #interface
- Communicating About Communicating: Cross-Disciplinary Design of a Media Space Interface (BH, MMM, GB, TN), pp. 124–130.
- KR-1994-BarndenHIS #implementation #nondeterminism #reasoning
- An Integrated Implementation of Simulative, Uncertain and Metaphorical Reasoning about Mental States (JAB, SH, EI, GCS), pp. 27–38.
- KR-1994-KuipersS #logic #reasoning
- Reasoning in Logic about Continuous Systems (BK, BS), pp. 391–402.
- SIGIR-1994-BruzaH #axiom #using
- Investigating Aboutness Axioms using Information Fields (PB, TWCH), pp. 112–121.
- ALP-1994-Kesner #reasoning
- Reasoning about Layered, Wildcard and Product Patterns (DK), pp. 253–268.
- ICSE-1994-BrodmanJ #case study #experience #what
- What Small Business and Small Organizations Say About the CMM: Experience Report (JGB, DLJ), pp. 331–340.
- CAV-1994-Schubert #hardware #hybrid #reasoning
- A Hybrid Model for Reasoning about Composed Hardware Systems (ETS), pp. 260–272.
- ICDAR-1993-KiseYBF #documentation #incremental #layout
- Incremental acquisition of knowledge about layout structures from examples of documents (KK, NY, NB, KF), pp. 668–671.
- SIGMOD-1993-Egenhofer #database #navigation #requirements #what
- What’s Special about Spatial? Database Requirements for Vehicle Navigation in Geographic Space (Extended Abstract) (MJE), pp. 398–402.
- FME-1993-Jones #design #reasoning
- Reasoning about Interference in an Object-Based Design Method (CBJ), pp. 1–18.
- ILPS-1993-LifschitzMT #approach #automation #logic programming #reasoning
- Automated Reasoning About Actions: A Logic Programming Approach (VL, NM, HT), p. 641.
- PODS-1992-Meyden #complexity #order #query
- The Complexity of Querying Indefinite Data about Linearly Ordered Domains (RvdM), pp. 331–345.
- LFP-1992-SabryF #continuation #reasoning #source code
- Reasoning About Programs in Continuation-Passing Style (AS, MF), pp. 288–298.
- CSCW-1992-BerlinJ #collaboration #learning #problem
- Consultants and Apprentices: Observations about Learning and Collaborative Problem Solving (LMB, RJ), pp. 130–137.
- CAiSE-1992-CostalO #concept #deduction #information management #modelling #reasoning
- A Method for Reasoning About Deductive Conceptual Models of Information Systems (DC, AO), pp. 612–631.
- KR-1992-CordierS #reasoning
- A Temporal Revision Model for Reasoning about World Change (MOC, PS), pp. 732–739.
- KR-1992-GoldszmidtP #approach #reasoning
- Rank-based Systems: A Simple Approach to Belief Revision, Belief Update, and Reasoning about Evidence and Actions (MG, JP), pp. 661–672.
- KR-1992-Lakemeyer
- All You Ever Wanted to Know about Tweety (But Were Afraid to Ask) (GL), pp. 639–648.
- KR-1992-McCartyM #reasoning
- Reasoning About Indefinite Actions (LTM, RvdM), pp. 59–70.
- KR-1992-NejdlB #query #semantics
- Asking About Possibilities — Revision and Update Semantics for Subjunctive Queries (WN, MB), pp. 697–708.
- CAV-1992-WrightL #algorithm #concurrent #proving #reasoning #theorem proving #using
- Using a Theorem Prover for Reasoning about Concurrent Algorithms (JvW, TL), pp. 56–68.
- SEI-1991-BudgenR #education #process #re-engineering
- Teaching about Process Issues in Software Engineering (DB, CR), pp. 167–180.
- SEI-1991-RiedlWFKM #re-engineering #what
- What We Have Learned About Software Engineering Expertise (TRR, JSW, JTF, GAK, JDM), pp. 261–270.
- PLDI-1991-KishonHC #execution #framework #implementation #monitoring #reasoning #semantics #specification
- Monitoring Semantics: A Formal Framework for Specifying, Implementing, and Reasoning about Execution Monitors (AK, PH, CC), pp. 338–352.
- VDME-1991-1-BicarreguiR #reasoning #using
- Reasoning about VDM Developments using the VDM Support Tool in MURAL (JB, BR), pp. 371–388.
- VDME-1991-1-Elvang-Goransson #reasoning #specification
- Reasoning about VDM Specifications (MEG), pp. 343–355.
- VDME-1991-1-Stolen #concurrent
- An Attempt to Reason about Shared-State Concurrency in the Style of VDM (KS), pp. 324–342.
