16 papers:
STOC-2015-Chuzhoy #grid #theorem- Excluded Grid Theorem: Improved and Simplified (JC), pp. 645–654.
SAC-2015-NonnenmacherOBV #modelling #process- Modelling consumers decision-making process about excluding products as a result of mutual influence (VN, LPLdO, BEJB, MBV), pp. 1123–1128.
STOC-2014-KawarabayashiKK #graph #grid #problem #theorem- An excluded half-integral grid theorem for digraphs and the directed disjoint paths problem (KiK, YK, SK), pp. 70–78.
ICALP-v1-2013-LeviR #graph- A Quasi-Polynomial Time Partition Oracle for Graphs with an Excluded Minor (RL, DR), pp. 709–720.
STOC-2012-GroheM #graph #morphism #theorem- Structure theorem and isomorphism test for graphs with excluded topological subgraphs (MG, DM), pp. 173–192.
SAC-2011-SasakiOWKIH #web- Extracting preference terms from web browsing histories excluding pages unrelated to users’ interests (KS, MO, NW, MK, TI, MH), pp. 823–824.
LICS-2010-Grohe #fixpoint #graph #polynomial- Fixed-Point Definability and Polynomial Time on Graphs with Excluded Minors (MG), pp. 179–188.
LICS-2007-DawarGK- Locally Excluding a Minor (AD, MG, SK), pp. 270–279.
ICPR-v3-2006-AsanoTTTANTHM #using- Extraction of trabecular structures of mandible excluding tooth roots on dental panoramic radiographs using mathematical morphology (AA, TT, AT, CMA, TN, KT, TH, MM), pp. 988–991.
ICPR-v3-2006-LiuZ- Minimum Enclosing and Maximum Excluding Machine for Pattern Description and Discrimination (YL, YFZ), pp. 129–132.
LICS-2004-AkamaBHK- An Arithmetical Hierarchy of the Law of Excluded Middle and Related Principles (YA, SB, SH, UK), pp. 192–201.
CSL-2002-ChernovSSV #logic- Variants of Realizability for Propositional Formulas and the Logic of the Weak Law of Excluded Middle (AVC, DPS, EZS, NKV), pp. 74–88.
DAC-1994-GuptaP #named #termination- OTTER: Optimal Termination of Transmission Lines Excluding Radiation (RG, LTP), pp. 640–645.
DAC-1994-NagumoNNMM #fault #named #reduction #using- VFSIM: Vectorized Fault Simulator Using a Reduction Technique Excluding Temporarily Unobservable Faults (TN, MN, TN, MM, SM), pp. 510–515.
STOC-1993-KleinPR #composition #multi #network- Excluded minors, network decomposition, and multicommodity flow (PNK, SAP, SR), pp. 682–690.
STOC-1990-AlonST #graph #theorem- A Separator Theorem for Graphs with an Excluded Minor and its Applications (NA, PDS, RT), pp. 293–299.