- FPCA-1991-LeungM #lazy evaluation #reasoning
- Reasoning about Simple and Exhaustive Demand in Highter-Order Lazy Languages (AL, PM), pp. 328–351.
- KR-1991-AttardiS
- Reflections about Reflection (GA, MS), pp. 22–31.
- KR-1991-Ginsberg #reasoning
- Computational Considerations in Reasoning about Action (MLG), pp. 250–261.
- ML-1991-Herrmann #learning
- Learning Analytical Knowledge About VLSI-Design from Observation (JH), pp. 610–614.
- SIGIR-1991-CelentanoFP #documentation #query
- Querying Office Systems About Document Roles (AC, MGF, SP), pp. 183–190.
- PODS-1990-HaritsaCL #constraints #on the #realtime
- On Being Optimistic about Real-Time Constraints (JRH, MJC, ML), pp. 331–343.
- SIGMOD-1990-ChrysanthisR #behaviour #framework #named #reasoning #specification #transaction
- ACTA: A Framework for Specifying and Reasoning about Transaction Structure and Behavior (PKC, KR), pp. 194–203.
- CHI-1990-Winograd #education #human-computer #interactive #what
- What can we teach about human-computer interaction? (plenary address) (TW), pp. 443–448.
- OOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-LeavensW #object-oriented #reasoning #source code #type system
- Reasoning about Object-Oriented Programs that Use Subtypes (GTL, WEW), pp. 212–223.
- PLILP-1990-MasonT #reasoning #source code
- Reasoning About Programs with Effects (IAM, CLT), pp. 189–203.
- CLP-1990-Harel90 #how #question #source code
- How Hard Is It to Reason about Propositional Programs? (DH), pp. 772–773.
- LICS-1990-HarelRV #bound #concurrent #on the #power of #reasoning #source code
- On the Power of Bounded Concurrency~III: Reasoning About Programs (Preliminary Report) (DH, RR, MYV), pp. 478–488.
- SIGMOD-1989-KiferL #higher-order #inheritance #named #reasoning
- F-Logic: A Higher-Order language for Reasoning about Objects, Inheritance, and Scheme (MK, GL), pp. 134–146.
- PLDI-1989-JouvelotG #continuation #reasoning
- Reasoning about Continuations with Control Effects (PJ, DKG), pp. 218–226.
- ICALP-1989-Colson #algorithm #recursion
- About Primitive Recursive Algorithms (LC), pp. 194–206.
- KR-1989-Poole #reasoning #what
- What the Lottery Paradox Tells Us About Default Reasoning (DP), pp. 333–340.
- SIGIR-1989-Belew #adaptation #documentation #information retrieval #representation #using
- Adaptive Information Retrieval: Using a Connectionist Representation to Retrieve and Learn About Documents (RKB), pp. 11–20.
- NACLP-1989-BugliesiR #partial evaluation #prolog
- Partial Evaluation in Prolog: Some Improvements about Cut (MB, FR), pp. 645–660.
- TAV-1989-RazoukG #logic #realtime #reasoning #source code
- Real-Time Interval Logic for Reasoning about Executions of Real-Time Programs (RRR, MMG), pp. 10–19.
- SIGMOD-1988-JarkeR #evolution #information management
- Managing Knowledge about Information System Evolution (MJ, TR), pp. 303–311.
- STOC-1988-HalpernV #reasoning
- Reasoning about Knowledge and Time in Asynchronous Systems (JYH, MYV), pp. 53–65.
- ML-1988-Hirsh #learning #reasoning
- Reasoning about Operationality for Explanation-Based Learning (HH), pp. 214–220.
- POPL-1988-GarlandG #data type #induction #reasoning
- Inductive Methods for Reasoning about Abstract Data Types (SJG, JVG), pp. 219–228.
- CADE-1988-Basin #automation #reasoning
- An Environment For Automated Reasoning About Partial Functions (DAB), pp. 101–110.
- CADE-1988-Kafl #linear #reasoning
- Reasoning about Systems of Linear Inequalities (TK), pp. 563–572.
- JICSCP-1988-ElkanM88 #automation #induction #logic programming #reasoning #source code
- Automated Inductive Reasoning about Logic Programs (CE, DAM), pp. 876–892.
- LICS-1988-FaginHM #logic #reasoning
- A Logic for Reasoning about Probabilities (RF, JYH, NM), pp. 410–421.
- HCI-CE-1987-Salvendy #development #human-computer #interactive #research #what
- What We Know and What We Should Know About Human-Computer Interaction: Strategies for Research and Development (GS), pp. 13–19.
- RTA-1987-Otto #confluence #congruence
- Some Results about Confluence on a Given Congruence Class (FO), pp. 145–155.
- DAC-1986-AdolphRS #design #representation
- A frame based system for representing knowledge about VLSI design: a proposal (WSA, HKR, AS), pp. 671–676.
- DAC-1986-BapatV #logic #reasoning #using
- Reasoning about digital systems using temporal logic (SB, GV), pp. 215–219.
- STOC-1986-CourcoubetisVW #concurrent #reasoning #source code
- Reasoning about Fair Concurrent Programs (CC, MYV, PW), pp. 283–294.
- STOC-1986-HalpernV #complexity #reasoning
- The Complexity of Reasoning about Knowledge and Time: Extended Abstract (JYH, MYV), pp. 304–315.
- ICALP-1986-Wagner
- More Complicated Questions About Maxima and Minima, and Some Closures of NP (KWW), pp. 434–443.
- POPL-1986-LengauerH #concurrent #network #sorting #theorem
- A Mechanically Certified Theorem about Optimal Concurrency of Sorting Networks (CL, CHH), pp. 307–317.
- CADE-1986-Eisinger #graph #what
- What You Always Wanted to Know About Clause Graph Resolution (NE), pp. 316–336.
- CADE-1986-Kafl #linear #reasoning #verification
- Program Verifier “Tatzelwurm”: Reasoning about Systems of Linear Inequalities (TK), pp. 300–305.
- ICLP-1986-RawlingsTNFS86 #prolog #using
- Using Prolog to Represent and Reason about Protein Structure (CJR, WRT, JN, JF, MJES), pp. 536–543.
- VLDB-1985-SheardS #automation #complexity #database #reasoning
- Coping with Complexity in Automated Reasoning about Database Systems (TS, DWS), pp. 426–435.
- ICALP-1985-BeauquierN #set #word
- About Rational Sets of Factors of a Bi-Infinite Word (DB, MN), pp. 33–42.
- POPL-1985-Leivant #imperative #logic #reasoning #source code
- Logical and Mathematical Reasoning about Imperative Programs (DL), pp. 132–140.
- STOC-1984-Gerth #composition #how #logic
- Transition Logic: How to Reason About Temporal Properties in a Compositional Way (RG), pp. 39–50.
- ICALP-1984-Ferment #matrix #product line
- Principality Results About Some Matrix Languages Families (DF), pp. 151–161.
- ICALP-1984-Girault-Beauquier #automaton #behaviour #finite #infinity
- Some Results About Finite and Infinite Behaviours of a Pushdown Automaton (DB), pp. 187–195.
- SIGIR-1984-Defude #architecture #design #knowledge base #problem
- Knowledge Based Systems Versus Thesaurus: An Architecture Problem About Expert Systems Design (BD), pp. 267–280.
- SIGIR-1984-Zarri #information retrieval
- Some Remarks About the Inference Techniques of RESEDA, an “Intelligent” Information Retrieval System (GPZ), pp. 281–300.
- STOC-1983-HalpernR #logic
- A Logic to Reason about Likelihood (JYH, MOR), pp. 310–319.
- POPL-1983-Lamport #reasoning
- Reasoning About Nonatomic Operations (LL), pp. 28–37.
- VLDB-1980-Gotlieb #database #scalability
- Some Large Questions about Very Large Data Bases (CCG), pp. 3–7.
- ICALP-1979-Istrail #fixpoint #monad #recursion #semantics #source code #theorem
- A Fixed-Point Theorem for Recursive-Enumerable Languages and Some Considerations About Fixed-Point Semantics of Monadic Programs (SI), pp. 289–303.
- ICALP-1978-Mignotte #effectiveness #linear #recursion #sequence
- Some Effective Results About Linear Recursive Sequences (MM), pp. 322–329.
- POPL-1978-Oppen #data type #reasoning #recursion
- Reasoning about Recursively Defined Data Structures (DCO), pp. 151–157.
- STOC-1977-HarelPS #axiom #deduction #proving #recursion #source code
- A Complete Axiomatic System for Proving Deductions about Recursive Programs (DH, AP, JS), pp. 249–260.
- ICALP-1977-Monien
- About the Derivation Languages of Grammars and Machines (BM), pp. 337–351.
- ICALP-1976-Kroger #logic #reasoning #source code
- Logical Rules of Natural Reasoning about Programs (FK), pp. 87–98.
- STOC-1975-OppenC #data type #proving #source code
- Proving Assertions about Programs that Manipulate Data Structures (DCO, SAC), pp. 107–116.
- SIGIR-1973-Mitchell #proximity
- A Note About the Proximity Operators in Information Retieval (PCM), pp. 177–179.
- POPL-1973-WaldingerL #reasoning #source code
- Reasoning About Programs (RJW, KNL), pp. 169–182.